
清三代”瓷器是指清代康熙、雍正、乾隆三朝的瓷器。在历史上。康熙、雍正、乾隆三朝被称为“康乾盛世”,当时社会开放,文人墨客加入进来,欧洲的彩绘技法也得到借鉴,瓷器制作工艺达到了极高的水平。18948194838 周经理 (微信同步)



清乾隆 青花龙纹天球瓶-


There is a catchphrase in the collection, "China will play for threegenerations". In the past ten years, most of the expensive officialporcelainwares in the global auction market have come from theqingdynasty of China, which has led to thepopularityof the three dynasties of kangxi, yongzheng and qianlong.

清乾隆 青花折枝花果蝠纹花口瓶-18948194838 周经理 (微信同步)


Reporters from the art market monitoring center released 2016 autumn porcelain plate turnover was seen in the top 10, there are 6 pieces from three generations, three pieces of pottery and porcelain, respectively b system blue and white tie up branch lotus flower vase with grain, qing qianlong qing yongzheng beaming on blue and white, blue and white the eight immortals qing qianlongcelebrationtherefore ear, sold more than 38.21 million yuan in all.

清乾隆 青花双耳扁瓶-18948194838 周经理 (微信同步)


tis no exaggeration to say that the qing dynasty is the era of Chineseporcelain.In the present art auction market, collectorsqingthree generations of China to the attention of a growing, even the people of the kiln, the market price also is quite high, many collectors "into not only the", lead to clear the three generations of China will also continuously raising prices.

清乾隆 青花蝠果纹葫芦瓶 -


藏品出手 请咨询:18948194838 周经理 (微信同步)
