Libvirt Event Loop简介


  • 前言
  • 实现原理
    • 处理框架
    • 编程接口
  • 原理验证
    • 事件订阅
    • 服务监听
    • 验证流程


  • Event Loop顾名思义就是事件循环,整个程序是一个大的循环,通过事件来驱动程序要做的事情。传统编程模型是顺序的,程序运行一次然后终止,这种模型简单,常用于实现一个特定功能。但这种模型不适合交互式的程序,比如图形用户程序,用户大多数时候可能不会有输入,一旦有了输入,程序需要根据其类型执行特定的代码以实现特定功能。
  • 事件触发的程序有一个普遍特点,就是会长时间运行并等待用于输入,守护进程或者服务都可以判定为这类程序。Libvirt虽然没有图形接口也不等待用户的直接输入,但它作为服务会长时间监听各种socket的连接,因此也使用这种编程模型。



Libvirt Event Loop简介_第1张图片

  • 上图是GLib提供的事件循环状态机,可以看到事件循环最核心的动作就是poll fd(Polling)然后执行回调函数(Dispatching),poll通常使用内核提供的poll接口实现,除此以外,GLib还定义了两个阶段,初始化阶段(Initial)和准备阶段(Prepared),对于各阶段GLib实现了对应hooks方便用户实现自己的逻辑。
  • 对更高级的编程用户来说,可以只关心事件循环监听的什么事件、事件触发后执行的什么,Libvirt提供的事件循环接口较GLib更接近用户使用场景,分别是添加回调、更新回调和删除回调。


  • Libvirt的开发包(libvirt-devel)以及共享库(为用户提供编程API,其中libvirt-event.h头文件提供了事件循环的编程接口,因此不仅Libvirt服务本身可以使用事件循环接口,用户程序也可以使用该接口实现自己的功能。头文件如下:

     * libvirt-event.h
     * Summary: APIs for management of events
     * Description: Provides APIs for the management of events
     * Copyright (C) 2006-2014 Red Hat, Inc.
     * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
     * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
     * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
     * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
     * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
     * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
     * Lesser General Public License for more details.
     * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
     * License along with this library.  If not, see
     * .
    #ifndef LIBVIRT_EVENT_H
    # define LIBVIRT_EVENT_H
    # ifndef __VIR_LIBVIRT_H_INCLUDES__
    #  error "Don't include this file directly, only use libvirt/libvirt.h"
    # endif
     * virEventHandleType:
     * a virEventHandleType is used similar to POLLxxx FD events, but is specific
     * to libvirt. A client app must translate to, and from POLL events when using
     * this construct.
     * 事件循环所监听fd的所有状态
    typedef enum {
        VIR_EVENT_HANDLE_READABLE  = (1 << 0),
        VIR_EVENT_HANDLE_WRITABLE  = (1 << 1),
        VIR_EVENT_HANDLE_ERROR     = (1 << 2),
        VIR_EVENT_HANDLE_HANGUP    = (1 << 3),
    } virEventHandleType;
     * virEventHandleCallback:
     * @watch: watch on which the event occurred
     * @fd: file handle on which the event occurred
     * @events: bitset of events from virEventHandleType constants
     * @opaque: user data registered with handle
     * Callback for receiving file handle events. The callback will
     * be invoked once for each event which is pending.
     * 当事件循环监听的fd中有用户感兴趣的状态后所调用的用户定义的回调
     * 比如用户是一个监听tcp socket的服务程序,对所监听socket fd
     * VIR_EVENT_HANDLE_READABLE事件感兴趣,则需要实现这样一个类
     * 型的回调函数
    typedef void (*virEventHandleCallback)(int watch, int fd, int events, void *opaque);
     * Libvirt默认使用GLib提供的事件循环接口实现事件循环,但用户也可以定制事件循环中的
     * 每个动作(包括增、删、更新事件回调和增、删、更新timer超时回调六种)。用户如果实现
     * 此六种事件循环框架要求的方法,即可使用自己定制的事件循环,但方法的签名必须按照如
     * 下定义来实现
     * virEventAddHandleFunc:
     * @fd: file descriptor to listen on
     * @event: bitset of events on which to fire the callback
     * @cb: the callback to be called when an event occurs
     * @opaque: user data to pass to the callback
     * @ff: the callback invoked to free opaque data blob
     * Part of the EventImpl, this callback adds a file handle callback to
     * listen for specific events. The same file handle can be registered
     * multiple times provided the requested event sets are non-overlapping
     * @fd will always be a C runtime file descriptor. On Windows
     * the _get_osfhandle() method can be used if a HANDLE is required
     * instead.
     * If the opaque user data requires free'ing when the handle
     * is unregistered, then a 2nd callback can be supplied for
     * this purpose. This callback needs to be invoked from a clean stack.
     * If 'ff' callbacks are invoked directly from the virEventRemoveHandleFunc
     * they will likely deadlock in libvirt.
     * Returns -1 if the file handle cannot be registered, otherwise a handle
     * watch number to be used for updating and unregistering for events
     * 事件循环添加回调函数的方法签名
    typedef int (*virEventAddHandleFunc)(int fd, int event,
                                         virEventHandleCallback cb,
                                         void *opaque,
                                         virFreeCallback ff);
     * virEventUpdateHandleFunc:
     * @watch: file descriptor watch to modify
     * @event: new events to listen on
     * Part of the EventImpl, this user-provided callback is notified when
     * events to listen on change
     * 事件循环更新回调函数的方法签名
    typedef void (*virEventUpdateHandleFunc)(int watch, int event);
     * virEventRemoveHandleFunc:
     * @watch: file descriptor watch to stop listening on
     * Part of the EventImpl, this user-provided callback is notified when
     * an fd is no longer being listened on.
     * If a virEventHandleFreeFunc was supplied when the handle was
     * registered, it will be invoked some time during, or after this
     * function call, when it is safe to release the user data.
     * Returns -1 if the file handle was not registered, 0 upon success
     * 事件循环删除回调函数的方法签名
    typedef int (*virEventRemoveHandleFunc)(int watch);
     * virEventTimeoutCallback:
     * @timer: timer id emitting the event
     * @opaque: user data registered with handle
     * callback for receiving timer events
    typedef void (*virEventTimeoutCallback)(int timer, void *opaque);
     * virEventAddTimeoutFunc:
     * @timeout: The timeout to monitor
     * @cb: the callback to call when timeout has expired
     * @opaque: user data to pass to the callback
     * @ff: the callback invoked to free opaque data blob
     * Part of the EventImpl, this user-defined callback handles adding an
     * event timeout.
     * If the opaque user data requires free'ing when the handle
     * is unregistered, then a 2nd callback can be supplied for
     * this purpose.
     * Returns a timer value
    typedef int (*virEventAddTimeoutFunc)(int timeout,
                                          virEventTimeoutCallback cb,
                                          void *opaque,
                                          virFreeCallback ff);
     * virEventUpdateTimeoutFunc:
     * @timer: the timer to modify
     * @timeout: the new timeout value
     * Part of the EventImpl, this user-defined callback updates an
     * event timeout.
    typedef void (*virEventUpdateTimeoutFunc)(int timer, int timeout);
     * virEventRemoveTimeoutFunc:
     * @timer: the timer to remove
     * Part of the EventImpl, this user-defined callback removes a timer
     * If a virEventTimeoutFreeFunc was supplied when the handle was
     * registered, it will be invoked some time during, or after this
     * function call, when it is safe to release the user data.
     * Returns 0 on success, -1 on failure
    typedef int (*virEventRemoveTimeoutFunc)(int timer);
     * 如上介绍,如果用户定制了事件循环的实现方法,通过下面函数注册事件循环
     * 的方案,之后Libvirt在启动事件循环时默认使用
    void virEventRegisterImpl(virEventAddHandleFunc addHandle,
                              virEventUpdateHandleFunc updateHandle,
                              virEventRemoveHandleFunc removeHandle,
                              virEventAddTimeoutFunc addTimeout,
                              virEventUpdateTimeoutFunc updateTimeout,
                              virEventRemoveTimeoutFunc removeTimeout);
     * 通常情况下,为快速集成Libvirt的事件循环到用户程序,会选择用Libvirt默认方法
     * 来实现事件循环,因此Libvirt提供下面这个接口让用户将默认方法注册,早期libvirt
     * 使用poll实现,默认方法分别是:
     * virEventPollAddHandle
     * virEventPollUpdateHandle
     * virEventPollRemoveHandle
     * virEventPollAddTimeout
     * virEventPollUpdateTimeout
     * virEventPollRemoveTimeout
     * 新版本libvirt使用Glib提供的事件循环,默认方法分别是:
     * virEventGLibHandleAdd
     * virEventGLibHandleUpdate
     * virEventGLibHandleRemove
     * virEventGLibTimeoutAdd
     * virEventGLibTimeoutUpdate
     * virEventGLibTimeoutRemove
    int virEventRegisterDefaultImpl(void);
     * 使用Libvirt默认事件框架,需要调用如下接口启动事件循环
    int virEventRunDefaultImpl(void);
     * 向事件循环添加回调函数,该函数返回一个名为watch的整数,作为对更新删除
     * 回调函数的句柄,它实际上是一个索引,libvirt使用这个索引在所有注册
     * 的回调函数形成的数组中找到对应的回调函数
    int virEventAddHandle(int fd, int events,
                          virEventHandleCallback cb,
                          void *opaque,
                          virFreeCallback ff);
    /* 更新已添加的回调函数感兴趣的事件 */
    void virEventUpdateHandle(int watch, int events);
    /* 删除已添加的回调函数 */
    int virEventRemoveHandle(int watch);
    /* 添加一个超时回调函数 
     * 当frequency参数的值为-1时表示仅仅注册,不会触发回调
     * 当frequency参数的值为0时表示每次event loop触发回调
     * 当frequency参数的值大于0时按照该频率触发回调
    int virEventAddTimeout(int frequency,
                           virEventTimeoutCallback cb,
                           void *opaque,
                           virFreeCallback ff);
    void virEventUpdateTimeout(int timer, int frequency);
    int virEventRemoveTimeout(int timer);
    #endif /* LIBVIRT_EVENT_H */


  • 我们通过集成Libvirt event loop实现一个demo,它的主要功能是订阅主机上虚机的生命周期事件并打印,同时还作为一个rpc server,监听一个本地端口响应客户段的rpc request。demo框架如下所示:
    Libvirt Event Loop简介_第2张图片
  • 对于订阅事件,我们可以利用Libvirt现成的API实现,对于rpc server,这是我们新增功能,要求将监听端口的socket fd加入到event loop,并注册rpc server的连接回调以及请求回调。demo代码参考gvm event monitor。


  • 当用户程序对libvirt管理的虚机的某个事件感兴趣,可以订阅该事件,并注册该事件发生后的回调。订阅和取消虚机事件的API在libvirt-domain.h头文件中定义,如下:
/* Use VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_CALLBACK() to cast the 'cb' parameter  */
int virConnectDomainEventRegisterAny(virConnectPtr conn,
									 /* 感兴趣的虚机,可选 */
                                     virDomainPtr dom, /* Optional, to filter */
                                     /* 感兴趣的事件 */
                                     int eventID,
                                     /* 事件发生后触发的回调 */
                                     virConnectDomainEventGenericCallback cb,
                                     void *opaque,
                                     virFreeCallback freecb);

int virConnectDomainEventDeregisterAny(virConnectPtr conn,
                                       int callbackID);
  • 事件订阅核心逻辑如下:
/* 实现生命周期事件回调逻辑,简单将事件打印出来 */
static int
gemDomainEventLifeCycleCallback(virConnectPtr conn,
                                virDomainPtr dom,
                                int event,
                                int detail,
                                void *opaque)
    fprintf(stderr, "%s EVENT: Domain %s(%d) %s %s\n", __func__, virDomainGetName(dom),
           virDomainGetID(dom), gemEventToString(event),
           gemEventDetailToString(event, detail));

    return 0;

struct domainEventData domainEvents[] = {

main(int argc, char **argv)
    virConnectPtr dconn = NULL;
    /* 注册Libvirt默认方法实现demo程序的事件循环 */
	/* 连接libivrtd */
    dconn = virConnectOpenAuth(argc > 1 ? argv[1] : NULL,
	/* 订阅事件 */
    /* register common domain callbacks */
    for (i = 0; i < G_N_ELEMENTS(domainEvents); i++) {
        struct domainEventData *event = domainEvents + i;

        event->id = virConnectDomainEventRegisterAny(dconn, NULL,
    /* 设置超时 */
    virConnectSetKeepAlive(dconn, 5, 3);
    /* 启动事件循环 */
    while (run) {
        if (virEventRunDefaultImpl() < 0) {
            fprintf(stderr, "Failed to run event loop: %s\n",
  • 事件订阅的核心实现是向event loop注册一个timer的回调函数virObjectEventTimer,在virConnectDomainEventRegisterAny函数逻辑中实现,但初始化该回调函数时frequency的输入为-1,表示不触发回调,直到有事件发生时才更新frequency为0。
  • demo中注册了两个timer回调:
  • 注册了一个server侧有IO事件的回调函数virNetSocketEventHandle,该回调函数会级连触发virNetClientIncomingEvent,该函数会处理server发来的消息,识别是否有event的通知消息(VIR_NET_MESSAGE)到达,如果有会则更新virObjectEventTimer的频率为0,下一次事件循环时则会触发订阅事件的用户注册的回调。
  • 初始化timer回调如下:
  • 事件发生时更新timer频率如下:
    Libvirt Event Loop简介_第3张图片
  • 我们可以看到,订阅libvirt事件demo和libvirt服务本身并不相关,当Libvirt服务事件发生时,是通过发送通知到客户端,客户端在自己的event loop中触发事件回调。


  • 事件订阅利用libvirt提供的API实现了事件循环,并在感兴趣的事件上注册了回调。服务监听更进一步,利用libvirt提供的接口实现对网络端口的监听并提供相应的RPC服务,实现用户定制的功能。RPC服务的注册逻辑如下:
static void
gemRpcServerRegister(jrpc_server_ptr server, int port)
	/* 初始化rpc server,创建一个tcp socket监听端口 */
    jrpc_server_init(server, port);
    /* 注册helloworld方法 */
    jrpc_register_procedure(server, helloWorld,
                            "helloworld", NULL);

int jrpc_server_init(jrpc_server_ptr server, int port_number) {
    int sockfd;
    struct addrinfo hints, *servinfo, *p;
    struct sockaddr_in sockaddr;
    unsigned int len;
    int yes = 1;
    int rv;
    char PORT[6];

    memset(server, 0, sizeof(jrpc_server));
    server->port_number = port_number;

    sprintf(PORT, "%d", server->port_number);
    memset(&hints, 0, sizeof hints);
    hints.ai_family = AF_UNSPEC;
    hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM;
    hints.ai_flags = AI_PASSIVE; // use my IP

    if ((rv = getaddrinfo(NULL, PORT, &hints, &servinfo)) != 0) {
        fprintf(stderr, "getaddrinfo: %s\n", gai_strerror(rv));
        return 1;
	// loop through all the results and bind to the first we can
    for (p = servinfo; p != NULL; p = p->ai_next) {
    	/* 创建 tcp socket */
        if ((sockfd = socket(p->ai_family, p->ai_socktype, p->ai_protocol))
                == -1) {
            perror("server: socket");

        if (setsockopt(sockfd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, &yes, sizeof(int))
                == -1) {
		/* 绑定对应端口 */
        if (bind(sockfd, p->ai_addr, p->ai_addrlen) == -1) {
            perror("server: bind");

        len = sizeof(sockaddr);
        if (getsockname(sockfd, (struct sockaddr *) &sockaddr, &len) == -1) {
            perror("server: getsockname");
        server->port_number = ntohs( sockaddr.sin_port );


    freeaddrinfo(servinfo); // all done with this structure
	/* 监听对应端口 */
    if (listen(sockfd, 5) == -1) {
    if (server->debug_level)
        printf("server: waiting for connections...\n");

    server->fd = sockfd;
	/* 将tcp socket fd和对应的回调实现注册到事件循环中,一旦fd上有读事件到达,event loop触发accept_cb回调 */
    if ((server->watch = virEventAddHandle(server->fd,
                         NULL)) < 0) {
        fprintf(stderr, "failed to register accept connection callback\n");
        return 3;
    return 0;
/* RPC 客户端连接到达的回调函数 */
static void accept_cb(int watch, int fd, int events, void *opaque) {
    jrpc_server_ptr rpc_server = opaque;
    char s[INET6_ADDRSTRLEN];
    jrpc_connection_ptr connection; 
    connection = malloc(sizeof(jrpc_connection));
    struct sockaddr_storage their_addr; // connector's address information
    socklen_t sin_size;
    sin_size = sizeof their_addr;
    /* 接受连接,得到RPC客户端的fd */
    connection->fd = accept(fd, (struct sockaddr *) &their_addr,
    if (connection->fd == -1) {
    } else { 
        if (rpc_server->debug_level) {
                    get_in_addr((struct sockaddr *) &their_addr), s, sizeof s);
            printf("server: got connection from %s\n", s);
        //copy pointer to struct jrpc_server
        connection->buffer_size = 1500;
        connection->buffer = malloc(1500);
        memset(connection->buffer, 0, 1500);
        connection->pos = 0;
        //copy debug_level, struct jrpc_connection has no pointer to struct jrpc_server
        connection->debug_level = rpc_server->debug_level;
        connection->server = rpc_server;
        /* 注册RPC客户端消息到达的回调,该回调处理客户端发来的RPC请求 */
        if ((connection->watch = virEventAddHandle(connection->fd,
                                                   NULL)) < 0) {
            perror("failed to register rpc request callback");


  1. 编译gvm-event-monitor服务
./ -a
  1. 拷贝二进制程序gvm-event-monitor和服务并启动
cp build/gvm-event-monitor /usr/bin/
cp gvm-event-monitor.service /usr/lib/systemd/system/
systemctl start gvm-event-monitor.service
  1. 验证生命周期事件订阅
  • 在服务所在节点启动一个虚机,服务输出如下:
    Libvirt Event Loop简介_第4张图片
  1. 发起helloworld RPC调用
    Libvirt Event Loop简介_第5张图片
