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Single Pass Stereo rendering (also known as Multiview rendering on OpenGL/Vulkan
1.安装ODH(Oculus Developer Hub)
Platform -> select Android -> Set Texture Compression to ASTC.
packagename, version, bundle version code
Minimum API Level, Android 6.0 Marshmallow (API level 23) for Oculus Quest and Oculus Quest 2.
勾选 Enable Virtual Reality (VR) Support
1.配置Untiy项目Fox XR : Edit -> Project Settings -> XR Plug-in Management, install
2.设置跟踪,GameObject > XR > Add XR Rig.
//注:build in VR与XR plug-in 系统不兼容的,
//注:反勾选插件,不会卸载包,要通过pakcage manager界面移除
UI交互;用于对象选择的激光指示器也可以用于UI交互。这意味着开发人员已经可以在VR中使用内置的Unity UI系统。
Direct Interactor, Ray Interactor, Socket Interactor, Grab Interactor
XR Interaction Toolkit : The core of this system is a set of base Interactor and Interactable components, and an Interaction Manager that ties these two types of components together. It also contains helper components that you can use to extend functionality for drawing visuals and hooking in your own interaction events.
Term | Meaning |
Controller(XR控制器的组件) | A component that turns XR controller input such as a button press into interaction events like hover, or select. Also provides a way to show controller models and send haptic feedback to the controller. |
Object | Anything that the user sees or interacts with in the virtual world. |
Interactor(交互器) | An object in a Scene that can select or move another object in that Scene. |
Interactable(可交互对象) | An object in a Scene that the user can interact with (for example, grab it, press it, or throw it). |
Hover(状态,记录交互器的) | The state where an Interactor is in a valid state to interact with an object. This differs between Ray and Direct interaction. |
Select(状态) | The state where an Interactor is currently interacting with an object. |
Interaction Manager | A manager component that handles interaction between a set of Interactors and Interactables in a scene. |
Gesture | Sequences of movements that translate into an action that manipulates an interactable. |
Annotation | A piece of content placed above (or next to) an AR object to give users information and context. |
Haptic(感觉或视觉刺激) | Sensory or visual stimuli that is sent to the user to give feedback for interaction. |
Locomotion: 组运动原语,这些原语提供了在XR体验期间在场景中移动的方式。这些组件是:
This documentation outlines how to use and extend these systems.
UI交互设置:GameObject -> XR
UI Canvas:World Space,且挂一个TrackedDeviceGraphicRaycaster.cs
UI EventSystem : 挂XRUIInputModule.cs
//Only one Input Module can be active at one time
XR Interaction Manager : 空GO下挂一个XRInteractionManager.cs
Locomotion System : 空GO下挂3个脚本:LocomotionSystem.cs 、TeleportationProvider.cs和SnapTurnProvider.cs
LeftBaseController :XRController.cs + XRRayInteractor.cs
Interaction Manager : 每个场景至少一个Interaction Manager,用于连接Interactors和Interactables.
如果没有指定,默认使用第一个Interaction Manager
Controller / Interactor :控制器/交互器(组件),用于控制GameObject怎么和场景中的其他对象交互,常用的有:
Ray Interactor(使用投射射线的方式寻找场景中的Interables可交互对象)
控制器和交互器对触觉反馈的支持有限。要为XR控制器(基于动作)启用触觉反馈,请指定Haptic Device Action(触觉设备动作)以及到活动控件的绑定路径,例如
。要为XR控制器(基于设备)启用触觉反馈,请指定支持触觉反馈的Controller节点,例如Left Hand。然后,交互器可以指定触觉反馈的强度和持续时间,以在选择和悬停时播放。
Interactable : 可交互(组件),定义用户如何与场景中的对象进行交互,支持的交互方式有:grabbing, moving, dropping(放下), and throwing(投掷);
设置对象可交互的需要添加2个组件 :[XR Grab ]Interactable和A convex(凸型)[Mesh[] Collider
Action-based vs Deviced-based :基于动作和基于设备的行为
一些behaviors,如 Snap Turn Provider有两个变体:an Action-based behavior and a Device-based behavior。
Action-based behaviors : 使用Actions从一个或多个control间接读取输入
Device-based behaviors : 使用InputDevice.TryGetFeatureValue直接从一个(在指定 control的)输入设备(由一个指定)上读取输入。
建议使用Action-based变体的形式,因为某些特征,如 XR Device Simulator,只支持使用 Action。
交互层蒙版 ,InteractionLayerMask 是一种用于过滤哪些交互器可以作用于哪些可交互对象的机制
States :Interaction system has three common states: Hover, Select, and Activate
Locomotion Providers : 有Teleportation Provider, the Snap Turn Provider, the Continuous Turn Provider, and the Continuous Move Provider,都是实现抽象类LocomotionProvider
BeginLocomotion() , 事件 startLocomotion
EndLocomotion() , 事件 endLocomotion
Room-Scale : Floor-relative tracking mode. When the Scene starts, the origin is the floor.
Stationary : Deviced-relative tracking mode. When the Scene starts, the origin is the device, and the Camera moves to the height set by Camera Offset.
relinquish vt. 放弃;放手
locomotion 运动 移动
snap turning(对齐/快速转向),continuous turning, continuous movement, and teleportation(瞬间移动,远距传动)
interactor 交互器
interactable 可交互的(GO)
haptic 触觉的
relinquish vt. 放弃;放手
Shared Depth Buffer是一个用来测算Dash UI 和 空间中物体的深度信息的