? ? ? ?
AutoHotKey 下载:https://autohotkey.com/download/
AHK脚本编辑器推荐:http://fincs.ahk4.net/scite4ahk/ | https://wyagd001.github.io/zh-cn/docs/commands/Edit.htm#Editors
个人推荐使用sublime text作为autohotkey的编辑器,只需要安装aotuhotkey插件即可。
特殊键解决方案(实用):https://blog.csdn.net/liuyukuan/article/details/5924137 https://wyagd001.github.io/zh-cn/docs/KeyList.htm#SpecialKeys
左上角File--Encoding---UTF-8 with BOM
1、代价加入 #InstallKeybdHook,并且开启脚本
2、左键点击右下角的图标 -> View -> Key History
Symbol | Description |
# | Win (Windows logo key) |
! | Alt |
^ | Control / Ctrl |
+ | Shift |
& | An ampersand may be used between any two keys or mouse buttons to combine them into a custom hotkey. |
默认是左侧的,如果想要右侧的加入< >即可,譬如按下右侧的ctrl , 那就是 >^
SendLevel 控制热键和热字串是否忽略模拟的键盘和鼠标事件.
SendLevel 1 Send, canvas.game{tab}
GuiControlGet 如果有GUI,那么需要这样用,譬如我的GUI是Pandora
GuiControlGet, OutputVar, Pandora:, ClipHistory, Text
!x:: CoordMode Pixel ImageSearch, FoundX, FoundY, 0, 0, A_ScreenWidth, A_ScreenHeight, *25 static/icon/cn.png ImageSearch, FoundX2, FoundY2, 0, 0, A_ScreenWidth, A_ScreenHeight, *25 static/icon/cn2.png if (FoundX != "" || FoundX2 != "") { MsgBox, 目前是中文输入法 } return
# 获取当前活跃窗口标题 WinGetTitle, title, A # 根据title获取当前的ahk_class WinGetClass, outval, 标题名 # 获取当前活跃窗口ahk_class WinGetClass, outval, A
ISSTOP := false F5:: Loop { Click Sleep, 10 if (ISSTOP) { break } } return F6:: ISSTOP := true return
run, iexplore.exe ExitApp
- 替换热字符串
- 替换label
- 替换函数方法
// 1、替换热字符串 Loop, 1000 { Hotstring("::h" . A_Index, "height: " . A_Index . "px;") } // 2、替换为label Loop, 1000 { Hotstring(":X:h" . A_Index, "HEIGHT_HANDLE_LABEL") } HEIGHT_HANDLE_LABEL() { MsgBox, % A_ThisHotkey } // 3、替换函数方法 HEIGHT_HANDLE_LABEL() { MsgBox, % A_ThisHotkey } Loop, 1000 { HFN := Func("HEIGHT_HANDLE_LABEL") Hotstring(":X:h" . A_Index, HFN) }
如何输出双引号? 其实就是两个双引号即可
Var := "我的名字是 "" Lee "" " MsgBox, % Var
正则表达式获取子匹配,请注意下面的 OutputVar4 变量
Var := "" RegExMatch(Var, "im)class(\s*)=(\s*)('|""){1}(.+?)('|""){1}", OutputVar) MsgBox, % OutputVar ; class = 'departmental' MsgBox, % OutputVar4 ; departmental
^!r:: tmp := Clipboard if (StrLen(tmp)) { array := StrSplit(tmp, "`n") For key, value in array MsgBox %key% = %value% } return
执行已定义好的热字符串,Gosub 或者 Goto
::ff:: MsgBox, 123 return ::test:: Gosub ::ff return
Send, {text} console.log('') Send, {left 2}
RunWaitOne(command) { ; WshShell 对象: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aew9yb99 shell := ComObjCreate("WScript.Shell") ; 通过 cmd.exe 执行单条命令 exec := shell.Exec(ComSpec " /C " command) ; 读取并返回命令的输出 return exec.StdOut.ReadAll() } a := RunWaitOne("node -v") MsgBox, % a
GUI Submit, NoHide 的作用
Gui, Add, Text,, First name: Gui, Add, Text,, Last name: Gui, Add, Edit, vFirstName ym ; ym 选项开始一个新的控件列. Gui, Add, Edit, vLastName Gui, Add, Button, default, OK ; ButtonOK(如果存在)会在此按钮被按下时运行. Gui, Show,, Simple Input Example return ; 自动运行段结束. 在用户进行操作前脚本会一直保持空闲状态. GuiClose: ButtonOK: Gui, Submit, NoHide ; 保存用户的输入到每个控件的关联变量中. MsgBox You entered "%FirstName% %LastName%". ExitApp
Gui, Add, Button, w740 h30 Default, FUCK ButtonFUCK: ; 保存用户的输入到每个控件的关联变量中. Gui, Submit, NoHide MsgBox, 123 return
AHK GUI 布局重点教程
- ys:新列
- xs:新行,通常结合sction一起使用
- section:形成一个新的块,通常结合xs一起使用
Gui, Add, Text, gAllSearchA W120 yp+10, 搜索引擎类: Gui, Add, Checkbox, gMySubroutine Checked HwndMyEditHwnd vbd, 百度 Gui, Add, Checkbox, vgoogle, Google Gui, Add, Checkbox, vgithub, Github Gui, Add, Checkbox, vso, Stack Overflow Gui, Add, Checkbox, vsegmentfault, SegmentFault Gui, Add, Checkbox, vcylee, 博客园 Gui, Add, Text, gAllSearchB W120 ys, 翻译类: Gui, Add, Checkbox, vbdfy, 百度翻译 Gui, Add, Checkbox, vyoudaofy, 有道翻译 Gui, Add, Checkbox, vgooglefanyi, Google翻译 Gui, Add, Text, gAllSearchC W120 ys, 音乐类: Gui, Add, Checkbox, vwy, 网易云音乐 Gui, Add, Checkbox, vqq, QQ音乐 Gui, Add, Checkbox, vdog, 酷狗音乐 Gui, Add, Checkbox, vxiami, 虾米音乐 Gui, Add, Text, gAllSearchD W120 ys, 社区类: Gui, Add, Checkbox, vjuejin, 掘金 Gui, Add, Checkbox, vjianshu, 简书 Gui, Add, Checkbox, vcsdn, CSDN Gui, Add, Checkbox, vzhihu, 知乎 Gui, Add, Text, gAllSearchE W120 ys, 购物类: Gui, Add, Checkbox, vtaobao, 淘宝 Gui, Add, Checkbox, vjingdong, 京东 Gui, Add, Checkbox, vdangdang, 当当 Gui, Add, Checkbox, vamazon, 亚马逊 Gui, Add, Checkbox, vsuning, 苏宁易购 Gui, Add, Text, W120 Section xs yp+50, 常用导航: Gui, Add, Link,, "https://github.com">github Gui, Add, Link,, "https://legacy.gitbook.com">gitbook Gui, Add, Link,, "https://www.cnblogs.com/cylee">博客园 Gui, Add, Text, W120 ys, 其他: Gui, Add, Link,, "http://youmightnotneedjquery.com/">notjQuery Gui, Add, Link,, "chrome://inspect/#devices">安卓调试 Gui, Add, Link,, "https://wyagd001.github.io/zh-cn/docs/Tutorial.htm">AHK官网 Gui, Add, Text, W120 ys, 娱乐: Gui, Add, Link,, "https://www.bilibili.com/">哔哩哔哩 Gui, Add, Link,, "http://www.dilidili.wang/">嘀哩嘀哩 Gui, Add, Link,, "http://i.youku.com/u/UNTUzOTAwMzQ0">Ted魔兽 Gui, Add, Link,, "http://e.xitu.io/">掘金前端 Gui, Add, Text, W120 ys, 代理: Gui, Add, Link,, "http://www.xicidaili.com/nn">西刺 Gui, Add, Link,, "https://proxy.l337.tech/txt">l337 Gui, Add, Link,, "http://www.66ip.cn/nm.html">66ip Gui, Add, Text, W120 ys, 站长工具: Gui, Add, Link,, "http://tool.oschina.net/codeformat/html">代码格式化 Gui, Add, Link,, "https://tool.lu/html/">代码美化 Gui, Add, Link,, "http://jsbeautifier.org/">jsbeautifier Gui, Add, Link,, "http://tool.chinaz.com/Tools/urlencode.aspx">Urlencode/Unicode Gui, Add, Text, W120 Section xs yp+40, layer/layui: Gui, Add, Link,, "http://layer.layui.com/">layer Gui, Add, Link,, "http://www.layui.com/doc/">layui文档 Gui, Add, Link,, "http://www.layui.com/demo/">layer示例 Gui, Add, Link,, "https://github.com/sentsin/layui/">layui-github Gui, Add, Text, W120 ys, Vue: Gui, Add, Link,, "http://vuejs.org/">vue Gui, Add, Link,, "http://vuex.vuejs.org">vuex Gui, Add, Link,, "http://router.vuejs.org ">vue-router Gui, Add, Link,, "https://github.com/opendigg/awesome-github-vue">vue-awesome Gui, Add, Text, W120 ys, ElementUI: Gui, Add, Link,, "http://element-cn.eleme.io/#/zh-CN/component/radio">ElementUI Gui, Add, Link,, "https://github.com/ElemeFE/element/blob/dev/packages/">Element-github Gui, Add, Text, W120 ys, mint-ui: Gui, Add, Link,, "http://elemefe.github.io/mint-ui/#/">mint-ui Gui, Add, Link,, "http://mint-ui.github.io/docs/#/">mint-ui-github Gui, Add, Text, W120 ys, 最近浏览: Gui, Add, Link,, "http://guss.one/guss/register.html?code=ec19c0ca">guss Gui, Add, Link,, "http://www.51ym.me/User/Default.aspx">易码 Gui, Add, Link,, "http://www.manbiwang.com/#/">满币网
Gui, Add, Checkbox, vsuning, 苏宁易购
; 设置为选中 GuiControl,, suning, 1
Gui, Add, Text, gAllSearchD W120 ym, 社区类: AllSearchD: MsgBox, 123return
(hack) 在ahk中使用JavaScript
#Includescript := new ActiveScript("JScript") Result := script.Eval("parseInt(Math.random() * 10 + 1)") MsgBox, % Result
!enter:: WinGet, OutputVar, MinMax, A if (OutputVar == 1) { WinRestore, A } else { WinMaximize, A } return
获取当前桌面路径:MsgBox, %A_Desktop%
Gui, Add, Text, W120, 搜索引擎类: Gui, Add, Checkbox, gMySubroutine vbd Checked HwndMyEditHwnd, 百度 Gui, Add, Checkbox, vgoogle, Google Gui, Add, Checkbox, vgithub, Github Gui, Add, Checkbox, vso, Stack Overflow Gui, Add, Text, W120 ym, 翻译类: Gui, Add, Checkbox, vbdfy, 百度翻译 Gui, Add, Checkbox, vyoudaofy, 有道翻译 Gui, Add, Checkbox, vgooglefanyi, Google翻译 Gui, Add, Text, W120 ym, 音乐类: Gui, Add, Checkbox, vwy, 网易云音乐 Gui, Add, Checkbox, vqq, QQ音乐 Gui, Add, Checkbox, vdog, 酷狗音乐 Gui, Add, Checkbox, vxiami, 虾米音乐 Gui, Add, Text, W120 ym, 社区类: Gui, Add, Checkbox, vjuejin, 掘金 Gui, Add, Checkbox, vjianshu, 简书 Gui, Add, Checkbox, vcsdn, CSDN Gui, Add, Checkbox, vzhihu, 知乎 Gui, Add, Checkbox, vsegmentfault, SegmentFault ; ym 可以 y轴换列,有点类似float:left ,而 xm可以换行,有点类似clear:both Gui, Add, Edit, r9 vFirstName w300 Limit50 ym , 请输入你要搜索的内容 Gui, Color, E6FFE6 Gui, Margin, 10, 10 Gui, Add, Button, w300 h30, OK Gui, Show,, Simple Input Example return ; +g 其实就是添加吧 MySubroutine: MsgBox, %MyEditHwnd% MsgBox, %A_EventInfo%, %A_GuiEvent%, %A_GuiControl%, %A_Gui% return GuiClose: ButtonOK: Gui, Submit ; 保存用户的输入到每个控件的关联变量中. if (bd == 1) { } return
~^c:: Clipboard := Send, ^c ClipWait time := A_YYYY . "/" . A_MM . "/" . A_DD . " " . A_Hour . ":" . A_Min . ":" . A_Sec FileAppend, __________________%time%__________________`n`n%Clipboard%`n`n, ./tmp.txt return
if (StrLen(Trim(StrReplace(Clipboard, "`r`n"))) != 0) {}
!space:: InputBox, OutputVar, title, what's your Q? if (ErrorLevel == 0) { /* RUN, https://www.zhihu.com/search?type=content&q=%OutputVar% RUN, https://segmentfault.com/search?q=%OutputVar% RUN, https://www.google.com/search?q=%OutputVar% RUN, https://stackoverflow.com/search?q=%OutputVar% */ RUN, https://www.baidu.com/s?wd=%OutputVar% } Return
; 快速搜索音乐 !m:: InputBox, OutputVar, title, enter a music name? if (OutputVar != "") { RUN, http://music.163.com/#/search/m/?s=%OutputVar% RUN, https://y.qq.com/portal/search.html#w=%OutputVar% RUN, https://www.xiami.com/search?key=%OutputVar% RUN, http://www.kugou.com/yy/html/search.html#searchType=song&searchKeyWord=%OutputVar% } return
(重要) 使用 #include 引入其他代码段
; 这里是htinfo.ahk ::test:: MsgBox, 321 return ; 这里是main.ahk #include htinfo.ahk
热键也支持up 和 down到定义
F6 Up:: MsgBox, 123 return
Menu, Tray, Icon, ../static/favicon-201806020842523.ico
::layui:: run, https://github.com/dragon8github/ahk/blob/master/template/layui_template.zip?raw=true return我们只需要输入layui 然后按下回车即可,不一定需要输出到面板。
scite4ahk 编辑器中间的神奇运用:鼠标中键列出所有的快捷键和定义。包含#include的东西
>^t:: time := A_YYYY . "/" . A_MM . "/" . A_DD . " " . A_Hour . ":" . A_Min . ":" . A_Sec Send, % time return
MsgBox, 4,, Would you like to continue? (press Yes or No) IfMsgBox Yes MsgBox You pressed Yes. else MsgBox You pressed No.
::posa:: SendInput, ( position: absolute`; ) MsgBox, % A_ThisHotkey Return
::Test:: clipboard = Var = ( --Start Script sendToAHK = function (key) --print('It was assigned string: ' .. key) local file = io.open("C:\\Users\\TaranWORK\\Documents\\GitHub\\2nd-keyboard-master\\LUAMACROS\\keypressed.txt", "w") -- writing this string to a text file on disk is probably NOT the best method. Feel free to program something better! --Make sure to substitute the path that leads to your own "keypressed.txt" file, using the double backslashes. --print("we are inside the text file") file:write(key) file:flush() --"flush" means "save" file:close() lmc_send_keys('{F24}') -- This presses F24. Using the F24 key to trigger AutoHotKey is probably NOT the best method. Feel free to program something better! end ) RegExMatch(Var, "i)(\b\w+\b)(?CCallout)") Callout(m) { clipboard .= m . "," ; __Var__ = %__Var__% . %m% ;__Array__.Insert(m) ;MsgBox, % __Var__ ;MsgBox m=%m% `n m1=%m1% `n m2=%m2% ; __Var__ .= m return 1 } return
MyVar = 5,3,7,9,1,1,13,999,-4 Sort MyVar, U N D, ; N数值排序, D默认使用逗号作为分隔符, U移除重复项 MsgBox %MyVar% ; 结果是 -4,1,3,5,7,9,13,999*/ Return
-7、累加字符串,和php一样, .= 即可
Array := [] Array.Insert("d") Array.Insert("a") Array.Insert("b") Array.Insert("c") for index, element in Array ; 在大多数情况下建议使用枚举的方式. { ; 使用 "Loop", 索引必须是连续的数字, 从 1 到 ; 数组中元素的个数 (或者必须在循环中进行计算). ; MsgBox % "Element number " . A_Index . " is " . Array[A_Index] ; 使用"for",同时提供了索引(或"键")及与它关联 ; 的值,并且索引可以是您选择的*任何*值. ;MsgBox % "Element number " . index . " is " . element Var .= element MsgBox, % Var }
::arr:: Array := [] Array.Insert("a") Array.Insert("b") Array.Insert("c") Array.Insert("d") for index, element in Array ; 在大多数情况下建议使用枚举的方式. { ; 使用 "Loop", 索引必须是连续的数字, 从 1 到 ; 数组中元素的个数 (或者必须在循环中进行计算). ; MsgBox % "Element number " . A_Index . " is " . Array[A_Index] ; 使用"for",同时提供了索引(或"键")及与它关联 ; 的值,并且索引可以是您选择的*任何*值. MsgBox % "Element number " . index . " is " . element } Return
+d:: InputBox, OutputVar, title, enter your download url? if (OutputVar != "") { text := ajax(OutputVar) RUN, notepad WinWaitActive, 无标题 - 记事本, , 2 if ErrorLevel { MsgBox, WinWait timed out. } else { ; 这里需要聚焦一下 Winactivate code(text) } } return
::Test:: Var = ( --Start Script sendToAHK = function (key) --print('It was assigned string: ' .. key) local file = io.open("C:\\Users\\TaranWORK\\Documents\\GitHub\\2nd-keyboard-master\\LUAMACROS\\keypressed.txt", "w") -- writing this string to a text file on disk is probably NOT the best method. Feel free to program something better! --Make sure to substitute the path that leads to your own "keypressed.txt" file, using the double backslashes. --print("we are inside the text file") file:write(key) file:flush() --"flush" means "save" file:close() lmc_send_keys('{F24}') -- This presses F24. Using the F24 key to trigger AutoHotKey is probably NOT the best method. Feel free to program something better! end ) ; FoundPos := RegExMatch(Var, "iO)\s(\w+)|(\w+)\s", SubPat) ; MsgBox, % Match ; 保证特征只有一个。那么空格是很好的 ;Haystack = The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. ;RegExMatch(Haystack, "i)(\b\w+\b)(?CCallout)") RegExMatch(Var, "i)(\b\w+\b)(?CCallout)") Callout(m) { MsgBox m=%m% `n m1=%m1% `n m2=%m2% return 1 } return
!q:: Var = ( 审查清单 1、确定设计稿的开发友好性(开发成本、无法完美还原效果图的地方) 2、确定一些特殊的元素是否有合理的边界处理(如文案超出外层容器的情况) 3、确定页面的框架结构(Layout) 4、确定跨页面可复用组件(Site Global Component) 5、确定当前页面可复用组件(Page Component) ... 把页面想象成一套房子 - HTML:可以决定网页架构结构(房子有几间房,各个区域的用途是什么) - Css:可以决定网页的样式和布局(房间的颜色,布局,大小,装修,主题,色调) - JS:决定页面具体交互和功能(智能家居,如空调根据温度自动启动和调节温度,灯光自动调节色温,房门感应自动打开和关闭) ) Gui, font, s14, Microsoft yahei Gui, color, f2f2f2 Gui, Add, Text,, %Var% Gui, Show, W800 H600 X0 Y0 Center AutoSize, 标题 return Return
c(code) { tmp := Clipboard Clipboard := code SendInput, ^V Clipboard := tmp } ::gettop:: Var = ( function getElementTop(element){ try { var actualTop = element.offsetTop; var current = element.offsetParent; while (current !== null){ actualTop += current.offsetTop; current = current.offsetParent; } return actualTop; } catch (e) {} } ) c(Var) Return
::gettop:: whr := ComObjCreate("WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1") ; Open() 的第三个参数代表同步或者异步,现在不用过多关注,true 就可以了 whr.Open("GET", "https://autohotkey.com/download/1.1/version.txt", true) whr.Send() whr.WaitForResponse() version := whr.ResponseText MsgBox, % version Return
::gettop:: whr := ComObjCreate("WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1") ; Open() 的第三个参数代表同步或者异步,现在不用过多关注,true 就可以了 whr.Open("GET", "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dragon8github/ahk/master/functions/gettop.js", true) whr.Send() TrayTip, 请稍后, 正在为你下载gettop代码,请保持网络顺畅, 20, 17 whr.WaitForResponse() tmp := Clipboard Clipboard := whr.ResponseText send, ^V Clipboard := tmp TrayTip, 下载成功, (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭❤~ , 20, 17 Return
#z::Run https://autohotkey.com ^!n::if WinExist("Untitled - Notepad") WinActivate else Run Notepad return
1.0 、设置终止符(重要)
Hotstring("EndChars", "`n`t ") ; 设置为回车键、tab键和空格键
Hotstring("EndChars", "-()[]{}:;")
1.1.1 将中文符号强制转换为英文
; 无视输入法状态发送字符串uStr函数 uStr(str) { charList:=StrSplit(str) SetFormat, integer, hex for key,val in charList out.="{U+ " . ord(val) . "}" return out } ,::SendInput % uStr(",") ?::SendInput % uStr("?") .::SendInput % uStr(".") !::SendInput % uStr("!") {::SendInput % uStr("{") }::SendInput % uStr("}") [::SendInput % uStr("[") ]::SendInput % uStr("]") `;::SendInput % uStr(";") >+;::SendInput % uStr(":") (::SendInput % uStr("(") )::SendInput % uStr(")") >+':: a = " SendInput % uStr(a) Return ':: a = ' SendInput % uStr(a) Return
send, ^s reload Return
!d:: Send, %A_YYYY%/%A_MM%/%A_DD% Return
!x:: a = fuck you!!!!!! Clipboard = %a% Return
^j:: Send, My First Script Return
2.1、明白 Send,和 SendInput的区别。前者是慢慢输入,后者是直接输入
::dg:: Send, document.getElementById('')`;{left 3} Return ::dg:: SendInput, document.getElementById('')`;{left 3} Return
::ftw::Free the whales输入 ftw 然后按下【空格、tab、回车、分号,感叹号等许多键时,会自动补全Free the whales】
esc:: MsgBox Escape!!!! Return
::btw:: MsgBox You typed "btw". Return
^j:: MsgBox Wow! MsgBox this is Run, Notepad.exe
#IfWinActive 无标题 - 记事本
WinWaitActive, 无标题 - 记事本 Send, 7 lines{!}{enter} SendInput, inside the ctrl{+}j hotkey Return亮点在于 #IfWinActive 无标题 - 记事本 和 WinWaitActive, 无标题 - 记事本。
Numpad0 & Numpad1:: MsgBox You pressed Numpad1 while holding down Numpad0. Return Numpad0 & Numpad2:: Run Notepad Return同时按下0+1或者0+2试试,就像按Ctrl + C 一样即可,但必须是右侧九宫格
:*:ftw::Free the whales输入 ftw就自动变成Free the whales
#IfWinActive 无标题 - 记事本 #space:: MsgBox You pressed Win+Spacebar in Notepad. Return新开一个nodepad,然后按下快捷键即可。非常实用
; 这是注释 #IfWinActive 无标题 - 记事本!q:: MsgBox, You pressed Alt and Q in Notepad. Return #IfWinActive
11、#IfWinActive作用域、代码块 下才有效
; Notepad #IfWinActive ahk_class Notepad #space:: MsgBox, You pressed Win+Spacebar in Notepad. Return ::msg::You typed msg in Notepad #IfWinActive只有在Nodepad下输入msg + 【enter、space...等键】才有效果
12、输入 j 补全
~j:: Send, ack Return
#i:: Run, http://www.baidu.com/ Return ^p:: Run, notepad.exe Return ~j:: Send, ack Return :*:acheiv::achiev ::achievment::achievement ::acquaintence::acquaintance :*:adquir::acquir ::aquisition::acquisition :*:agravat::aggravat :*:allign::align ::ameria::America
^b:: Send, {ctrl down}c{ctrl up} ; 等于按下Ctrl + C ,然后松开Ctrl键 SendInput, [b]{ctrl down}v{ctrl up}[/b] ; 输入[b]然后按下Ctrl + V,松开Ctrl键,然后输入[/b] Return正式开发不可能那么复杂,而是使用热键,譬如
^b:: Send, ^c ; 等于按下Ctrl + C ,然后松开Ctrl键 SendInput, [b]^v[/b] ; 输入[b]然后按下Ctrl + V,松开Ctrl键,然后输入[/b] Return
>^i:: Send, ( Line 1 Line 2 Apples are a fruit. )
Add(x, y) { return x + y } ^j:: Send, % Add(2, 3) Return
Add(x, y) { Send, % x + y } ^j:: Add(2, 3) Return
Add(x) { return "{{}" x "{}}" } ^j:: Send, % Add("//...") Return
menu,add 默认会去掉重复项,但却不会去掉分隔符,也就是空值,所以为了方便直接每次显示完后删除所有最好了。
!p:: ; Create the popup menu by adding some items to it. Menu, PythonMenu, Add, Item1, PythonHandler Menu, PythonMenu, Add, Item2, PythonHandler Menu, PythonMenu, Add ; Add a separator line. ; Create another menu destined to become a submenu of the above menu. Menu, Submenu1, Add, Item1, PythonHandler Menu, Submenu1, Add, Item2, PythonHandler ; Create a submenu in the first menu (a right-arrow indicator). When the user selects it, the second menu is displayed. Menu, PythonMenu, Add, My Submenu, :Submenu1 Menu, PythonMenu, Add ; Add a separator line below the submenu. Menu, PythonMenu, Add, Item3, MenuHandler ; Add another menu item beneath the submenu. Menu, PythonMenu, Show ; i.e. press the Win-Z hotkey to show the menu. Menu, PythonMenu, DeleteAll return PythonHandler: MsgBox You selected %A_ThisMenuItem% from the menu %A_ThisMenu%. return
#space:: InputBox, OutputVar, title, enter a music name? if (OutputVar!="") MsgBox, That's an awesome name, %OutputVar%.也可以用 ErrorLevel 来区分用户点击的是确认还是取消
InputBox, UserInput, Phone Number, Please enter a phone number., , 640, 480 if ErrorLevel MsgBox, CANCEL was pressed. else MsgBox, You entered "%UserInput%"
!a:: ; Control+Alt+Z hotkey. MouseGetPos, MouseX, MouseY PixelGetColor, color, %MouseX%, %MouseY% Clipboard = %color% return
!a:: MouseGetPos, MouseX, MouseY PixelGetColor, color, %MouseX%, %MouseY% Clipboard = %color% TrayTip, my title, current color is `n %color%, 20, 17 return
23 关闭输入法
SwitchIME(dwLayout){ HKL:=DllCall("LoadKeyboardLayout", Str, dwLayout, UInt, 1) ControlGetFocus,ctl,A SendMessage,0x50,0,HKL,%ctl%,A } esc:: ; 下方代码可只保留一个 SwitchIME(0x08040804) ; 英语(美国) 美式键盘 ;SwitchIME(0x04090409) ; 中文(中国) 简体中文-美式键盘 return