In this article I want to explore what happens when a statically linked program gets executed on Linux. By statically linked I mean a program that does not require any shared objects to run, even the ubiquitous libc. In reality, most programs one encounters on Linux aren't statically linked, and do require one or more shared objects to run. However, the running sequence of such programs is more involved, which is why I want to present statically linked programs first. It will serve as a good basis for understanding, allowing me to explore most of the mechanisms involved with less details getting in the way. In a future article I will cover the dynamic linking process in detail.
Program execution begins in the Linux kernel. To run a program, a process will call a function from the exec family. The functions in this family are all very similar, differing only in small details regarding the manner of passing arguments and environment variables to the invoked program. What they all end up doing is issuing the sys_execve system call to the Linux kernel.
sys_execve does a lot of work to prepare the new program for execution. Explaining it all is far beyond the scope of this article - a good book on kernel internals can be helpful to understand the details [1]. I'll just focus on the stuff useful for our current discussion.
As part of its job, the kernel must read the program's executable file from disk into memory and prepare it for execution. The kernel knows how to handle a lot of binary file formats, and tries to open the file with different handlers until it succeeds (this happens in the function search_binary_handler in fs/exec.c). We're only interested in ELF here, however; for this format the action happens in function load_elf_binary (in fs/binfmt_elf.c).
The kernel reads the ELF header of the program, and looks for a PT_INTERP segment to see if an interpreter was specified. Here the statically linked vs. dynamically linked distinction kicks in. For statically linked programs, there is no PT_INTERP segment. This is the scenario this article covers.
内核会解析ELF的程序头(Program header),寻找一个类型为PT_INTERP的程序段,在该段中会指定程序的解释器(interpreter)。如果程序是动态链接的,那么这里的解释器将会是动态链接器的绝对路径,然而静态链接的程序包含了所有的代码,是不需要动态链接器的,因此静态链接的程序是没有类型为PT_INTERP的程序段的。
The kernel then goes on mapping the program's segments into memory, according to the information contained in the ELF program headers. Finally, it passes the execution, by directly modifying the IP register, to the entry address read from the ELF header of the program (e_entry). Arguments are passed to the program on the stack (the code responsible for this is in create_elf_tables). Here's the stack layout when the program is called, for x64:
At the top of the stack is argc, the amount of command-line arguments. It is followed by all the arguments themselves (each a char*), terminated by a zero pointer. Then, the environment variables are listed (also a char* each), terminated by a zero pointer. The observant reader will notice that this argument layout is not what one usually expects in main. This is because main is not really the entry point of the program, as the rest of the article shows.
So, the Linux kernel reads the program's entry address from the ELF header. Let's now explore how this address gets there.
现在我们知道,内核是通过读取ELF头部的程序入口点知道程序的运行首地址的,那么这个首地址处是什么代码呢? 接下来就让我们一探究竟!
Unless you're doing something very funky, the final program binary image is probably being created by the system linker - ld. By default, ld looks for a special symbol called _start in one of the object files linked into the program, and sets the entry point to the address of that symbol. This will be simplest to demonstrate with an example written in assembly (the following is NASM syntax):
section .text
; The _start symbol must be declared for the linker (ld)
global _start
; Execute sys_exit call. Argument: status -> ebx
mov eax, 1
mov ebx, 42
int 0x80
This is a very basic program that simply returns 42. Note that it has the _start symbol defined. Let's build it, examine the ELF header and its disassembly:
$ nasm -f elf64 nasm_rc.asm -o nasm_rc.o
$ ld -o nasm_rc64 nasm_rc.o
$ readelf -h nasm_rc64
ELF Header:
Magic: 7f 45 4c 46 02 01 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
Class: ELF64
Entry point address: 0x400080
$ objdump -d nasm_rc64
nasm_rc64: file format elf64-x86-64
Disassembly of section .text:
0000000000400080 <_start>:
400080: b8 01 00 00 00 mov $0x1,%eax
400085: bb 2a 00 00 00 mov $0x2a,%ebx
40008a: cd 80 int $0x80
As you can see, the entry point address in the ELF header was set to 0x400080, which also happens to be the address of _start.
ld looks for _start by default, but this behavior can be modified by either the --entry command-line flag, or by providing an ENTRY command in a custom linker script.
We're usually not writing our code in assembly, however. For C/C++ the situation is different, because the entry point familiar to users is the main function and not the _start symbol. Now it's time to explain how these two are related.
现如今,我们一般不再使用汇编写程序,而是使用C/C++这类高级语言。但是从我们一开始学习高级语言开始就被告知,程序的入口是main函数,而不是上文提到的_start,这咋回事? 好,是时候揭开谜底了!
Let's start with this simple C program which is functionally equivalent to the assembly shown above:
int main() {
return 42;
I will compile this code into an object file and then attempt to link it with ld, like I did with the assembly:
$ gcc -c c_rc.c
$ ld -o c_rc c_rc.o
ld: warning: cannot find entry symbol _start; defaulting to 00000000004000b0
Whoops, ld can't find the entry point. It tries to guess using a default, but it won't work - the program will segfault when run. ld obviously needs some additional object files where it will find the entry point. But which object files are these? Luckily, we can use gcc to find out. gcc can act as a full compilation driver, invoking ld as needed. Let's now use gcc to link our object file into a program. Note that the -static flag is passed to force static linking of the C library and the gcc runtime library:
糟糕,ld链接器抱怨没有找到_start符号,因此它使用了一个默认值,但是这样于事无补 -- 程序运行会出现段错误。很明显,ld链接器需要在其它目标文件中才可以找到_start符号。但是,这些目标文件在哪呢? 幸运的是,我们可以通过gcc来找到这些额外的目标文件。我们可以简单的认为gcc是编译器和链接器的前端,它会在适当的时候启动编译器和链接器。现在使用gcc来链接我们的目标文件生成最后的可执行文件。请注意,-static参数是告诉ld链接器,必须静态链接C库和gcc的运行时库。
$ gcc -o c_rc -static c_rc.o
$ c_rc; echo $?
It works. So how does gcc manage to do the linking correctly? We can pass the -Wl,-verbose flag to gcc which will spill the list of objects and libraries it passed to the linker. Doing this, we'll see additional object files like crt1.o and the whole libc.a static library (which has objects with telling names like libc-start.o). C code does not live in a vacuum. To run, it requires some support libraries such as the gcc runtime and libc.
Since it obviously linked and ran correctly, the program we built with gcc should have a _start symbol at the right place. Let's check [2]:
$ readelf -h c_rc
ELF Header:
Magic: 7f 45 4c 46 02 01 01 03 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
Class: ELF64
Entry point address: 0x4003c0
$ objdump -d c_rc | grep -A15 "<_start"
00000000004003c0 <_start>:
4003c0: 31 ed xor %ebp,%ebp
4003c2: 49 89 d1 mov %rdx,%r9
4003c5: 5e pop %rsi
4003c6: 48 89 e2 mov %rsp,%rdx
4003c9: 48 83 e4 f0 and $0xfffffffffffffff0,%rsp
4003cd: 50 push %rax
4003ce: 54 push %rsp
4003cf: 49 c7 c0 20 0f 40 00 mov $0x400f20,%r8
4003d6: 48 c7 c1 90 0e 40 00 mov $0x400e90,%rcx
4003dd: 48 c7 c7 d4 04 40 00 mov $0x4004d4,%rdi
4003e4: e8 f7 00 00 00 callq 4004e0 <__libc_start_main>
4003e9: f4 hlt
4003ea: 90 nop
4003eb: 90 nop
Indeed, 0x4003c0 is the address of _start and it's the program entry point. However, what is all that code at _start? Where does it come from, and what does it mean?
果然,0x4003c0既是_start的地址又是程序的入口地址。那么,到了这会儿,会不会有这样的疑问,_start处的代码做了什么,这些代码又来自哪里呢? 毕竟肯定不是我们自己写的啊!
Decoding the start sequence of C code 探秘C启动代码
The startup code shown above comes from glibc - the GNU C library, where for x64 ELF it lives in the file sysdeps/x86_64/start.S [3]. Its goal is to prepare the arguments for a function named __libc_start_main and call it. This function is also part of glibc and lives in csu/libc-start.c. Here is its signature, formatted for clarity, with added comments to explain what each argument means:
int __libc_start_main(
/* Pointer to the program's main function */
(int (*main) (int, char**, char**),
/* argc and argv */
int argc, char **argv,
/* Pointers to initialization and finalization functions */
__typeof (main) init, void (*fini) (void),
/* Finalization function for the dynamic linker */
void (*rtld_fini) (void),
/* End of stack */
void* stack_end)
Anyway, with this signature and the AMD64 ABI in hand, we can map the arguments passed to __libc_start_main from _start:
通过函数原型和参阅AMD64 ABI,我们可以很容易地得到传递给函数__libc_start_main栈布局如下:
main: rdi <-- $0x4004d4
argc: rsi <-- [RSP]
argv: rdx <-- [RSP + 0x8]
init: rcx <-- $0x400e90
fini: r8 <-- $0x400f20
rdld_fini: r9 <-- rdx on entry
stack_end: on stack <-- RSP
You'll also notice that the stack is aligned to 16 bytes and some garbage is pushed on top of it (rax) before pushing rsp itself. This is to conform to the AMD64 ABI. Also note the hlt instruction at address 0x4003e9. It's a safeguard in case __libc_start_main did not exit (as we'll see, it should). hlt can't be executed in user mode, so this will raise an exception and crash the process.
阅读代码,可以看到为了遵循AMD64 ABI的栈16字节对齐的要求,在压入rsp之前,故意压入了无意义的rax。还有在地址0x4003e9处的是hlt指令,这是为了防止函数__libc_start_main出错返回而准备的。hlt指令在用户模式下是不能运行的,所以一旦运行到这里,就会触发异常,并且结束进程。
Examining the disassembly, it's easy to verify that 0x4004d4 is indeed main, 0x400e90 is __libc_csu_init and 0x400f20 is __libc_csu_fini. There's another argument the kernel passes _start - a finish function for shared libraries to use (in rdx). We'll ignore it in this article.
The C library start function C启动代码做了哪些事
Now that we understood how it's being called, what does __libc_start_main actually do? Ignoring some details that are probably too specialized to be interesting in the scope of this article, here's a list of things that it does for a statically linked program:
Digression: init and fini 补充说明:init和fini
Some programming environments (most notably C++, to construct and destruct static and global objects) require running custom code before and after main. This is implemented by means of cooperation between the compiler/linker and the C library. For example, the __libc_csu_init (which, as you can see above, is called before the user's main) calls into special code that's inserted by the linker. The same goes for __libc_csu_fini and finalization.
You can also ask the compiler to register your function to be executed as one of the constructors or destructors. For example [4]:
int main() {
return 43;
void myconstructor() {
myconstructor will run before main. The linker places its address in a special array of constructors located in the .ctors section. __libc_csu_init goes over this array and calls all functions listed in it.
This article demonstrates how a statically linked program is set up to actually run on Linux. In my opinion, this is a very interesting topic to study because it demonstrates how several large components of the Linux eco-system cooperate to enable the program execution process. In this case, the Linux kernel, the compiler and linker, and the C library are involved. In a future article I will present the more complex case of a dynamically linked program, where another agent joins the game - the dynamic linker. Stay tuned.
《Linux x86 elf 程序启动过程》
《How main() is executed on Linux》