


A project is a temporary endeavor undertaken to create a unique product,service, or result.




Project ———— 项目

Temporary ———— 临时性

Unique ———— 独特的

Product ———— 产品

Service ———— 服务

Result ———— 成果


Project management is the application of knowledge, skills, tools and techniques to project activities to meet project requirements. Project management is accomplished through the application and integration of the project management processes of initiating, planning, executing, monitoring and controlling, and closing. The project manager is the person responsible for accomplishing the project objectives.



Project management ———— 项目管理

Project requirements ———— 项目需求

Initiating ———— 启动

Planning ———— 计划

Executing ———— 实施

Monitoring ———— 监视

Controlling ———— 控制

Closing ———— 收尾

Project manager ———— 项目经理


1. 整体管理部分

Develop Project Charter–developing the project charter that formally authorizes a project or a project phase.

Develop Project Management Plan–documenting the actions necessary to define, prepare, integrate, and coordinate all subsidiary plans into a project management plan.

Direct and Manage Project Execution–executing the work defined in the project management plan to achieve the project’s requirements defined in the project scope statement.

Monitor and Control Project Work–monitoring and controlling the processes used to initiate, plan, execute, and close a project to meet the performance objectives defined in the project management plan.

Integrated Change Control–reviewing all change requests, approving changes, and controlling changes to the deliverables and organizational process assets.

Close Project–finalizing all activities across all of the Project Management Process Groups to formally close the project or a project phase.






项目 收尾:完成项目过程中的所有活动,以正式结束一个项目或项目阶段。


Project Charter ———— 项目章程

Project Management Plan ———— 项目管理计划

Phase ———— 阶段

Direct ———— 指导

Manage ———— 管理

Monitor ———— 监视

Control ———— 控制

Change ———— 变更

Reviewing ———— 评审

Change requests ———— 变更请求

Deliverables ———— 可交付物、可交付成果

Organizational process assets ———— 组织过程资产

Close ———— 关闭、收尾


Project Time Management, describes the processes concerning the timely completion of the project. It consists of the Activity Definition, Activity Sequencing, Activity Resource Estimating, Activity Duration Estimating, Schedule Development, and Schedule Control project management processes.



Time Management ———— 时间管理

Activity Definition ———— 活动定义

Activity Sequencing ———— 活动排序

Activity Resource Estimating ———— 活动资源估算

Activity Duration Estimating ———— 活动持续时间估算

Schedule Development ———— 进度计划

Schedule Control ———— 进度控制


Project Cost Management, describes the processes involved in planning, estimating, budgeting, and controlling costs so that the project is completed within the approved budget. It consists of the Cost Estimating, Cost Budgeting, and Cost Control project management processes.



Cost Management ———— 成本管理

Cost Planning ———— 成本计划

Cost Estimating ———— 成本估算

Cost Budgeting ———— 成本预算

Cost Controlling ———— 成本控制


Project Quality Management, describes the processes involved in assuring that the project will satisfy the objectives for which it was undertaken. It consists of the Quality Planning, Perform Quality Assurance, and Perform Quality Control project management processes.



Quality Management ———— 质量管理

Quality Planning ———— 质量规划

Quality Assurance ———— 质量保证

Quality Control ———— 质量控制


Project Human Resource Management, describes the processes that organize and manage the project team. It consists of the Human Resource Planning, Acquire Project Team, Develop Project Team, and Manage Project Team project management processes.



Human Resource Management ———— 人力资源管理

Organize ———— 组织

Acquire ———— 组建

Develop ———— 建设、发展


Project Communications Management, describes the processes concerning the timely and appropriate generation, collection, dissemination, storage and ultimate disposition of project information. It consists of the Communications Planning, Information Distribution, Performance

Reporting, and Manage Stakeholders project management processes.



Communications Management ———— 沟通管理

Collection ———— 收集

Dissemination ———— 传输

Storage ———— 存储

Disposition ———— 处理

Communications Planning ———— 沟通规划

Information Distribution ———— 信息发布

Performance Reporting ———— 绩效报告

Stakeholders ———— 项目干系人、利害相关者


Project Risk Management, describes the processes concerned with conducting risk management on a project. It consists of the Risk Management Planning, Risk Identification, Qualitative Risk Analysis, Quantitative Risk Analysis, Risk Response Planning, and Risk Monitoring and Control project management processes.



Risk ———— 风险

Risk Management ———— 风险管理

Risk Management Planning ———— 风险管理规划

Risk Identification ———— 风险识别

Qualitative Risk Analysis ———— 定性风险分析

Quantitative Risk Analysis ———— 定量风险分析

Risk Response Planning ———— 风险应对计划

Risk Monitoring and Control ———— 风险监控


Project Procurement Management , describes the processes that purchase or acquire products, services or results, as well as contract management processes. It consists of the Plan Purchases and Acquisitions, Plan Contracting, Select Sellers, Contract Administration, and Contract Closure project management processes.



Procurement Management ———— 采购管理

Plan Purchases and Acquisitions ———— 采购规划

Plan Contracting ———— 合同计划

Select Sellers ———— 卖方选择

Contract Administration ———— 合同管理

Contract Closure ———— 合同收尾


Projects —— 项目。

PMBOK —— Project Management Body Of Knowledge ,项目管理知识体系。

Operations —— 运作。

Process —— 过程。

Activity —— 活动。

Activity Description —— 活动描述。

Activity Definition —— 活动定义。

Activity Description —— 活动描述/ / 说明。

Activity List —— 活动清单。

Phases —— 阶段。

Approve —— 批准。

Product Life Cycle —— 产品生命周期。

PMO —— Project Management Office ,项目管理办公室。

Project Charter —— 项目章程。

Project Manager —— 项目经理。

Project Sponsor —— 项目发起人。

Project Stakeholder —— 项目干系人。

Project Management Plan —— 项目管理计划。

Project Team —— 项目团队。

Functional Organization —— 职能组织。

Matrix Organization —— 矩阵型组织。

Project Organization —— 项目型组织。

PMIS —— Project Management Information System ,项目管理信息系统。

Project Management Process Group —— 项目管理过程组。

Initiating Process —— 启动过程组。

Planning Process —— 计划过程组。

Executing Process —— 执行过程组。

Controlling Process —— 控制过程组。

Closing Process —— 收尾过程组。

Plan —— 计划。

Rolling Wave Plan —— 滚动式计划。

Do —— 行动。

Check —— 检查。

Action —— 处理。

Walkthrough —— 走查。

Inspection —— 审查。

Review —— 评审。

Demonstration —— 论证。

Roundrobin Review —— 轮查。

Defect —— 缺陷。

Brainstorming —— 头脑风暴法。

CMM —— Capability Maturity Model ,能力成熟度模型。

CMMI —— Capability Maturity Model Integration ,能力成熟度模型集成。

Input —— 输入。

Output —— 输出。

Tool —— 工具。

Method —— 方法。

Technology —— 技术。

Enterprise Environmental Factors —— 事业环境因素。

Organizational Process Assets —— 组织过程资产。

SOW —— Statement Of Work ,工作说明书。

CR —— Change Request ,变更请求。

CCB —— Change Control Board ,变更控制委员会。

WBS —— Work Breakdown Structure ,工作分解结构。

Delphi —— 德尔菲法。

CPM —— Critical Path Method ,关键路线法。

Gantt Chart —— 甘特图。

Bar Chart —— 横道图。

PERT —— Program Evaluation and Review Technique ,计划评审技术。

Graphical Evaluation and Review Technique —— 图形评审技术。

Analogous Estimating —— 类比估算。

Expert Judgment —— 专家判断。

Monte Carlo Analysis —— 蒙特卡洛分析。

Sensitivity Analysis —— 灵敏度分析。

Threepoint Estimate —— 三点估算。

Pareto Chart —— 帕累托图。

Reserve Analysis —— 预留分析。

COCOMO —— Constructive Cost Model ,构造性成本模型。

ADM —— Arrow Diagram Method ,箭线图法。

PDM —— Precedence Diagram Method ,前导图法。

Bottom Up Estimating —— 自底向上法。

Decision Tree Analysis —— 决策树分析。

AOA —— Active On the Arrow ,双代号网络图法。

Critical Design Review —— 关键设计评审。

Workaround —— 权变措施。

S S- - Curve ——S S 曲线。

Schedule —— 进度。

Schedule Analysis —— 进度计划分析。

Schedule Compression —— 进度计划压缩。

Schedule Control —— 进度计划控制。

Dummy Activity —— 虚活动。

Optimistic time —— 乐观时间。

Most likely time —— 最可能时间。

Pessimistic time —— 悲观时间。

ES —— Earliest Start Time ,最早开始时间。

EF —— Earliest Finish Time ,最早完成时间。

LS —— Latest Start Time ,最迟开始时间。

LF —— Latest Finish Time ,最迟完成时间。

TF —— Total Float ,总时差。

FF —— Free Float ,自由时差。

Crashing —— 压缩、赶工。

Concurrent Engineering —— 并行工程。

Resource Calendar —— 资源日历。

Resource Leveling —— 资源平衡。

Resource Planning —— 资源规划。

Fast Tracking —— 快速跟进。

Product Scope —— 产品范围。

Project Scope —— 项目范围。

Scope Change —— 范围变更。

Scope Creep —— 范围蔓延。

Scope Definition —— 范围定义。

Scope Verification —— 范围验证。

Work Package —— 工作包。

Cost —— 成本。

ABC —— Activity Based Costing ,基于活动的成本核算。

EVM —— Earned Value Management ,挣值管理。

PV —— Plan Value ,计划工作量的预算费用。

AC —— Actual Cost ,已完成工作量的实际费用。

EV —— Earned Value ,已完成工作量的预算成本。

SV —— Schedule Variance ,进度偏差。

CV —— Cost Variance ,费用偏差。

CPI —— Cost Performed Index ,成本绩效指标。

SPI —— Schedul Performed Index ,进度绩效指标。

EAC —— Estimate At Completion ,完成时估算。

BAC —— Budget At Completion ,计划总额。

ETC —— Estimate To Complete ,完成尚需成本估算。

Cost Estimating —— 成本估算。

Cost Management Plan —— 成本管理计划。

Cost Baseline —— 成本基准。

Cost Budget —— 成本预算。

Cost Variance —— 成本偏差。

Cost of Quality —— 质量成本。

Quality —— 质量。

TQM —— Total Quality Management ,全面质量管理。

QA —— Quality Assurance ,质量保证。

QC —— Quality Control ,质量控制。

Acceptable Quality Level —— 可接受质量水平。

Deliverable —— 可交付物。

Benchmarking Analysis —— 基准比较分析法。

OBS —— Organizational Breakdown Structure ,组织分解结构。

RBS —— Resource Breakdown Structure ,资源分解结构。

RAM —— Responsibility Assignment Matrix ,责任分配矩阵。

Virtual Team —— 虚拟团队。

Team Development —— 团队建设。

Team members —— 团队成员。

Communicate —— 沟通。

Communication Channel —— 沟通渠道。

Communication Plan —— 沟通计划。

Information Distribution —— 信息分发。

Performance Report —— 绩效报告。

Problem Solving —— 问题解决。

Compromise —— 妥协。

Smooth —— 圆滑。

Force —— 强迫。

Withdrawal —— 撤退。

Risk —— 风险。

Risk Distinguish —— 风险识别。

Risk Analysis —— 风险分析。

Quantitative Risk Analysis —— 定量风险分析。

Qualitative Risk Analysis —— 定性风险分析。

Risk Response —— 风险应对。

Risk Acceptance —— 风险接受。

Risk Aversion —— 风险规避。

Risk Mitigation —— 风险缓解。

Residual Transference —— 风险转移。

Residual Risk —— 残余风险。

CM —— Configuration Management ,配置管理。

CCB —— Configuration Management Board ,配置管理委员会。

CMO —— Configuration Management Officer ,配置管理员。

CI —— Configuration Items ,配置项。

Version —— 版本。

Document —— 文档。

System Documentation —— 系统文档。

User Documentation —— 用户文档。

Product Documentation —— 产品文档。

Configuration Library —— 配置库。

Development Library —— 开发库。

Controlled Library —— 受控库。

Product Library —— 产品库。

Base line —— 基线。

Milestone —— 里程碑。

Check point —— 检查点。

Configuration Status Report —— 配置状态报告。

Outsourcing —— 外包。

APR —— Acquisition Plan Review ,采购计划评审。

Strategy —— 战略。

SWOT —— Strengths (优势)、 Weaknesses (劣势)、

Opportunities (机遇)、 Threats (挑战)。

Supervisor —— 监理。

Checklist —— 检查单。

RFP —— Request for Proposal ,请求建议书。

RFQ —— Request for Quotation ,请求报价单。

Contract —— 合同。

Contract Administration —— 合同管理。

Contract Closeout —— 合同收尾。

Contract Target Cost —— 合同目标成本。

CPFF —— Cost Plus Fixed Fee ,成本加固定费用(合同)。

CPIF —— Cost Plus Incentive Fee ,成本加奖励费用(合同)。

FFP —— Firm Fixed Price ,完全固定总价(合同)。

Discounted Cash Flow —— 折现现金流。

Claim —— 索赔。

Accept —— 验收。

Acceptance Standard —— 验收标准。


AS,Authentication Server,鉴别服务器

ADSL,asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line,非对称数字用户环路

ATM,Asynchronous Transfer Mode,异步传输模式

ARP,Address Resolution Protocol,地址解析协议

BGP/BGP4,Border Gateway Protocol,边界网关协议




bps,Bits Per second,每秒比特数

CHAP,challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol,挑战握手认证协议

CIDR,Classless Inter-Domain Routing,无类型域间选路

CICS,Complex Instruction Set Computer,复杂指令集

CRC,Cyclical Redundancy Check,循环冗余校验码

Cable Modem,电缆调制解调器

CA,Certification Authority,证书版发机构

CSMA/CD,Carrier Sense Multiple Access/Collision Detection,载波监听多路访问/冲突检测方法

DNS,Domain Name System,域名系统

Dot-decimal notation,十进制点符号

Destination Address,目标地址

Default Route,默认路由

FDDI, Fiber Distributed Data Interface,光纤分布式数据接口

Forwarding Table,转发表

FCS,Frame Check Sequence,帧校验序列

Fiber Channel,光纤通道

FTTH,Fiber To The Home

FTTB,Fiber To The Building

FTTC,Fiber To The Curb


FTP,File Transfer Protocol,文件传输协议

Gigabit Ethernet,千兆以太网


Host Route,主机路由

Header Checksum,首部校验和

HTML, Hyper Text Markup Language,超文本标记语言


HDLC,High-level Date Link Control,高级数据链路控制

HTTP,Hyper Text Transfer Protocol,超文本传输协议

IEEE,Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers,电气电子工程师学会

IMAP,Interactive Mail Access Protocol,交互邮件访问协议

IPCP ,IP Control Protocol,Ip 控制协议

IP Fragmentation,IP进行分片处理

IHL,Internet Header Length,首部长度

IP,Internet Protocol, 网际互连协议

ICMP,Internet Control Message Protocol,Internet控制报文协议

ISDN ,Integrated Services Digital Network,综合业务数字网

ISP,Internet Service provider,互联网服务提供商

IX,Internet Exchange,互联网交换机

KDC,Key Distribution Center,密钥分配中心

LCP,Link Control Protocol,链路控制协议

LLC,Logical Link Control,逻辑链路控制


MDA,Message Digest Algorithms,报文摘要算法

MMF,Multi Mode Fiber,多模光纤

MTU,Maximum Transmission Unit,最大传输单位

MAC,Media Access Control,媒体接入控制

NOC,network operation center,网络操作中心

NCP,Network Control Protocol,网络控制协议

NAT,Network Address Translation,网络地址转换

OSPF,Open Shortest Path First,开放式最短路径优先


PAP,password authentication protocol,密码认证协议

PPP,Point to Point Protocol ,点对点协议Padding,填充

Proxy Server,代理服务器

RA,Registration Authority,注册机构

Routing Table ,路由控制表

RICS,Reduced Instruction Set Computing,精简指令集计算机

RIP ,Routing Information Protocol, 路由信息协议

Repeater 中继器


RIF,routing information field,路由信息字段

Source Address,源地址

SMF,Single Mode Fiber,单模光纤

Shielded Twisted Pair Cable,屏蔽双绞线


SNS,social network service,社交网络

SSH ,Secure Shell ,安全外壳协议

SIP,Session initialization Protocol,会话初始协议

SNMP,Simple Network Management Protocol,简单网络管理协议

SMTP, Simple Mail Transfer Protocol,简单邮件传输协议

SSL,Secure Sockets Layer,安全套接层

TELNET 远程终端协议

TCP,Transmission Control Protocol,传输控制协议

TLS,Transport Layer Security,传输层安全性协议

TTL,Time To Live,

TOS,Type Of Service,区分服务

TGS,Ticket-Granting Server,票据授予服务器

Total Length,总长度

UDP,User Datagram Protocol,用户数据报协议


VLSM,Variable Length Subnet Mask,可变长子网掩码,

VLAN,Virtual Local Area Network,虚拟局域网

WLAN,Wireless Local Area Network,无线局域网

1、 The prototyping method is a dynamic design processes. Which requires people who use prototyping method to have the following capability of ( B ).

A .Proficient program expertise B. Immediately acquire requirement

C .Coordinate & organize eloquently D. Handle tools smartly


2、 “science”是一个XML元素的定义,其中元素标记的属性值是()

  1. Title(元素名称) B.style(属性) C.italic (属性值) D.science(元素的值)

3、 为提高传统以太网的数据传输速率,又不改变它的体系结构,可采用(A)

A. Fast Ethernet B. FDDI C. ATM D. Token Ring

4、 在MPEG系列标准中,(C)最适合在共用电话交换网(PSTN)上实时传输视频数据。

  1. MPEG-1 B. MPEG-2 C. MPEG-4 D. MPEG-7

解析:活动图像专家组(MPEG)制定的MPEG标准中,-1,-2,-4是针对数字视频的压缩标准。其中,-1用于数据速率在约高于1.5Mb/s的数字存储媒体的电视图像和伴音编码,而-2要达到的基本目标是:位速率为4-9Mb/s,最高达到15Mb/s 。-4是一个数据速率很低的多媒体通信标准,可以应用在移动通信和共用电话交换网上。

5、 SWOT analysis is a kind of risk identification method. If the project team chose the ST strategy,they should ( )

A . make full use of the advantage and catch the opportunity

B . overcome the weakness and catch the opportunity

C . make full use of the advantage and reduce the threat

D . overcome the weakness and reduce the threat


6、 Changes may be requested by any stakeholder involved with the project, but changes can be authorized only by ( )

A . executive IT manager B . project manger C .change control boar D .project sponsor

解析:项目变更可以由IT经理executive IT manager、项目管理者project manager、项目发起人project sponsor等任意项目干系人发起,但只有变更控制委员会change control board授权通过。

7、 The network layer provides services to the transport layer. It can be based on either virtual circuits or datagrams. In both cases,its main job is ( )packets from the source to the destination.

A . dealing with B . sending C . routing D . receiving


8、 The standard (IEEE 802) format for printing ( ) in human-friendly formis six groups of two hexadecimal digits , separated by hyphens ( -) or colons (:) ,in transmission order, e.g.01-23-45-67-89-ab,01:23:45:67:89:ab.This form isalso commonly used for EUI-64.

A . hard disk logical block address B. IP address C .mail address D.MAC address

解析:标准IEEE 802中,MAC地址输入的格式是6组两个十六进制数字,分隔的连字符用(-)或冒号(:),例如 01-23-45-67-89-ab、01:23:45:67:89:ab,这种形式也常用于EUI-64标识。

1、 Important aspects of a product include the maintenance and on-going operations. They should ( ).

A be included as activities in the project WBS

B not be viewed as part of a project

C be undertaken as separate projects under a mutual program

D not be broken out as separate phases in the project life cycle







2、 The human resource department wants to hire a new project manager within the company. They can choose from the following candidates:

Candidate U has good management knowledge;

Candidate V has good project management knowledge;

Candidate S has solid technical knowledge;

Candidate W has general management, project management and technical skills, ( ) is the best candidate. A U B V C S D W







3、 Your management has decided that all orders will be treated as "projects " and that projects managers will be used to update orders daily, resolving issues and ensuring that the customer formally accepts the product within 21 days of completion. The revenue from the individual orders can vary from $110 to $200 000. The project managers will not be required to perform planning or provide documentation other than daily status. How would define this situation?

A Because each individual order is a "temporary endeavor ", each order is a project. This is truly project management.

B This is program management since there are multiple projects involved.

C This is a recurring process.

D Orders incurring revenue over $110 000 would be considered projects and would involve project management. 参考答案:C






4、Thinking back to the lessons your company learned from its experiences with its legacy information systems during the Y2K dilemma, you finally convinced management to consider systems maintenance from the beginning of the project. However, regardless of what design considerations are factored into the project, maintenance should ( ).

A always be included as an activity to be performed during the closeout phase

B have a separate phase in the life cycle for information systems projects because 60% to 70% of computer system's life cycle costs generally are devoted to maintenance

C not be viewed as part of the project life cycle

D be viewed as a separate project


析:回想你的公司在Y2K困境中从其遗留信息系统的经验中吸取的教训,你最终说服管理层从项目开始就考虑系统维护。然而,不管项目中考虑了什么设计因素,维护都应该( )。


b .信息系统项目的生命周期有一个独立的阶段,因为计算机系统生命周期成本的60 %到70 %通常用于维护



5、 All of the following are parts of the team's stakeholder management effort EXCEPT ( ) .

A giving stakeholders' extras

B identifying stakeholders

C de termining stakeholders' needs

D managing stakeholders' expectations


析:以下都是团队利益相关者管理工作的一部分除了( )。

a .给予利益相关者额外利益


c .确定利益攸关方的需求


6、Two project managers have just realized that they are in a weak matrix organization and that their power as project managers is quite limited. One figure out that he is really a project expediter and the other realizes he is really a project coordinator. How is a project expediter different from a project coordinator?

A The project expediter cannot make decisions

B The project expediter can make more decisions

C The project expediter reports to a high-level manager

D The project expediter has some authority







7、Which of the following is least related to define scope?

A organizational process assets

B requirements documents

C project scope statement

D stakeholder analyses







8、Another name for strategic planning is ( ).

A short term B operational C tactical D top down


析:战略规划的另一个名称是( )。


9、The type of planning that is equated with more specific data or detailed in nature is called ( ) . A strategic B operational C short term D tactical


析:等同于更具体数据或本质上更详细的规划类型称为( )。


10、All of the following are characteristics of a project EXCEPT ( ) .

A temporary

B definite beginning and end

C interrelated activities

D repeats itself every month


析:以下是项目的所有特征除了( )。





11、Project management is ( ).

A not needed if all functional managers would carry out their assigned responsibilities

B needed because the functional organization and its methods of planning and control cannot otherwise assure that complex projects will be completed on time and within budget

C not needed unless the project is in serious trouble

D needed only on projects which have high visibility


析:项目管理是( )。

a .如果所有职能经理都将履行其分配的职责,则不需要

b之所以需要,是因为职能组织及其规划和控制方法不能保证复杂的项目能够在预算范围内按时完成; c除非项目遇到严重的麻烦,否则不需要


12、A project manager is managing his second project. It started one month after the first and both are ongoing. Though his first project is small, this one seems to be growing in size every day. As each day passes, the project manager is beginning to feel more and more in need of help. The project manager has recently heard that there was another project in the company last year that is similar to his second project. What should he do?

A Contact the other project manager and ask for assistance

B Obtain historical records and guidance from the PMO

C Wait to see if the project is impacted by the growth in scope

D Make sure the scope for the project is agreed to by all the stakeh older





c .等待,看看项目是否受到范围增长的影响


13、Your company, Nutritional Chickens, is embarking on a project to completely eliminate the threat of salmonella in its products. You are the project manager for this project, and you have just finished the concept phase. The deliverable for this phase is the ( ).

A project plan B statement of work C project charter D resource spreadsheet


析:你的公司,营养鸡,正在着手一个项目,彻底消除其产品中沙门氏菌的威胁。你是这个项目的项目经理,你刚刚完成了概念阶段。此阶段的交付内容是( )。


14、( ) is the document that forms the basis for an agreement between the project team and the project customer by identifying both the project objectives and the major project deliverables. A Implementation plan

B Configuration management plan

C Scope statement

D Work authorization plan


析:( )是一份文件,通过确定项目目标和主要项目交付成果,构成了项目团队和项目客户之A间达成协议的基础。实施计划




15、All organizations should be supportive of the performing organization's long term goals. These types of goals are best described as ( ). A operational B tactical C strategic D bottom-u 参考答案:C

析:所有组织都应该支持执行组织的长期目标。这些类型的目标最好描述为( )。


16、Within the five overlapping process groups of: initiating, planning, executing, controlling, and closing, ( ) processes dominate in all project phase. A Initiating and planning B Executing and controlling C Planning and closing D They are all essential in each phase


17、Why is it more difficult to determine when a change occurs on a project that is using a cost-reimbursable contract as compared to a fixed-price contract?

A The detailed scope of work is not fully defined.

B On cost-reimbursable contracts the contractor wants lots of changes.

C The client usually creates the changes on a fixed-price contract.

D The contractor determines if there are any changes to approve.


18、When should a change request be documented?

A The change is introduced into the normal workflow and the documentation is provided after the work is completed.

B The work authorization is given upon the request of the client and documented at its occurrence.

C Due to time constraints or the belief that it would be foolish to have to redo any additional work as a result of the change, the change is incorporated.

D Client and contractor jointly document and approve the change before the work is scheduled. 参考答案:D

19、Changes are difficult and cumbersome to incorporate with the complex systems used by contractors. What is he reason for this difficulty?

A The lack of detail available concerning the tasks to be achieved on a project.

B It is difficult the contractor to incorporate changes into a fixed-price contract.

C The contractor cannot account for re-work in their change control process.

D Complex systems are conductive to the acceptance of change.


20、Setting strategic project objective is the responsibility of the ( ).

A project manager

B functional manager

C executives or user groups

D client


21、Each project phase is marked by completion of one or more ( ).

A tasks B milestone C deliverables D life cycles


22、When should senior management perform periodic project reviews?

A Completion of a milestone

B Completion of each life cycle phase

C When one functional group completes their tasks

D When an activity interface point is reached.


23、Most of the problems associated with completing a contract represent the two basic characteristics of human behavior, which are ( ).

A cognitive and affective

B internal and external

C affective and organizational

D emotional and project close-out


24、The development of long term goals set by executive management called ( ).

A project planning

B operation planning

C strategic planning

D contingency planning


25、( ) is directly responsible for satisfying project requirement.

A The functional managers

B Top management

C The project manager

D The project team


26、Which of the following is not a process in the project life cycle?

A Planning B Initiating C Closing D Project reporting


27、Project with high risk and a great deal of uncertainty are handled best by ( ).

A pure project organizations

B matrix organizations

C tiger teams

D functionally organized corporations


28、Work authorization ( ).

A is a process of sanctioning project related work

B is necessary for effective scope management

C is based on the work packages or tasks that are identified in the project work breakdown structure as the work and cost control elements of the project

D includes procedures and documents for work orders, contracts, and purchase orders


29、All of the following are reasons projects fail except ( ).

A plans require too much in little time

B planning is performed by a central planning group

C management assumes that all activities will not be completed on schedule

D poor financial estimates


30、What is the main focus of life cycle costing?

A Estimate installation costs

B Estimate the cost of operation and maintenance

C Consider installation costs in managing project costs

D Consider operation and maintenance costs in managing project costs


31、For internal projects, who is responsible to provide the project statement of work?

A Sponsor B Project manager C Project management team D The team


32、Which of the following is an important action that must be taken by top management when implementing project management in an organization?

A Completely selling the project management concept to the entire organization

B Continuing support to the project manager

C Choice of the type of project organizations to utilized

D All of the above

