【大学英语视听说上】压头韵收集 + 自然环境口语问答 + 口语考试练习


【大学英语视听说上】压头韵收集 + 自然环境口语问答 + 口语考试练习_第1张图片


Q1: Do you like wildlife? Why?

Yes, I like wildlife because it represents the rich biodiversity of our planet. Wildlife plays crucial roles in ecosystem health and resilience, providing essential services like pollination, seed dispersal, and nutrient cycling. Additionally, observing wildlife can bring joy and wonder, fostering a deeper connection to nature and its intricate web of life. Wildlife also has intrinsic value, deserving respect and conservation simply for its own sake, regardless of its utility to humans.

Q2: If you will film a documentary about wildlife, which animal will you choose? Why?

I'd choose the honeybee as the subject of a documentary due to its ecological significance in pollinating crops and wild plants. The alarming decline in bee populations globally, influenced by factors like pesticides and habitat loss, underscores the urgency of the topic. Honeybees exhibit intricate social behaviors within their hives, operating as a coordinated superorganism. Furthermore, the longstanding relationship between humans and bees through apiculture provides a rich cultural and historical dimension to explore. Their collective activities, including the mesmerizing waggle dance, offer captivating visual content for viewers.



【大学英语视听说上】压头韵收集 + 自然环境口语问答 + 口语考试练习_第2张图片


【大学英语视听说上】压头韵收集 + 自然环境口语问答 + 口语考试练习_第3张图片


【大学英语视听说上】压头韵收集 + 自然环境口语问答 + 口语考试练习_第4张图片


【大学英语视听说上】压头韵收集 + 自然环境口语问答 + 口语考试练习_第5张图片 
