



Amazon is issued patent for delivery drones has been granted(授予) a new patent by the US Patent and Trademark office(专利商标局)for a delivery drone(无人机) , that can respond to human gestures,such as screaming voice, flailing arms.

The concept is part of(这一概念是....的一部分)Amazon’s goal to develop a fleet(舰队)of unmanned aerial vehicles(无人驾驶器) that can get packages(包裹)to customs in 30 minutes or less.

Issued earlier this week,the patent may help Amazon to solve the problem of how flying robots(机器人)might interact(互动)with customs waiting on their doorsteps. 


Depending on(根据,依据)a person’s gestures---- a welcoming thumbs up(竖起大拇指),shouting or frantic(疯狂的) arm waving----the drone can adjust its behavior, according to the patent. The machine could release (释放)the packages it’s carrying, alter(选择) its flight path(飞行路线)to avoid crashing ,asking humans question or end the delivery .The patent says. 


Since announcing(宣布)its plans to develop an air delivery service, Amazon has applied for(申请) several ambitions(野心,雄心,抱负)patents that include designs for drones that self-destruct(自我摧毁)during an emergency(紧急情况).However, there is no word on(没有....的消息)when the gesture-recognition system (手势识别系统)might debut(初次登台). Amazon declined to comment(拒绝对此评论). In 2016, the company made its first autonomous drone delivery to a shopper in the United Kingdom. A private custom trail (试验)for drone delivery in Britain is ongoing(进行中).   
