Peppa and the Big Train

今天和大家分享Peppa Pig 系列中的一本。这是一本有火车的书,而且这本书里还有好玩的I SPY的游戏,也可以学会从1数到8。让我们来看看Peppa和朋友们的火车旅行吧!

封面,Peppa 戴着火车站工作人员的帽子,手里拿着一张车票,后面则有一列火车载着她的朋友们开过。一看封面, 小朋友们就知道这是一本坐火车的书,然后再读标题Peppa and the Big Train,读的同时我们可以指一下Peppa 和Train,做一下对应。


Today, Peppa and her friends are going on a train ride together.

"Hooray!" they all cheer, very excited.

Mr Rabbit is the station master.

He checks all the tickets. " Tickets please!"






Chug! Chug! Choo-choo! Toot! Toot!

Miss Rabbit is driving the train.

" Here comes the big train!" cheers Peppa.

" All aboard!" says Mr Rabbit. Then he waves a flag and blows his whistle. Pheww! Pheww!






The doors shut, clunk, clunk and the train leaves. Chugga, chugga!

" Here are your activity sheets," says Madame Gazelle.

" You have to spot a boat, a signal box and a tunnel on the train ride."

车门都关上了,哐啷,哐啷, 火车出发了。突突!突突!



第四页,领到任务后,大家都把头探出窗外开始找起来。这里也可以问问孩子: Can you find a boat? No. Can you finda signal box? Yes. Can you finda tunnel? No.

" I can see some trees," gasps Peppa.

" Are trees on the list?" asks Emily Elephant.

"," replies Peppa.

" I can see clouds!" cheers Suzy Sheep.

" Are clouds on the list?" askes Candy Cat.

"," replies Suzy.

“我能看到一些树,“ Peppa大声吸着气说。

“清单上有树吗?”Emily Elephant问。

“呃……没有,“ Peppa回答。

“我可以看到云!”Suzy Sheep欢呼道。

“清单上有云吗?”Candy Cat问。

“呃……没有,“ Suzy答道。

第五页,火车从河边开过,这次所有人都探头张望,只见和河里有一条小船,狗爷爷在和他们打招呼呢. 这次再问孩子: Can you find a boat? Yes.

" I can see Granddad Dog!" cries Peppa.

" Is Granddad Dog on the list?"

" My grandad won't be on it!" laughs Danny Dog.

" But he is sailing a boat." says Rebecca Rabbit.

" And a boat is on the list!" adds Zoe Zebra.

" Hooray!" everyone cheers.

“我能看到Granddad Dog!”Peppa叫道。

“清单上有Granddad Dog吗?”

“我爷爷不会在清单上的 !”Danny Dog笑着说。

“但他驾驶着一条船。”Rebecca Rabbit说。

“而船在清单上!”Zoe Zebra补充道。


第六页,火车经过铁路道口,一群小鸭子正在过马路,让人想起《让路给小鸭子》。牛津树里也有一本书有类似的情节。Can you find a signal box? Yes.

" Clickety, clack, clickety,clack, the train rides on the track," sing the children.

Suddenly the train screeches to a halt!

Quack! Quack! The ducks cross the track.

" A signal box!" cries Peppa.

" That's on our list."






第七页,火车经过隧道,他们找到了清单上的最后一件东西。Can you find a tunnel? Yes.

" Oh," sighs Emily. " We still haven't seen a tunnel."

Just then, the train goes dark.

" We're in a tunnel!" cries Suzy Sheep.

" Hooray!" cheer all the friends.

The tunnel is the last thing on their sheets!



“我们正在隧道里!”Suzy Sheep叫道。




" Last stop!" cires Miss Rabbit. " Everybody off!"

" But how are we geting home?" asks Peppa.

" We are home, Peppa," says Madame Gazelle.

The childeren were so busy spotting things, they didn't even notice that the great big train had gone in a geat big circle!

“最后一站!”Miss Rabbit叫道。”请大家都下车!”





Toot! Toot! Hooray!

Today, Peppa Pig and her friends are going on a magnificent train ride.

Jump aboard the train and join Peppa on her perfect day out in this lovely little storybook.


今天,Peppa Pig 和她的朋友们将在一个宏伟的火车。


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