
1. 安装插件

拓展 => 搜索qml => 找到QML Format =>点击安装

2. 配置

  • 打开settings.json文件
    • ctl + shift + p,然后搜索settings
  • 修改settings.js内容

    // 根据自己电脑安装路径来填写qmlformat.exe的路径,注意转义符"\" => "\\"
    "qmlFormat.command": "D:\\Soft\\Qt6\\5.15.2\\mingw81_64\\bin\\qmlformat.exe",

    // 命令选项,这里官方写的是--normal,但是报错,改成-n就好了
    // qmlFormat的命令选项见附录
    "qmlFormat.extraArguments": ["-n"]

3. 使用

  • 鼠标右键选择格式化文档
  • 快捷键 shift + alt + F


  • qmlFormat.exe 命令选项
./qmlformat -h                                       
Usage: ./qmlformat [options] filenames
Formats QML files according to the QML Coding Conventions.

  -h, --help                  Displays help on commandline options.
  --help-all                  Displays help including Qt specific options.
  -v, --version               Displays version information.
  -V, --verbose               Verbose mode. Outputs more detailed information.
  -i, --inplace               Edit file in-place instead of outputting to
  -f, --force                 Continue even if an error has occurred.
  -t, --tabs                  Use tabs instead of spaces.
  -w, --indent-width <width>  How many spaces are used when indenting.
  -n, --normalize             Reorders the attributes of the objects according
                              to the QML Coding Guidelines.
  -F, --files <file>          Format all files listed in file, in-place
  -l, --newline <newline>     Override the new line format to use (native macos
                              unix windows).

  filenames                   files to be processed by qmlformat
