钢铁异常检测背景 10篇论文摘要分享 小陈读paper系列

1.Strip steel is an indispensable material in the manufacturing industry and the defects of the surface directly determine the quality. Due to the diversity and complexity of surface defects in intraclass and between interclass, a great deal of manpower and resources have been devoted to surface defect detection.


2.Steel surface defect detection is an essential quality control task in manufacturing. As patterns of defects may be viewed as an object, some current defect detection methods, which have achieved promising performance, have been developed based on object-detection models.


3.Defect classification exhibits great importance in metal surface defect inspection. Most previous defect classification models are based on fully supervised learning, which requires a large amount of training data with image labels. However, collecting defective images in industrial scenarios is quite difficult due to the well-optimized manufacturing techniques


4.— As samples of steel defects are industrially limited, it is challenging for most deep learning methods that rely on ample labeled data to identify steel surface defects. Recently, contrastive learning has achieved good performance in natural image classification tasks with few labeled samples, yet two obstacles prevent its effective application to steel surface defect images. One is that due to the presence of inter-class and intra-class similar samples in steel surface defect, the fixed contrast strength in contrastive learning will destroy the potential semantic information of defect samples. Another is that contrastive learning requires a large amount of unlabeled data, whereas steel surface defect samples are insufficient.


5. The surface defect detection plays an important role in industrial production and directly affects production efficiency and product quality. In this article, we focus on the surface defect detection of heat sink and propose a method based on a Ghost-SE light U-Net (GSLU-Net). The GSLU-Net is a novel combination of the lightweight convolution module, self-attention mechanism, and fully convolutional network (FCN). It has a symmetrical architecture inspired by the U-Net. By introducing the Ghost module, which can generate feature maps with cheap operations, we reduce the computation cost while maintaining high accuracy.

表面缺陷检测在工业生产中发挥着重要作用,直接影响生产效率和产品质量。在本文中,我们专注于散热器的表面缺陷检测,提出了一种基于Ghost-SE光U-Net (GSLU-Net)的方法。GLU-Net 是轻量级卷积模块、自注意力机制和全卷积网络 (FCN) 的新组合。它具有受 U-Net 启发的对称架构。通过引入Ghost模块,该模块可以以廉价的操作生成特征映射,在保持较高的精度的同时,降低了计算成本。

6.Efficiency of surface defect detection is largely improved with the application of convolutional neural networks (CNNs). However, CNNs encounter difficulties in accurately modeling the multiscale features of defects due to the inherent locality of convolution. Additionally, existing methods for cross-level feature fusion introduce cumbersome computational complexity. Consequently, current networks struggle to reconcile location accuracy of multiscale defects with detection efficiency, resulting in poor performance in real-time detection.

随着卷积神经网络 (CNN) 的应用,表面缺陷检测的效率大大提高。然而,由于卷积的固有局部性,cnn在精确建模缺陷多尺度特征方面遇到了困难。此外,现有的跨层特征融合方法引入了繁琐的计算复杂度。因此,目前的网络难以将多尺度缺陷的位置精度与检测效率相协调,导致实时检测性能较差。为此,我们提出了一种用于表面缺陷检测的动态变压器网络,利用基于自我注意的变压器在路由空间中精确捕获远程语义信息。

7.Defect detection in the industry is an essential task in quality inspection. The main target is to classify and localize defects in acquired images. During image acquisition, external noise and diverse background patterns can lead to conflicting information during fusion of network features, which brings certain challenges to detection. In addition, one-stage detectors generate mismatches when performing classification and localization, which can lead to a certain degree of misalignment in prediction. Also, some small defects to be detected in industrial products must be combined with fine-grained information.


8.Rain-like layer removal from hot-rolled steel strip surface has been proven to be a workable measure for suppressing the false alarms frequently triggered in automated visual inspection (AVI) instruments. This article extends the scope of the "rain-like layer" from dispersed waterdrops to splashing water streaks and tiny white droplets. And a targeted method with both channel-wise and spatial-wise attention, namely attentive dual residual generative adversarial network (ADRGAN), is proposed.

从热轧钢带表面去除雨状层已被证明是抑制自动目视检查 (AVI) 仪器中经常触发的误报的可行措施。本文扩展了从分散的水滴到飞溅水条纹和微小的白色液滴的“雨样层”的范围。提出了一种同时具有通道和空间注意的有针对性的方法,即注意力双残差生成对抗网络 (ADRGAN)。

9.The worldwide transportation industry relies heav-1ily on shipping containers. Containerization has made it easier2to transfer goods all over the world by guaranteeing cargo3safety while in transit. To ensure the safety of goods during4the transition, shipping containers should be reliable and kept5in healthy conditions. Surface defect inspection of shipping6containers is of great importance to guarantee the quality of7containers. Customs officers must check the surface of shipping8containers as they pass through terminal gates during the9transition. Human visual observation is the basis for the current10inspection method, which is time-consuming, labor-intensive, and11possibly hazardous. The purpose of this research is to present a12deep learning-based framework that can be used in conjunction13with a computer vision technique to successfully and efficiently14inspect corrosion defects on the surface of shipping contain-15ers.


10.One of these tasks is to control the surface condition of steel blanks and identify defects. Currently, machine learning methods applied as part of steel slab surface inspection systems require a large number of defect images for training. This in turn increases the time required to collect and markup the training dataset [7,8].

This study considers the possibility of applying synthesized data for semantic segmentation and classification of defects in steel products. The developed approach is supposed to be used in automatic control systems of steel rolling production. These systems include vision-based quality control systems. The task of determining defects on the workpiece surface is complex; it combines several independent vision tasks. First of all, it is necessary to determine the presence of surface defects in the image [ 11]. It is necessary to have a clear idea about the permissible visual deviations, which can lead to false positive recognitions. For example, grease residues, water drops, or fragments of slab markings can be such deviations (Figure 1).

其中一个任务是控制钢毛坯的表面条件并识别缺陷。目前,作为钢板表面检测系统一部分应用的机器学习方法需要大量的缺陷图像进行训练。这反过来又增加了收集和标记训练数据集所需的时间 [7,8]。


钢铁异常检测背景 10篇论文摘要分享 小陈读paper系列_第1张图片
