


autohotkey_如何编写一个AutoHotkey脚本_第2张图片 AutoHotkey 自动热键

AutoHotkey is a fantastic but complicated piece of software. It was initially intended to rebind custom hotkeys to different actions but is now a full Windows automation suite.

AutoHotkey是一款出色而复杂的软件。 它最初旨在将自定义热键绑定到不同的操作,但现在是完整的Windows自动化套件。

AHK isn’t particularly hard to learn for new users, as the general concept is fairly simple, but it is a full, Turing-complete programming language. You will pick up the syntax much easier if you have a programming background or are familiar with the concepts.

对于新用户来说,AHK并不难学习,因为它的总体概念相当简单,但是它是一种完整的,图灵完备的编程语言。 如果您具有编程背景或熟悉这些概念,则将更轻松地掌握语法。

安装和使用自动热键 (Installing and Using AutoHotkey)

AutoHotkey’s installation process is straightforward. Download the installer from the official website and run it. Choose “Express Installation.” After you’ve installed the software, you can right-click anywhere and select New > AutoHotkey Script to make a new script.

AutoHotkey的安装过程非常简单。 从官方网站下载安装程序并运行它。 选择“快速安装”。 安装软件后,可以右键单击任意位置,然后选择“新建”>“自动热键脚本”以创建新脚本。


AHK scripts are text files with a .ahk extension. If you right-click them, you’ll get a few options:

AHK脚本是扩展名为.ahk文本文件。 如果右键单击它们,将获得一些选项:

  • “Run Script” will load your script with the AHK runtime.

  • “Compile Script” will bundle it with an AHK executable to make an EXE file you can run.

  • “Edit Script” will open your script in your default text editor. You can use Notepad to write AHK scripts, but we recommend using SciTE4AutoHotkey, an editor for AHK which supports syntax highlighting and debugging.

    “编辑脚本”将在您的默认文本编辑器中打开您的脚本。 您可以使用记事本编写AHK脚本,但是我们建议使用SciTE4AutoHotkey ,它是AHK的编辑器,支持语法高亮和调试。


While a script is running—whether it’s an EXE or not—you’ll find it running in the background in the Windows notification area, also
