
32 'What if things had been different' allows us to learn from history and the experience of others.

33 the lion man is the precursor of every philosophical theory, scientific discovery,and technological innovation,from microscopes to airplanes to computers.

36 In short, we need understanding.This is, of course, a holy grail of any branch of science-the development of a theory that will enable us to predict what will happen in situations we have not even envisioned yet.

想象力可以说是人类至今所有成果最重要的一环,没有之一。图灵提出的实现类人智能的两种方式:一是模拟人类智能(符号主义 行为主义 连接主义看起来都是这方面的),二是培育一个具有小孩智能的机器人,然后花时间培养他,这时智能体更像一张白纸,里面有相对少而丰富的机制和预存模板,能够让他学习。图灵相信类人智能是人类可实现的能力范围内
