
  • xml文件,建议``,不建议`ISO-8859-1`
  • 命令行传key参数
sipp -key contact_port 9999 ...


        Call-ID: [call_id]
        CSeq: [cseq] REGISTER
        Expires: 300
        Content-Length: 0
        User-Agent: SIPp


  • uas send bye

uas send bye的关键是互换from标签和to标签

  • uac.xml vs uac_proxy.xml


  • do_while循环
# 开始


  • SIPp传输模式,这个设计和实现都非常棒
-t  Set the transport mode:
  - u1: UDP with one socket (default),
  - un: UDP with one socket per call,
  - ui: UDP with one socket per IP address. The IP addresses must be defined
	in the injection file.
  - t1: TCP with one socket,
  - tn: TCP with one socket per call,
  - c1: u1 + compression (only if compression plugin loaded),
  - cn: un + compression (only if compression plugin loaded).  This plugin is
	not provided with SIPp.
  • tls

sipp  -t l1 -tls_key key.pem -tls_cert cert.pem  -rtp_echo ...
