iOS15 ATTrackingManager权限请求未展示,审核被拒问题处理!!!

Guideline 2.1 - Information NeededWe continue to find that your app uses the AppTrackingTransparency framework, but we are unable to locate the App Tracking Transparency permission request when reviewed on iOS 15.0.

1、大概意思是在iOS15上没有做权限请求,可是我在info.plist里添加了Privacy - Tracking Usage Description配置,并且iOS15之前一直都是正常的,有些无语。。。



We were facing this same issue. We were calling the ATT request from our first ViewController'sviewDidLoadmethod, and the popup was not being shown on iOS15 (but working perfectly on iOS14).

We've changed to call the request from the AppDelegate'sapplicationDidBecomeActivemethod and it worked! The popup is being presented on the first app launch on iOS15.

所以解决方案:请求获取权限的授权方法从didFinishLaunchingWithOptions中转移到applicationDidBecomeActive方法中即可, 同时注意不要跟注册通知、获取位置等权限弹框有冲突,确保ATTrackingManager请求弹框能弹出来。


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