每日一词 fuel

这几年流行一个词 FOMO,即 Fear of Missing Out,中文叫“错失恐惧症”。社交媒体的出现更是加剧了这种恐惧,比如我们经常刷朋友圈,总怕自己错过了什么。这时就可以说:
People’s fear of missing out is fueled by social media.
Intensified meetings in recent weeks had fuelled the impression that an agreement was in the offing.

That has fuelled speculation that China might use its currency as a weapon in the trade war.

It has also fuelled competition among banks, slashing margins and pushing many towards the exit.
The competition between powerful countries have fueled technological innovation.

The enthusiasm of young man is always easily fueled by those who have secret motive.

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