unite_Unite Europe '16主题演讲预览新服务和工具

unite_Unite Europe '16主题演讲预览新服务和工具_第1张图片


Unite Europe 2016 is off and running! We’re excited to spend the next three days learning, networking and connecting with the community here in Amsterdam. Things kicked off today with our keynote so read on for highlights and be sure to follow @Unity3d for more updates throughout the week.

团结欧洲2016即将开始! 我们很高兴能在接下来的三天里在阿姆斯特丹学习,建立联系并与社区联系。 今天,我们的主题演讲开始了,因此请继续阅读以获取亮点,并确保 在整个星期内 关注 @ Unity3d 以获取更多更新。

The Keynote began with a quick snapshot of Unity’s history since 2005. CEO John Riccitiello ran us through the last 11 years from mac only product to supporting export to over 25 different target devices.  We’ve grown the platform, through new products such as ads and analytics, invested in graphics and performance, and made sure to anticipate future needs with support for AR and VR.   All the while, holding to the founding principles of democratizing development, solving hard problems and making developers successful.  The growth has been phenomenal, and through it all the founders and company remained true to the guiding principles.

主题演讲首先概述了自2005年以来Unity的历史。首席执行官John Riccitiello在过去的11年中为我们提供了从纯Mac产品到支持向25多种不同目标设备出口的支持。 我们已经通过广告和分析等新产品发展了该平台,并在图形和性能方面进行了投资,并确保通过支持AR和VR来预测未来的需求。 一直以来,坚持使开发民主化,解决难题和使开发人员成功的基本原则。 增长是惊人的,通过它,所有创始人和公司都恪守指导原则。

unite_Unite Europe '16主题演讲预览新服务和工具_第2张图片

We all know, mobile is huge, and its trajectory has been been insane.  For developers, it’s a must. In Q1 of 2016, Unity saw 4.2 Billion installs of games made with unity across 1.7 Billion unique devices worldwide.  Whether it’s adding multiplayer and social to your game or making minute to minute optimization of lifetime value of your players by using ads and IAP, mobile still represents an enormous opportunity for Developers.  

众所周知,移动设备非常庞大,其发展轨迹一直疯狂。 对于开发人员来说,这是必须的。 2016年第一季度,Unity在全球17亿个独特设备上安装了42亿个统一安装的游戏。 无论是在游戏中添加多人游戏和社交游戏,还是通过使用广告和IAP不断地优化玩家的终生价值,移动设备仍然为开发人员带来了巨大的机遇。

We debuted Part 2 of Adam, a live, rendered in real-time demonstration of the Unity engine’s capabilities that shows just how amazing and realistic your games can look.


Created with a small team, the short film was created to highlight what can be done with Unity. Demos like adam are a great way for us to keep in touch with what our developers are experiencing, as well as highlight the cool things you can do. Additional information and the full video, will be available soon.

这部短片是由一个小团队制作的,旨在强调Unity可以完成的工作。 像adam这样的演示是我们与开发人员保持联系的一种很好的方式,并突出了您可以做的很酷的事情。 附加信息和完整视频将很快发布。

Because we sometimes like to show sneak peeks, we introduced a new tool code named “LookDev”, aimed at improving artist workflow and production quality by allowing artists to validate their physically based rendering (PBR) assets. Artists can load an asset and easily inspect and check it under various lighting conditions (lighting condition represented by high dynamic range image [HDRI]).  “LookDev” will arrive with Unity 5.5 beta.  

因为有时我们想展示偷看,所以我们引入了一个名为“ LookDev”的新工具代码,旨在通过允许艺术家验证其基于物理的渲染(PBR)资产来改善艺术家的工作流程和生产质量。 艺术家可以在各种照明条件(高动态范围图像[HDRI]表示的照明条件)下加载资产并轻松检查和检查资产。 “ LookDev”将随Unity 5.5 beta一起提供。

We also talked about the exciting areas of AR and VR.  You may remember our earlier communications about the gap of disappointment, it’s the slower than expected start to the AR/VR revolution.  We still believe the next 2-3 years are all about figuring out what works, learning the new language of AR/VR and technology advances. That said, over the long term, we think this will be even bigger than people think. Later in the keynote, we showed our EditorVR concept, it’s amazing stuff, checkout the video to see some of the new things we’re doing.

我们还谈到了AR和VR的激动人心的领域。 您可能还记得我们之前关于失望鸿沟的来信,它比AR / VR革命的开始速度慢。 我们仍然相信,未来2-3年都是为了弄清楚什么可行,学习AR / VR的新语言和技术进步。 也就是说,从长远来看,我们认为这将比人们想象的还要大。 在主题演讲的后面,我们展示了EditorVR的概念,这很了不起,请观看视频以了解我们正在做的一些新事情。

John Cheng, General Manager for Analytics, graced the stage to explain that with data insights, developers can color in players profiles to truly understand their complex personas. Assisted by Lucas Meijer, Technical Director, they demonstrated how you can explore Ads & IAP revenue data, player behavior and understand issues thanks to the funnel analyser and heap mapper tool.  With those insights, developers can begin to understand what works and what doesn’t. All available in the Unity Analytics product.   Want to see where you might be losing players? Understand what your players look like? What countries, devices or operating systems you need to pay attention to? Unity Analytics… Done.

Analytics(分析)总经理John Cheng致辞,解释说,通过数据洞察力,开发人员可以在玩家资料中着色以真正了解其复杂的角色。 在技​​术总监Lucas Meijer的协助下,他们展示了如何借助渠道分析器和堆映射器工具来探索广告和IAP收入数据,玩家行为以及了解问题。 有了这些见解,开发人员就可以开始了解什么有效,什么无效。 所有这些均在Unity Analytics产品中提供。 想看看您可能会失去球员吗? 了解您的球员是什么样子? 您需要注意哪些国家,设备或操作系统? Unity Analytics…完成。

Unity Ads had Jule Shumaker walking us through some off the best practices on how to make ads part of the core game loop, explaining how  you can use Unity ads to not only make money, but also boost user engagement.  We’re helping developers funnel their analytics into ads so they can establish the best monetization strategies possible. By using the Unity platform you can create a cycle of engagement, retention and monetization for your games.  Don’t believe it? Well, in 2015, we paid out more to publishers than was paid to us. Saara Bergström from NextGames took the stage to share their experience and success with “The Walking Dead: No Man’s Land” and “Compass Point: West” on making Ads truly part of the core game loop, resulting in driving up their revenue on average by 6 cents per player  .

Unity Ads让Jule Shumaker向我们介绍了如何使广告成为核心游戏循环一部分的最佳实践,并解释了如何使用Unity广告不仅可以赚钱,还可以提高用户参与度。 我们正在帮助开发人员将其分析功能整合到广告中,以便他们可以制定最佳的获利策略。 通过使用Unity平台,您可以为游戏创建一个参与,保留和获利的循环。 不相信吗? 好吧,在2015年,我们向发布商支付的费用超过了向我们支付的费用。 NextGames的SaaraBergström与“行尸走肉:无人之地”和“指南针点:西部”分享了他们的经验和成功,使广告真正成为核心游戏循环的一部分,从而平均提高了他们的收入每位玩家6美分。

Arisa Scott, product manager for Developer Services joined us to show the latest on Unity Collaborate. Currently in beta, the service makes your life easier to deal with  the cumbersome process of pulling other people into your projects. You do all your project sharing/management/collaboration directly in the editor.  It’s simple and easy to use and you can sign up right now at www.unity3d.com/collaborate

开发人员服务产品经理Arisa Scott加入了我们,展示了Unity Collaborate的最新消息。 该服务目前处于测试阶段,使您的生活更容易处理将其他人拉入您的项目的繁琐过程。 您可以直接在编辑器中完成所有项目共享/管理/协作。 它简单易用,您可以立即在www.unity3d.com/collaborate上注册

Lastly, we introduced Unity Connect, a new talent marketplace bringing together Unity artists, developers and creators with opportunities at studios and companies of all sizes. Users can establish a professional presence, message others, and discover jobs and projects. Studios in need can quickly and easily find developers with the just the right skillset. Unity Connect is currently in closed beta, but you can pre-register for the next beta phase here: http://response.unity3d.com/ConnectBeta

最后,我们介绍了Unity Connect,这是一个新的人才市场,汇集了Unity艺术家,开发人员和创作者,并在各种规模的工作室和公司中提供了机会。 用户可以建立专业的状态,向其他人发送消息,并发现工作和项目。 有需要的工作室可以快速轻松地找到具有适当技能的开发人员。 Unity Connect当前处于封闭测试阶段,但是您可以在此处预先注册下一测试阶段: http : //response.unity3d.com/ConnectBeta

Also,in case you missed it, we announced new subscription products which are designed to provide simplified, more affordable access to the latest Unity tech. For more information visit the dedicated blog post and FAQ for more.

另外,万一您错过了它,我们还发布了新的订阅产品,旨在简化,更实惠地访问最新的Unity技术。 有关更多信息, 请访问专用博客文章 和 常见问题解答 以获取更多信息。

It’s was an amazing keynote and a great show.  Don’t forget, you can see the video here.

这是一个了不起的主题演讲和精彩的表演。 别忘了,您可以在 此处 观看 视频。

翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2016/05/31/unite-europe-16-keynote-previews-new-services-tools/

