bbpress 字体_bbPress的24个最佳WordPress主题

bbpress 字体_bbPress的24个最佳WordPress主题_第1张图片

bbpress 字体

Are you looking for the best WordPress themes for bbPress? bbPress allows you to easily add forums to your WordPress site. However, many WordPress themes are not designed to be suitable for forums and bbPress. In this article, we have hand-picked some of the best WordPress themes for bbPress that you can try.

您是否正在寻找bbPress的最佳WordPress主题? bbPress使您可以轻松地将论坛添加到WordPress网站。 但是,许多WordPress主题并非设计为适合论坛和bbPress。 在本文中,我们为bbPress精选了一些最佳的WordPress主题,您可以尝试这些主题。

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用bbPress和WordPress建立论坛 (Building a Forum with bbPress and WordPress)

WordPress is the ideal platform to build an online community. Aside from creating a blog, you can also add a forum to your website using forum plugins such as bbPress.

WordPress是建立在线社区的理想平台。 除了创建博客外 ,您还可以使用诸如bbPress之类的 论坛插件将论坛添加到您的网站。

bbPress is a WordPress plugin, so you will need a self-hosted site to use it.

bbPress是WordPress插件 ,因此您将需要一个自托管的WordPress.org网站才能使用它。

To get started, you’ll need to sign up for a WordPress hosting account and get a domain name. All websites need hosting. It will be your website’s home on the internet.

首先,您需要注册WordPress托管帐户并获取域名。 所有网站都需要托管。 这将是您网站的互联网主页。

We recommend using Bluehost. They are one of the largest hosting companies and an official WordPress recommended hosting provider.

我们建议使用Bluehost 。 他们是最大的托管公司之一,也是WordPress官方推荐的托管服务提供商。

After signing up for hosting, you can head over to install WordPress. For detailed instructions, see our step by step guide on how to make a WordPress website.

注册托管后,您可以直接安装WordPress 。 有关详细说明,请参阅有关如何制作WordPress网站的分步指南。

Once you have installed WordPress, the next step is to install bbPress. See our step by step tutorial on how to install and setup bbPress in WordPress.

一旦安装了WordPress,下一步就是安装bbPress。 请参阅有关如何在WordPress中安装和设置bbPress的分步教程。

Now, you are ready to pick a theme for your website. You will need a WordPress theme that offers best compatibility with bbPress forum templates.

现在,您可以为您的网站选择一个主题。 您将需要一个与bbPress论坛模板具有最佳兼容性的WordPress主题。

Having said that, let’s take a look at some of the best WordPress themes for bbPress. This list includes both free and paid themes and all of them are mobile responsive.

话虽如此,让我们看一下bbPress的一些最佳WordPress主题。 此列表包括免费和付费主题,并且所有主题都是移动响应的。

1. AquaMag (1. AquaMag)

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AquaMag is a flexible WordPress magazine theme for bbPress. It includes a featured posts slider on the homepage, followed by different content areas curated to showcase your content in a typical magazine or news layout.

AquaMag是bbPress的灵活WordPress杂志主题 。 它在首页上包括一个精选的帖子滑块 ,其后是精选的不同内容区域,以典型的杂志或新闻版面展示您的内容。

It includes custom widgets to display banner and sidebar ads, most viewed posts, accordion widgets, tabbed posts widget, and more. It has an easy to use custom theme options panel which allows you to easily setup theme.

它包括用于显示横幅广告和侧边栏广告的自定义小部件, 查看最多的帖子 ,手风琴小部件, 选项卡式帖子小部件等。 它具有易于使用的自定义主题选项面板,可让您轻松设置主题。

2.犀牛 (2. Rhino)

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Want to build an online gaming community? Rhino is a WordPress gaming theme with bbPress support allowing you to easily build a gaming website with a dedicated community. It features a clean modern layout for the homepage with a slider on top.

想建立一个在线游戏社区吗? Rhino是具有bbPress支持的WordPress游戏主题,可让您轻松建立具有专用社区的游戏网站。 它具有干净的现代版式首页布局,顶部带有滑块。

Apart from bbPress support, it includes custom widgets for social media, subscription form, and content discovery features. It also has a powerful custom game reviews section with beautiful templates to showcase individual games.

除了bbPress支持之外,它还包括用于社交媒体, 订阅表单和内容发现功能的自定义窗口小部件。 它还具有功能强大的自定义游戏评论部分,其中包含漂亮的模板来展示各个游戏。

3.雷克萨斯 (3. Rexus)

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Rexus is another beautifully designed WordPress theme for bbPress featuring a magazine layout. Theme homepage has a colorful masonry grid layout, which is followed by content curated by categories.

Rexus是bbPress的另一个精美设计的WordPress主题,具有杂志布局。 主题首页具有丰富多彩的砖石网格布局,其后是按类别策划的内容。

Inside you will find a featured posts section, accordion menus, custom widgets for social media, recent posts, popular posts, and more. It comes with a custom theme options panel which makes it easier to just check the options to set up your website.

在内部,您将找到特色的帖子部分, 手风琴菜单 ,用于社交媒体的自定义窗口小部件, 最新帖子 ,热门帖子等。 它带有一个自定义主题选项面板,使您只需检查选项即可轻松设置网站。

4.洞察力 (4. Insight)

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Insight is a modern and flexible WordPress theme suitable for bbPress forums, blogs, and news websites. It features a clutter free minimalist layout with beautiful typography. It ships with 3 color schemes and also allows you to create your own color schemes.

Insight是一种现代且灵活的WordPress主题,适用于bbPress论坛,博客和新闻网站。 它具有简洁的布局和精美的版式。 它附带3种配色方案,还允许您创建自己的配色方案。

for blog posts you’ll find grid and list layouts. Insight is translation ready and can also be used to build multilingual websites. It has an easy theme setup process and all theme options can be easily setup using live customizer.

对于博客文章,您会发现网格和列表布局。 Insight已准备好翻译 ,也可用于构建多语言网站 。 它具有简单的主题设置过程,并且可以使用实时定制器轻松设置所有主题选项。

5.麦莎 (5. Maisha)

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Want to build an online community around your charity or non-profit organization? Maisha is a WordPress theme for bbPress designed for charities and non-profits. It comes with Soliloquy, which is the best WordPress slider plugin in the market.

是否想围绕您的慈善机构或非营利组织建立在线社区? Maisha是bbPress的WordPress主题,专为慈善机构和非营利组织设计。 它附带了Soliloquy ,这是市场上最好的WordPress滑块插件。

It features multiple options and layout choices for homepage and 15 different page templates. It has 3 header styles, 3 blog layouts, and multiple sidebars and custom widgets. It also supports WooCommerce so you can easily add an online store to your community website.

它为首页和15个不同的页面模板提供了多个选项和布局选择。 它具有3种标题样式,3种博客布局以及多个侧边栏和自定义小部件。 它还支持WooCommerce,因此您可以轻松地将在线商店添加到社区网站。

6. Noozbeat (6. Noozbeat)

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Noozbeat is a clean and modern WordPress theme for bbPress with a news/magazine style layout. It features a content-centric layout allowing users to get the fresh content beautifully presented right at the homepage. It has a fully widgetized homepage layout, which allows you to just drag and drop widgets to setup theme.

Noozbeat是bbPress的简洁现代WordPress主题,具有新闻/杂志样式的布局。 它具有以内容为中心的布局,使用户可以在首页上获得精美呈现的新鲜内容。 它具有完全小部件化的主页布局,使您只需拖放小部件即可设置主题。

It has multiple featured posts area layouts, custom widgets for social media integration, and full color control on your theme. It works with all popular WordPress page builder plugins out of the box.

它具有多个精选的帖子区域布局,用于社交媒体集成的自定义小部件以及对主题的全彩色控制。 它与所有流行的WordPress页面构建器插件兼容。

7. Pro-Cast (7. Pro-Cast)

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Looking for a fun fresh look for your bbPress community? Pro-cast is a WordPress magazine theme with beautiful bright colors and a traditional content-centric layout of a news website. It has a custom members section, which shows users their saved content, comments, profile, and author bio.

在为bbPress社区寻找有趣的外观吗? Pro-cast是WordPress杂志的主题,具有美丽鲜艳的色彩和新闻网站的传统以内容为中心的布局。 它有一个自定义成员部分,向用户显示其保存的内容,评论,个人资料和作者简介。

It is packed with flexible options like multiple styles, colors, custom widgets, and templates. It comes with beautiful photo gallery templates with video gallery support.

它包含了灵活的选项,例如多种样式,颜色,自定义小部件和模板。 它带有带有视频库支持的精美照片库模板。

8.每日邮报 (8. Daily Post)

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Want to add bbPress to your news website? Check out Daily Post. It is a WordPress news theme with a modern layout and bbPress support. It is designed to increase pageviews by showcasing your content beautifully.

要将bbPress添加到您的新闻网站? 退房每日邮报。 这是一个具有现代布局和bbPress支持的WordPress新闻主题。 它旨在通过精美展示您的内容来增加综合浏览量 。

To increase user engagement it offers multiple featured posts layouts, several content discovery widgets, lazy loading and infinite scroll features. It is easy to setup and highly optimized for SEO.

为了增加用户的参与度,它提供了多个特色帖子布局,多个内容发现小部件, 延迟加载和无限滚动功能。 它易于设置,并针对SEO进行了高度优化 。

9.苏菲亚 (9. Sufia)

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If you are looking for greater flexibility and a multi-purpose theme, then Sufia can be a great choice. It is a multipurpose WordPress theme compatible with bbPress and WooCommerce. It includes a user submitted posts template allowing your users to submit articles to your website.

如果您正在寻找更大的灵活性和多功能主题,那么Sufia可能是一个不错的选择。 它是与bbPress和WooCommerce兼容的多用途WordPress主题。 它包括一个用户提交的帖子模板,允许您的用户向您的网站提交文章。

It features a fully widgetized homepage layout where you can drag and drop widgets for quicker setup. It has overall 29 custom widgets, 10 unique homepages, 7 header styles, and 5 featured content panels.

它具有完全微件化的主页布局,您可以在其中拖放微件以更快地进行设置。 它总共包含29个自定义小部件,10个独特的首页,7种标题样式和5种特色内容面板。

10.赫斯提亚 (10. Hestia)

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Hestia is a free multipurpose WordPress theme suitable for all kind of websites. It is fully compatible with bbPress and can be used for business websites, online community, or blogs.

Hestia是适用于所有类型网站的免费多功能WordPress主题。 它与bbPress完全兼容,可用于商业网站 ,在线社区或博客。

It comes with awesome features like mega menu, custom backgrounds, full live theme customizer support, WooCommerce support and more. It is compatible with all popular page builders and can be easily translated into other languages.

它具有超赞的功能,例如大型菜单,自定义背景,全面的实时主题定制器支持,WooCommerce支持等等。 它与所有流行的页面构建器兼容,并且可以轻松翻译成其他语言。

11.杂志专业版 (11. Magazine Pro)

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Magazine Pro is a powerful WordPress theme for bbPress and magazine websites. It features a spacious minimalist layout, which is built on top of the Genesis theme framework.

Magazine Pro是bbPress和Magazine网站的强大WordPress主题。 它具有宽敞的极简主义布局,该布局以Genesis主题框架为基础。

It is eCommerce ready and comes with a clutter free theme options panel. Theme homepage features 3 widget areas and fully customizable header. You can also change colors and theme settings using live customizer.

它已经做好了电子商务的准备,并带有简洁的主题选项面板。 主题主页具有3个小部件区域和完全可自定义的标题。 您还可以使用实时定制器更改颜色和主题设置。

12.甜蜜 (12. Dolce)

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Dolce is a flexible WordPress theme for magazine, news, and blogs. It is fully compatible with bbPress and comes with 5 homepage styles and custom widgets for content, social media, Twitter widget, Flickr, and more.

Dolce是杂志,新闻和博客的灵活WordPress主题。 它与bbPress完全兼容,并具有5​​种首页样式和用于内容,社交媒体, Twitter小部件 ,Flickr等的自定义小部件。

It includes a custom theme options panel, which gives you complete control over your website allowing you to turn elements on or off, add your logo, change backgrounds, and more. It has multiple color schemes and even allows you to use different colors for each page.

它包括一个自定义主题选项面板,它使您可以完全控制网站,从而可以打开或关闭元素,添加徽标,更改背景等等。 它具有多种配色方案,甚至允许您为每个页面使用不同的颜色。

13.结帐 (13. Checkout)

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Checkout is a WordPress theme to sell digital goods using Easy Digital Downloads, which is one of the best eCommerce plugin for WordPress. It is fully compatible with bbPress and with its crisp typography using Typekit and Proxima Nova font, it offers a better user experience across your site.

Checkout是WordPress主题,可使用Easy Digital Downloads出售数字商品, Easy Digital Downloads是WordPress最好的电子商务插件之一 。 它与bbPress完全兼容,并具有使用Typekit和Proxima Nova字体的清晰字体,可在您的整个网站上提供更好的用户体验。

It includes beautiful homepage layout with a product search filter at the top. It also has beautiful templates to showcase team members, product pages, reviews, and more. It comes with a getting started guide to help you walk through the simple theme setup process.

它包括漂亮的首页布局,顶部是产品搜索过滤器。 它还具有漂亮的模板,可以展示团队成员,产品页面,评论等。 它带有一个入门指南,可帮助您逐步完成简单的主题设置过程。

14.优秀 (14. Excellent)

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Excellent is a free bbPress compatible WordPress theme with super flexible options. It can be used to create any kind of website but it focuses on business sites and comes with a sleek homepage layout.

优秀是免费的bbPress兼容WordPress主题,具有超级灵活的选项。 它可以用于创建任何类型的网站,但它专注于商业网站,并具有时尚的首页布局。

It comes with contact form template, gallery template, corporate template, and multiple sidebars.

它带有联系表单模板,画廊模板,公司模板和多个侧边栏 。

15.核心 (15. The Core)

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The Core is a super-flexible WordPress theme with 20 ready-made websites packed inside. All of these websites are fully compatible with bbPress. The Core also comes with an integrated page builder allowing you to easily create your own layouts if you need.

核心是超灵活的WordPress主题,其中包含20个现成的网站。 所有这些网站都与bbPress完全兼容。 Core还带有集成的页面构建器,可让您根据需要轻松创建自己的布局。

Some other notable features include unlimited colors, tons of shortcodes, slider, and full WooCommerce support.

其他一些值得注意的功能包括无限的颜色,大量的短代码 ,滑块和完整的WooCommerce支持。

16.基本 (16. Basic)

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Basic is a free WordPress theme with minimalist approach to design with a traditional blog layout for the homepage. It is fully compatible with bbPress and WooCommerce.

Basic是一个免费的WordPress主题,采用极简主义的方法来设计,并采用传统的首页博客布局。 它与bbPress和WooCommerce完全兼容。

It also includes full width page template and optional left and right sidebar templates. It allows you to change primary theme color, add custom header and background image, and manage layout using live theme customizer.

它还包括全角页面模板和可选的左侧和右侧边栏模板。 它允许您更改主要主题颜色,添加自定义标题和背景图像以及使用实时主题定制器管理布局。

17.游戏专区 (17. Games Zone)

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As the name suggests, Games Zone is a WordPress theme for gaming websites. It is compatible with bbPress which allows you to build your own online gaming community with reviews, articles, events, members, and more. It has built-in dedicated areas to display advertisements and a powerful search filter.

顾名思义,游戏专区是游戏网站的WordPress主题。 它与bbPress兼容,后者使您可以使用评论,文章,事件,成员等来构建自己的在线游戏社区。 它具有内置的专用区域来显示广告和强大的搜索过滤器。

Inside you’ll also find several layout choices, shortcodes, sidebars, widgets, and many other useful options. It ships with 2 sliders, theme options panel, and 1-click demo content installer.

在内部,您还将找到几个布局选择, 简码 ,侧边栏,小部件和许多其他有用的选项。 它附带2个滑块,主题选项面板和1单击演示内容安装程序。

18.广场 (18. Square)

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Square is a free WordPress theme for business websites with bbPress support. The homepage layout uses a slider at the top, followed by different sections. It includes right or left sidebar, and single column template for pages.

Square是带有bbPress支持的商业网站的免费WordPress主题。 主页布局在顶部使用滑块,然后是不同的部分。 它包括右侧或左侧边栏,以及页面的单列模板。

You’ll be using the customizer to setup your theme options like slider, header image, background image, and more. Square is also WooCommerce ready and can be easily translated.

您将使用定制程序来设置主题选项,例如滑块,标题图像,背景图像等等。 Square也支持WooCommerce,并且可以轻松翻译。

19.游戏开始 (19. Game On)

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GameOn is a bold colorful WordPress theme for arcade gaming communities with full bbPress support. It allows you to easily create your own arcade game website using WordPress. It has integrated options to display ads using banners, progress bars, and on the game page.

GameOn是带有大型bbPress支持的街机游戏社区的大胆多彩WordPress主题。 它使您可以使用WordPress轻松创建自己的街机游戏网站。 它具有集成选项,可以使用横幅,进度条以及在游戏页面上显示广告。

It allows you to use your own colors, and choose from 600+ Google Fonts to customize typography. Theme setup is quite simple with step by step guide and documentation.

它允许您使用自己的颜色,并从600多种Google字体中进行选择以自定义字体。 借助逐步的指南和文档,主题设置非常简单。

20.在场 (20. Presence)

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If you are looking for a cleaner business look for your bbPress community, then you’ll like Presence. It is bbPress compatible WordPress multipurpose theme with a clean modern layout. It includes 10 demo layouts different kind of websites including business, blog, magazine, education, real estate, hotels, and more.

如果您正在寻找更清洁的业务来寻找bbPress社区,那么您将喜欢Presence。 它是bbPress兼容的WordPress多用途主题,具有简洁的现代布局。 它包括10个演示布局,这些布局包含各种类型的网站,包括商业,博客,杂志,教育,房地产,酒店等。

Each site inside the theme comes with its own demo content and unique features. You’ll also get multiple slider styles, blog layouts, and full WooCommerce support. Considering the flexibility and options, theme setup is relatively simple and you’ll have no trouble getting started.

主题内的每个站点都有其自己的演示内容和独特功能。 您还将获得多种滑块样式,博客布局以及完整的WooCommerce支持。 考虑到灵活性和选项,主题设置相对简单,开始时没有问题。

21. Novu (21. Novu)

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Looking for a WordPress theme for your photography forums? Novu is a beautiful WordPress photography theme with full bbPress support. It is designed to clean, clear, simple, and fast.

寻找摄影论坛的WordPress主题? Novu是一个美丽的WordPress摄影主题,具有bbPress的全面支持。 它旨在清洁,清晰,简单和快速。

Theme homepage features a welcome message which is followed by your photos displayed in a beautiful grid. Behind the simple layout, this theme is packing some super flexible features like parallax background, CSS animations, unlimited colors, header styles, and multiple layouts.

主题主页上有一条欢迎消息,其后是您的照片以漂亮的网格显示。 在简单布局的背后,该主题包含了一些超灵活的功能,例如视差背景, CSS动画 ,无限的颜色,标题样式和多种布局。

22. Atmosphere Pro (22. Atmosphere Pro)

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Built with Genesis framework, Atmosphere Pro is a multipurpose WordPress theme with bbPress support built-in. It comes with a spacious layout, beautiful typography, and simple theme options.

使用Genesis框架构建的Atmosphere Pro是一个多功能的WordPress主题,内置了bbPress支持。 它具有宽敞的布局,精美的版式和简单的主题选项。

Theme homepage can be setup with theme options, customizer, and 4 homepage widget areas. It includes a customizable header area, custom background, and full WooCommerce support.

可以使用主题选项,定制程序和4个主页窗口小部件区域来设置主题主页。 它包括一个可自定义的标题区域,自定义背景和完整的WooCommerce支持。

23.内玛 (23. Nayma)

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If you want a clutter free and easy to use theme but still want the flexibility and options, then check out Nayma. It takes a modular approach to design and allows you to easily create pages with modules. It is fully compatible with bbPress and comes with 8 ready-to-use websites.

如果您想要一个混乱而又免费且易于使用的主题,但仍然想要灵活性和选项,请查看Nayma。 它采用模块化方法进行设计,并允许您轻松创建带有模块的页面。 它与bbPress完全兼容,并带有8个立即可用的网站。

It got modules for pricing tables, carousels, sliders, testimonials, portfolio, services, and much more. It works with all popular WordPress plugins and comes with full WooCommerce support.

它具有用于定价表 ,轮播,滑块,推荐书, 投资组合 ,服务等的模块。 它可以与所有流行的WordPress插件一起使用,并提供全面的WooCommerce支持。

24.阿娃 (24. Ava)

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Ava is a clean and stylish WordPress blog theme with bbPress support. It is ideal for bbPress forums accompanying a lifestyle, personal, or multi-user blogs. It includes multiple header styles, custom fonts, multiple page templates, icon fonts, and more.

Ava是一个简洁时尚的WordPress博客主题,带有bbPress支持。 它是伴随生活方式,个人或多用户博客的bbPress论坛的理想选择。 它包括多种标题样式, 自定义字体 ,多种页面模板, 图标字体等。

It has a custom theme options panel, which allows you to easily setup theme. Other notable features include an ajax powered search, parallax background, shortcodes, custom widgets, and unlimited colors.

它具有一个自定义主题选项面板,可让您轻松设置主题。 其他值得注意的功能包括ajax驱动的搜索,视差背景,简码,自定义小部件和无限的颜色。

We hope this article helped you find the best WordPress themes for bbPress. You may also want to see our ultimate step by step WordPress security guide for beginners.

我们希望本文能帮助您找到bbPress的最佳WordPress主题。 您可能还想看看我们针对初学者的终极逐步WordPress安全指南 。

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

如果您喜欢这篇文章,请订阅我们的YouTube频道 WordPress视频教程。 您也可以在Twitter和Facebook上找到我们。


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