Wireless Sensor Networks


  • 4.1 Introduction
  • 4.2 Hardware and Operating System
  • 4.3 Communication Protocol
  • 4.4 Important issue
  • 4.5 Applications

4.1 Introduction


  • Sensor node: sensing, data processing, and communicating capacity
    传感器节点: 感知、数据处理和通信能力
  • Sensor network: a large number of sensor nodes that are densely deployed either inside the phenomenon or very close to it
    传感器网络: 大量的传感器节点密集部署在现象内部或非常接近现象内部
  • A wireless sensor network (WSN) consists of spatially distributed autonomous sensors.

Applications 应用

Application 解释
Wildlife Monitor 野生动物监测
Ecosystem record 生态系统记录
Traffic Monitor 交通监控
Building Monitor 构建监测
Healthy 健康
Military 军事
Home 家居
Commercial 商业

New Design Themes 新设计主题

  • Long-lived systems that can be unattended
    ① Low-duty cycle operation with bounded latency
    ② Exploit redundancy
    ③ Tiered architectures (mix of form/energy factors)
  • Self-configuring systems that can be deployed ad hoc
    ① Measure and adapt to unpredictable environment
    ② Exploit spatial diversity and density of sensor/actuator nodes


  • Leverage data processing inside the network
  • Achieve desired global behavior with adaptive localized algorithms.

Communication Architecture 通信体系结构

Factors 解释
Fault tolerance 容错
Scalability 可扩展性
Production costs 生产成本
Hardware constraints 硬件限制
Network topology 网络拓补结构
Transmission media 传播媒体
Environment 环境
Power consumption 功耗
  • Fault Tolerance: The ability to sustain sensor network functionalities without any interruption due to sensor node failures.
  • Scalability: The number of sensor nodes
  • Production Costs: The cost of a single node is very important to justify the overall cost of the network
  • Hardware's 4 basic unit:
basic unit 解释
sensing unit 传感单元
processing unit 处理单元
transceiver unit 收发单元
power unit 电源单元
Additional application-dependent units 更多的依赖于应用程序的单位
  • Hardware Constraints
Constraints 解释
size 大小
Power 电量
Operate in high density 高集成度
Low cost 低成本
Autonomous 自动
Adaptive to environment 适应环境
  • Sensor Network Topology
    Topology maintenance and change in 3 phases:
phase 解释
Predeployment and deployment phase 预部署和部署阶段
Post-deployment phase 部署后阶段
Redeployment of additional nodes phase 额外节点的重新部署阶段
  • Transmission Media 传播介质
media 解释
wireless medium 无线媒体
Radio 广播
Infrared 红外线
Optical 光学

4.2 Hardware and Operating System

Name 具体名称
Hardware Berkeley Motes
System of MICA Motes
MICA Motes
Operating System TinyOS
  • LiteOS is a real-time operating system (RTOS) for use in sensor networks.
  • memory-constrained 内存受限的

4.3 Communication Protocols

  • Design Issues According to Protocol Stack 根据协议栈设计问题
Name 解释
Physical layer 物理层
Data link layer 数据链路层
Network layer 网络层
Transport layer 传输层
  • Three Management Planes 三个管理方面
plane 解释
The power management plane 电源管理层面
The mobility management plane 移动管理层面
The task management plane 任务管理层面

4.4 Important Issues 重要问题

Issues 解释
Routing Protocols 路由协议
Topology Control 拓扑控制
Coverage Problems 覆盖问题
Time Synchronization 时间同步
Localization 本地化

4.4.1 Routing Protocols 路由协议

  • Classified based on the underlying network structure:
categories 解释 翻译
Flat Nodes are assigned equal roles 平面:节点被分配相等的角色
Hierarchical Nodes will play different roles 分级:节点将扮演不同的角色
Location-based Nodes’ positions are exploited to route data 基于位置的:节点的位置被用来路由数据

Flat Routing 平面路由协议

protocol 翻译
Sensor Protocols for Information via Negotiation(SPIN) 信息协商传感器协议
Directed diffusion (DD) 定向扩散
  • DD
feature 翻译
establish path 建立路径
Localized interactions 局部的相互作用
elements 翻译
Interest 感兴趣
Gradient 梯度
Data message 数据信息
Reinforcement 强化

Hierarchical Routing 分级路由协议

  • Advantages
advantages 翻译
scalability 可伸缩性
efficient communication 有效沟通
  • Mainly two-layer routing
Name 翻译
Select cluster heads 选择集群头
Routing 路由

4.4.2 Topology Control 拓扑控制

  • 定义
    Topology control is a technique used in distributed computing to alter the underlying network (modeled as a graph) in order to reduce the cost of distributed algorithms if ran over the new resulting graphs.

  • Subproblem of Topology control

Name 翻译 解释
topology construction 拓扑结构
topology maintenance 拓扑维护 connectivity and coverage are preserved
  • Topology construction
    increase the number of message collisions
  • Topology maintenance
    nodes that are closer to the sink spend higher amounts of energy.

4.4.3 Coverage Problems 覆盖问题

  • Goal
    each location in the targeted physical space should be within sensing range of at least one sensor.

  • Simple Coverage Problem: entire area covered. 全覆盖

  • K-Coverage Problem: entire region k-covered. 全被k次覆盖

  • Types
    Area Coverage: cover/monitor an area/region.

    Area Coverage

Point Coverage: cover a set of points.

Point Coverage

Barrier Coverage:minimize the probability of undetected penetration through the barrier (sensor network).

Barrier Coverage

4.4.4 Time Synchronization 时间同步

  • Several issues in synchronization 同步上的一些问题
  1. Master-slave v.s. peer-to-peer synchronization

    • Master-slave 主从
      attempt to synchronize with the master. 子节点与主节点同步
    • Peer-to-peer 点对点
      estimates the local time based on the clocks of other nodes
  2. Internal synchronization v.s. external synchronization

    • Internal synchronization
      minimize the maximum difference between the readings of local clocks of the sensors

    • External synchronization
      A standard external source of time

4.4.5 Localization 本地化

  • To determine the physical coordinates of a group of sensor nodes in a wireless sensor network (WSN).
  • Due to application context and massive scale, use of GPS is unrealistic, therefore, sensors need to self-organize a coordinate system.
  • To report data that is geographically meaningful
  • Services such as routing rely on location information; geographic routing protocols; context-based routing protocols, location-aware services

DV-hop Phase 1 DV-hop阶段1:

Euclidean Phase 1: 欧几里得阶段1:


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