vs2022 cpp <yvals_core.h> 文件注释


//#include   注释
// yvals_core.h internal header (core) 内部头文件(核心)
// All STL headers avoid exposing their contents when included by various
// non-C++-compiler tools to avoid breaking builds when we use newer language
// features in the headers than such tools understand.
#if defined(RC_INVOKED) || defined(Q_MOC_RUN) || defined(__midl)

#ifndef __cplusplus
#define _STL_STRINGIZE_(S) #S
#pragma message(__FILE__ "(" _STL_STRINGIZE(__LINE__) "): STL1003: Unexpected compiler, expected C++ compiler.")
#error Error in C++ Standard Library usage //C++ 标准库使用错误
#endif // __cplusplus

// Implemented unconditionally: 无条件实施
// N3911 void_t
// ...
// P2549R1 unexpected::error()

// Parallel Algorithms Notes 并行算法笔记
// C++ allows an implementation to implement parallel algorithms as calls to the serial algorithms.
// C++ 允许实现将并行算法实现为对串行算法的调用。
// This implementation parallelizes several common algorithm calls, but not all.
// 此实现并行化了几个常见的算法调用,但不是全部。
// std::execution::unseq has no direct analogue for any optimizer we target as of 2020-07-29,
// though we will map it to #pragma loop(ivdep) for the for_each algorithms only as these are the only algorithms where
// the library does not need to introduce inter-loop-body dependencies to accomplish the algorithm's goals.
// std::execution::unseq 与我们从 2020 年 7 月 29 日起针对的任何优化器都没有直接类似物,
// 尽管我们将它映射到 for_each 算法的#pragma loop(ivdep),
// 因为这些是库中唯一的算法 不需要引入循环体间的依赖关系来实现算法的目标。
// **The following algorithms are parallelized. 以下算法是并行化的。**
// * adjacent_difference adjacent_find
// * all_of any_of count count_if equal exclusive_scan
// * sort stable_sort find find_end find_first_of find_if find_if_not
// * search search_n set_difference set_intersection
// * for_each for_each_n inclusive_scan is_heap is_heap_until
// * is_partitioned is_sorted is_sorted_until
// * mismatch none_of partition reduce
// * remove remove_if replace replace_if
// * transform transform_exclusive_scan transform_inclusive_scan transform_reduce
// The following are not presently parallelized: 以下内容目前未并行化:
// No apparent parallelism performance improvement on target hardware; all algorithms which
// merely copy or permute elements with no branches are typically memory bandwidth limited.
// 目标硬件上没有明显的并行性能改进; 所有算法仅复制或置换没有分支的元素通常会限制内存带宽。
// * copy copy_n fill fill_n
// * move reverse reverse_copy rotate rotate_copy
// * shift_left shift_right swap_ranges
// Confusion over user parallelism requirements exists; likely in the above category anyway.
// 存在对用户并行性要求的混淆; 无论如何都可能属于上述类别。
// * generate generate_n
// Effective parallelism suspected to be infeasible.有效并行被怀疑是不可行的。
// * partial_sort partial_sort_copy
// Not yet evaluated; parallelism may be implemented in a future release and is suspected to be beneficial.
// 尚未评估; 并行性可能会在未来的版本中实现,并且被认为是有益的。
// * copy_if includes inplace_merge lexicographical_compare
// * max_element merge min_element minmax_element nth_element
// * partition_copy remove_copy remove_copy_if replace_copy replace_copy_if
// * set_symmetric_difference set_union stable_partition unique unique_copy

#include  // The _HAS_CXX tags must be defined before including this.

// Note that _STL_PRAGMA is load-bearing; it still needs to exist even once CUDA and ICC support _Pragma.
// 注意_STL_PRAGMA是承重的; 即使 CUDA 和 ICC 支持 _Pragma,它仍然需要存在。(应该是用于编译告警)
#if defined(__CUDACC__) || defined(__INTEL_COMPILER)
#define _STL_PRAGMA(PRAGMA) __pragma(PRAGMA)
#define _STL_PRAGMA(PRAGMA) _Pragma(#PRAGMA)
#define _EMIT_STL_WARNING(NUMBER, MESSAGE) _EMIT_STL_MESSAGE("warning " #NUMBER ": " MESSAGE) static_assert(true, "") //级别低,继续编译
#define _EMIT_STL_ERROR(NUMBER, MESSAGE) _EMIT_STL_MESSAGE("error " #NUMBER ": " MESSAGE) static_assert(false, "Error in C++ Standard Library usage.")

#ifndef _STL_WARNING_LEVEL //告警等级,限制为3、4
#else // defined(_MSVC_WARNING_LEVEL) && _MSVC_WARNING_LEVEL >= 4
#endif // defined(_MSVC_WARNING_LEVEL) && _MSVC_WARNING_LEVEL >= 4
#error _STL_WARNING_LEVEL cannot be less than 3.
#endif // _STL_WARNING_LEVEL < 3
#error _STL_WARNING_LEVEL cannot be greater than 4.
#endif // _STL_WARNING_LEVEL > 4

#ifndef __has_cpp_attribute //判断编译器是否有某种功能特性,后面省略类似代码
#define _FALLTHROUGH //switch case分支,指示从前一标号直落是有意的,而在发生直落时给出警告的编译器不应诊断它。
#elif __has_cpp_attribute(fallthrough) >= 201603L
#define _FALLTHROUGH [[fallthrough]] //展开成该属性被添加到工作草案中时的年份和月份

#ifndef _STL_DISABLED_WARNINGS  //各种编译告警控制,后面省略类似代码

#define _CPPLIB_VER       650
#define _MSVC_STL_VERSION 143
#define _MSVC_STL_UPDATE  202210L  //STL 版本信息

#define _HAS_STATIC_RTTI 1
#endif // _HAS_STATIC_RTTI

#if defined(_CPPRTTI) && !_HAS_STATIC_RTTI
#error /GR implies _HAS_STATIC_RTTI.
#endif // defined(_CPPRTTI) && !_HAS_STATIC_RTTI

// N4842 [dcl.constexpr]/1: "A function or static data member declared with the constexpr or consteval specifier is implicitly an inline function or variable"
// N4842 [dcl.constexpr]/1:“使用 constexpr 或 consteval 说明符声明的函数或静态数据成员隐式为内联函数或变量”
// Functions that became constexpr in C++17 在 C++17 中成为 constexpr 的函数
#if _HAS_CXX17 //_HAS_CXX20  _HAS_CXX23 类似
#define _CONSTEXPR17 constexpr  //_INLINE_VAR 类似
#else // ^^^ constexpr in C++17 and later / inline (not constexpr) in C++14 vvv
#define _CONSTEXPR17 inline
#endif // ^^^ inline (not constexpr) in C++14 ^^^

#ifdef __cpp_consteval //consteval constexpr 含义接近
#define _CONSTEVAL consteval
#else // ^^^ supports consteval / no consteval vvv
#define _CONSTEVAL constexpr
#endif // ^^^ no consteval ^^^

// P2465R3 Standard Library Modules std And std.compat 标准库模块 std 和 std.compat
#if _HAS_CXX23 && defined(_BUILD_STD_MODULE)
#define _EXPORT_STD export
#else // _HAS_CXX23 && defined(_BUILD_STD_MODULE)
#define _EXPORT_STD
#endif // _HAS_CXX23 && defined(_BUILD_STD_MODULE)

// N4190 Removing auto_ptr, random_shuffle(), And Old  Stuff 删除auto_ptr, random_shuffle()等
#define _HAS_AUTO_PTR_ETC (!_HAS_CXX17)
#endif // _HAS_AUTO_PTR_ETC
// P0003R5 Removing Dynamic Exception Specifications 删除动态异常规范
// ... 省略部分告警
// STL4000 is "_STATIC_CPPLIB is deprecated", currently in yvals.h
// STL4001 is "/clr:pure is deprecated", currently in yvals.h

#if _HAS_TR1_NAMESPACE //弃用告警
#define _DEPRECATE_TR1_NAMESPACE [[deprecated("warning STL4002: " \
        "The non-Standard std::tr1 namespace and TR1-only machinery are deprecated and will be REMOVED. You can " \
        "define _SILENCE_TR1_NAMESPACE_DEPRECATION_WARNING to suppress this warning.")]]
#endif // _HAS_TR1_NAMESPACE

// STL4003 was "The non-Standard std::identity struct is deprecated and will be REMOVED."
// STL4003 非标准 std::identity 结构已弃用并将被移除

// Enforcement of matching allocator value_types 执行匹配分配器 value_types

// Controls whether the STL will force /fp:fast to enable vectorization of algorithms defined
// in the standard as special cases; such as reduce, transform_reduce, inclusive_scan, exclusive_scan
//控制 STL 是否会强制 /fp:fast 启用标准中定义为特殊情况的算法的矢量化; 比如reduce, transform_reduce, inclusive_scan, exclusive_scan
#ifdef _M_FP_EXCEPT
#else // ^^^ floating-point exceptions enabled / floating-point exceptions disabled (default) vvv
#endif // _M_FP_EXCEPT

// P0174R2 Deprecating Vestigial Library Parts 弃用残留的库部分
// P0521R0 Deprecating shared_ptr::unique()
// Other C++17 deprecation warnings  各种弃用的告警,后面省略
// 废弃头文件 , , , and  are deprecated in C++17. ... 

// P2186R2 Removing Garbage Collection Support 删除垃圾收集支持

// C++14 C++17 C++20 C++23常量定义,特性加入的时间,只留几个示例
#define __cpp_lib_chrono_udls                 201304L
#define __cpp_lib_void_t                           201411L
#define __cpp_lib_to_chars              201611L
#define __cpp_lib_atomic_value_initialization 201911L
#define __cpp_lib_constexpr_bitset                  202207L

#ifndef _ALLOW_RTCc_IN_STL
#error /RTCc rejects conformant code, so it is not supported by the C++ Standard Library. Either remove this \
compiler option, or define _ALLOW_RTCc_IN_STL to suppress this error.
///RTCc 拒绝符合标准的代码,因此 C++ 标准库不支持它。 要么删除这个编译器选项,或定义 _ALLOW_RTCc_IN_STL 以抑制此错误。
#endif // _ALLOW_RTCc_IN_STL

#define _STRINGIZEX(x)  #x
#define _STRINGIZE(x)   _STRINGIZEX(x) //转字符串
#define _EMPTY_ARGUMENT // for empty macro argument 空宏参数

#define _STD_BEGIN namespace std {
#define _STD_END   }
#define _STD       ::std::
#define _CHRONO    ::std::chrono::
#define _RANGES    ::std::ranges::

// We use the stdext (standard extension) namespace to contain extensions that are not part of the current standard
#define _STDEXT_BEGIN namespace stdext {
#define _STDEXT_END   }
#define _STDEXT       ::stdext::

#define _CSTD ::

#define _EXTERN_C     extern "C" {
#define _END_EXTERN_C }

#ifdef _M_CEE_PURE
#else // ^^^ _M_CEE_PURE / !_M_CEE_PURE vvv
#endif // _M_CEE_PURE

#if defined(MRTDLL) && !defined(_CRTBLD)
#error In yvals_core.h, defined(MRTDLL) implies defined(_CRTBLD); !defined(_CRTBLD) implies !defined(MRTDLL)
#endif // defined(MRTDLL) && !defined(_CRTBLD)

#if defined(MRTDLL) && !defined(_M_CEE_PURE)
#error In yvals_core.h, defined(MRTDLL) implies defined(_M_CEE_PURE); !defined(_M_CEE_PURE) implies !defined(MRTDLL)
#endif // defined(MRTDLL) && !defined(_M_CEE_PURE)

#define _STL_WIN32_WINNT_VISTA   0x0600 // _WIN32_WINNT_VISTA from sdkddkver.h
#define _STL_WIN32_WINNT_WIN7    0x0601 // _WIN32_WINNT_WIN7 from sdkddkver.h
#define _STL_WIN32_WINNT_WIN8    0x0602 // _WIN32_WINNT_WIN8 from sdkddkver.h
#define _STL_WIN32_WINNT_WINBLUE 0x0603 // _WIN32_WINNT_WINBLUE from sdkddkver.h
#define _STL_WIN32_WINNT_WIN10   0x0A00 // _WIN32_WINNT_WIN10 from sdkddkver.h

// Note that the STL DLL builds will set this to XP for ABI compatibility with VS2015 which supported XP.
#ifndef _STL_WIN32_WINNT
#if defined(_M_ARM64)
// The first ARM64 Windows was Windows 10
#elif defined(_M_ARM) || defined(_ONECORE) || defined(_CRT_APP)
// The first ARM or OneCore or App Windows was Windows 8
#else // ^^^ default to Win8 // default to Win7 vvv
// The earliest Windows supported by this implementation is Windows 7
#endif // ^^^ !defined(_M_ARM) && !defined(_M_ARM64) && !defined(_ONECORE) && !defined(_CRT_APP) ^^^
#endif // _STL_WIN32_WINNT

#ifdef __cpp_noexcept_function_type
#define _NOEXCEPT_FNPTR noexcept
#endif // __cpp_noexcept_function_type

#ifdef __clang__
#define _STL_UNREACHABLE __builtin_unreachable()
#else // ^^^ clang ^^^ / vvv other vvv
#define _STL_UNREACHABLE __assume(false)
#endif // __clang__

#ifdef _ENABLE_STL_INTERNAL_CHECK //变参宏示例,静态判断
#define _STL_INTERNAL_STATIC_ASSERT(...) static_assert(__VA_ARGS__, #__VA_ARGS__)

#endif // _YVALS_CORE_H_
