

Our English teacher asked us to understand the meaning of "lazy people can't learn a foreign language well". So I thought of an article. Now the whole country is permeated with the atmosphere of learning foreign languages. The main thing to learn is English, and this choice is completely correct. Because English has actually become a kind of Esperanto. Learn English, almost can go around the world, can not meet the difficulty of language barrier. Poor level, sometimes with a little gesture. It doesn't hurt. The function of language is to communicate ideas. In general life, thought is never too complicated. A little understanding of a foreign language, even if it's a little Pidgin, doesn't matter. As long as the ideas of "Lao Nei" and "Lao Wai" can be communicated, it's OK. Is it difficult to learn a foreign language? What's the shortcut? As the saying goes: "there is no difficulty in the world, just afraid of the intentional people." The so-called "intentional people", I understand, are people who have the ambition to learn and are willing to use their brains. People who can't afford to lie high and wait for the pie to fall from the sky can't learn a foreign language well, and they can't learn anything else well. As for the question of "shortcut", I would like to introduce Euclid (maybe another person), the ancient European geometer. He said to the king, "there is no royal way in geometry!" "Royal way" is the way the emperor took. There is no shortcut to learning a foreign language. Everyone is equal and has to work. This kind of learning method and that kind of learning method sold in the market are not credible. No method can be separated from personal efforts and diligence. These words are platitudes, but there is no harm in saying them. According to my personal experience, it's not very difficult to learn a foreign language by 50 or 60 percent, or even 70 or 80 percent. However, if we don't learn, we have to learn more than 90%, the higher the better. Your foreign language is useless if you don't reach this level. It will even make a difference. I say so without contradiction to what I said above. What is mentioned above is just the idea of simple communication, but what is mentioned here is to study, translate books and do important interpretation work. At present, there are not too few translations on the market, with hundreds of errors and strange translations. These are the actions of translators who are eager for quick success and instant benefit, are at a very low level and are too lazy to look up the dictionary. To put it mildly, these are fake and shoddy products, which should be included in the list of severe punishment. I often have a metaphor: those of us who study foreign languages are like a group of carp swimming under the dragon's gate. After hard work, hard study, perseverance, no tricks, no shortcuts, one day the wind and thunder, a leap across the dragon's gate, and then become a dragon of foreign languages, he became the master of foreign languages, and foreign languages were used by him. If he doesn't, he will swim in the lower reaches of Longmen, unwilling to work hard or study hard. He has been a carp for 100 years. If it's a carp that keeps to itself, it won't hurt people. If you don't keep to yourself, you will fall into the category of fake and shoddy, which will harm people and yourself. Be honest in your life and learn foreign languages. There is no panacea for learning a foreign language. As the saying goes: "there is a way to study, and there is no end to learning." That's the trick. That's what I mean.
