We are happy to announce that today Unity 5 pre-order customers and Unity Pro subscribers can download the Unity 5.0 pre-order beta.
我们很高兴地宣布,今天Unity 5预购客户和Unity Pro订户可以下载Unity 5.0预购beta 。
Unity 5 brings together an extraordinary collection of new features. Everyone from individuals to enterprise-size teams will be able to create content that looks and sounds significantly sharper and more polished compared to what was possible in earlier versions of the engine. There are major advancements on performance and scripting, and new platform support.
Unity 5汇集了非凡的新功能集合。 与早期版本的引擎相比,从个人到企业规模的团队,每个人都可以创建外观和声音明显更清晰,更优美的内容。 性能和脚本编写以及新平台支持方面都有重大进步。
Beta access is a valuable training opportunity for what will be our largest release to date. This huge leap of quality and power comes with many new UI interfaces and scripting changes. As always, we aim to balance this out with workflows that are as straight-forward and intuitive as possible. Joining the beta offers our most loyal customers a head start in learning these new tools and APIs.
Beta版访问是宝贵的培训机会,这将是我们迄今为止最大的发行版。 许多新的UI界面和脚本更改带来了质量和功能的巨大飞跃。 与往常一样,我们旨在通过尽可能简单明了的工作流程来平衡这一点。 加入测试版可以为我们最忠实的客户提供学习这些新工具和API的先机。
For the Unity 5.0 pre-order beta release our Learn team have created a number of tutorials to get you started with some of the new features of Unity 5:
对于Unity 5.0预购Beta版,我们的学习团队创建了许多教程,以使您开始使用Unity 5的一些新功能:
Shading and Lighting
The Standard Shader Lighting in Unity 5
Unity 5中 的标准着色器 照明
Intro to Audio in Unity 5: Mixers and Groups Intro to Audio Effect Processing Send and Receive Audio Effects Duck Volume Audio Effect Audio Mixer Snapshots Exposed Parameters in Unity 5’s Audio Mixer Upgrading to the New Audio Mixer Pt 1 Upgrading to the New Audio Mixer Pt 2
Unity 5中的音频简介:混合器和组 音频效果处理的简介 发送和接收音频效果 鸭音量 Unity 5的音频混合器中暴露的参数 音频效果 混合器快照 升级到新的音频混合器Pt 1 升级到新的音频混合器Pt 2
State Machine Behaviours State Machine Hierarchies
状态机行为 状态机层次结构
You can also peruse the following blog posts and Unite 2014 presentations:
您还可以细读以下博客文章和Unite 2014演示文稿:
Blog posts Global Illumination Frame debugger Audio Mixer High-performance physics New animation features Physically-based Standard Shader Future of Scripting (IL2CPP) Automatic Script Updating for API changes WebGL Performance
博客文章 全局照明 框架调试器 音频混合器 高性能物理 新动画功能 基于物理的标准着色器 脚本的未来(IL2CPP) API更改的自动脚本更新 WebGL性能
Unite 2014 Mastering physically-based shading in Unity 5 Best practices for physically-based shading Lighting workflow in Unity 5 WebGL deployment in Unity 5 Physics in Unity 5 Asset Build system in Unity 5 SpeedTree for Unity 5 Audio Mixer Animation in Unity 5
Unite 2014 掌握Unity 5中基于物理的着色的 最佳实践 Unity 5中基于物理的着色的 最佳做法 Unity 5中的 WebGL部署Unity 5中的 物理5 Unity中的 资产构建系统Unity 5的 SpeedTree for Unity 5 SpeedUnity中的 音频混合器 动画
Our developers are hard at work polishing 5.0 and awaiting your feedback. Please report any encountered bugs in the usual way. More importantly, we look forward to hearing all about your 5.0 beta experience on the forums.
我们的开发人员正在努力完善5.0,并等待您的反馈。 请以通常的方式报告遇到的错误。 更重要的是,我们希望在论坛上听到有关您的5.0 Beta体验的所有信息。
翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2014/10/27/unity-5-0-pre-order-beta-now-available/