




In order to reduce labor intensity, ensure the reliability and safety of unfamiliar production, reduce production costs, improve the operation efficiency and economic benefits of products is a major problem that enterprises must face. With the rapid development of China's national economy and the continuous progress of science and technology, more and more enterprises have put forward more requirements for the control system of container rail cranes, paying more attention to the work efficiency and safety performance of container rail cranes.

This design is based on the control idea of MCGS and PLC to study and design the monitoring system of container rail crane. The design of programmable logic controller (PLC) was introduced, determined the use of Siemens PLC model, used as a container rail crane monitoring system of the lower machine; Determine the PLC communication mode, and the container rail crane related control programming implementation. The MCGS configuration software is introduced, and the model of MCGS is determined, which can be used as the touch screen of man-machine interface. The communication mode between PC and PLC is determined. Using preinstalled MCGS configuration software to design the monitoring interface of container rail crane monitoring system. In order to understand the monitoring effect of the designed monitoring system in the actual application state, we choose to test through experiments, and implement automatic alarm and automatic protection for abnormal situations, realize the electromechanical integration of enterprises and improve the production efficiency of enterprises.

Key words: Container rail crane; The MCGS. PLC; The monitoring system


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第一章 绪论... 6

1.1  研究课题背景... 6

1.2  国内外发展现状... 7

1.3  PLC工业应用现状... 9

1.4  MCGS软件组态... 10

1.5  选题来源及意义... 12

1.6  本课题的研究内容及章节安排... 12

第二章  集装箱轨道吊系统结构与分析... 14

2.1  集装箱轨道吊结构组成... 14

2.2  集装箱轨道吊... 15

2.3  小车行走机构... 16

2.4  大车运行机构... 16

第三章  集装箱轨道吊监测系统设计... 18

3.1  集装箱轨道吊监测系统的系统架构... 18

3.2  集装箱轨道吊监测系统变频调速设计... 19

3.3  集装箱轨道吊监测系统传感器方案... 20

3.3.1 集装箱轨道吊电力参数检测传感器... 20

3.3.2 集装箱轨道吊电动机转速检测传感传感器... 20

3.3.3 吊重物体运动速度检测传感器... 21

3.3.4 吊重物体起吊高度检测传感器... 21

3.3.5 轨道吊起吊载荷检测传感器... 21

第四章  基于PLC的监控系统设计... 23

4.1  PLC的工作原理... 23

4.2  可编程控制器(PLC)的选型... 23

4.2.1  PLC机型选择的考虑因素... 23

4.2.2  西门子PLC的相关介绍... 24

4.2.3  PLC的选型... 25

4.3  PLC与变频器的通信... 25

4.4  系统主控程序设计... 27

4.4.1  I/O地址分配及PLC配置... 28

4.4.2  PLC程序设计... 29

第五章  上位机基于MCGS的胜控系统设计... 33

5.1  MCGS组态软件... 33

5.2  触摸屏简介... 34

5.3  上位机与S7-200PLC的通信... 35

5.4  实验测试... 36

5.4.1  实验目的... 36

5.4.2  实验原理... 36

第六章 结束语... 38

参考文献... 39

致    谢... 41

