SAP 系统密码安全策略-参数

Login/min_password_ing : – This parameters make you to maintain the minimum length of password

Login/min_password_digits: – This makes you to maintain the number of digits to be maintain for password.

Login/min_password_letters: – This parameters makes you to maintain the number of letters, for example from a to z.

Login/min_password_lowercase: – It makes you to maintain how many lower case digits should be maintain for password.

Login/min_password_uppercase: – It makes you how many upper case digits should be maintain for password.

Login/min_password_specials: – It makes you how many special characters that to be maintain for password, for example special characters are @, _, !, & etc.

Login/min_password_diff: – This parameters describes that how many character should be different for new password when compered to new password.

Login/password_expiration_time: – This parameter describes the validity period of password in terms of days.

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