
       /******以下结论和代码分析都是基于最新Linux master分支(Linux5.0)******/

PELT算法中,每个周期为1024us(方便移位操作),也可以认为是1毫秒. 一个进程对系统负载贡献,包含当前负载和历史负载,对于过去的负载在计算时需要乘一个衰减因子,如果Li表示在周期i中该调度实体的对系统负载贡献,那么一个调度实体对系统负荷的总贡献可以表示为:
L= L0 + L1*y + L2*y2 + L3*y3 + Li*y^i + ...... + Ln*y^n ;


(1)    调度实体对系统负荷的贡献值是一个序列之和组成

(2)    最近的负荷值拥有最大的权重

(3)    过去的负荷也会被累计,但是是以递减的方式来影响负载计算。

(4)      y32 = 0.5, y = 0.97857206,可以看出每经过32个周期,衰减值减半.

(5)      使用这个公式,内核不用维护n个周期的负载值,只需要记录上一次负载和,因为根据公式很容易得到Ln = L0 + Ln-1*y

    (6)    PELT是计算累加时间的衰减和。load = 累加时间衰减值* weight

1. 衰减负载值计算

比如过去的第32个周期负载值为100,那么对当前周期的负载贡献值=100*y32 = 51 可以看到大概减半了.


static const u32 runnable_avg_yN_inv[] = {/* 为了避免浮点(除法)计算,每项乘以2^32次方,计算完后,再右移32位*/
    0xffffffff, 0xfa83b2da, 0xf5257d14, 0xefe4b99a, 0xeac0c6e6, 0xe5b906e6,
    0xe0ccdeeb, 0xdbfbb796, 0xd744fcc9, 0xd2a81d91, 0xce248c14, 0xc9b9bd85,
    0xc5672a10, 0xc12c4cc9, 0xbd08a39e, 0xb8fbaf46, 0xb504f333, 0xb123f581,
    0xad583ee9, 0xa9a15ab4, 0xa5fed6a9, 0xa2704302, 0x9ef5325f, 0x9b8d39b9,
    0x9837f050, 0x94f4efa8, 0x91c3d373, 0x8ea4398a, 0x8b95c1e3, 0x88980e80,
    0x85aac367, 0x82cd8698,


2. 当前负载贡献(负载值)计算


下面我们推导计算当前负载贡献的过程. 首先需要有Ln = L0 + (Ln-1)*y

设上一次统计(last update time)时的负载贡献Period_contrib1 = prev,且到当前时间now经过了delta = delta1 + delta2 + delta3

经过的周期p = (deltal + (1024-delta1))/1024,假如p = 3 ;

L0 = prev + deltal1

L1 = (prev+deltal1)*y + 1024

L2 = ((prev+deltal1)*y+1024)*y + 1024

L3 =(((prev+delta1)*y + 1024)*y + 1024)*y + 1024 +delta3

从而可以得出当前负载值Ln = (prev+deltal1)*y^p + 1024(y + y^2 + y^3 + .... + y^p-1) + delta3

可以分成三项:Ln = s1 + s2 + s3

s1 = (prev+deltal1)*y^p,

s2 = 1024(y + y^2 + y^3 + .... + y^p-1)

s3 = deltal3

s1可以直接利用衰减数组查表得出. 且当p非常大时(内核定义为2016个1024us),s1==0


  s2 = 1024*(y^1 + y^2 + ... +y^p-1)

  s2a= (y^0 + y^1+y^2 + ... + y^n)

  s2b = (y^p + y^p+1 + ..... y^n)=s2a*y^p

从而s2 = 1024(s2a - s2b - y^0) = 1024(s2a-s2b-1024)= s2a - s2a*y^p - 1024

我们知道s2a是等比数列,等比数列求和Sn = (a1 *(1-q^n))/(1-q),当q小于1,且n无穷大时,最大值max=1024*a1/(1-q)= y/(1-y) =47742= LOAD_AVG_MAX,所以有s2 = max - max*y^p -1024


所有当前负载贡献值Ln = s1 + s2 + s3 = (prev)*y^p + (delta1*y^p + max - max*y^p -1024 ) + delta3


static  u32
accumulate_sum(u64 delta, int cpu, struct sched_avg *sa,
           unsigned long load, unsigned long runnable, int running)
    unsigned long scale_freq, scale_cpu;
    u32 contrib = (u32)delta; /* p == 0 -> delta < 1024 */
    u64 periods;

    scale_freq = arch_scale_freq_capacity(cpu);
    scale_cpu = arch_scale_cpu_capacity(NULL, cpu);

    delta += sa->period_contrib;/*period_contrib可以理解为上一次计算负载时的delta3  */
    periods = delta / 1024; /* 计算经过了多少个周期 */

     * Step 1: decay old *_sum if we crossed period boundaries.
    if (periods) {
        sa->load_sum = decay_load(sa->load_sum, periods);/*公式中的第一部分 */
        sa->runnable_load_sum =
            decay_load(sa->runnable_load_sum, periods);
        sa->util_sum = decay_load((u64)(sa->util_sum), periods);

         * Step 2
        delta %= 1024; /*计算delta3 , delta1 = 1024 - sa->period_contrib */
        contrib = __accumulate_pelt_segments(periods,
                1024 - sa->period_contrib, delta);/*计算第二部分和第三部分的和 */
    sa->period_contrib = delta;/*记录当前delta3到下一次使用 */

    contrib = cap_scale(contrib, scale_freq);
    if (load)
        sa->load_sum += load * contrib;/*这里load为1 ,也可能是当前进程的权重,需要根据上下文判断*/
    if (runnable)
        sa->runnable_load_sum += runnable * contrib;
    if (running)
        sa->util_sum += contrib * scale_cpu;

    return periods;


Ln = s1 + s2 + s3 = (prev)*y^p + (delta1*y^p + max - max*y^p -1024 ) + deltal3

static u32 __accumulate_pelt_segments(u64 periods, u32 d1, u32 d3)
    u32 c1, c2, c3 = d3; /* y^0 == 1 */

     * c1 = d1 y^p
    c1 = decay_load((u64)d1, periods); 

     *            p-1
     * c2 = 1024 \Sum y^n
     *            n=1
     *              inf        inf
     *    = 1024 ( \Sum y^n - \Sum y^n - y^0 )
     *              n=0        n=p
    c2 = LOAD_AVG_MAX - decay_load(LOAD_AVG_MAX, periods) - 1024;

    return c1 + c2 + c3;



static __always_inline int
___update_load_sum(u64 now, struct sched_avg *sa,
          unsigned long load, unsigned long runnable, int running)
    u64 delta;
    /*距离上一次更新负载时间 */
    delta = now - sa->last_update_time;
     * This should only happen when time goes backwards, which it
     * unfortunately does during sched clock init when we swap over to TSC.
    if ((s64)delta < 0) {
        sa->last_update_time = now;
        return 0;

    delta >>= 10;
    if (!delta)
        return 0;
    /*更新负载时间 */
    sa->last_update_time += delta << 10;

     * running is a subset of runnable (weight) so running can't be set if
     * runnable is clear. But there are some corner cases where the current
     * se has been already dequeued but cfs_rq->curr still points to it.
     * This means that weight will be 0 but not running for a sched_entity
     * but also for a cfs_rq if the latter becomes idle. As an example,
     * this happens during idle_balance() which calls
     * update_blocked_averages()
    if (!load)
        runnable = running = 0;

    /*调用accumulate_sum计算负载 */
    if (!accumulate_sum(delta, sa, load, runnable, running))
        return 0;

    return 1;




