
近年来,性少数群体越来越多地活跃在公众视野中,争取自己的权利。ta 们的声音也被更多人听见。然而,公众对该群体的歧视和偏见却远没有彻底消除。前不久,伦敦的一对同性伴侣因为拒绝当众接吻,在一辆公交车上遭到了殴打。而这一事件绝对不是偶然。像伦敦这样的国际化大都市,理应秉持自由包容的思想,但针对性少数群体的犯罪事件仍然屡见不鲜。这类“仇恨犯罪”的背后,究竟有怎样复杂的原因呢?

# Homophobic and transphobic hate crimes surge in England and Wales

Homophobic and transphobic hate crimes, including stalking, harassment and violent assault, have more than doubled in England and Wales over five years, a Guardian analysis has shown.

一项《卫报》的分析表明,在英格兰和威尔士,针对同性恋与跨性别者的“仇恨犯罪”(包括跟踪、骚扰以及暴力袭击),在 5 年间增加了超过一倍。

The findings come after two women were attacked on a bus in London for refusing to kiss in front of a group of men. The incident sparked widespread condemnation.


The rate of LGBT hate crime per capita rose by 144% between 2013-14 and 2017-18. In the most recent year of data, police recorded 11,600 crimes, more than doubling from 4,600 during this period.

2013 年度至 2017 年度,针对 LGBT 群体的人均仇恨犯罪率增加了 144%。在有数据记载的最近一年中,警方登记了 11,600 起犯罪,比 13-14 年间至 17-18 年间的 4,600 起增加了超过一倍。

Campaigners said the rise could partly be down to better reporting but added that hatred was growing on British streets because of the rise of rightwing populism.


Taz Edwards-White, an alliance manager at Metro, an equalities and diversity organisation, said the hate crime figures were likely to be “the tip of the iceberg”.

塔兹·爱德华兹-怀特是 Metro(该机构致力于促进平等和多样性)的一位外联部经理,她表示,仇恨犯罪的数目很可能只是“冰山一角”。

“What we see in our services is lots of people experience day-to-day verbal attacks or violence and aggressive language and homophobic attitudes … We do believe the political climate has had an impact: people feel unsafe. What is happening in central government and all the scapegoating has an effect. We saw a spike [in racist attacks] after Brexit and there has been a steady increase since then.”


Laura Russell, the director of campaigns, policy and research at Stonewall, said the rise in hate crimes showed there was a long way to go before the LGBT community was accepted in British society. “We are still not living in a society where every LGBT person is able to achieve their potential and not have to live in fear of physical or verbal violence for being who they are,” she said.

Stonewall 的活动、策略与研究主管劳拉·罗素认为,仇恨犯罪数量的增长表明英国社会远未达到真正接受 LGBT 群体的程度。她表示:“在我们现在所处的社会中,LGBT 人群还无法实现自我的潜力,也不得不因自己的身份而活在对肢体和语言暴力的恐惧中。”
