


Multiavatar & vue-color-avatar





// 渲染头像
export function getMultiavatarSvg(avatarId) {
  if(`${avatarId}` &&  window.multiavatar){
    return window.multiavatar && window.multiavatar(`${avatarId}`)

import {getMultiavatarSvg} from '@/utils







import EditAvatarDialog from './EditAvatarDialog'

const isShowEditDialog = ref(false)

const editHandle = () => {
    isShowEditDialog.value = true

const avatar = computed(() => {
    const {profile} = store.state.user.loginData || {};
      return getMultiavatarSvg(profile?.avatar)
    return ''



import Avatar from '@/views/Avatar/index.vue';



// Multiavatar v1.0

// URL:
// GitHub:
// Copyright: Gie Katon (2020-2021) (

function multiavatar (string, sansEnv, ver) {
  string += '';

  var themes = {

    // Robo
    "00": {
      "A": {
        "env": ["#ff2f2b"],
        "clo": ["#fff", "#000"],
        "head": ["#fff"],
        "mouth": ["#fff", "#000", "#000"],
        "eyes": ["#000", "none", "#00FFFF"],
        "top": ["#fff", "#fff"]
      "B": {
        "env": ["#ff1ec1"],
        "clo": ["#000", "#fff" ],
        "head": ["#ffc1c1"],
        "mouth": ["#fff", "#000", "#000"],
        "eyes": ["#FF2D00", "#fff", "none"],
        "top": ["#a21d00", "#fff"]
      "C": {
        "env": ["#0079b1"],
        "clo": ["#0e00b1", "#d1fffe"],
        "head": ["#f5aa77"],
        "mouth": ["#fff", "#000", "#000"],
        "eyes": ["#0c00de", "#fff", "none"],
        "top": ["#acfffd", "#acfffd"]

    // Girl
    "01": {
      "A": {
        "env": ["#a50000"],
        "clo": ["#f06", "#8e0039"],
        "head": ["#85492C"],
        "mouth": ["#000"],
        "eyes": ["#000", "#ff9809"],
        "top": ["#ff9809", "#ff9809", "none", "none"]
      "B": {
        "env": ["#40E83B"],
        "clo": ["#00650b", "#62ce5a"],
        "head": ["#f7c1a6"],
        "mouth": ["#6e1c1c"],
        "eyes": ["#000", "#ff833b"],
        "top": ["#67FFCC", "none", "none", "#ecff3b"]
      "C": {
        "env": ["#ff2c2c"],
        "clo": ["#fff", "#000"],
        "head": ["#ffce8b"],
        "mouth": ["#000"],
        "eyes": ["#000", "#0072ff"],
        "top": ["#ff9809", "none", "#ffc809", "none"]

    // Blonde
    "02": {
      "A": {
        "env": ["#ff7520"],
        "clo": ["#d12823"],
        "head": ["#fee3c5"],
        "mouth": ["#d12823"],
        "eyes": ["#000", "none"],
        "top": ["#000", "none", "none",  "#FFCC00", "red"]
      "B": {
        "env": ["#ff9700"],
        "clo": ["#000"],
        "head": ["#d2ad6d"],
        "mouth": ["#000"],
        "eyes": ["#000", "#00ffdc"],
        "top": ["#fdff00", "#fdff00", "none", "none", "none"]
      "C": {
        "env": ["#26a7ff"],
        "clo": ["#d85cd7"],
        "head": ["#542e02"],
        "mouth": ["#f70014"],
        "eyes": ["#000", "magenta"],
        // "eyes": ["#000", "#ff0000"],
        "top": ["#FFCC00", "#FFCC00", "#FFCC00", "#ff0000", "yellow"]

    // Evilnormie
    "03": {
      "A": {
        "env": ["#6FC30E"],
        "clo": ["#b4e1fa", "#5b5d6e", "#515262", "#a0d2f0", "#a0d2f0"],
        // "clo": ["#1f9ee4", "#262c5f", "#262c5f", "#a0d2f0", "#a0d2f0"],
        "head": ["#fae3b9"],
        "mouth": ["#fff", "#000"],
        "eyes": ["#000"],
        "top": ["#8eff45", "#8eff45", "none", "none"]
      "B": {
        "env": ["#00a58c"],
        "clo": ["#000", "none", "none", "none", "none"],
        "head": ["#FAD2B9"],
        "mouth": ["#fff", "#000"],
        "eyes": ["#000"],
        "top": ["#FFC600", "none", "#FFC600", "none"]
      "C": {
        "env": ["#ff501f"],
        "clo": ["#000", "#ff0000", "#ff0000", "#7d7d7d", "#7d7d7d"],
        "head": ["#fff3dc"],
        "mouth": ["#d2001b", "none"],
        "eyes": ["#000"],
        "top": ["#D2001B", "none", "none", "#D2001B"]

    // Country
    "04": {
      "A": {
        "env": ["#fc0"],
        "clo": ["#901e0e", "#ffbe1e", "#ffbe1e", "#c55f54"],
        "head": ["#f8d9ad"],
        "mouth": ["#000", "none", "#000", "none"],
        "eyes": ["#000"],
        // "top": ["#48362D", "#AF892E", "#674C43", "#282828"]
        "top": ["#583D00", "#AF892E", "#462D00", "#a0a0a0"]
      "B": {
        "env": ["#386465"],
        "clo": ["#fff", "#333", "#333", "#333"],
        "head": ["#FFD79D"],
        "mouth": ["#000", "#000", "#000", "#000"],
        "eyes": ["#000"],
        "top": ["#27363C", "#5DCAD4", "#314652", "#333"]
        // "top": ["#95E8CF", "#12353D", "#09A4AF", "#333"]
      "C": {
        "env": ["#DFFF00"],
        "clo": ["#304267", "#aab0b1", "#aab0b1", "#aab0b1"],
        "head": ["#e6b876"],
        "mouth": ["#50230a", "#50230a", "#50230a", "#50230a"],
        "eyes": ["#000"],
        "top": ["#333", "#afafaf", "#222", "#6d3a1d"]

    // Johnyold
    "05": {
      "A": {
        // "env": ["#c7b810"],
        "env": ["#a09300"],
        "clo": ["#c7d4e2", "#435363", "#435363", "#141720", "#141720", "#e7ecf2", "#e7ecf2"],
        "head": ["#f5d4a6"],
        "mouth": ["#000", "#cf9f76"],
        "eyes": ["#000", "#000", "#000", "#000", "#000", "#000", "#fff", "#fff", "#fff", "#fff", "#000", "#000"],
        "top": ["none", "#fdff00"]
      "B": {
        "env": ["#b3003e"],
        "clo": ["#000", "#435363", "#435363", "#000", "none", "#e7ecf2", "#e7ecf2"],
        "head": ["#f5d4a6"],
        "mouth": ["#000", "#af9f94"],
        "eyes": ["#9ff3ff;opacity:0.96", "#000", "#9ff3ff;opacity:0.96", "#000", "#2f508a", "#000", "#000", "#000", "none", "none", "none", "none"],
        "top": ["#ff9a00", "#ff9a00"]
      "C": {
        "env": ["#884f00"],
        "clo": ["#ff0000", "#fff", "#fff", "#141720", "#141720", "#e7ecf2", "#e7ecf2"],
        "head": ["#c57b14"],
        "mouth": ["#000", "#cf9f76"],
        "eyes": ["none", "#000", "none", "#000", "#5a0000", "#000", "#000", "#000", "none", "none", "none", "none"],
        "top": ["#efefef", "none"]

    // Asian
    "06": {
      "A": {
        "env": ["#8acf00"],
        "clo": ["#ee2829", "#ff0"],
        "head": ["#ffce73"],
        "mouth": ["#fff", "#000"],
        "eyes": ["#000"],
        "top": ["#000","#000","none", "#000", "#ff4e4e", "#000"]
      "B": {
        "env": ["#00d2a3"],
        // "env": ["#007359"],
        "clo": ["#0D0046", "#ffce73"],
        "head": ["#ffce73"],
        "mouth": ["#000", "none"],
        "eyes": ["#000"],
        "top": ["#000","#000","#000", "none", "#ffb358",  "#000", "none", "none"]
        // "top": ["#00898c", "#fff"]
      "C": {
        // "env": ["#C13D5C"],
        "env": ["#ff184e"],
        "clo": ["#000", "none"],
        "head": ["#ffce73"],
        "mouth": ["#ff0000", "none"],
        "eyes": ["#000"],
        "top": ["none","none","none", "none", "none",  "#ffc107", "none", "none"]

    // Punk
    "07": {
      "A": {
        "env": ["#00deae"],
        // "clo": ["#cc8562", "#f2efea", "#cc8562"],
        "clo": ["#ff0000"],
        "head": ["#ffce94"],
        "mouth": ["#f73b6c", "#000"],
        "eyes": ["#e91e63", "#000", "#e91e63", "#000", "#000", "#000"],
        "top": ["#dd104f", "#dd104f", "#f73b6c", "#dd104f"]
      "B": {
        "env": ["#181284"],
        "clo": ["#491f49", "#ff9809", "#491f49"],
        "head": ["#f6ba97"],
        "mouth": ["#ff9809", "#000"],
        "eyes": ["#c4ffe4", "#000", "#c4ffe4", "#000", "#000", "#000"],
        "top": [ "none", "none", "#d6f740", "#516303"]
      "C": {
        "env": ["#bcf700"],
        "clo": ["#ff14e4", "#000", "#14fffd"],
        "head": ["#7b401e"],
        "mouth": ["#666", "#000"],
        "eyes": ["#00b5b4", "#000", "#00b5b4", "#000", "#000", "#000"],
        "top": ["#14fffd", "#14fffd", "#14fffd", "#0d3a62"]

    // Afrohair
    "08": {
      "A": {
        "env": ["#0df"],
        "clo": ["#571e57", "#ff0"],
        "head": ["#f2c280"],
        "eyes": ["#795548", "#000"],
        "mouth": ["#ff0000"],
        "top": ["#de3b00", "none"]
      "B": {
        "env": ["#B400C2"],
        "clo": ["#0D204A", "#00ffdf"],
        "head": ["#ca8628"],
        "eyes": ["#cbbdaf", "#000"],
        "mouth": ["#1a1a1a"],
        "top": ["#000", "#000"]
      "C": {
        "env": ["#ffe926"],
        "clo": ["#00d6af", "#000"],
        "head": ["#8c5100"],
        "eyes": ["none", "#000"],
        "mouth": ["#7d0000"],
        "top": ["#f7f7f7", "none"]

    // Normie female
    "09": {
      "A": {
        "env": ["#4aff0c"],
        "clo": ["#101010", "#fff", "#fff"],
        "head": ["#dbbc7f"],
        "mouth": ["#000"],
        "eyes": [ "#000", "none", "none"],
        "top": ["#531148", "#531148", "#531148", "none"]
      "B": {
        "env": ["#FFC107"],
        "clo": ["#033c58", "#fff", "#fff"],
        "head": ["#dbc97f"],
        "mouth": ["#000"],
        "eyes": ["none", "#fff", "#000"],
        "top": ["#FFEB3B", "#FFEB3B", "none", "#FFEB3B"]
        // "top": ["#085258", "#085258", "none", "#085258"]
      "C": {
        "env": ["#FF9800"],
        "clo": ["#b40000", "#fff", "#fff"],
        "head": ["#E2AF6B"],
        "mouth": ["#000"],
        "eyes": ["none", "#fff", "#000"],
        "top": ["#ec0000", "#ec0000", "none", "none"]

    // Older
    "10": {
      "A": {
        "env": ["#104c8c"],
        "clo": ["#354B65", "#3D8EBB", "#89D0DA", "#00FFFD" ],
        "head": ["#cc9a5c"],
        "mouth": ["#222", "#fff"],
        "eyes": ["#000", "#000"],
        "top": ["#fff", "#fff", "none"]
      "B": {
        "env": ["#0DC15C"],
        "clo": ["#212121", "#fff", "#212121", "#fff" ],
        "head": ["#dca45f"],
        "mouth": ["#111", "#633b1d"],
        "eyes": ["#000", "#000"],
        "top": ["none", "#792B74", "#792B74"]
      "C": {
        "env": ["#ffe500"],
        "clo": ["#1e5e80", "#fff", "#1e5e80", "#fff"],
        "head": ["#e8bc86"],
        "mouth": ["#111", "none"],
        "eyes": ["#000", "#000"],
        // "eyes": ["#636363", "#ADADAD", "#301e19"],
        "top": ["none", "none", "#633b1d"]

    // Firehair
    "11": {
      "A": {
        "env": ["#4a3f73"],
        "clo": ["#e6e9ee", "#f1543f", "#ff7058", "#fff", "#fff"],
        "head": ["#b27e5b"],
        "mouth": ["#191919", "#191919"],
        "eyes": ["#000", "#000", "#57FFFD"],
        "top": ["#ffc", "#ffc", "#ffc"]
      "B": {
        "env": ["#00a08d"],
        "clo": ["#FFBA32", "#484848", "#4e4e4e", "#fff", "#fff"],
        "head": ["#ab5f2c"],
        "mouth": ["#191919", "#191919"],
        //  "#61b7ff",
        "eyes": ["#000", "#ff23fa;opacity:0.39", "#000"],
        "top": ["#ff90f4", "#ff90f4", "#ff90f4"]
      "C": {
        "env": ["#22535d"],
        "clo": ["#000", "#ff2500", "#ff2500", "#fff", "#fff"],
        "head": ["#a76c44"],
        "mouth": ["#191919", "#191919"],
        "eyes": ["#000", "none", "#000"],
        "top": ["none", "#00efff", "none"]

    // Blond
    "12": {
      "A": {
        "env": ["#2668DC"],
        "clo": ["#2385c6", "#b8d0e0", "#b8d0e0"],
        "head": ["#ad8a60"],
        "mouth": ["#000", "#4d4d4d"],
        "eyes": ["#7fb5a2", "#d1eddf", "#301e19"],
        // "top": ["#ff6"]
        // "top": ["#ff0"]
        "top": ["#fff510", "#fff510"]
      "B": {
        "env": ["#643869"],
        "clo": ["#D67D1B", "#b8d0e0", "#b8d0e0"],
        "head": ["#CC985A", "none0000"],
        "mouth": ["#000", "#ececec"],
        "eyes": ["#1f2644", "#9b97ce", "#301e19"],
        // "top": ["#c700c7"]
        // "top": ["#c54560"]
        // "top": ["#ff393e", "none"]
        "top": ["#00eaff", "none"]
      "C": {
        "env": ["#F599FF"],
        "clo": ["#2823C6", "#b8d0e0", "#b8d0e0"],
        "head": ["#C7873A"],
        "mouth": ["#000", "#4d4d4d"],
        "eyes": ["#581b1b", "#FF8B8B", "#000"],
        // "top": ["#5F1F1F"]
        // "top": ["#fff00"]
        "top": ["none", "#9c0092"]

    // Ateam
    "13": {
      "A": {
        "env": ["#d10084"],
        "clo": ["#efedee", "#00a1e0", "#00a1e0", "#efedee", "#ffce1c"],
        "head": ["#b35f49"],
        "mouth": ["#3a484a", "#000"],
        "eyes": ["#000"],
        "top": ["#000", "none", "#000", "none"]
      "B": {
        "env": ["#E6C117"],
        "clo": ["#efedee", "#ec0033", "#ec0033", "#efedee", "#f2ff05"],
        "head": ["#ffc016"],
        "mouth": ["#4a3737", "#000"],
        "eyes": ["#000"],
        "top": ["#ffe900", "#ffe900", "none", "#ffe900"]
      "C": {
        "env": ["#1d8c00"],
        // "env": ["#C6FE3C"],
        // "env": ["#cace10"],
        "clo": ["#e000cb", "#fff", "#fff", "#e000cb", "#ffce1c"],
        "head": ["#b96438"],
        "mouth": ["#000", "#000"],
        "eyes": ["#000"],
        // "top": ["#eff4b0"]
        // "top": ["#e0e0e0"]
        // "top": ["#d7ffff"] // ice
        // "top": ["#f0ffff"] // ice
        "top": ["#53ffff", "#53ffff", "none", "none"]

    // Rasta
    "14": {
      "A": {
        "env": ["#fc0065"],
        "clo": ["#708913", "#fdea14", "#708913", "#fdea14", "#708913"],
        "head": ["#DEA561"],
        "mouth": ["#444", "#000"],
        "eyes": ["#000"],
        "top": ["#32393f", "#32393f", "#32393f", "#32393f", "#32393f", "#32393f", "#32393f", "#32393f", "#32393f", "#32393f", "#32393f", "#32393f", "#32393f", "#32393f", "#32393f", "#32393f", "#32393f" ]
      "B": {
        "env": ["#81f72e"],
        "clo": ["#ff0000", "#ffc107", "#ff0000", "#ffc107", "#ff0000"],
        "head": ["#ef9831"],
        // "mouth": ["#a2a2a2", "#000"],
        "mouth": ["#6b0000", "#000"],
        "eyes": ["#000"],
        "top": ["#FFFAAD", "#FFFAAD", "#FFFAAD", "#FFFAAD", "#FFFAAD", "#FFFAAD", "#FFFAAD", "#FFFAAD", "#FFFAAD", "#FFFAAD", "#FFFAAD", "#FFFAAD", "#FFFAAD", "none", "none", "none", "none"]
      "C": {
        "env": ["#00D872"],
        "clo": ["#590D00", "#FD1336", "#590D00", "#FD1336", "#590D00"],
        "head": ["#c36c00"],
        "mouth": ["#56442b", "#000"],
        "eyes": ["#000"],
        "top": ["#004E4C", "#004E4C", "#004E4C", "#004E4C", "#004E4C", "#004E4C", "#004E4C", "#004E4C", "#004E4C", "none", "none", "none", "none", "none", "none", "none", "none"]

    // Meta
    "15": {
      "A": {
        // "env": ["#ccc"],
        "env": ["#111"],
        "clo": ["#000", "#00FFFF"],
        "head": ["#755227"],
        "mouth": ["#fff", "#000"],
        "eyes": ["black", "#008;opacity:0.67", "aqua"],
        // "top": ["#004a57"] // dark blue
        "top": ["#fff", "#fff", "#fff", "#fff", "#fff"]
      "B": {
        "env": ["#00D0D4"],
        // "env": ["#30afab"],
        // "env": ["#E8E8E8"],
        "clo": ["#000", "#fff"],
        "head": ["#755227"],
        "mouth": ["#fff", "#000"],
        // "eyes": ["black", "black", "#ff0303"],
        "eyes": ["black", "#1df7ff;opacity:0.64", "#fcff2c"],
        // "top": ["#fffbaf"] // bright yellow
        "top": ["#fff539", "none", "#fff539", "none", "#fff539"]
      "C": {
        "env": ["#DC75FF"],
        "clo": ["#000", "#FFBDEC"],
        "head": ["#997549"],
        "mouth": ["#fff", "#000"],
        "eyes": ["black", "black", "aqua"],
        // "top": ["#474747"]
        // "top": ["#ff64e6"]
        "top": ["#00fffd", "none", "none", "none", "none"]

  var sP = [];
  var svgStart = '';
  var svgEnd = '';

  // Optimization
  var env = '';
  var head = '';
  var str = 'stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke-width:';

  // The below code is automatically injected by running /svg/_build.php script
  // PHP_inject_start

  // Robo
  sP['00'] = [];
  sP['00']['env'] = env;
  sP['00']['clo'] = '';
  sP['00']['head'] = head;
  sP['00']['mouth'] = '';
  sP['00']['eyes'] = '';
  sP['00']['top'] = '';

  // Girl
  sP['01'] = [];
  sP['01']['env'] = env;
  sP['01']['clo'] = '';
  sP['01']['head'] = head;
  sP['01']['mouth'] = '';
  sP['01']['eyes'] = '';
  sP['01']['top'] = '';

  // Blonde
  sP['02'] = [];
  sP['02']['env'] = env;
  sP['02']['clo'] = '';
  sP['02']['head'] = head;
  sP['02']['mouth'] = '';
  sP['02']['eyes'] = '';
  sP['02']['top'] = '';

  // Guy
  sP['03'] = [];
  sP['03']['env'] = env;
  sP['03']['clo'] = '';
  sP['03']['head'] = head;
  sP['03']['mouth'] = '';
  sP['03']['eyes'] = '';
  sP['03']['top'] = '';

  // Country
  sP['04'] = [];
  sP['04']['env'] = env;
  sP['04']['clo'] = '';
  sP['04']['head'] = head;
  sP['04']['mouth'] = '';
  sP['04']['eyes'] = '';
  sP['04']['top'] = '';

  // Geeknot
  sP['05'] = [];
  sP['05']['env'] = env;
  sP['05']['clo'] = '';
  sP['05']['head'] = head;
  sP['05']['mouth'] = '';
  sP['05']['eyes'] = '';
  sP['05']['top'] = '';

  // Asian
  sP['06'] = [];
  sP['06']['env'] = env;
  sP['06']['clo'] = '';
  sP['06']['head'] = head;
  sP['06']['mouth'] = '';
  sP['06']['eyes'] = '';
  sP['06']['top'] = '';

  // Punk
  sP['07'] = [];
  sP['07']['env'] = env;
  sP['07']['clo'] = '';
  sP['07']['head'] = head;
  sP['07']['mouth'] = '';
  sP['07']['eyes'] = '';
  sP['07']['top'] = '';

  // Afrohair
  sP['08'] = [];
  sP['08']['env'] = env;
  sP['08']['clo'] = '';
  sP['08']['head'] = head;
  sP['08']['mouth'] = '';
  sP['08']['eyes'] = '';
  sP['08']['top'] = '';

  // Normie Female
  sP['09'] = [];
  sP['09']['env'] = env;
  sP['09']['clo'] = '';
  sP['09']['head'] = head;
  sP['09']['mouth'] = '';
  sP['09']['eyes'] = '';
  sP['09']['top'] = '';

  // Older
  sP['10'] = [];
  sP['10']['env'] = env;
  sP['10']['clo'] = '';
  sP['10']['head'] = head;
  sP['10']['mouth'] = '';
  sP['10']['eyes'] = '';
  sP['10']['top'] = '';

  // Firehair
  sP['11'] = [];
  sP['11']['env'] = env;
  sP['11']['clo'] = '';
  sP['11']['head'] = head;
  sP['11']['mouth'] = '';
  sP['11']['eyes'] = '';
  sP['11']['top'] = '';

  // Blond
  sP['12'] = [];
  sP['12']['env'] = env;
  sP['12']['clo'] = '';
  sP['12']['head'] = head;
  sP['12']['mouth'] = '';
  sP['12']['eyes'] = '';
  sP['12']['top'] = '';

  // Ateam
  sP['13'] = [];
  sP['13']['env'] = env;
  sP['13']['clo'] = '';
  sP['13']['head'] = head;
  sP['13']['mouth'] = '';
  sP['13']['eyes'] = '';
  sP['13']['top'] = '';

  // Rasta
  sP['14'] = [];
  sP['14']['env'] = env;
  sP['14']['clo'] = '';
  sP['14']['head'] = head;
  sP['14']['mouth'] = '';
  sP['14']['eyes'] = '';
  sP['14']['top'] = '';

  // Meta
  sP['15'] = [];
  sP['15']['env'] = env;
  sP['15']['clo'] = '';
  sP['15']['head'] = head;
  sP['15']['mouth'] = '';
  sP['15']['eyes'] = '';
  sP['15']['top'] = '';

  // PHP_inject_end

  CryptoJS v3.1.2
  (c) 2009-2013 by Jeff Mott. All rights reserved.
  var CryptoJS=CryptoJS||function(h,s){var f={},t=f.lib={},g=function(){},j=t.Base={extend:function(a){g.prototype=this;var c=new g;a&&c.mixIn(a);c.hasOwnProperty("init")||(c.init=function(){c.$super.init.apply(this,arguments)});c.init.prototype=c;c.$super=this;return c},create:function(){var a=this.extend();a.init.apply(a,arguments);return a},init:function(){},mixIn:function(a){for(var c in a)a.hasOwnProperty(c)&&(this[c]=a[c]);a.hasOwnProperty("toString")&&(this.toString=a.toString)},clone:function(){return this.init.prototype.extend(this)}},
    q=t.WordArray=j.extend({init:function(a,c){a=this.words=a||[];this.sigBytes=c!=s?c:4*a.length},toString:function(a){return(a||u).stringify(this)},concat:function(a){var c=this.words,d=a.words,b=this.sigBytes;a=a.sigBytes;this.clamp();if(b%4)for(var e=0;e>>2]|=(d[e>>>2]>>>24-8*(e%4)&255)<<24-8*((b+e)%4);else if(65535>>2]=d[e>>>2];else c.push.apply(c,d);this.sigBytes+=a;return this},clamp:function(){var a=this.words,c=this.sigBytes;a[c>>>2]&=4294967295<<
        32-8*(c%4);a.length=h.ceil(c/4)},clone:function(){var;a.words=this.words.slice(0);return a},random:function(a){for(var c=[],d=0;d>>2]>>>24-8*(b%4)&255;d.push((e>>>4).toString(16));d.push((e&15).toString(16))}return d.join("")},parse:function(a){for(var c=a.length,d=[],b=0;b>>3]|=parseInt(a.substr(b,
        2),16)<<24-4*(b%8);return new q.init(d,c/2)}},k=v.Latin1={stringify:function(a){var c=a.words;a=a.sigBytes;for(var d=[],b=0;b>>2]>>>24-8*(b%4)&255));return d.join("")},parse:function(a){for(var c=a.length,d=[],b=0;b>>2]|=(a.charCodeAt(b)&255)<<24-8*(b%4);return new q.init(d,c)}},l=v.Utf8={stringify:function(a){try{return decodeURIComponent(escape(k.stringify(a)))}catch(c){throw Error("Malformed UTF-8 data");}},parse:function(a){return k.parse(unescape(encodeURIComponent(a)))}},
    x=t.BufferedBlockAlgorithm=j.extend({reset:function(){this._data=new q.init;this._nDataBytes=0},_append:function(a){"string"==typeof a&&(a=l.parse(a));this._data.concat(a);this._nDataBytes+=a.sigBytes},_process:function(a){var c=this._data,d=c.words,b=c.sigBytes,e=this.blockSize,f=b/(4*e),f=a?h.ceil(f):h.max((f|0)-this._minBufferSize,0);a=f*e;b=h.min(4*a,b);if(a){for(var m=0;mk;){var l;a:{l=u;for(var x=h.sqrt(l),w=2;w<=x;w++)if(!(l%w)){l=!1;break a}l=!0}l&&(8>k&&(j[k]=v(h.pow(u,0.5))),q[k]=v(h.pow(u,1/3)),k++);u++}var a=[],f=f.SHA256=g.extend({_doReset:function(){this._hash=new t.init(j.slice(0))},_doProcessBlock:function(c,d){for(var b=this._hash.words,e=b[0],f=b[1],m=b[2],h=b[3],p=b[4],j=b[5],k=b[6],l=b[7],n=0;64>n;n++){if(16>n)a[n]=
      c[d+n]|0;else{var r=a[n-15],g=a[n-2];a[n]=((r<<25|r>>>7)^(r<<14|r>>>18)^r>>>3)+a[n-7]+((g<<15|g>>>17)^(g<<13|g>>>19)^g>>>10)+a[n-16]}r=l+((p<<26|p>>>6)^(p<<21|p>>>11)^(p<<7|p>>>25))+(p&j^~p&k)+q[n]+a[n];g=((e<<30|e>>>2)^(e<<19|e>>>13)^(e<<10|e>>>22))+(e&f^e&m^f&m);l=k;k=j;j=p;p=h+r|0;h=m;m=f;f=e;e=r+g|0}b[0]=b[0]+e|0;b[1]=b[1]+f|0;b[2]=b[2]+m|0;b[3]=b[3]+h|0;b[4]=b[4]+p|0;b[5]=b[5]+j|0;b[6]=b[6]+k|0;b[7]=b[7]+l|0},_doFinalize:function(){var a=this._data,d=a.words,b=8*this._nDataBytes,e=8*a.sigBytes;
      d[e>>>5]|=128<<24-e%32;d[(e+64>>>9<<4)+14]=h.floor(b/4294967296);d[(e+64>>>9<<4)+15]=b;a.sigBytes=4*d.length;this._process();return this._hash},clone:function(){var;a._hash=this._hash.clone();return a}});s.SHA256=g._createHelper(f);s.HmacSHA256=g._createHmacHelper(f)})(Math);

  var hash = '';
  if (string.length == 0) return hash;

  var sha256Hash = CryptoJS.SHA256(string);
  var sha256Numbers = sha256Hash.toString().replace(/\D/g,'');

  hash = sha256Numbers.substring(0, 12);

  // parts
  var p = [];

  // Get parts (range 0-47)
  p['env'] = hash[0] + '' + hash[1];
  p['env'] = Math.round((47/100)*p['env']) + '';

  // Freeze a single part
  // e.g. '0' = 01A; '16' = 01B; '32' = 01C; '1' = 02A; '17' = 02B;
  // p['env'] = '16';

  p['clo'] = hash[2] + '' + hash[3];
  p['clo'] = Math.round((47/100)*p['clo']) + '';

  // p['clo'] = '16';

  p['head'] = hash[4] + '' + hash[5];
  p['head'] = Math.round((47/100)*p['head']) + '';

  // p['head'] = '01';

  p['mouth'] = hash[6] + '' + hash[7];
  p['mouth'] = Math.round((47/100)*p['mouth']) + '';

  // p['mouth'] = '16';

  p['eyes'] = hash[8] + '' + hash[9];
  p['eyes'] = Math.round((47/100)*p['eyes']) + '';

  // p['eyes'] = '16';

  p['top'] = hash[10] + '' + hash[11];
  p['top'] = Math.round((47/100)*p['top']) + '';

  // p['top'] = '25';

  // Get parts (range 0-15) + define themes
  for (var part in p) {
    var nr = p[part];

    if (nr > 31) {
      nr = nr - 32 + '';
      if (nr.length == 1) nr = '0' + nr;
      p[part] = nr + 'C';
    else if (nr > 15) {
      nr = nr - 16 + '';
      if (nr.length == 1) nr = '0' + nr;
      p[part] = nr + 'B';
    } else {
      if ((nr+'').length == 1) p[part] = '0' + nr + 'A';
      else p[part] = nr + 'A';

  // Get the SVG code for each part
  var final = [];

  for (var part in p) {
    var partV = p[part].substring(0,2);
    var theme = p[part].substring(2,3);
    // console.log(part, partV, theme);

    if (typeof(ver) != 'undefined') {
      partV = ver.part;
      theme = ver.theme;

    // Freeze a single base version
    // partV = '00'; theme = 'A';

    final[part] = getFinal(part, partV, theme);
    // console.log(final[part]);

  function getFinal(part, partV, theme) {
    // console.log(part, partV, theme)
    var colors = themes[partV][theme][part];
    var svgString = sP[partV][part];
    // console.log(colors, svgString);

    var regex = /#(.*?);/g;
    var result = svgString.match(regex);

    var resultFinal = svgString;

    if (result != null) {
      for (var i = 0; i < result.length; i++) {
        // console.log('replace', result[i], colors[i])
        resultFinal = resultFinal.replace(result[i], colors[i]+';');

    // console.log(resultFinal)
    return resultFinal;

  // Without 'env'
  if (sansEnv) {
    final['env'] = '';

  return(svgStart + final['env'] + final['head'] + final['clo'] + final['top']+ final['eyes'] + final['mouth'] + svgEnd);

