zephyr核心数据结构 - struct device

struct device 的zephyr中的地位相当于linux中的 struct file_operations .


先来看看 struct device 长什么样:

struct device {
	/** Name of the device instance */
	const char *name;
	/** Address of device instance config information */
	const void *config;
	/** Address of the API structure exposed by the device instance */
	const void *api;
	/** Address of the common device state */
	struct device_state *state;
	/** Address of the device instance private data */
	void *data;
#if defined(CONFIG_DEVICE_DEPS) || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
	 * Optional pointer to dependencies associated with the device.
	 * This encodes a sequence of sets of device handles that have some
	 * relationship to this node. The individual sets are extracted with
	 * dedicated API, such as device_required_handles_get(). Only available
	 * if @kconfig{CONFIG_DEVICE_DEPS} is enabled.
	Z_DEVICE_DEPS_CONST device_handle_t *deps;
#if defined(CONFIG_PM_DEVICE) || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
	 * Reference to the device PM resources (only available if
	 * @kconfig{CONFIG_PM_DEVICE} is enabled).
	struct pm_device *pm;
