【汉化】Order Turn Battle System plugin for RPG Maker MV

This is a RPG Maker MV plugin that changes the battle system to have a turn order system where battlers act immediately after inputting actions. It is called Order Turn Battle (OTB). These actions can influence the order position of battlers in the current turn or the next turn.
这是一个RPG Maker MV插件,它可以改变战斗系统,使其拥有一个转弯命令系统,战斗员在输入动作后立即采取行动。它被称为Order Turn Battle(OTB)。这些动作可以影响当前转弯或下一回合中战斗位置。


The turn order is displayed to the top of the screen and gives the player a clear understanding on whose turn it will be making it easier for the player to formulate strategies and adapt to the situation in battle.

This plugin requires Yanfly's Battle Engine Core because it uses a lot of of the code used to make the battle system feel natural. This is also to utilize the key functions that come with the Battle Engine Core to make the more interesting effects of the Order Turn Battle work smoother.
这个插件需要Yanfly的Battle Engine Core,因为它使用了大量战斗系统代码。同时也利用Battle Engine Core附带的关键功能,使Order Turn Battle更加流畅有趣。


If you are using other plugins, place this plugin as close to the BOTTOM of the plugin list as you can or else some features of the other plugins may override the battle system and it will not work properly.

Plugin Parameters


Mechanics: This section in the plugin parameters lets you change how the battle system operates like automatically converting Item and Skill speed into a notetag effect for OTB. This also lets you decide if some mechanics will work in OTB or not like Action Times and how to position the extra actions added to the turn order. Also determine if the AGI calculated for the position in the turn order to be static or random.


Visuals: This section lets you decide how the visuals added to the battle system will look. This will mostly affect the turn order display. There is not too much to customize except for some text, colors, and font sizes, because everything is made to look compact in order to maintain efficiency and not consume too many of the game's resources when it is in operation.


Skill and Item Notetags:


Change the user's turn order position for the next turn upon using this skill or item. This will only occur once upon usage, no matter how many times the battler hits the target. This will make a preview appear where the battler will be placed next turn.


Change the target's turn order position for the current turn, the next turn, or the following turn. If you are using the 'Follow' version of the notetag, the turn it will modify will depend on if the target has acted during the current turn. If it has acted, then it will affect the next turn, otherwise, the current turn. Successfully attacking the target multiple times will also affect the target multiple times. This will make a preview appear where the battler will be placed in the appropriate turn section.

Add x actions to the current turn or the next turn for the user. This will only be added once no matter how many times the battler hits the target.

Add x actions to the current turn or the next turn for the target. If the target is targeted multiple times, the target will gain actions multiple times so please be cautious when using this.

Plugin Commands

Because this is made with Battle Engine Core, you can change your game away from OTB if you want to. However, if you do, make sure you have the plugin parameter: "Force Battle System?" set to false.
因为这是使用Battle Engine Core制作的,所以如果你愿意,你可以将你的游戏不使用OTB。但是,如果这样做,请确保您具有插件参数:“ Force Battle System? ”设置为false。

setBattleSys OTB
This sets the battle system to Order Turn Battle
这将战斗系统设置为Order Turn Battle

setBattleSys DTB
This sets the battle system to Default Turn Battle
这将战斗系统设置为Default Turn Battle


This plugin is made for RPG Maker MV versions 1.6.1 and below. If you update RPG Maker MV past that and this plugin breaks, I am NOT responsible for it.
此插件适用于RPG Maker MV版本1.6.1及更低版本。如果您更新RPG Maker MV并且此插件中断,作者不负责。


This plugin is compatible with the following plugins:

  • YEP Core Engine
  • YEP Battle Engine Core
  • YEP Action Sequence Packs 1, 2, 3
  • YEP Animated Sideview Enemies
  • YEP Counter Control
  • YEP Battle AI Core
  • YEP Battle Select Cursor
  • YEP Buffs & States Core
  • YEP Damage Core
  • YEP Element Core
  • YEP Target Core
  • YEP Skill Core
  • YEP Instant Cast
  • YEP Item Core
  • YEP Equip Core
  • YEP Party System
  • YEP Actor Party Switch
  • YEP Job Points
  • YEP Base Troop Events
  • YEP Swap Enemies

Place this plugin under those in the Plugin Manager list. Otherwise, the effects of the plugins under this plugin may not work properly. I am NOT responsible for the compatibility of plugins not shown in the above list.

Terms of Use

1. These plugins may be used in free or commercial games.
2. 'Fallen Angel Olivia' and 'Yanfly' must be given credit in your games.
3. You are allowed to edit the code.
4. Do NOT change the filename, parameters, and information of the plugin.
5. You are NOT allowed to redistribute these Plugins.
6. You may NOT take code for your own released Plugins without credit.


If you are using this plugin, credit the following people:

  • Fallen Angel Olivia
  • Yanfly (Big help in making the battle system work)

Change Log History

  • Sep 16 2018: Bug fix for transformation on enemy
  • Sep 18 2018: Added fail safe: prevent force actions from being used on Turn 0 when action orders do not exist yet and a warning message. Please use Turn 1.
  • Sep 21 2018: Compatibility with Yanfly's Buffs & States Core
    notetag added for OTB.
    Compatibility with Yanfly's Actor Party Switch now works with OTB.
    New Notetags for OTB to add actions to the turn order:

  • Sep 26 2018: Hidden enemies at battle end will no longer cause the battle to error
  • Sep 30 2018: Add fail safes for Yanfly's Buffs & States Core Lunatic Mode notetags to prevent them from triggering from the wrong timing
  • Oct 7 2018: OTB now works with KEL Yep Dragonbones Integration.
    OTB turn order now flashes all selected battlers in synchronized fashion

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