
十年时光的成长,让集团很多部门都学会了“道法自然”,思想境界也都有了很大提升。我发现,专一在自己的事情上,不争不抢, 守住尺度的部门与员工都获得了好结果。专一和守信,实在太难。但一旦做到,一定硕果累累。



我们在这样的环境里久了,自然会认为“争”才是对的,因为“不争的人吃亏”,而吃亏显得“傻”。那么,怎样使自己看起来“聪明” 呢?变得比别人更会争。于是盲目的蝇营狗苟、你争我夺, 造成当今最为“ 熙熙攘攘” 的人间万象。殊不知, 越争福越薄, 越争越没有。《道德经》中“不争而善胜”的境界,估计这样的人很难理解,或者也被归为“傻”。按他们的思维模式,在这个你争我夺、你有我无的世界中,不争就被动挨打了吗?

确实,要做到“善胜”,光“不争”是不够的。老子还说了, “水善利万物而不争”。要做到善胜的境界,还要去奉献自己有利万物。水虽然不争,但它没有闲着。它“居善地、心善渊、与善仁、言善信、正善治、事善能、动善时。夫唯不争, 故无尤”, 达到了“处众人之所恶而利万物”这个境界。万物都离不开它,它也就不需要去争了。


Love is a Journey of Self-Cultivation

Yesterday, when I was shopping in a supermarket, I overheard a girl talk   to her boyfriend.

She was angry. She was loud: “You are not coming to pick me up? Who are you with? You promised to have dinner with me! Why are you changing the plan now? I don’t believe it! I don’t want to hear this! You just want to hang out with them. Liar!” Yes, the girl was angry. I saw the anger in her face and the tears in her eyes. This is a daily occurrence with young lovers nowadays. To be honest, I experienced the same emotions when I was young.

People love every day, and they suffer every day. Love has become like the campfire of all emotions. Around this campfire, most people sing the same song, a popular song, a song of confusion. Confusion is indeed an accurate description of love. Why do men and women fall in love? Why do we love? Why is love so selfish? These questions have troubled me for a long time. The body (the vessel that holds life) is the result of reincarnation from many lives. In many reincarnations, desires were generated in us, and therefore we come into the world with different dispositions and emotions. Desires producing desires in a world where desires multiply. That’s asking for trouble. In such a vast world, and among so many people, why do I love you? The “you” is the result of cause and effect, something accumulated in previous lives that will play out in this world. Love without reason—a cause— doesn’t exist on this planet, nor does hatred exist without a reason. All the feelings we have are produced by seeds we have sown in previous lives.

Meeting him (or her) in this life is no accident. Once we understand these two points, we can find a solution to the problem we face. Everyone wants to be happy. Everyone wants to avoid suffering. The purpose of love is to make each other happy; but in reality, the deeper the love, the deeper the anguish. We love the other person so much that we concentrate all of our attention and support on the other. In the process, we begin to possess and control in the name of love, unaware that we are actually loving ourselves instead of the other person.

We want to control the other. Love, in general, is a selfish behavior. We cannot make everyone happy, but we should at least learn to let the person we love live and work with a sense of freedom and joy. We should learn to be open-mind and to help each other live a happy life, for as long as possible.
