

LECTURE 5 Motivation

The economic approach (Taylor)

(1)为了充分利用工人,泰勒在他的科学管理原则中建议To get the most out of workers Taylor in his Principles of Scientific Management advised : 只选择最好的工人 select only the best workers,只为他们生产的产品付款pay them only for what they produce 实行计件工资,超额劳动,超额报酬;不要让他们分组工作。don't let them work in groups.计划职能(管理者)或作业职能(被管理者)分开,明确划分两种职能,强调分工和专业化对于提高生产效率是重要的

Issues:Is payment always going to be motivating?对工人的看法是错误的。即认为工人的主要动机是经济收入,即坚持“经济人”的假设。Appealing to people's financial interests can prove unsuccessful. People feel cheapened by the suggestion that they're 'only in it for the money

Three aspects of OCBs are particularly important:

(a)遵守规则rule-following: following instructions and orders, even when not under surveillance 遵守指示和命令,即使不在监视之下(b)忠诚loyalty: being willing to stay with an organization and protect its reputation, 愿意留在一个组织,保护它的声誉,(c)例外行为extra-role behaviour: doing more than is formally asked or required (e.g., in a duty statement).做超出正式要求或需要的事

CONTENT theories: Needs approaches (McGregor, Maslow, Aldferer, Herzberg)

内容理论的重点是人的内在需求和动机With content theories the focus is on people' inherent needs and motives.

麦格雷戈“X—Y”理论McGregor's Theory X -Theory Y distinction

—Theory X. Core assumptions of the theory were

(a)一般人都不喜欢工作,并且尽可能的逃离工作 the average person dislikes work and wants, if possible, to avoid it,(b)因此,必须对大部分人采取强制的措施或惩罚的办法,迫使他们去实现组织的目标as a result, most people must be coerced or bullied into working hard, (c)大多数的工作者都是在寻找一个安逸的工作,而不是有趣的、富有挑战的、具有责任的工作most workers are looking for little more out of employment than an easy life devoid of interest, challenge or responsibility.

—Theory Y Core assumptions of the theory:

(a)员工视工作如休息、娱乐一般自然expenditure of effort is as natural as play or rest,(b)员工会进行自我指导和自我控制来达到他们承诺的目标people will generally tend to exercise self—direction and self-control to reach objectives to which they are committed,(c) 对承诺目标的实现是自我奖励的一个功能,commitment to goals is a function of self-relevant rewards associated with their achievement,(d)人类倾向于探索和承担责任humans learn to seek and accept responsibility,(e)大多数人都有想象力和创造力,而不仅仅是管理者most people are capable of ingenuity, imagination and creativity, but(f)在现代组织生活中,人类的智力潜能普遍缺乏探索和发展。 in modern organizational life the intellectual potential of humans is generally under-explored and under-developed.

Maslow's needs hierarchy and Alderfer's ERG Theory马斯洛需求层次理论——马斯洛理论把需求分成生理需求(Physiological needs)、安全需求(Safety needs)、爱和归属感需求(Love and belonging)、尊重需求(Esteem)和自我实现需求(Self-actualization)五类,依次由较低层次到较高层次。

(4)奥尔德弗的ERG理论Alderfer's ERG Theory

— 生存需要Existence refers to our concern with basic material existence requirements: what Maslow called physiological and safety needs.生存需要是指我们对基本物质和生理的需要:马斯洛所说的生理和安全需求。— 相互关系需要Relatedness refers to the desire we have for maintaining interpersonal relations hips: similar to Maslows social/love need, and the external component of his esteem need相互关系需要是指我们对保持人际关系的渴望:类似于归属感/爱情的需要,以及部分自尊需要。— 成长需要Growth refers to an intrinsic desire for personal development: the intrinsic component of Maslows esteem need and self—actualization成长是 指一种要求得到提高和发展的内在欲望:是自尊需要和自我实现的部分。— ERG theory demonstrates that more than one need maybe operative at the same time ERG理论表明,多个需要可能同时运作。—  Alderfer还处理挫折回归。也就是说,如果一个更高层次的需求被受挫,那么一个个体就会增加寻求对低层次需求的满足。Alderfer also deals with frustration-regression. That is, if a higher-order need is frustrated, an individual then seeks to increase the satisfaction of a lower-order need.

(5)Impact and problems

—这种内容理论在60年代和70年代有影响。Such content theories influential in the 60s and 70s.—在强调个人成就的个人主义文化和个人主义组织中尤其有用。Proved particularly useful in individualistic cultures and organisations which place a high emphasis on personal achievement. —在不需要个人主义的情况下(例如,在战场上的项目团队工作),效果就不太好。Works less well in situations where individualism is not called for (e.g., project team work, on a battlefield). —对面对不断丰富工作环境的这一艰巨任务的管理者提出了更高的要求Places a high demand on managers who face the increasingly difficult task of constantly enriching the work environment.—方法太难实施,成本太高。Approaches too hard to implement and too costly.

The individual difference approach 个体差异法(McClelland)

麦克利兰把人的高层次需求归纳为对成就、权力和亲和的需求。他对这三种需求,特别是成就需求做了深入的研究。—Need Achievement成就需要:争取成功、追求优越感,希望做得最好的需要。 relates to the desire to do things better or more efficiently, to solve problems and to master complex tasks.能够更好或更有效地做事、解决问题和完成复杂任务的愿望有关。—Need Affiliation亲和需要:建立友好亲密的人际关系的需求。 relates to the desire to establish and maintain warm relations with other people. 与其他人建立和保持友好关系的愿望—Need power权利需要:影响或控制他人且不受他人控制的需求。 relates to the desire to control other people, influence their behaviour and be responsible for other people. 与控制他人、影响他人行为和对他人负责的愿望有关。

Supporting evidence支持的证据

——Individuals in those companies and cultures that did well economically typically had much higher need for achievement. 在那些经济状况良好的公司和文化中,个人对成就的需求通常要高得多。——Key to improving productivity (e.g., in a company or a culture) was training to increase people's desire to achieve, rather than to provide material resources.提高生产力(例如,在公司或文化中)的关键是培训,以提高人们实现目标的愿望,而不是提供物质资源。——McClelland (1978) conducted study in an Indian community and found that an entrepreneurial training program was related nAch.McClelland(1978)在一个印度社区进行了研究,发现一个创业培训项目与Nach有关。


——Problems with nAch being both a personality variable and something can be trained in成就需要既是一个人格变量,也是一个可以通过训练改变的变量。——Perhaps training does change people's values and norms (as in the Hawthorne studies) and not their personality训练改变了人的价值观和规范,但没有改变人格——nAch may be an outcome of cultural and organisational culture, not (just) an input.成就需要可能是文化和组织文化的结果,不仅仅是因为自身

