ffmpeg 给音频添加封面,ffmpeg对音视频metadata 相关操作
首先我们看到这个选项**-disposition[:stream_specifier]** value **(***output,per-stream***)**
For example, to make the second audio stream the default stream:
ffmpeg -i in.mkv -c copy -disposition:a:1 default out.mkv
To make the second subtitle stream the default stream and remove the default disposition from the first subtitle stream:
ffmpeg -i in.mkv -c copy -disposition:s:0 0 -disposition:s:1 default out.mkv
To add an embedded cover/thumbnail:
ffmpeg -i in.mp4 -i IMAGE -map 0 -map 1 -c copy -c:v:1 png -disposition:v:1 attached_pic out.mp4
Not all muxers support embedded thumbnails, and those who do, only support a few formats, like JPEG or PNG.
首先我对map命令不是很熟悉。这个场景就是map命令的一个应用。视频和图片作为输入,只取视频中的音频。所以我们就要定位到音频的位置。如果不用map,按照默认配置来的话,音频和视频和图片都会加入到新的文件里,可以看到video stream有两个,分别是视频和图片。
ffmpeg -i in.mp4 -i IMAGE -map 0 -map 1 -c copy -c:v:1 png -disposition:v:1 attached_pic out.mp4
上面这个例子, map 0是第一个整个视频,map1则是第二个图片,和不用map的结果差不多。
ffmpeg -i input.flv -i input.png -map 0:a -map 1:v
map后面的第一个数字代表ffmpeg -i
再往后看,-c:v:1 png
-disposition:v:1 attached_pic
ffmpeg -i input.flv -i input.png -map 0:a -map 1:v -disposition:v:1 attached_picpoert out.m4a
The following table shows the metadata keys that FFmpeg honors when muxing a QuickTime file. The low-level identifier column lists the atom name that the format uses to encode the data on disc, which is not interesting to most readers. For the interested but uninitiated, the notation, e.g., '\251nam' indicates a 4-byte code consisting of the byte A9 in hexadecimal (or 251 in octal) followed by the ASCII characters 'n', 'a', and 'm'.
Key | iTunes field | Low-level identifier |
"title" | Name | '\251nam' |
"author" | Artist | '\251ART' |
"album_artist" | Album Artist | 'aART' |
"album" | Album | '\251alb' |
"grouping" | Grouping | '\251grp' |
"composer" | Composer | '\251wrt' |
"year" | Year | '\251day' |
"track" | Track Number | 'trkn' |
"comment" | Comments | '\251cmt' |
"genre" | Genre | '\251gen' |
"copyright" | ?? | '\251cpy' |
"description" | Description | 'desc' |
"synopsis" | Information dialog when selecting "Show Description" in context menu | 'ldes' |
"show" | Show | 'tvsh' |
"episode_id" | Episode ID | 'tven' |
"network" | ?? | 'tvnn' |
"lyrics" | Lyrics | '\251lyr' |
How To: Create/Write ID3 tags using ffmpeg
Update: New article: How To: Dump and Load metadata with ffmpeg
I have received so many requests from my previous article, “ID3 tags on Windows using ffmpeg”, asking how to add, create or write ID3 tags with ffmpeg that I wrote this article in response.
The Basics
The option to write ‘tags’ to a file, known as metadata, is -metadata key=”value”. Here is a basic example:
ffmpeg32 -i in.mp3 -metadata title="The Title You Want" out.mp3
You repeat the option once for each key/value pair you want to add to your file like this:
ffmpeg32 -i in.mp3 -metadata title="The Title You Want" -metadata artist="Artist Name" -metadata album="Name of the Album" out.mp3
If you want to clear or delete a certain key/value pair, include the key but leave the value blank like this:
ffmpeg32 -i out.mp3 -metadata title="The Title You Want" -metadata artist="" -metadata album="Name of the Album" out2.mp3
The examples shown above are the very basic. While they will work and will produce a file, there are more options that need to be included to achieve the desired results.
Adding, creating, deleting, or clearing ID3 tags in ffmpeg is very simple. The hard part is figuring out what items you want and what the ‘key’ names are. For example, in Windows you can right-click on the audio file, select ‘Properties’, then click on the ‘Details’ tab. There are several Property/Value pair items listed; “Title”, “Subtitle”, “Comments”, “Contributing artists”, “Album artist”, “Album”, etcetera. Similar information is available in iTunes by right-clicking on a name, choose ‘Get Info’, then click on the ‘Info’ tab. The following table may help you decide:
Windows | iTunes (Info tab) | id3v2.3 | ffmpeg key | ffmpeg example |
Title | Title | TIT2 | title | -metadata title=”Adagio for Strings” |
Subtitle | Description (Video tab) | TIT3 | TIT3 | -metadata TIT3=”Op. 91″ |
Rating | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a |
Comments | Comments | COMM | n/a | not implemented |
Contributing artists | Artist | TPE1 | artist | -metadata artist=”Yo Yo Ma/London Symphony” |
Album artist | Album Artist | TPE2 | album_artist | -metadata album_artist=”London Symphony” |
Album | Album | TALB | album | -metadata album=”String Classics” |
Year | Year | TYER | date | -metadata date=”2012″ |
# | Track Number | TRCK | track | -metadata track=”3/12″ (means track number 3 of 12) |
Genre | Genre | TCON | genre | -metadata genre=”Classical” |
Publisher | n/a | TPUB | publisher | -metadata publisher=”London Publishing” |
Encoded by | n/a | TENC | encoded_by | -metadata encoded_by=”Telarc” |
Author URL | n/a | WOAR | n/a | not implemented |
Copyright (Not Editable) | n/a | TCOP | copyright | -metadata copyright=”â�� Telarc” |
Composers | n/a | TCOM | composer | -metadata composer=”J.S. Bach” |
Conductors | n/a | TPE3 | performer | -metadata performer=”T. S. Miles” |
Group description | Grouping | TIT1 | TIT1 | -metadata TIT1=”The Classics” |
Mood | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a |
Part of set | Disc Number | TPOS | disc | -metadata disc=”1/2″ (means disc number 1 of 2) |
Initial key | n/a | TKEY | TKEY | -metadata TKEY=”G” |
Beats-per-minute | BPM | TBPM | TBPM | -metadata TBPM=”120″ |
Part of a compilation | Part of a compilation | TCMP | n/a | not implemented |
n/a | n/a | TLAN | language | -metadata language=”eng” |
n/a | n/a | TSSE | encoder | -metadata encoder=”iTunes v10″ |
I suggest you experiment with the different keys to find what works best for you.
A little more advanced
Lets look at some more advanced options you can use to manipulate metadata. For example, if you want to clear or delete all the global metadata in a file. You could use the examples above and include the key and a blank value for each item but that could make your command line very long. Instead you can use -map_metadata -1 instead. Here it is in a command line:
ffmpeg32 -i in.mp3 -map_metadata -1 out.mp3
Setting -map_metadata to -1 (negative one) tells ffmpeg to use a non-existent input thereby clearing or deleting all the global metadata.
You can get the metadatainformation for a media file by including a input file with no output file like this:
ffmpeg32 -i in.mp3
FFmpeg is also able to dump metadata from media files into a simple UTF-8 encoded INI-like text file and then load it back using the metadata muxer/demuxer. Use a command line like the following to create the text file:
ffmpeg32 -i in.mp3 -f ffmetadata metadata.txt
The file format is as follows:
- A file consists of a header and a number of metadata tags divided into sections, each on its own line.
- The header is a ‘;FFMETADATA’ string, followed by a version number (now 1).
- Metadata tags are of the form ‘key=value’.
- Immediately after the header follows global metadata.
- After global metadata there may be sections with per-stream/per-chapter metadata.
- A section starts with the section name in uppercase (i.e. STREAM or CHAPTER) in brackets (‘[’, ‘]’) and ends with a new/next section or end of file.
- At the beginning of a chapter section there may be an optional timebase to be used for start/end values. It must be in the form ‘TIMEBASE=num/den’, where num and den are integers. If the timebase is missing then start/end times are assumed to be in milliseconds. Next a chapter section must contain chapter start and end times in the form ‘START=num’, ‘END=num’, where num is a positive integer.
- Empty lines and lines starting with ‘;’ or ‘#’ are ignored.
- Metadata keys or values containing special characters (‘=’, ‘;’, ‘#’, ‘\’ and a newline) must be escaped with a backslash ‘\’.
- Note that whitespace in metadata (e.g. foo = bar) is considered to be a part of the tag (in the example above key is ‘foo ’, value is ‘ bar’).
A ffmetadata file might look like this:
;this is a comment
artist=FFmpeg troll team
#chapter ends at 0:01:00
title=chapter \#1
You can edit the ffmetadata text file to include, change, or remove metadata by loading it into your media file.
To load the file and include the metadata in the output file, use -map_metadata like this:
ffmpeg32 -i in.mp3 -i metadata.txt -map_metadata 1 -c:a copy -id3v2_version 3 -write_id3v1 1 out.mp3
The inputs -i in ffmpeg are counted zero-based. What that means is the first input from the command line example above -i in.mp3 is input number zero. The next input -i metadata.txt is input number one. So using -map_metadata 1 we are telling ffmpeg to map the metadata from input one, our text file, to the global metadata of the output file.
Remember the Version
If you are planning on using the media files with metadata on Windows, DO NOT forget to use these options in your command line:
-id3v2_version 3
-write_id3v1 1
As shown in Example 7 above.