using namespace std ;
const int maxn = 1e5 + 10 ;
const int maxm = 10000 ;
bitset pre_A[maxn] ;
bitset A[maxn] ;
bitset B[maxn] ;
bitset ban ;
bitset ans ;
int cnt2 ;
void cle()
for(int i = 0 ; i < maxn ; i ++)
pre_A[i].reset() ;
A[i].reset() ;
B[i].reset() ;
ban.reset() ;
ans.reset() ;
struct Tarjan
int cnt , scc_num , lay ;
vector low , dfn , belong , st , s ;
vector vis ;
vector> g ;
void init(int n)
cnt = scc_num = lay = 0 ;
low.resize(n + 1) ;
dfn.resize(n + 1) ;
belong.resize(n + 1) ;
st.resize(n + 1) ;
s.resize(n + 1) ;
vis.resize(n + 1) ;
g.resize(n + 1) ;
fill(vis.begin() , vis.end() , false) ;
fill(low.begin() , low.end() , 0) ;
fill(dfn.begin() , dfn.end() , 0) ;
for(int i = 1 ; i <= n ; i ++) g[i].clear() ;
void add(int u , int v)
g[u].push_back(v) ;
void dfs(int u)
vis[u] = true ;
low[u] = dfn[u] = ++ lay ;
st[++ cnt] = u ;
for(auto v : g[u])
if(dfn[v] == 0)
dfs(v) ;
low[u] = min(low[u] , low[v]) ;
else if(vis[v]) low[u] = min(low[u] , dfn[v]) ;
if(dfn[u] == low[u])
++ scc_num ;
belong[st[cnt]] = scc_num ;
vis[st[cnt]] = false ;
cnt -- ;
} while(st[cnt + 1] != u) ;
void cal(int n)
for(int i = 1 ; i <= n ; i ++)
if(dfn[i] == 0) dfs(i) ;
void solve()
vector> g2(scc_num + 1) ;
map , int> mp ;
vector in(scc_num + 1 , 0) ;
for(int i = 1 ; i <= cnt2 ; i ++)
for(auto v : g[i])
if(belong[v] != belong[i])
int t1 = belong[i] ;
int t2 = belong[v] ;
assert(t1 != t2) ;
if(mp.count({t1 , t2})) continue ;
mp[{t1 , t2}] = 1 ;
g2[t1].push_back(t2) ;
in[t2] ++ ;
queue q ;
for(int i = 1 ; i <= scc_num ; i ++)
if(in[i] == 0)
pre_A[i] = A[i] ;
ans |= (pre_A[i] & B[i]) ;
q.push(i) ;
int u = q.front() ;
q.pop() ;
for(auto v : g2[u])
ban |= (pre_A[u] & A[v]) ;
in[v] -- ;
pre_A[v] |= pre_A[u] ;
if(in[v] == 0)
pre_A[v] |= A[v] ;
ans |= (pre_A[v] & B[v]) ;
q.push(v) ;
} tarjan ;
int main()
int T ;
scanf("%d" , &T) ;
int cc = 0 ;
while(T --)
cle() ;
int n ;
scanf("%d" , &n) ;
map id ;
tarjan.init(100000) ;
cnt2 = 0 ;
auto add = [&](const string &s)
if(s == "") return 1 ;
if(id.count(s)) return id[s] ;
id[s] = ++ cnt2 ;
return cnt2 ;
} ;
getchar() ;
for(int i = 1 ; i <= n ; i ++)
vector v1 , v2 ;
string s = "" ;
int f = 0 ;
char c = getchar() ;
if(c == '\n') break ;
if(c == ' ') continue ;
if(c == ':')
if(s != "")
int t = add(s) ;
if(f == 0) v1.push_back(t) ;
else v2.push_back(t) ;
s = "" ;
f = 1 ;
continue ;
if('A' <= c && c <= 'Z')
if(s != "")
int t = add(s) ;
if(f == 0) v1.push_back(t) ;
else v2.push_back(t) ;
s = "" ;
s += c ;
if(s != "")
int t = add(s) ;
if(f == 0) v1.push_back(t) ;
else v2.push_back(t) ;
assert(v1.size() == 1) ;
for(auto u : v2) tarjan.add(v1[0] , u) ;
int q ;
scanf("%d" , &q) ;
getchar() ;
tarjan.cal(cnt2) ;
for(int i = 0 ; i < q ; i ++)
vector v1 , v2 ;
string s = "" ;
int f = 0 ;
char c = getchar() ;
if(c == '\n') break ;
if(c == ' ') continue ;
if(c == ':')
if(s != "")
int t = add(s) ;
if(f == 0) v1.push_back(t) ;
else v2.push_back(t) ;
s = "" ;
f = 1 ;
continue ;
if('A' <= c && c <= 'Z')
if(s != "")
int t = add(s) ;
if(f == 0) v1.push_back(t) ;
else v2.push_back(t) ;
s = "" ;
s += c ;
if(s != "")
int t = add(s) ;
if(f == 0) v1.push_back(t) ;
else v2.push_back(t) ;
assert(v2.size() == 1) ;
for(auto u : v1)
int tt = tarjan.belong[u] ;
if(A[tt][i] == 1) ban[i] = 1 ;
else A[tt][i] = 1 ;
for(auto u : v2) B[tarjan.belong[u]][i] = 1 ;
assert(cnt2 <= 1e5) ;
tarjan.solve() ;
printf("Case #%d:\n" , ++ cc) ;
for(int i = 0 ; i < q ; i ++)
if(ban[i] == 1) puts("Invalid") ;
else if(ans[i] == 0) puts("No") ;
else puts("Yes") ;
puts("") ;
return 0 ;
//you should actually read the stuff at the bottom before submitting or in the confusion
/* stuff you should look for
* long long
* array bounds
* init
* ios
* special cases (n=1?)
* do smth instead of nothing and stay organized
A1: A2
A2: A3
A1: A4
using namespace std ;
const int maxn = 1e6 + 10 ;
int cnt = 0 ;
string op[maxn] ;
int a[maxn] ;
string path[maxn] ;
int cur = 0 ;
int cur2 = 1 ;
map id ;
map g[maxn] ;
int siz[maxn] ;
int tt = 0 ;
int dfn[maxn] ;
int idd[maxn] ;
int cc[maxn] , dd[maxn] ;
int add(string s)
int now = 1 ;
//cout << "???\n" ;
for(int i = 0 ; i < s.size() ; i ++)
if(s[i] == '/') continue ;
int j = i ;
while(j + 1 < s.size() && j + 1 < s.size() && s[j + 1] != '/') j ++ ;
string tmp = "" ;
for(int k = i ; k <= j ; k ++) tmp += s[k] ;
if(!id.count(tmp)) id[tmp] = ++ cur ;
int t = id[tmp] ;
if(!g[now][t]) g[now][t] = ++ cur2 ;
now = g[now][t] ;
//cout << now << '\n' ;
i = j ;
return now ;
void dfs(int u)
tt ++ ;
dfn[u] = tt ;
siz[u] = 1 ;
for(auto x : g[u])
int v = x.second ;
dfs(v) ;
siz[u] += siz[v] ;
struct Info
bool ban ;
int small_mx ;
int big_mx ;
int small_lazy ;
int big_lazy ;
Info(bool x = false , int t1 = 0 , int t2 = 0 , int t3 = 1e9 , int t4 = -1e9 , int t5 = 0 , int t6 = 0)
ban = x ;
small_mx = t2 ;
big_mx = t4 ;
small_lazy = t5 ;
big_lazy = t6 ;
} ;
int lson(int id)
return id << 1 ;
int rson(int id)
return id << 1 | 1 ;
Info t[maxn << 2] ;
void push_down(int id)
if(t[lson(id)].ban == false)
t[lson(id)].small_mx = max(t[lson(id)].small_mx , t[id].small_lazy) ;
t[lson(id)].small_lazy = max(t[lson(id)].small_lazy , t[id].small_lazy) ;
t[lson(id)].big_mx = max(t[lson(id)].big_mx , t[id].big_lazy) ;
t[lson(id)].big_lazy = max(t[lson(id)].big_lazy , t[id].big_lazy) ;
if(t[rson(id)].ban == false)
t[rson(id)].small_mx = max(t[rson(id)].small_mx , t[id].small_lazy) ;
t[rson(id)].small_lazy = max(t[rson(id)].small_lazy , t[id].small_lazy) ;
t[rson(id)].big_mx = max(t[rson(id)].big_mx , t[id].big_lazy) ;
t[rson(id)].big_lazy = max(t[rson(id)].big_lazy , t[id].big_lazy) ;
t[id].small_lazy = 0 ;
t[id].big_lazy = 0 ;
void push_up(int id)
t[id].ban = (t[lson(id)].ban & t[rson(id)].ban) ;
t[id].small_mx = max(t[lson(id)].small_mx , t[rson(id)].small_mx) ;
t[id].big_mx = max(t[lson(id)].big_mx , t[rson(id)].big_mx) ;
void update(int id , int l , int r , int x , int y , int z)
if(y < l || r < x || t[id].ban == true) return ;
if(x <= l && r <= y)
t[id].ban = false ;
t[id].small_mx = max(t[id].small_mx , z) ;
t[id].small_lazy = max(t[id].small_lazy , z) ;
return ;
push_down(id) ;
int mid = (l + r) / 2 ;
update(lson(id) , l , mid , x , y , z) ;
update(rson(id) , mid + 1 , r , x , y , z) ;
push_up(id) ;
void update2(int id , int l , int r , int x , int y , int z)
if(y < l || r < x) return ;
if(x <= l && r <= y && t[id].ban == true)
t[id].big_mx = max(t[id].big_mx , z) ;
t[id].big_lazy = max(t[id].big_lazy , z) ;
return ;
if(l == r)
t[id].ban = true ;
t[id].small_mx = -1e9 ;
t[id].small_lazy = -1e9 ;
t[id].big_mx = z ;
t[id].big_lazy = 0 ;
return ;
int mid = (l + r) / 2 ;
push_down(id) ;
update2(lson(id) , l , mid , x , y , z) ;
update2(rson(id) , mid + 1 , r , x , y , z) ;
push_up(id) ;
int query(int id , int l , int r , int x , int y)
int res = 0 ;
if(y < l || r < x) return res ;
if(x <= l && r <= y)
res = max(t[id].small_mx , t[id].big_mx) ;
return res ;
int mid = (l + r) / 2 ;
push_down(id) ;
int res1 = query(lson(id) , l , mid , x , y) ;
int res2 = query(rson(id) , mid + 1 , r , x , y) ;
return max(res1 , res2) ;
int cal(string s)
int t = -1 ;
int now = 1 ;
if(dd[now] < 0) t = max(t , cc[now]) ;
else t = max(t , dd[now]) ;
//cout << "???\n" ;
for(int i = 0 ; i < s.size() ; i ++)
if(s[i] == '/') continue ;
int j = i ;
while(j + 1 < s.size() && j + 1 < s.size() && s[j + 1] != '/') j ++ ;
string tmp = "" ;
for(int k = i ; k <= j ; k ++) tmp += s[k] ;
if(!id.count(tmp)) id[tmp] = ++ cur ;
int t = id[tmp] ;
if(!g[now][t]) g[now][t] = ++ cur2 ;
now = g[now][t] ;
if(dd[now] < 0) t = max(t , cc[now]) ;
else t = max(t , dd[now]) ;
//cout << now << '\n' ;
i = j ;
return t ;
int main()
std::ios::sync_with_stdio(false) , cin.tie(0) ;
cnt = 0 ;
while(cin >> op[++ cnt])
if(op[cnt][0] != 'g') cin >> a[cnt] ;
cin >> path[cnt] ;
cnt -- ;
for(int i = 1 ; i <= cnt ; i ++) idd[i] = add(path[i]) ;
assert(cur2 <= 1e5) ;
for(int i = 1 ; i <= cur2 ; i ++) cc[i] = 0 , dd[i] = -1 ;
dfs(1) ;
int f = 0 ;
for(int i = 1 ; i <= cnt ; i ++)
if(op[i][0] == 'g')
int ttttt = cal(path[i]) ;
int ttt2 = query(1 , 1 , cur2 , dfn[idd[i]] , dfn[idd[i]]) ;
int ttt = query(1 , 1 , cur2 , dfn[idd[i]] , dfn[idd[i]] + siz[idd[i]] - 1) ;
if(f == 1) cout << '\n' ;
cout << max(ttttt , ttt2) << ' ' << max(ttttt , ttt) ;
f = 1 ;
else if(op[i][0] == 'd')
cc[idd[i]] = max(cc[idd[i]] , a[i]) ;
update(1 , 1 , cur2 , dfn[idd[i]] , dfn[idd[i]] + siz[idd[i]] - 1 , a[i]) ;
dd[idd[i]] = max(dd[idd[i]] , a[i]) ;
update2(1 , 1 , cur2 , dfn[idd[i]] , dfn[idd[i]] + siz[idd[i]] - 1 , a[i]) ;
return 0 ;
//you should actually read the stuff at the bottom before submitting or in the confusion
/* stuff you should look for
* long long
* array bounds
* init
* ios
* special cases (n=1?)
* do smth instead of nothing and stay organized