

SparkContext 初始化时,创建并启动了 TaskScheduler;
TaskScheduler 启动时注册 Application 到 Master;
Master 上启动 Application 时会调用 startExecutorsOnWorkers 方法启动 Executors;
这里分析 Executors 的启动过程。

1 在Workers上规划Executors

  • 进入org.apache.spark.deploy.master.Master.scala
   * Schedule and launch executors on workers
  private def startExecutorsOnWorkers(): Unit = {
    // Right now this is a very simple FIFO scheduler. We keep trying to fit in the first app
    // in the queue, then the second app, etc.
    for (app <- waitingApps) {
      val coresPerExecutor = app.desc.coresPerExecutor.getOrElse(1)
      // If the cores left is less than the coresPerExecutor,the cores left will not be allocated
      if (app.coresLeft >= coresPerExecutor) {
        // Filter out workers that don't have enough resources to launch an executor
        val usableWorkers = workers.toArray.filter(_.state == WorkerState.ALIVE)
          .filter(worker => worker.memoryFree >= app.desc.memoryPerExecutorMB &&
            worker.coresFree >= coresPerExecutor)
        val assignedCores = scheduleExecutorsOnWorkers(app, usableWorkers, spreadOutApps)

        // Now that we've decided how many cores to allocate on each worker, let's allocate them
        for (pos <- 0 until usableWorkers.length if assignedCores(pos) > 0) {
            app, assignedCores(pos), app.desc.coresPerExecutor, usableWorkers(pos))
  1. 遍历 Master.waitingApps,取出正在等待的 app;
  2. 判断 app.coresLeft 是否大于等于 coresPerExecutor,如果小就意味着app剩余需要的核数比一个Executor上的核数小了,就没必要再启一个Executor了,否则造成浪费;
  3. 找出所有workers中状态为ALIVE,且 worker.memoryFree >= app.memoryPerExecutorMB,且 worker.coresFree >= app.coresPerExecutor 的 worker,再按照 worker.coresFree 倒排序得到 usableWorkers;
  4. 调用 scheduleExecutorsOnWorkers 方法在 usableWorkers 上分别规划 Executors;
  5. 遍历usableWorkers,找出规划了 Executors 的那些 Workers,调用 allocateWorkerResourceToExecutors 方法将 Workers 上的资源分配给 Executors。

1.1 scheduleExecutorsOnWorkers

  • 进入org.apache.spark.deploy.master.Master.scala
  private def scheduleExecutorsOnWorkers(
      app: ApplicationInfo,
      usableWorkers: Array[WorkerInfo],
      spreadOutApps: Boolean): Array[Int] = {
    val coresPerExecutor = app.desc.coresPerExecutor
    val minCoresPerExecutor = coresPerExecutor.getOrElse(1)
    val oneExecutorPerWorker = coresPerExecutor.isEmpty
    val memoryPerExecutor = app.desc.memoryPerExecutorMB
    val numUsable = usableWorkers.length
    val assignedCores = new Array[Int](numUsable) // Number of cores to give to each worker
    val assignedExecutors = new Array[Int](numUsable) // Number of new executors on each worker
    var coresToAssign = math.min(app.coresLeft,

    /** Return whether the specified worker can launch an executor for this app. */
    def canLaunchExecutor(pos: Int): Boolean = {
      val keepScheduling = coresToAssign >= minCoresPerExecutor
      val enoughCores = usableWorkers(pos).coresFree - assignedCores(pos) >= minCoresPerExecutor

      // If we allow multiple executors per worker, then we can always launch new executors.
      // Otherwise, if there is already an executor on this worker, just give it more cores.
      val launchingNewExecutor = !oneExecutorPerWorker || assignedExecutors(pos) == 0
      if (launchingNewExecutor) {
        val assignedMemory = assignedExecutors(pos) * memoryPerExecutor
        val enoughMemory = usableWorkers(pos).memoryFree - assignedMemory >= memoryPerExecutor
        val underLimit = assignedExecutors.sum + app.executors.size < app.executorLimit
        keepScheduling && enoughCores && enoughMemory && underLimit
      } else {
        // We're adding cores to an existing executor, so no need
        // to check memory and executor limits
        keepScheduling && enoughCores

    // Keep launching executors until no more workers can accommodate any
    // more executors, or if we have reached this application's limits
    var freeWorkers = (0 until numUsable).filter(canLaunchExecutor)
    while (freeWorkers.nonEmpty) {
      freeWorkers.foreach { pos =>
        var keepScheduling = true
        while (keepScheduling && canLaunchExecutor(pos)) {
          coresToAssign -= minCoresPerExecutor
          assignedCores(pos) += minCoresPerExecutor

          // If we are launching one executor per worker, then every iteration assigns 1 core
          // to the executor. Otherwise, every iteration assigns cores to a new executor.
          if (oneExecutorPerWorker) {
            assignedExecutors(pos) = 1
          } else {
            assignedExecutors(pos) += 1

          // Spreading out an application means spreading out its executors across as
          // many workers as possible. If we are not spreading out, then we should keep
          // scheduling executors on this worker until we use all of its resources.
          // Otherwise, just move on to the next worker.
          if (spreadOutApps) {
            keepScheduling = false
      freeWorkers = freeWorkers.filter(canLaunchExecutor)

  1. 遍历所有可用 workers,位置记为 pos;
  2. 如果 keepScheduling=true 且 canLaunchExecutor(pos)=true,就更新待分配核数和已分配核数;
  3. 如果配置了一个Worker上启一个Executor,则 assignedExecutors(pos) = 1,否则 assignedExecutors(pos) += 1;
  4. 判断配置项 spreadOutApps,如果为 ture,意味着 app 想将 Executors 规划到尽可能多的Workers上执行,则设置 keepScheduling = false,即跳到下一个 Worker 上开始规划 Executor;
  5. 循环迭代最终得到一个 Array[assignedCore],该数组与 Array[usableWorkerInfo] 对应。

1.2 allocateWorkerResourceToExecutors

该方法是为一个 Worker 上规划的所有 Executors 分配资源,每个 Worker 都会调用一次该方法。

  • 进入org.apache.spark.deploy.master.Master.scala
   * Allocate a worker's resources to one or more executors.
   * @param app the info of the application which the executors belong to
   * @param assignedCores number of cores on this worker for this application
   * @param coresPerExecutor number of cores per executor
   * @param worker the worker info
  private def allocateWorkerResourceToExecutors(
      app: ApplicationInfo,
      assignedCores: Int,
      coresPerExecutor: Option[Int],
      worker: WorkerInfo): Unit = {
    // If the number of cores per executor is specified, we divide the cores assigned
    // to this worker evenly among the executors with no remainder.
    // Otherwise, we launch a single executor that grabs all the assignedCores on this worker.
    val numExecutors = { assignedCores / _ }.getOrElse(1)
    val coresToAssign = coresPerExecutor.getOrElse(assignedCores)
    for (i <- 1 to numExecutors) {
      val exec = app.addExecutor(worker, coresToAssign)
      launchExecutor(worker, exec)
      app.state = ApplicationState.RUNNING
  1. assignedCores / coresPerExecutor 计算出该 Worker 上要分配的 Executors 数;
  2. 循环调用(Executors数)次 app.addExecutor 方法依次将该 Worker 上的所有 ExecutorDesc 加入到 app 上;
  3. 循环调用(Executors数)次 launchExecutor 方法依次启动该 Worker 上的所有 Executor。
  • 进入org.apache.spark.deploy.master.Master.scala
  private def launchExecutor(worker: WorkerInfo, exec: ExecutorDesc): Unit = {
    logInfo("Launching executor " + exec.fullId + " on worker " +
    worker.endpoint.send(LaunchExecutor(masterUrl,,, exec.application.desc, exec.cores, exec.memory))
      ExecutorAdded(,, worker.hostPort, exec.cores, exec.memory))
  1. 利用 WorkerRpcEndpointRef 发送消息 LaunchExecutor 给 Worker,用于在 Worker 上启动 Executor;
  2. 利用 DriverRpcEndpointRef 发送消息 ExecutorAdded 给 Driver,告诉 Driver Executor已经规划完毕。

2 启动Executor

  • 进入org.apache.spark.deploy.worker.Worker.scala
  override def receive: PartialFunction[Any, Unit] = synchronized {

    case LaunchExecutor(masterUrl, appId, execId, appDesc, cores_, memory_) =>
      if (masterUrl != activeMasterUrl) {
        logWarning("Invalid Master (" + masterUrl + ") attempted to launch executor.")
      } else {
        try {
          logInfo("Asked to launch executor %s/%d for %s".format(appId, execId,

          // Create the executor's working directory
          val executorDir = new File(workDir, appId + "/" + execId)
          if (!executorDir.mkdirs()) {
            throw new IOException("Failed to create directory " + executorDir)

          // Create local dirs for the executor. These are passed to the executor via the
          // SPARK_EXECUTOR_DIRS environment variable, and deleted by the Worker when the
          // application finishes.
          val appLocalDirs = appDirectories.getOrElse(appId, {
            val localRootDirs = Utils.getOrCreateLocalRootDirs(conf)
            val dirs = localRootDirs.flatMap { dir =>
              try {
                val appDir = Utils.createDirectory(dir, namePrefix = "executor")
              } catch {
                case e: IOException =>
                  logWarning(s"${e.getMessage}. Ignoring this directory.")
            if (dirs.isEmpty) {
              throw new IOException("No subfolder can be created in " +
          appDirectories(appId) = appLocalDirs
          val manager = new ExecutorRunner(
            appDesc.copy(command = Worker.maybeUpdateSSLSettings(appDesc.command, conf)),
            appLocalDirs, ExecutorState.RUNNING)
          executors(appId + "/" + execId) = manager
          coresUsed += cores_
          memoryUsed += memory_
          sendToMaster(ExecutorStateChanged(appId, execId, manager.state, None, None))
        } catch {
          case e: Exception =>
            logError(s"Failed to launch executor $appId/$execId for ${}.", e)
            if (executors.contains(appId + "/" + execId)) {
              executors(appId + "/" + execId).kill()
              executors -= appId + "/" + execId
            sendToMaster(ExecutorStateChanged(appId, execId, ExecutorState.FAILED,
              Some(e.toString), None))

  1. 创建 Executor 工作目录;
  2. 创建并启动 ExecutorRunner;
  3. 更新 Worker 的 coresUsed 和 memoryUsed;
  4. 发消息告诉 Master ExecutorStateChanged。
  • 进入org.apache.spark.deploy.worker.ExecutorRunner.scala
  private[worker] def start() {
    workerThread = new Thread("ExecutorRunner for " + fullId) {
      override def run() { fetchAndRunExecutor() }
    // Shutdown hook that kills actors on shutdown.
    shutdownHook = ShutdownHookManager.addShutdownHook { () =>
      // It's possible that we arrive here before calling `fetchAndRunExecutor`, then `state` will
      // be `ExecutorState.RUNNING`. In this case, we should set `state` to `FAILED`.
      if (state == ExecutorState.RUNNING) {
        state = ExecutorState.FAILED
      killProcess(Some("Worker shutting down")) }

启新线程,调用 fetchAndRunExecutor 方法。

  private def fetchAndRunExecutor() {
    try {
      // Launch the process
      val subsOpts = {
        Utils.substituteAppNExecIds(_, appId, execId.toString)
      val subsCommand = appDesc.command.copy(javaOpts = subsOpts)
      val builder = CommandUtils.buildProcessBuilder(subsCommand, new SecurityManager(conf),
        memory, sparkHome.getAbsolutePath, substituteVariables)
      val command = builder.command()
      val formattedCommand = command.asScala.mkString("\"", "\" \"", "\"")
      logInfo(s"Launch command: $formattedCommand")
      builder.environment.put("SPARK_EXECUTOR_DIRS", appLocalDirs.mkString(File.pathSeparator))
      // In case we are running this from within the Spark Shell, avoid creating a "scala"
      // parent process for the executor command
      builder.environment.put("SPARK_LAUNCH_WITH_SCALA", "0")

      // Add webUI log urls
      val baseUrl =
        if (conf.getBoolean("spark.ui.reverseProxy", false)) {
        } else {
      builder.environment.put("SPARK_LOG_URL_STDERR", s"${baseUrl}stderr")
      builder.environment.put("SPARK_LOG_URL_STDOUT", s"${baseUrl}stdout")

      process = builder.start()
      val header = "Spark Executor Command: %s\n%s\n\n".format(
        formattedCommand, "=" * 40)

      // Redirect its stdout and stderr to files
      val stdout = new File(executorDir, "stdout")
      stdoutAppender = FileAppender(process.getInputStream, stdout, conf)

      val stderr = new File(executorDir, "stderr")
      Files.write(header, stderr, StandardCharsets.UTF_8)
      stderrAppender = FileAppender(process.getErrorStream, stderr, conf)

      // Wait for it to exit; executor may exit with code 0 (when driver instructs it to shutdown)
      // or with nonzero exit code
      val exitCode = process.waitFor()
      state = ExecutorState.EXITED
      val message = "Command exited with code " + exitCode
      worker.send(ExecutorStateChanged(appId, execId, state, Some(message), Some(exitCode)))
    } catch {
      case interrupted: InterruptedException =>
        logInfo("Runner thread for executor " + fullId + " interrupted")
        state = ExecutorState.KILLED
      case e: Exception =>
        logError("Error running executor", e)
        state = ExecutorState.FAILED

在上面启动 SchedulerBackend 时,会创建Command("org.apache.spark.executor.CoarseGrainedExecutorBackend", ......),并将 Command 放到 ApplicationDescription 中。

这里从 ApplicationDescription 取出 Command 执行。

3 启动CoarseGrainedExecutorBackend

  • 进入org.apache.spark.executor.CoarseGrainedExecutorBackend.scala
  def main(args: Array[String]) {
    var driverUrl: String = null
    var executorId: String = null
    var hostname: String = null
    var cores: Int = 0
    var appId: String = null
    var workerUrl: Option[String] = None
    val userClassPath = new mutable.ListBuffer[URL]()

    var argv = args.toList
    while (!argv.isEmpty) {
      argv match {
        case ("--driver-url") :: value :: tail =>
          driverUrl = value
          argv = tail
        case ("--executor-id") :: value :: tail =>
          executorId = value
          argv = tail
        case ("--hostname") :: value :: tail =>
          hostname = value
          argv = tail
        case ("--cores") :: value :: tail =>
          cores = value.toInt
          argv = tail
        case ("--app-id") :: value :: tail =>
          appId = value
          argv = tail
        case ("--worker-url") :: value :: tail =>
          // Worker url is used in spark standalone mode to enforce fate-sharing with worker
          workerUrl = Some(value)
          argv = tail
        case ("--user-class-path") :: value :: tail =>
          userClassPath += new URL(value)
          argv = tail
        case Nil =>
        case tail =>
          // scalastyle:off println
          System.err.println(s"Unrecognized options: ${tail.mkString(" ")}")
          // scalastyle:on println

    if (driverUrl == null || executorId == null || hostname == null || cores <= 0 ||
      appId == null) {

    run(driverUrl, executorId, hostname, cores, appId, workerUrl, userClassPath)

CoarseGrainedExecutorBackend 调用 run 方法。

  • 进入org.apache.spark.executor.CoarseGrainedExecutorBackend.scala
  private def run(
      driverUrl: String,
      executorId: String,
      hostname: String,
      cores: Int,
      appId: String,
      workerUrl: Option[String],
      userClassPath: Seq[URL]) {


    SparkHadoopUtil.get.runAsSparkUser { () =>
      // Debug code

      // Bootstrap to fetch the driver's Spark properties.
      val executorConf = new SparkConf
      val fetcher = RpcEnv.create(
        new SecurityManager(executorConf),
        clientMode = true)
      val driver = fetcher.setupEndpointRefByURI(driverUrl)
      val cfg = driver.askSync[SparkAppConfig](RetrieveSparkAppConfig)
      val props = cfg.sparkProperties ++ Seq[(String, String)](("", appId))

      // Create SparkEnv using properties we fetched from the driver.
      val driverConf = new SparkConf()
      for ((key, value) <- props) {
        // this is required for SSL in standalone mode
        if (SparkConf.isExecutorStartupConf(key)) {
          driverConf.setIfMissing(key, value)
        } else {
          driverConf.set(key, value)

      cfg.hadoopDelegationCreds.foreach { tokens =>
        SparkHadoopUtil.get.addDelegationTokens(tokens, driverConf)

      val env = SparkEnv.createExecutorEnv(
        driverConf, executorId, hostname, cores, cfg.ioEncryptionKey, isLocal = false)

      env.rpcEnv.setupEndpoint("Executor", new CoarseGrainedExecutorBackend(
        env.rpcEnv, driverUrl, executorId, hostname, cores, userClassPath, env))
      workerUrl.foreach { url =>
        env.rpcEnv.setupEndpoint("WorkerWatcher", new WorkerWatcher(env.rpcEnv, url))
  1. 构建 RpcEnv 获取 DriverRpcEndpointRef,利用 DriverRpcEndpointRef 发送消息 RetrieveSparkAppConfig,即发送消息给 Driver,用于从 Driver 获取 SparkAppConfig;
  2. 调用 SparkEnv.createExecutorEnv 创建 Executor 端的 SparkEnv,类似于 Spark源码:初始化SparkContext 里创建 Driver 端的 SparkEnv,不再赘述;
  3. 创建 CoarseGrainedExecutorBackend(RpcEndpoint) 以 "Executor" 为名注册到 SparkContext.SparkEnv.ExecutorRpcEnv上,此时会调用 CoarseGrainedExecutorBackend.onStart 方法;
  4. 遍历 workerUrl,分别创建 WorkerWatcher(RpcEndpoint) 以 "WorkerWatcher" 为名注册到 SparkContext.SparkEnv.ExecutorRpcEnv 上,用于监测 Worker。

3.1 CoarseGrainedExecutorBackend.onStart

  • 进入org.apache.spark.executor.CoarseGrainedExecutorBackend.scala
  override def onStart() {
    logInfo("Connecting to driver: " + driverUrl)
    rpcEnv.asyncSetupEndpointRefByURI(driverUrl).flatMap { ref =>
      // This is a very fast action so we can use "ThreadUtils.sameThread"
      driver = Some(ref)
      ref.ask[Boolean](RegisterExecutor(executorId, self, hostname, cores, extractLogUrls))
    }(ThreadUtils.sameThread).onComplete {
      // This is a very fast action so we can use "ThreadUtils.sameThread"
      case Success(msg) =>
        // Always receive `true`. Just ignore it
      case Failure(e) =>
        exitExecutor(1, s"Cannot register with driver: $driverUrl", e, notifyDriver = false)
  1. 根据 driverUrl 获取 DriverRpcEndpointRef;
  2. 发送消息 RegisterExecutor 给 Driver,即注册 Executor 到 Driver,其目的是为了告诉 Driver 规划启动了哪些 Executors 给 Application。

4 注册Executor到Driver

  • 进入 Driver 端org.apache.spark.scheduler.cluster.CoarseGrainedSchedulerBackend.DriverEndpoint.scala
    override def receiveAndReply(context: RpcCallContext): PartialFunction[Any, Unit] = {

      case RegisterExecutor(executorId, executorRef, hostname, cores, logUrls) =>
        if (executorDataMap.contains(executorId)) {
          executorRef.send(RegisterExecutorFailed("Duplicate executor ID: " + executorId))
        } else if (scheduler.nodeBlacklist.contains(hostname)) {
          // If the cluster manager gives us an executor on a blacklisted node (because it
          // already started allocating those resources before we informed it of our blacklist,
          // or if it ignored our blacklist), then we reject that executor immediately.
          logInfo(s"Rejecting $executorId as it has been blacklisted.")
          executorRef.send(RegisterExecutorFailed(s"Executor is blacklisted: $executorId"))
        } else {
          // If the executor's rpc env is not listening for incoming connections, `hostPort`
          // will be null, and the client connection should be used to contact the executor.
          val executorAddress = if (executorRef.address != null) {
            } else {
          logInfo(s"Registered executor $executorRef ($executorAddress) with ID $executorId")
          addressToExecutorId(executorAddress) = executorId
          val data = new ExecutorData(executorRef, executorAddress, hostname,
            cores, cores, logUrls)
          // This must be synchronized because variables mutated
          // in this block are read when requesting executors
          CoarseGrainedSchedulerBackend.this.synchronized {
            executorDataMap.put(executorId, data)
            if (currentExecutorIdCounter < executorId.toInt) {
              currentExecutorIdCounter = executorId.toInt
            if (numPendingExecutors > 0) {
              numPendingExecutors -= 1
              logDebug(s"Decremented number of pending executors ($numPendingExecutors left)")
          // Note: some tests expect the reply to come after we put the executor in the map

            SparkListenerExecutorAdded(System.currentTimeMillis(), executorId, data))
  1. 创建 ExecutorData;
  2. 将新创建的 ExecutorData 加入到 CoarseGrainedSchedulerBackend.executorDataMap 中,即将 ExecutorData 注册到 Driver 上,CoarseGrainedSchedulerBackend 运行在 Driver 上,是 TaskScheduler 的后台线程;
  3. 利用 executorEndpointRef 发送 RegisteredExecutor 消息,回响应给 CoarseGrainedExecutorBackend,告诉 Executor 它已经注册到 Driver 上了;
  4. 调用 makeOffers 方法为 TaskSet 分配 Executors(后面文章分析)。


  • 在启动 TaskScheduler 时,会启动 StandaloneSchedulerBackend,进而又启动 CoarseGrainedSchedulerBackend,其是 TaskScheduler 的后台管理线程,用于接收处理一些消息,运行在 Driver 端

  • 在启动 Executor 时,会启动 CoarseGrainedExecutorBackend,其是 Executor 的后台管理线程,用于接收处理一些消息,运行在 Executor 端

5 总结

  1. SparkContext 初始化时,创建并启动了 TaskScheduler,TaskScheduler 启动时注册 Application 到 Master,Master 上启动 Application 时会调用 startExecutorsOnWorkers 方法启动 Executors;
  2. 首先从 Master.waitingApps 中取出正在等待的 app(TaskScheduler 注册 Application 到 Master 时加入到 Master.waitingApps 中),找出那些可以为该 app 分配 Executors 的 Workers;
  3. 调用 scheduleExecutorsOnWorkers 方法为那些可以分配 Executors 的 Workers 规划 Executors;
  4. 为那些规划好 Executors 的 Workers,分别调用 allocateWorkerResourceToExecutors 方法将 Worker 上的资源分配给 Executors;
  5. 资源分配好后,开始启动 Executors;
  6. 启动 CoarseGrainedExecutorBackend
  7. 发送消息 RegisterExecutor 给 Driver,注册 Executor 到 Driver,封装 ExecutorData 加入到 CoarseGrainedSchedulerBackend.executorDataMap 中。
