
英文 中文
For over a century, I have lived in secret, 一个多世纪以来我都秘密地活着
Until now. 直到现在
I know the risk, and I have to know her. 我知道很冒险但我必须要认识她
Elena, she's a dead ringer for Katherine. 埃琳娜和凯瑟琳长的一模一样
Where is he? 他在哪
They have him. I can't get in. 在他们手上我进不去
Pearl says we're not here for revenge, right? 珍珠说我们的目的不是复仇不是吗
That's exactly what we're here for. 我说复仇正是我们的目的
Can you make it? 你撑得住吗
Take my wrist. You need more blood. 咬我的手腕你需要血
Stefan, he's dead. 斯特凡他已经死了
You were like this other person. 你当时就像变了个人
Everything's gonna be OK. 一切都会好起来的
They found Vicki Donovan. 他们找到薇姬·多诺万了
A storm unearthed the grave off county road. 暴雨冲开了掩土在公路边发现的
- She's dead?- Matt. -她死了-马特
Could you turn it up a little bit? 你敢把音量调得再高点吗
It's not annoying yet. 还不够烦人
Sorry. 对不起
When you goin' back to school? 你什么时候回学校
Soon. 快了
Oh, come on. Just drink already. 拜托来继续喝点血吧
Come on. 拜托
This self-detox is unnatural. 强行的自我控制是不健康的
Could you get that away from me, please? 把那东西拿开点拜托了
How long did it take you to wean yourself off of it 上次的放纵后
after you last indulged? 你花了多久才戒掉?
That's not good. 不容乐观啊
Be fine. It just takes a little bit of time. 会好的只是要花点时间
I don't get it. You know, 我就不明白了
You don't have to kill to survive. 你又不需要以杀人为生
That's what blood banks are for. 不是有血库嘛
I haven't hunted a human in... 我已经保持不杀人
Gahh... way too long. 好久了
Oh, I'm impressed. 真了不起
It was completely self-serving. 我是为了我自己
Trying to get the town off the trail of vampires, 好让镇上没有吸血鬼出没的迹象
which is not very easy, 真不容易呀
considering there's an entire tomb of them running around. 要知道墓里所有吸血鬼都跑出来了
What are we planning on doing about that? 我们该怎么办
We're not gonna be doing much of anything 要是你没有足够的力量
if you don't have your strength. 我们什么也做不成
There's nothing wrong with partaking 其实根本不算是做坏事啊
in a healty diet of human blood from a blood bank. 有节制地喝血库里的血完全可以接受
You're not actually killing anyone. 你又没有杀人
I have my reasons. 我有我的理由
Well, what are those holier-than-thou reasons? 什么假仁假义的理由呢
You know, we've never actually discussed that. 我们从来没有真正讨论过
You know, I-I'd love to hear this story. 我愿闻其详
You're really enjoying this, aren't you, 你真的很享受是吧
just watching me in a struggle? 看着我痛苦挣扎
Very much so. 非常享受
I hate to break it to you, Damon, 我不想破坏你的兴致达蒙
But...ahem...I actually have it under complete control. 但是我真的已经完全控制住了
You do? 是吗
Oh. Well, then you should just carry on 好吧那你就继续让
making the rest of us vampires look bad. 其他吸血鬼自惭形秽吧
Have a great day, Stef. 祝你今天愉快斯特
Oh. Hey, I almost forgot something. 哎呀差点忘了
Come on , Jeremy. Going to school. 快点杰里米要上学了
Walking out the door now. 快出门
You forgot this. 你忘了这个
Thank you. 谢谢
Elena. 埃琳娜
Uncle John. Hi. 约翰叔叔你好
- Jenna. - John. You made it. -珍娜-约翰你竟然到了
Said I'd be in by noon. 我说过会中午前到的
what you say and what you do are typically two very different things. 你一向是说一套做一套
Uncle John. What's up? 约翰叔叔过的好吗
I had some business in town. 我来镇上办些事
I thought a visit was in order. 所以我想最好还是来拜访一下
How long you staying? 你要待多久
I don't know yet. 还不知道
Hmm. OK. Well, I'm gonna go to school. I'll see you later. 好吧我要去上学了再见
What's up with Jeremy? 杰里米怎么了
He just lost a friend, 他一个朋友刚去世了
So try to be sensitive. 所以你要识相一点
I'm always sensitive. 我一向很识相的
Right. So really, how long are you staying? 好吧说真的你打算待多久
Can't you at least pretend that you're happy to see me? 你就不能假装一下见到我很高兴吗
Oh, my God, John. 我的天约翰
It is so good to see you. 见到你太高兴了
How have you been? 你过得好吗
No, I can't. 不行装不下去了
Did you really think 你以为我真的会
I was just gonna sign the escrow papers and send 'em back? 签好转让协议寄给你吗
Actually, I did. 事实上是的
I'm not gonna let you sell my brother's office. 我不会让你卖掉我哥哥的办公室的
It's not up to you or me. 这事由不得你我
It belongs to Jeremy and Elena. 那是杰里米和埃琳娜的财产
They're minors, so I get the final say, 他们还未成年所以我说了算
being that I'm the estate's trustee. 我是他们的遗产受托人
He said his trip is open-ended. 他说他不定什么时候离开
Uncle John. I never really liked that guy. 约翰叔叔我就没喜欢过他
Heh. Does anyone? 谁会喜欢他
I am here for moral support if you need me. 需要的话我精神上支持你
Thanks. I think I'll suffer this one alone. 谢谢我想我自己能搞定
You've been through enough. 你已经够煎熬了
Thank you, by the way, for just... for everything you did 谢谢你为薇姬的追悼会
At Vicki's funeral and her memorial. 和葬礼所做的一切
I couldn't have done it without you. 没有你我撑不下去
Of course, Matt. 是我该做的马特
So is Caroline still baking for you guys around the clock? 卡罗琳还在全天候照顾你们吗
She finally went to her dad's, which is a good thing 她终于到她爸家了那倒是件好事
because my mom was gonna strangle her 因为她要是再倒掉我妈做的千层面
if she dropped off more lasagna. 我妈就要掐死她了
What's your problem? 你怎么了
I just don't want any. 就是不想抽
All right. 那好
They say she ODed. 他们说她嗑药过量
That's what I don't get. She was doing OK. 所以我才不懂她当时状态很好
Apparently not. 明显不是
How'd she end up buried in the woods? 她怎么可能被埋在树林里
That's what I don't understand. 我真搞不懂
By whomever was with her when she ODed. 她嗑药而死时被身边的人埋了
Yeah, but you leave her there. 但通常就会将尸体丢在那儿
You don't take the time to bury her. 不会花时间认真掩埋的
Maybe she saw something and... 也许她看到了什么不该看到的然后
Hell, man, I don't know. 我也不清楚
The coroner's office has officially ruled 验尸处已经正式裁定
Vicki Donovan's death a drug overdose. 薇姬·多诺万的死是因为吸毒过量
Her family has been notified. 已经通知了她的家人
The truth will stay in this room, 只有这间房里的人知道真相
and we can put this behind us. 我们就让它过去吧
Thank you, sheriff. 谢谢你警长
And on to a more pressing issue. 还有一个更紧迫的问题
John Gilbert has asked to say a few words. 请约翰·吉尔伯特来说几句
Welcome back, John. It's good to see you. 约翰欢迎回来很高兴见到你
Thank you, mayor. 谢谢你镇长
Hello, everyone. It's wonderful to see you. 大家好很高兴与大家见面
I wish it were under better circumstances. 我也不希望是在这种情形下
As a founding family member, 作为创始家族的一员
I find it's d duty to report some very distressing news. 我有责任告诉大家这个悲痛的消息
He's a Gilbert? 他是吉尔伯特家的
Elena's uncle. 埃琳娜的叔叔
His name's John, but I call him jackass. 他叫约翰不过我叫他蠢货
A hospital blood bank in the neighboring county of Amherst 附近艾摩斯特市的一家医院血库
has reported several breakins over the past two weeks. 报告过去两周遭数次闯入
7 hunters, 4 campers, and 2 state employees 有7名猎人4名露营者和2名公务员
have been reported missing as well, 被报失踪
All of this within a 75-mile radius of mystic falls. 这些都发生在距神秘瀑布镇方圆75英里内
OK. No need to get alarmed right at this moment. 现在还没必要惊慌
Meaning he doesn't wanna cancel the founder's day kick-off party. 是说他不想取消创立日的开幕派对
You think all of your problems are over, 你们以为问题都解决了
but I'm here to tell you nothing's been solved. 但我来是告诉你们一点儿没完
I made a copy of a paper that Jeremy wrote for me. 我复印了一份杰里写的论文
I think you should take a look at it. 我想应该给你看看
Jeremy wrote this? 杰里米写的?
He's very clear that he didn't think it was real. 他明确表示认为这不是真的
I really hope you're right, 希望真的如此
because I've done so much to protect him from all this. 因为我一直尽力不让他卷进来
So how do you deal with it? 你是如何面对的
What do you mean? 什么意思
I don't know. With all the lies and the secrets. 我说不清所有的秘密和谎言
You have to lie to everyone who's important to you. 必须对那些对你很重要的人撒谎
It's not safe for them to know the truth, 他们知道真相会有危险
So, yes, I keep it from them, 所以没错我会继续瞒着他们
but it's only because I love them. 但只是因为我爱他们
I think Stefan's a good guy, 我认为斯特凡是个好人
But, uh... 但是
at the end of the day, he's still a vampire. 说到底他还是一个吸血鬼
I know it's hard to understand, 我知道那很难理解
but Stefan's different. 但是斯特凡不同
He would never do anything to hurt me. 他绝不会做任何伤害我的事
I have no interest in the founder's day kick-off party. 我对创立日开幕派对没兴趣
Sure, you do. It's tradition. 必须感兴趣那是传统
Far be it for us to break from tradition. 我们决不能打破传统
The Gilberts have been a part of this town for 150 years, 吉尔伯特家族在这个镇上生活了150年
one of the founding families, 是创始家族之一
and with that distinction comes certain obligations, 有荣誉就要有责任
including going to the party. 包括参加派对
One day, when you can appreciate the significance, 总有一天当你明白其重要性时
I'll tell you all about your heritage. 我会告诉你所有的传统
Hmm. The Gilbert family legacy. 吉尔伯特家族遗训
I forgot how sacred it was. 我忘了那有多神圣了
I'm not a Gilbert, so I was never cool enough to hear it. 我不姓吉尔伯特家没资格听
Why does she hate you? 她干嘛那么讨厌你
We used to sleep together. 我们上过床
I'm standing right here. 我还站在这呢
Why would he write a report on vampires? 他为什么会写吸血鬼的论文
Do you think he's starting to remember? 你觉得他开始回忆起来了吗
Damon toOK away those memories for good. 达蒙把他的记忆永久性地消除了
You don't have to worry about that. 你不用太担心
Tell you what. Why don't you just ask him? 你为什么不直接问他呢
I...I can't. 我我做不到
Why not? I mean, if he doesn't know anything, 为什么要是他一无所知
then it's just a...an innocent question. 那么这就只是个无关痛痒的问题
I don't even know how to talk to him anymore. 我甚至都不知道该怎么和他谈
I mean, we used to be a lot more open with each other, 我们曾经无话不说
But now, with all these secrets just piling up... 但现在秘密越积越多
You know, I haven't even told him 我都还没告诉他
that I'm adopted yet. 我是被收养的
Maybe it's time you start opening up to him again. 也许你该向他敞开心扉了
I'm not saying you should tell him everything, 我不是说你该把所有的事都告诉他
but at least try to find 但至少弄清楚
out what he does know and be prepared for it. 他知道些什么好有个心理准备
What about you? How are you doing? 你呢你怎么样了
I'm much, much better. 我好多了
Yeah, I'm...I'm still, you know, a little, uh... 当然我我还有点儿
a little jittery, 神经过敏
a little bit on edge, but, uh... 坐立不安不过
I'm...I'm gonna be OK. 我会好起来的
I've been really worried about you, 我一直都很担心你
and I missed you. 也很想你
I just needed to lay low for a little while, 我只是需要静养一段时间
and, uh, let my body readjust. 重新调节一下我的身体
It's only been a few days. 现在才过了几天而已
It feels like a lifetime. 度日如年啊
I've missed you, too. 我也很想你
Stefan, what's wrong? 斯特凡怎么了
Stefan. 斯特凡
Oh, good. You're here. 太好了你来了
You ask, I come. 随叫随到
I'm easy like that. 我人就这么好
No, Elena, I will not... 埃琳娜我可不该
go to your bedroom with you. 和你一起进你的闺房
Just like I remembered. 跟印象中一样嘛
Stop messing around. 别捣乱了
You know, did you know 你知道
that your uncle's been kickin' it with the founder's council? 你叔叔把事情都告诉创立者协会了吗
- What?- Yep. -什么-是的
Perfect. We'll just add it to the growing list 太好了正好
of how everything's falling apart. 火上浇油
What happened right there? 那儿怎么回事
Uh, nothing. 没什么
Look, Damon, 达蒙听着
I...I'm worried about Stefan. 我很担心斯特凡
He says that everything's OK, 他说一切正常
but he's clearly struggling. 但显然他是在痛苦抗争
How long is it gonna take before he's back to normal? 他要多久才能恢复正常
Few days, give or take. 几天吧或多或少
It's been a few days. 已经好几天了
Give then. I don't know. 那就还差点我也不知道
What's the big deal? 有什么大不了的
He's not himself, Damon. 他变得不像他了达蒙
Well, maybe his problem is he's spent too long not being himself. 也许他压抑真实的自己太久正是问题所在
Please don't make me sorry for aking you. 拜托别让我后悔找你
- It is what it is, Elena.- Hey. -事实就是这样埃琳娜-别碰
The Stefan you know 你所认识的斯特凡
was "Good behavior" Stefan, "Reign it in" Stefan, 是品行良好压抑自我的斯特凡
"Fight against his nature 与自己的本性抗争
to an annoyingly obsessive level" Stefan, 达到偏执狂境地的斯特凡
but if you think there's not another part to this, 但是如果你没有意识到他还有另一面
then you have not been paying attention. 那只能说明你没留心
He's not you, not even close. 他才不是你天壤之别
Well, he doesn't wanna be me. 他不想变成我
But that doesn't mean deep down that he's not. 但那并不意味着他内心深处不像我
What's up? 什么事
Do you have some time to talk? 有时间聊聊吗
Uh, yeah, sure. 当然有

