

by Mariya Yao

姚iya(Mariya Yao)

AI使虚拟现实和增强现实更加真实的8种方式 (8 Ways AI Makes Virtual & Augmented Reality Even More Real)

This piece was written & edited in collaboration with TOPBOTS writer Nick Hall.

这篇文章是与TOPBOTS作家Nick Hall合作编写和编辑的。

Regular reality is being disrupted by virtual and augmented reality (VR/AR). The biggest names in tech are battling to power the next generation of entertainment, education, and communication.

虚拟现实和增强现实(VR / AR)破坏了常规现实。 科技界的知名人士正在努力为下一代娱乐,教育和通讯提供动力。

Facebook acquired Oculus to make next generation social networking virtual. Apple CEO Tim Cook claims augmented reality will be “as big as the iPhone.” Microsoft’s HoloLens, Google’s Tango, and Intel’s Project Alloy are just a few of the myriad of developments underway to make VR/AR devices as ubiquitous as computers and phones.

Facebook收购了Oculus,以实现下一代社交网络的虚拟化。 苹果首席执行官蒂姆·库克(Tim Cook) 称增强现实将“与iPhone一样大”。 微软的HoloLens,谷歌的Tango和英特尔的Project Alloy只是使VR / AR设备像计算机和手机一样无处不在的众多发展中的几个。

Another major trend, artificial intelligence (AI), boosts the technical complexity behind compelling VR/AR experiences. Despite the hype, the progress that AI drives in VR/AR are by no means artificial.

人工智能(AI)的另一个主要趋势是,在引人入胜的VR / AR体验背后增加了技术复杂性。 尽管进行了大肆宣传,但AI在VR / AR中驱动的进展绝不是人为的。

Here are 8 specific ways that AI makes our virtual realities even more real.


1.物理环境图 (1. Physical environment mapping)

Occipital’s Bridge is one example of how AI can help to map entire environments in real time and blend the results with a virtual world. The external ‘structure sensor’ on Bridge feeds into an AI system and allows a ‘mixed reality’ experience entirely in the headset. This works thanks to the magic of instant depth perception and precise positioning with six degrees of freedom. The result is that you get a fully immersive VR experience with real world structures.

枕骨桥是AI如何帮助实时绘制整个环境并将结果与​​虚拟世界融合的一个示例。 Bridge上的外部“ 结构传感器 ”可输入AI系统,并完全在耳机中提供“混合现实”体验。 这要归功于即时深度感知和六自由度精确定位的魔力。 结果是您获得了具有真实世界结构的完全身临其境的VR体验。

The fledgling system can already produce CAD-quality models of your house, so you can try furniture and decorations before you buy. This mixed version of reality could provide precise AR shopping experiences in local retail stores. The company is also inviting developers to build new apps and is taking an open-source approach.

刚起步的系统已经可以制作出具有CAD质量的房屋模型,因此您可以在购买前尝试使用家具和装饰品。 现实的混合版本可以在本地零售店提供精确的AR购物体验 。 该公司还邀请开发人员构建新的应用程序,并正在采用开源方法。

Google Tango is arguably more advanced and already in the wild on the Lenovo Phab 2. So far, most of the apps targeted at the phone have been relatively simple games. We expect that to change rapidly.

谷歌Tango可以说是更高级,并且已经在Lenovo Phab 2上狂奔。到目前为止,针对手机的大多数应用程序都是相对简单的游戏 。 我们希望这种情况会Swift改变。

2.精确的深度感知 (2. Precise depth perception)

It’s one thing to map the walls of a building, it’s quite another to map the constantly shifting internal organs of a patient on the operating table. We’re closing in on a world where a surgeon will
