IB世界意识的培养绝不仅仅是世界风土人情割裂性的呈现,人类文明的一大推动力就是故事性陈述narrative statement。Brandon Stanton通过他的镜头并结合当事人的口述,展现人类的消极和积极,从而使得这个作品集portfolio成为呈现来自世界各地不同阶层人类的共通性universality的媒,并由此使读者产生一种全球性的共情力global empathy。目前市面上这本书,并没有出现中文译本,接下来的一年,我将不定期地翻译书中的每一个故事,它们听上去都平淡无奇,但实际上是很有冲击力的。每一个故事都代表着人类的某一特质,无论好与坏。(注:以下译文内容仅供参考学习使用,并不能作为商业用途出版发行,如有违反,将面临相关法律追责。如需获取完整内容,请大家购买原版书籍阅读,谢谢!)
"I spent my childhood working, so I never had the chance to get an education. I was always envious of the boys who got to wear uniforms. This is her first month of school. She comes home and tells me exactly what happened, every day. I love it. If I'm not home for a few days, she'll save up all her stories, then tell them to me all at once." (Lahore, Pakistan)
“我从小就出来打工,所以没什么文化。原来我非常羡慕那些穿着校服的孩子。这是她上学的第一个月,放学回家就跟我讲学校发生的事,每天如此。我也爱听她讲,有时我外出几天,她总是等我回家之后就把憋了几天的事,全都跟我讲。” (拉合尔市,巴基斯坦)
"I graduated more than one thousand kids from elementary school. I'd still be teaching but my eyes went bad. It's such an important time in a child's life. It's when they learn speech, grammar, and how to pay attention. It's when the tree gets its roots. If you're taught wrong in elementary school, you'll be trying to catch that train for the rest of your life." (St. Petersburg, Russia)
“我带过超过一千名小学毕业生。我还在教书,但眼睛不太好使了。小学是每个孩子人生的关键时期,他们学习表达、语法和培养专注力,此时大树要扎牢根基,如果孩子在小学没有被引导好,今后就只能苦苦追赶别人了。” (圣彼得堡,俄罗斯)
"I'd like them to be ministers or businesspeople. But this one is supposed to start school this year, and I don't have the money to send him." (Kasangulu, Democratic Republic of Congo)
"When I was eighteen, a large group of students visited Ghana from the UK for a youth development program. It was an expensive program. It cost thousands of pounds. But I got to join for free because they needed some Ghanaians for a scattering of cultural diversity. The program was a mixture of community service and adventure. We actually came canoeing on this very lake. The whole time I was thinking about how much money was being made from our natural resources. And how much of that money was leaving Ghana. I became determined to make Ghana money out of the Ghana environment. So after graduating college, I set out to build a world-class adventure company. It's been over five years now. We have twelve full-time employees and twenty-five adventure locations. Best of all, I think we're creating an adventure culture in the country. Our clients were seventy percent foreign when we started. Now they're eighty percent Ghanaian. Behind me is Survival Island. It's my latest project and biggest risk yet. I constructed a full rope course, and one day I hope to build the world's largest zip line. That would really put Ghana on the adventure map." (Accra, Ghana)