【参考文献】Mutational landscape determines sensitivity toPD-1 blockade in non–small cell lung cancer.Science,2015
NASeek是Timothy A. Chan 等人开发的一个生物信息学工具,这个软件具有两个功能:
2)对得到的肽段进行同源性比较(translation of stretches surrounding eachmutation, and comparisonbetween the resulting peptides for homology)。
Ref:Genetic Basis forClinical Response to CTLA-4 Blockade in Melanoma. The New England Journal ofMedicine, 2014.
monomerie unit,在分子生物学领域中表示单体单元,相当于nt或者BP。通常用于双链核酸中的单位,100 mer DNA相当于每一条链有100nt,那么整条链就是100bp。
在人类中主要组织相容性复合物(MHC)也被称为人类白细胞抗原(HLA)系统。HLA基因具有很高的多态性,即它具有许多不同的等位(如下图),这使得HLA系统能够更有效的发挥获得性免疫的功能。(HLA genes are highly polymorphic, which meansthat they have many different alleles, allowing them to fine-tune the adaptiveimmune system.)
Ref:主要组织相容性复合物(Majorhistocompatibilitycomplex (MHC)) : http://www.britannica.com/science/major-histocompatibility-complex
人类白细胞抗原(humanleukocyte antigen (HLA)):https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_leukocyte_antigen
4、IC50衡量MHC I类分子与氨基酸九聚物结合亲和力
半最大抑制浓度(half maximal inhibitory concentration (IC50))是衡量一种物质抑制特定生物学过程或生化功能的有效性的指标。这个指标的量表示特定药物或其他物质(抑制剂)在抑制一个给定的生物过程(或其中一种组分,比如酶,细胞,细胞受体或微生物)时所需浓度最大值的一半。它的值通常用摩尔浓度表示。
经过查证,IC50可以作为Cheng-Prusoff方程的参数,计算得到衡量竞争性激动剂和拮抗剂亲和力的指标(因此IC50是衡量亲和力的间接指标) (Ref: IC50 is not a direct indicator of affinity although the two can be related at least for competitive agonists and antagonists by the Cheng-Prusoff equation.)该方程公式以及具体介绍见https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IC50,涉及底物浓度等等,感觉跟我们关系不大,所以不做详细解释。
关于IC50如何通过Cheng-Prusoff方程来计算结合亲和性,涉及实验中对于受体激动剂,拮抗剂,配体,底物等化合物的选择,我没能弄明白怎么应用这个方程。但是在多篇文献中查到了利用IC50衡量MHC I类分子与多肽段结合亲和性的应用实例。
a An IC50 threshold of 500 nM was used to distinguish binding fromnon-binding peptides.
b Peptides with IC50 values >10,000 were considered “extreme”non-binders.
【参考文献】Yanover C, Bradley P. Large-scalecharacterization of peptide-MHCbinding landscapes with structural simulations.Proceedings of the NationalAcademy of Sciences, 2011.
The type of data generated, however, is the same: each peptidegets assigned an affinity to a given MHC allele in terms of IC50/EC50 nM (forbrevity, we will refer to EC50 as IC50 in the following).Peptides with anaffinity worse than the experimental sensitivity threshold areassigned an upperlimit of detectable IC50(Sette: >50,000 nM or higher; Buus: >20,000 nM).If affinities for the same peptide tothe same MHC molecule were recorded inmultiple assays, the geometric mean ofthe IC50 values was taken as theconsensus value in the final dataset.
【参考文献】Peters B, Bui H H, Frankild S, et al. A community resourcebenchmarking predictions of peptide binding to MHC-I molecules. PLoS ComputBiol, 2006