java: Annotation processing is not supported for module cycles. Please ensure that all modules......

1.提示:java: Annotation processing is not supported for module cycles. Please ensure that all modules from cycle [bpm-point-service-api,bpm-point-service-domain] are excluded from annotation processing
2.上面问题翻译是:出现了依赖循环错误来自于 [bpm-point-service-api,bpm-point-service-domain] 这两个文件,所以接下来我们要对这两个依赖进行分析。
3.进行依赖分析,找到对应的文件bpm-point-service-api(这里我们先选择这个文件),右键analyze->analyze module dependencies
java: Annotation processing is not supported for module cycles. Please ensure that all modules......_第1张图片
一:开始进行分析,首先点击左上角那个文件的小图标(include test …)我是点击才变红,变红的地方就是发生循环的地方。java: Annotation processing is not supported for module cycles. Please ensure that all modules......_第2张图片
二:右键open module settings
java: Annotation processing is not supported for module cycles. Please ensure that all modules......_第3张图片

java: Annotation processing is not supported for module cycles. Please ensure that all modules......_第4张图片

