Hi, long time no see, Jiangsu.

Today I found my past posts here while I hang on internet, so I took a faster looking here.  I've seen those sketchs and those English posts,  I think that my english skills have not improve more even now.  I have been learning in a online school for aproprated one year and three months.  However actually I don't think the higher payment mean the higher quality of the education.  To be honest,  just before my courses of the very cram school,  I had jointed another language learning school name Akaso. (is the name right? I'm not sure about it.) and this cram school is bargaining and effectively than the school which I am learning at.  The reason why I said the previous school is bargaining just because not only the price but also the methods of their teaching.  For the school Akaso is one to one teaching approach,  students can talk with his/her teacher according his own level or skills,  the talking speed student could control by himself,  needn't too much anxious and concerned around their level,  also they can talk almost half hour with teacher although the class should be finished in 25 minutes,  in reality,  rarely teacher would like to stop the class in real half hour.  In fact,  even half hour of the learning time is more than the time of the other schools which I stay now gives u the chance to talk in class.  As the little class could have 6students,  and the most time are more than 4student attending the lesson in one class.  And the detailed level in the same class isn't very average,  some of them speak very stammber and slowly, but the people who familiar on the talking in English have to tolerance the slower speed of the class.  And the other worse point is when other learner answer their questions you naturally to prepare your own anwser,  so lots times they don't really understand where their physical english level at. Certainly the very school claimed most of their teachers are native speakers,  but actually not exactly.  As my experience,  those real native speakers are only occurs about 30%,  lots of the occidental teacher are South African.  Certainly I don't mean South African teacher are not good,  actually their english level are enough to teach you.  but at least they are not native speakers and their english level might not be compare with native speaker.  I suppose that the level of  Akaso cram school's teacher also not too much bad,  also their pronounce or accent are not worse than the cram school that I have been staying now. All of them are second language learner,  so they hardly refer to those native speakers.  And in my opinion,  the accents isn't so that important for initiate learners,  they has tons of time to alert their pronunciation.  Additional to imagine that if you hear a alien speak in a little weird accents,  do you like to laught at them?  Never,  the answer must be like this.  And also your first mainly take is to overcome the difficulty of the English language I.e. to express your meaning well to others not to speak a pretty fluent english like a native.  This is my rap up of the learning for so many years. Ok,  I can to translate my article by dictionary,  for the reason of my cell phone,  perhaps because of it lacking of storage. I'm? not sure.

你可能感兴趣的:(Hi, long time no see, Jiangsu.)