

1.使用场景 , 现在有 a,b两个表,现在需要让你查处 a 表中的全部数据且不包含有和b表相同的两个字段
select distinct  jt.taskid,jt.tcode,t.tproposer,b.typebname,jt.spvstage from zjdgl.zjdgl_jg_task jt
                             left join zjdgl.zjdgl_trans t
                                   on jt.tid = t.tid
                             left join dic.dic_district d
                                   on t.accdist = d.code
                             left join zjdgl.cfg_typeb b
                                   on t.typeb = b.typebcode
                             left join zjdgl.zjdgl_jg_inspection ji
                                   on ji.tcode = jt.tcode
    where d.code = '41' and (jt.tcode,jt.spvstage) not in (select t.tcode,t.spvstage from ZJDGL_JG_INSPECTION t where ptype = '2')

关键代码 where d.code = ‘41’ and (jt.tcode,jt.spvstage) not in (select t.tcode,t.spvstage from ZJDGL_JG_INSPECTION t where ptype = ‘2’)

将需要排除的 a 表的字段放到 and (a表中的字段【多个用逗号隔开】) not in (将 b 表中的数据查出来) 即可
