Level 1 Unit 1

懂你英语Level 1 Unit1

Part 1


Name & Gender

This is Dan.    Dan is a man.

This is Tina.    Tina is a woman.

This is Ben.    Ben is a boy.

This is Lisa.    Lisa is a girl.

This is Dan.    Dan is a man, and Ben is a boy.

This is Tina.    Tina is a woman, and Lisa is a girl.

Here are three people.

This person is a man.

This person is a woman.

This person is a man.

This person isn't a woman.

This person isn't a man.


Daily Objects

A door         This is a door.

A window       This is a window.

A chair         This is a chair.

Stairs          These are stairs.

A key          This is a key.

A book         This is a book.

A desk         This is a desk.

A pencil        This is a pencil.

A cell phone    This is a cell phone.

A pen          This is a pen.

Daily Actions

Sit down.

Stand up.

Close the door.

Open the door.

Pick up the keys.

Put down the keys.


What's Your Name?

Here are two people,a man and a woman.

M:Hello,my name is Dan,what is your name?

W:Hello,Dan,my name is Tina.

M:Your name is Tina?

W:Yes,that's right,my name is Tina.

W:And your name is Dan, right?

M:Yes,that's right. My name is Dan.

W:It's nice to meet you, Dan.

M:It's nice to meet you, Tina.

Here are two people,a boy and a girl.

M:Hi,my name is ben. What 's your name?

W:Hi,ben,my name is Lisa.





Letters A-E

Aa    an apple   an arm    Africa   Asia         an ant

Bb    a book    a banana   a bird   a boy        a bank

Cc    a city     a clock     a car    a circle       cold

Dd    a desk    a day      a door   down        a dress

Ee    an ear    east       Egypt    an elevator   eleven

Numbers 1-10

one   two     three    four   five

six    seven   eight    nine   ten

Part 2


People & Countries

This is Dan.    Hello, my name is Dan.    Dan is a man.

This is Tina.    Hi, my name is Tina.      Tina is a woman.

This is Ben.    Hi, my name is Ben.       Ben is a boy.

This is Lisa.    Hello, my name is Lisa.    Lisa is a girl.

This is Dan.    This is Ben.              Dan is a man, and Ben is a boy.

This is Tina.    This is Lisa.              Tina is a woman, and Lisa is agirl.

This man's name is Dan.         Dan, D-a-n.

This woman's name is Tina.      Tina, T-i-n-a.

This boy's name is Ben.          Ben, B-e-n.

This girl's name is Lisa.          Lisa, L-i-s-a.

Here are three people.

Here are two people.

Their names are Dan and Tina.

Here are three countries:France, Japan and Canada.



Daily Objects

This is a door.       This is a chair.       

This is a key.       This is a desk.

This is a cell phone.       

This is a window.       These are stairs.

This is a book.            This is a pencil.       

This is a pen.

A bathroom         This is a bathroom.

An elevator         This is an elevator.

A clock             This is a clock.

A watch            This is a watch.

A hand             This is a hand.

A bathroom.         B-a-t-h-r-o-o-m.

An elevator.         E-l-e-v-a-t-o-r.

A clock.             C-l-o-c-k.

A watch.            W-a-t-c-h.

A hand.             H-a-n-d.

Daily Actions

Sit down.           Stand up.           

Close the door.     Open the door.

Pick up the keys.    Put down the keys.   

Go up the stairs.    Go down the stairs. 

Put up your hand.   Put down your hand.  

Open the book.     Close the book.


Nice to Meet You

Here are two people, a man and a woman.

M: Hello, my name is Dan. What is yourname?

W: Hello, Dan, my name is Tina.

M: Tina?       W: Yes, my name is Tina.

W: And your name is Dan, right?

M: Yes, my name is Dan, D-a-n.

W: It's nice to meet you, Dan.

M: It's nice to meet you, Tina.

It is, It's.       W: Who is that? What is his name?

M: His name is Ken.

W: Ken?       M: Yes, his name is Ken, K-e-n.

M: Who is that?

W: Her name is Kim.

M: Tina, this is Ken. Ken, this is Tina.

Ken: Hi, Tina, it's nice to meet you.

W: Dan, this is Kim. Kim, this is Dan.

Kim: Hi, Dan, it's nice to meet you.

M: Hi Kim, it's nice to meet you too.


Letters F-J

Ff       a family    fingers    fiftteen    France    February

Gg      a girl      a game    Germany  green     goat

Hh      a hand     hands     hair      a house   happy

Ii         ice        ink        India      Ireland   Italy

Jj       Japan      jeans      juice     June      July

Numbers 11-20

eleven   twelve       thirteen     fourteen   fifteen

sixteen  seventeen    eighteen    nineteen   twenty

Part 3


People & Nationality

This is Dan.             Hello, my name is Dan.

Dan is a man.           He comes from the US.

This is Tina.             Hi, my name is Tina.

Tina is a woman.         She comes from China.

This is Ben.              hello, my name is Ben.

Ben is a boy.             He comes from Canada.

This is Lisa.              Hello, my name is Lisa.      

Lisa is a girl.              She comes from the US.    

Dan comes from the US.   

Tina comes from China.

They come from different countries.     

They don't come from the same country.

Ben comes from Canada and Lisa comesfrom the US.

They come from different countries.

Dan and Lisa come from the US.       

They come from the same country.

Here are three people.     Two men and a woman.

They are adults.           They are not children.

Here are three people, two girls and aboy.

They are children.         They are not adults.


Daily Objects

This is a chair.

People sit on chairs.

This is a door.

People open and close doors.

This is a window.

This window is open.

This is a window.

This window is closed.

Two books.

People read books.

Three pencils.

People write with pencils.

A bathroom

An elevator

A clock

A watch

A hand


Body Parts & Daily Actions

Two hands

Here are two hands

A foot

This is a foot.

Two feet.

Here are two feet.

An arm

This is an arm.

A leg

This is a leg.

Sit down.

Stand up.

Close the door.

Open the door.

Pick up the keys.

Put down the keys.



Introduce Yourself

Dan:Hi,my name is Dan,I come from the US. 

where do you comefrom?

Tina:Hi,my name is Tina. I come from China.

Dan:who is that?

Tina:That's Kim.

Dan:Where does she come from?

Tina:She comes from Koera.

Kim:Hi,my name is Kim. I come from Koera. 

Doyou both come from the US?

Tina:No,we don't. we come from differentcountries. 

I come from China and he comes from the US.

W:What is your name?

Ben:what is my name? my name is Ben.

W:Do you come from the US?

Ben:Do I come from the US? 

No, I don't. Idon't come from the US.

W:Where do you come from?

Ben:where do I come from? I come fromCanada.



Letters K-Q

Kk         keys        kids     a kitchen    Korea      a kitten

Ll          left         a leg     London     a leaf       a lock

Mm       the Moon    Mexico    music     March      May

Nn         night        a nose    north     November   notebooks

Oo         an ocean    on       off        open         October

Pp         a pencil      paper   Paris       pull          push

Qq         a question   a quiz   a queen    Quiet        a queue


Numbers 11-20 

ten     twenty       twenty-two     thirty    thirty-six

forty    forty-one     fifty           fifty-seven    

Part 4


People & Cities

This is Dan.      Hello, my name is Dan.

Dan is a man.    I come from the US.

This is Tina.     Hi, my name is Tina.    

Tina is a woman.    I come from China.

This is Ben.     Ben is from Canada.     

He isn't from the US.

This is Lisa.     She comes from the US.

She and Dan are from the US.   

They come from the same country.

Here are three cities.           This city is San Francisco.

This city is Beijing.             This city is London.

San Francisco is in the us.      Beijing is in China.      

London is in England.

Tina is from China.             She lives in Beijing.

Ben is from Canada.            He lives in Toronto.


Daily Actions & Body Parts

Go in to the bathroom.

Come out of the bathroom.

Go in to the elevator.

Come out of the elevator.

Here are two hands.

This is a foot.

Here are two feet.

This is an arm.

This is a leg.

Go up the stairs.

Go down the stairs.

Put up your hand.

Put down your hand.

Open the book.

Close the book.


Daily Actions & Weather

Turn left.

Turn right.

Go straight.


turn around.

Sunny weather.

Rainy weather.

Cloudy weather.

Cold weather.

Hot weather.




Dan:Hi,Tina,how are you today?

Tina:I am fine,thanks.How are you?

Dan:I am fine. It's nice to see you.

I am = I'm

Dan:Hello,is this Tina?

Tina:Hi,yes,this is Tina. Who is this?

Dan:It's Dan.

Tina:Oh, hi Dan. How are you today?

Dan:I'm fine.Thanks. How are you?

Tina:I'm fine.

Tina:Hi, Dan. How is the weather there?

Dan:It's fine. It's sunny and warm.

Tina:Good,the weather is good here too.

Ben:How is the weather today?

Lisa:It's raining.

Ben:Really? It's sunny here.

Lisa:Well, have a good day.

Ben:Thanks,you too.

How is = How's

It is = It's

Dan:Who is she?

Tina:That's Kim.

Dan:Where is she from?

Tina:She's from Koera.

Dan:Does she live there?

Tina:Yes,she does. She lives in Seoul.

Dan:Hi,my name is Dan. I'm from the US. Whereare you from?

Tina:Hi,my name is Tina. I'm from China.

Dan:Where do you live?

Tina:I live in Beijing. How about you?

Dan:I live in San Francisco.



Numbers 60-100      

sixty           sixty-eight       seventy         seventy-four       eighty

eighty-nine     ninety           ninety-three     one hundred

Letters R-Z

Rr    right        red          Russia        read          a ruler

Ss    the Sun      sad         south         Sydney       six

Tt    a taxi         a tomato     toes         a teacher      ten

Uu    under        unhappy    an umbrella    uniforms    the United States

Vv    vegetables    a violin      Vietnam      volleyball     Venice

Ww   water         a woman    a watch       a window     west

Xx    a box         exit         an X-ray       a fox        toxic

Yy    yellow        a year       yesterday      yes         toy

Zz    zero          a zoo       a zipper        jazz         zebra

Part 5



This is Dan.       He comes from the US.

He is American.   He'sAmerican.            He is = He's

This is Tina.       She is from China.

She's from China.  She is = She's            She's Chinese.

This is Ben.        Ben comes from Canada.

He doesn't come from the US.                He's Canadian.

This is Lisa.        Lisacomes from the US.

She and Dan come from the US.

They are Americans.         They don't come from China.

Lisa comes from the US, but she lives inChina.

She doesn't live in the US.     She lives in Shanghai.

Shanghai is a city in China.

Ben is from Canada and he lives inCanada.

He doesn't live in China.       He lives in Toronto.

Toronto is a city in Canada.


Countries & Continents

Here are three people, two man and awoman.

There are two men.

Ther is one woman.

Here are four countries: France, Italy,Japan, and India.

France and Italy are in Europe.

They are European countries.

Japan and India are in Asia.

They are Asian  countries.

China is also an Asian country.



Shapes & Languages

A circle

A line

A box

A bag

A triangle

A circle       C-i-r-c-l-e

A line         L-i-n-e

A box         B-o-x

A bag         B-a-g

A triangle      T-r-i-a-n-g-l-e

Spanish       Spanish is a language of Spain.

Chinese       People speak Chinese in China.

Japanese      In Japan people spesk Japanese.

English        People in Australia speak English.

French        French is a language of France.


Daily Actions & Weather

Go in to the bathroom.

Come out of the bathroom.

Go in to the elevator.

Come out of the elevator.

Wait for the elevator.

Turn left.

Turn right.

Go straight.


Turn around.

Sunny weather.

Rainy weather.

Cloudy weather.

Cold weather.

Hot weather.



Introduce Yourself

Dan:Good morning, Tina. How are you today?

Tina:I'm fine. Thanks. How about you?

Dan:I'm fine. It's my birthday today.

Tina:Really? Well, happy birthday, Dan.

Dan:Thanks, Tina.

Tina:Oh, how old are you, Dan?

Dan:I'm 34 years old today.

Tina:Have a great day.

Dan:You too, Tina.




Hello, my name is Ben.

I'm from Canada.

I live in Toronto.

I'm 12 years old.

I speak two languages, English andFrench.

It's nice to meet you.

W:Excuse me, may I ask you some questions?

Ben: Sure.

W:Thanks. Question number one, what’s yourname?

Ben:What is my name? My name is Ben.

W:Question number two: where are you from?

Ben:Where am I from? I'm from Canada.

W:Question number three: how old are you?

Ben:How old am I? I'm 12 years old.

W:Question number four, the last question:what languages do you speak?

Ben:What languages do I speak? I speak Englishand France.

W:Thank you.

Ben:You are welcome.

Kim: Hi, my name is Kim. I come fromKorea. 

        Do you both come from the US?

Tina: No, we don't. We come fromdifferent countries. 

         I come from China and he comes from the US.

They come from different countries.



Letters & Numbers

an apple    a banana   a circle     a dress    east   a family

Germany    a house   ice    June    a kitchen   London

the Moon    notebooks   an ocean    a pencil    Quiet   read

six   a tomato    the United Stated    volleyball    water  

a fox   a year    a zipper

five   six    seven    ten   twelve    thirteen    eighteen   twenty

twenty-two    thirty   thirty-six    forty    forty-one   fifty    fifty-seven

forty-one    forty-three    forty-four    forty-six   fifty    fifty-seven

sixty   sixty-eight    seventy    seventy-four    eighty   eighty-nine

ninety   ninety-three

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