手机淘宝列表页面 的js调用展示

手机淘宝列表页面 的js调用展示

手机淘宝列表页面 的js调用展示



// 请求页面数据, 开始解析
function getPageView() {
    // 从 location 获取页面参数
    var params = [],
    PAGE_QUERY = {},
    VIEW_DATA = {};
    var page = window.G_msp_path?window.G_msp_path:'';//兼容店铺首页
    var search =;
    if(search) {
        //search = decodeURIComponent(search);
        search = search.slice(1).split('&');
        search.forEach(function(param) {
            param = param.split('=');
            var k = param[0];
            var v = param[1];
            }catch(err) {}
            if(k == 'page') {
                page = v;
            } else {
                params.push(k + ':' + v);
                PAGE_QUERY[k] = v;
        params.push('userId:' + window.G_msp_userId);
            params.push('shop_id:' + window.G_msp_shopId);

    if(!page) {
        console.error('缺少 page 参数!');

        api: "mtop.geb.view.getPageView",
        v: "2.0",
        data: {
            page: page,
            clientVersion: '10000',
            params: params.join(';')
    }, function(resp) {
      var resp=resp;

        window.meta =;
        Object.keys( {
            VIEW_DATA[k] =[k];

        // 单独处理页面 title
        var page_title = meta.title;
        if(page_title) {
            if(String(page_title).indexOf('$') == 0) {
                page_title = VIEW_DATA[page_title.slice(1)];
            if(page_title) {
                document.title = decodeURI(page_title);

                if (lib.env.taobaoApp && lib.env.taobaoApp.appname=='TB'&& lib.WindVane) {
          'WebAppInterface', 'setCustomPageTitle',decodeURI(page_title));
        var page = new PageView(; 
		var host = document.querySelector('#we-page');
		host.innerHTML = '';

    }, function(resp) {
        console.log('获取页面数据失败: ', resp);
    document.getElementById('we-page').style.height = 'auto';




appkey 12278902对应的appsecret(744e7d*)暴露这么久了,现在才想到封


现在很多软件用21272146 这个appkey 也没见过 不知道哪里来的


function(a) {
	String.prototype.trim === a && (String.prototype.trim = function() {
		return this.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, "")
	Array.prototype.reduce === a && (Array.prototype.reduce = function(b) {
		if (void 0 === this || null === this) throw new TypeError;
		var c, d = Object(this),
		e = d.length >>> 0,
		f = 0;
		if ("function" != typeof b) throw new TypeError;
		if (0 == e && 1 == arguments.length) throw new TypeError;
		if (arguments.length >= 2) c = arguments[1];
		else for (;;) {
			if (f in d) {
				c = d[f++];
			if (++f >= e) throw new TypeError
		for (; e > f;) f in d && (c =, c, d[f], f, d)),
		return c
} ();
var Zepto = function() {
	function a(a) {
		return null == a ? String(a) : W[] || "object"
	function b(b) {
		return "function" == a(b)
	function c(a) {
		return null != a && a == a.window
	function d(a) {
		return null != a && a.nodeType == a.DOCUMENT_NODE
	function e(b) {
		return "object" == a(b)
	function f(a) {
		return e(a) && !c(a) && a.__proto__ == Object.prototype
	function g(a) {
		return a instanceof Array
	function h(a) {
		return "number" == typeof a.length
	function i(a) {
		function(a) {
			return null != a
	function j(a) {
		return a.length > 0 ? y.fn.concat.apply([], a) : a
	function k(a) {
		return a.replace(/::/g, "/").replace(/([A-Z]+)([A-Z][a-z])/g, "$1_$2").replace(/([a-z\d])([A-Z])/g, "$1_$2").replace(/_/g, "-").toLowerCase()
	function l(a) {
		return a in H ? H[a] : H[a] = new RegExp("(^|\\s)" + a + "(\\s|$)")
	function m(a, b) {
		return "number" != typeof b || J[k(a)] ? b: b + "px"
	function n(a) {
		var b, c;
		return G[a] || (b = F.createElement(a), F.body.appendChild(b), c = I(b, "").getPropertyValue("display"), b.parentNode.removeChild(b), "none" == c && (c = "block"), G[a] = c),
	function o(a) {
		return "children" in a ? :,
		function(a) {
			return 1 == a.nodeType ? a: void 0
	function p(a, b, c) {
		for (x in b) c && (f(b[x]) || g(b[x])) ? (f(b[x]) && !f(a[x]) && (a[x] = {}), g(b[x]) && !g(a[x]) && (a[x] = []), p(a[x], b[x], c)) : b[x] !== w && (a[x] = b[x])
	function q(a, b) {
		return b === w ? y(a) : y(a).filter(b)
	function r(a, c, d, e) {
		return b(c) ?, d, e) : c
	function s(a, b, c) {
		null == c ? a.removeAttribute(b) : a.setAttribute(b, c)
	function t(a, b) {
		var c = a.className,
		d = c && c.baseVal !== w;
		return b === w ? d ? c.baseVal: c: void(d ? c.baseVal = b: a.className = b)
	function u(a) {
		var b;
		try {
			return a ? "true" == a || ("false" == a ? !1 : "null" == a ? null: isNaN(b = Number(a)) ? /^[\[\{]/.test(a) ? y.parseJSON(a) : a: b) : a
		} catch(c) {
			return a
	function v(a, b) {
		for (var c in a.childNodes) v(a.childNodes[c], b)
	var w, x, y, z, A, B, C = [],
	D = C.slice,
	E = C.filter,
	F = window.document,
	G = {},
	H = {},
	I = F.defaultView.getComputedStyle,
	J = {
		"column-count": 1,
		columns: 1,
		"font-weight": 1,
		"line-height": 1,
		opacity: 1,
		"z-index": 1,
		zoom: 1
	K = /^\s*<(\w+|!)[^>]*>/,
	L = /<(?!area|br|col|embed|hr|img|input|link|meta|param)(([\w:]+)[^>]*)\/>/gi,
	M = /^(?:body|html)$/i,
	N = ["val", "css", "html", "text", "data", "width", "height", "offset"],
	O = ["after", "prepend", "before", "append"],
	P = F.createElement("table"),
	Q = F.createElement("tr"),
	R = {
		tr: F.createElement("tbody"),
		tbody: P,
		thead: P,
		tfoot: P,
		td: Q,
		th: Q,
		"*": F.createElement("div")
	S = /complete|loaded|interactive/,
	T = /^\.([\w-]+)$/,
	U = /^#([\w-]*)$/,
	V = /^[\w-]+$/,
	W = {},
	X = W.toString,
	Y = {},
	Z = F.createElement("div");
	return Y.matches = function(a, b) {
		if (!a || 1 !== a.nodeType) return ! 1;
		var c = a.webkitMatchesSelector || a.mozMatchesSelector || a.oMatchesSelector || a.matchesSelector;
		if (c) return, b);
		var d, e = a.parentNode,
		f = !e;
		return f && (e = Z).appendChild(a),
		d = ~Y.qsa(e, b).indexOf(a),
		f && Z.removeChild(a),
	A = function(a) {
		return a.replace(/-+(.)?/g,
		function(a, b) {
			return b ? b.toUpperCase() : ""
	B = function(a) {
		function(b, c) {
			return a.indexOf(b) == c
	Y.fragment = function(a, b, c) {
		a.replace && (a = a.replace(L, "<$1>")),
		b === w && (b = K.test(a) && RegExp.$1),
		b in R || (b = "*");
		var d, e, g = R[b];
		return g.innerHTML = "" + a,
		e = y.each(,
		function() {
		f(c) && (d = y(e), y.each(c,
		function(a, b) {
			N.indexOf(a) > -1 ? d[a](b) : d.attr(a, b)
	Y.Z = function(a, b) {
		return a = a || [],
		a.__proto__ = y.fn,
		a.selector = b || "",
	Y.isZ = function(a) {
		return a instanceof Y.Z
	Y.init = function(a, c) {
		if (a) {
			if (b(a)) return y(F).ready(a);
			if (Y.isZ(a)) return a;
			var d;
			if (g(a)) d = i(a);
			else if (e(a)) d = [f(a) ? y.extend({},
			a) : a],
			a = null;
			else if (K.test(a)) d = Y.fragment(a.trim(), RegExp.$1, c),
			a = null;
			else {
				if (c !== w) return y(c).find(a);
				d = Y.qsa(F, a)
			return Y.Z(d, a)
		return Y.Z()
	y = function(a, b) {
		return Y.init(a, b)
	y.extend = function(a) {
		var b, c =, 1);
		return "boolean" == typeof a && (b = a, a = c.shift()),
		c.forEach(function(c) {
			p(a, c, b)
	Y.qsa = function(a, b) {
		var c;
		return d(a) && U.test(b) ? (c = a.getElementById(RegExp.$1)) ? [c] : [] : 1 !== a.nodeType && 9 !== a.nodeType ? [] : ? a.getElementsByClassName(RegExp.$1) : V.test(b) ? a.getElementsByTagName(b) : a.querySelectorAll(b))
	y.contains = function(a, b) {
		return a !== b && a.contains(b)
	y.type = a,
	y.isFunction = b,
	y.isWindow = c,
	y.isArray = g,
	y.isPlainObject = f,
	y.isEmptyObject = function(a) {
		var b;
		for (b in a) return ! 1;
		return ! 0
	y.inArray = function(a, b, c) {
		return, a, c)
	y.camelCase = A,
	y.trim = function(a) {
		return a.trim()
	y.uuid = 0, = {},
	y.expr = {}, = function(a, b) {
		var c, d, e, f = [];
		if (h(a)) for (d = 0; d < a.length; d++) c = b(a[d], d),
		null != c && f.push(c);
		else for (e in a) c = b(a[e], e),
		null != c && f.push(c);
		return j(f)
	y.each = function(a, b) {
		var c, d;
		if (h(a)) {
			for (c = 0; c < a.length; c++) if ([c], c, a[c]) === !1) return a
		} else for (d in a) if ([d], d, a[d]) === !1) return a;
		return a
	y.grep = function(a, b) {
		return, b)
	window.JSON && (y.parseJSON = JSON.parse),
	y.each("Boolean Number String Function Array Date RegExp Object Error".split(" "),
	function(a, b) {
		W["[object " + b + "]"] = b.toLowerCase()
	y.fn = {
		forEach: C.forEach,
		reduce: C.reduce,
		push: C.push,
		sort: C.sort,
		indexOf: C.indexOf,
		concat: C.concat,
		map: function(a) {
			return y(,
			function(b, c) {
				return, c, b)
		slice: function() {
			return y(D.apply(this, arguments))
		ready: function(a) {
			return S.test(F.readyState) ? a(y) : F.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded",
			function() {
		get: function(a) {
			return a === w ? : this[a >= 0 ? a: a + this.length]
		toArray: function() {
			return this.get()
		size: function() {
			return this.length
		remove: function() {
			return this.each(function() {
				null != this.parentNode && this.parentNode.removeChild(this)
		each: function(a) {
			function(b, c) {
				return, c, b) !== !1
		filter: function(a) {
			return b(a) ? this.not(this.not(a)) : y(,
			function(b) {
				return Y.matches(b, a)
		add: function(a, b) {
			return y(B(this.concat(y(a, b))))
		is: function(a) {
			return this.length > 0 && Y.matches(this[0], a)
		not: function(a) {
			var c = [];
			if (b(a) && !== w) this.each(function(b) {, b) || c.push(this)
			else {
				var d = "string" == typeof a ? this.filter(a) : h(a) && b(a.item) ? : y(a);
				this.forEach(function(a) {
					d.indexOf(a) < 0 && c.push(a)
			return y(c)
		has: function(a) {
			return this.filter(function() {
				return e(a) ? y.contains(this, a) : y(this).find(a).size()
		eq: function(a) {
			return - 1 === a ? this.slice(a) : this.slice(a, +a + 1)
		first: function() {
			var a = this[0];
			return a && !e(a) ? a: y(a)
		last: function() {
			var a = this[this.length - 1];
			return a && !e(a) ? a: y(a)
		find: function(a) {
			var b, c = this;
			return b = "object" == typeof a ? y(a).filter(function() {
				var a = this;
				function(b) {
					return y.contains(b, a)
			}) : 1 == this.length ? y(Y.qsa(this[0], a)) : {
				return Y.qsa(this, a)
		closest: function(a, b) {
			var c = this[0],
			e = !1;
			for ("object" == typeof a && (e = y(a)); c && !(e ? e.indexOf(c) >= 0 : Y.matches(c, a));) c = c !== b && !d(c) && c.parentNode;
			return y(c)
		parents: function(a) {
			for (var b = [], c = this; c.length > 0;) c =,
			function(a) {
				return (a = a.parentNode) && !d(a) && b.indexOf(a) < 0 ? (b.push(a), a) : void 0
			return q(b, a)
		parent: function(a) {
			return q(B(this.pluck("parentNode")), a)
		children: function(a) {
			return q( {
				return o(this)
			}), a)
		contents: function() {
			return {
		siblings: function(a) {
			return q(, b) {
				function(a) {
					return a !== b
			}), a)
		empty: function() {
			return this.each(function() {
				this.innerHTML = ""
		pluck: function(a) {
			function(b) {
				return b[a]
		show: function() {
			return this.each(function() {
				"none" == && ( = null),
				"none" == I(this, "").getPropertyValue("display") && ( = n(this.nodeName))
		replaceWith: function(a) {
			return this.before(a).remove()
		wrap: function(a) {
			var c = b(a);
			if (this[0] && !c) var d = y(a).get(0),
			e = d.parentNode || this.length > 1;
			return this.each(function(b) {
				y(this).wrapAll(c ?, b) : e ? d.cloneNode(!0) : d)
		wrapAll: function(a) {
			if (this[0]) {
				y(this[0]).before(a = y(a));
				for (var b; (b = a.children()).length;) a = b.first();
			return this
		wrapInner: function(a) {
			var c = b(a);
			return this.each(function(b) {
				var d = y(this),
				e = d.contents(),
				f = c ?, b) : a;
				e.length ? e.wrapAll(f) : d.append(f)
		unwrap: function() {
			return this.parent().each(function() {
		clone: function() {
			return {
				return this.cloneNode(!0)
		hide: function() {
			return this.css("display", "none")
		toggle: function(a) {
			return this.each(function() {
				var b = y(this); (a === w ? "none" == b.css("display") : a) ? : b.hide()
		prev: function(a) {
			return y(this.pluck("previousElementSibling")).filter(a || "*")
		next: function(a) {
			return y(this.pluck("nextElementSibling")).filter(a || "*")
		html: function(a) {
			return a === w ? this.length > 0 ? this[0].innerHTML: null: this.each(function(b) {
				var c = this.innerHTML;
				y(this).empty().append(r(this, a, b, c))
		text: function(a) {
			return a === w ? this.length > 0 ? this[0].textContent: null: this.each(function() {
				this.textContent = a
		attr: function(a, b) {
			var c;
			return "string" == typeof a && b === w ? 0 == this.length || 1 !== this[0].nodeType ? w: "value" == a && "INPUT" == this[0].nodeName ? this.val() : !(c = this[0].getAttribute(a)) && a in this[0] ? this[0][a] : c: this.each(function(c) {
				if (1 === this.nodeType) if (e(a)) for (x in a) s(this, x, a[x]);
				else s(this, a, r(this, b, c, this.getAttribute(a)))
		removeAttr: function(a) {
			return this.each(function() {
				1 === this.nodeType && s(this, a)
		prop: function(a, b) {
			return b === w ? this[0] && this[0][a] : this.each(function(c) {
				this[a] = r(this, b, c, this[a])
		data: function(a, b) {
			var c = this.attr("data-" + k(a), b);
			return null !== c ? u(c) : w
		val: function(a) {
			return a === w ? this[0] && (this[0].multiple ? y(this[0]).find("option").filter(function() {
				return this.selected
			}).pluck("value") : this[0].value) : this.each(function(b) {
				this.value = r(this, a, b, this.value)
		offset: function(a) {
			if (a) return this.each(function(b) {
				var c = y(this),
				d = r(this, a, b, c.offset()),
				e = c.offsetParent().offset(),
				f = {
					top: -,
					left: d.left - e.left
				"static" == c.css("position") && (f.position = "relative"),
			if (0 == this.length) return null;
			var b = this[0].getBoundingClientRect();
			return {
				left: b.left + window.pageXOffset,
				top: + window.pageYOffset,
				width: Math.round(b.width),
				height: Math.round(b.height)
		css: function(b, c) {
			if (arguments.length < 2 && "string" == typeof b) return this[0] && (this[0].style[A(b)] || I(this[0], "").getPropertyValue(b));
			var d = "";
			if ("string" == a(b)) c || 0 === c ? d = k(b) + ":" + m(b, c) : this.each(function() {
			else for (x in b) b[x] || 0 === b[x] ? d += k(x) + ":" + m(x, b[x]) + ";": this.each(function() {
			return this.each(function() { += ";" + d
		index: function(a) {
			return a ? this.indexOf(y(a)[0]) : this.parent().children().indexOf(this[0])
		hasClass: function(a) {
			function(a) {
				return this.test(t(a))
		addClass: function(a) {
			return this.each(function(b) {
				z = [];
				var c = t(this),
				d = r(this, a, b, c);
				d.split(/\s+/g).forEach(function(a) {
					y(this).hasClass(a) || z.push(a)
				z.length && t(this, c + (c ? " ": "") + z.join(" "))
		removeClass: function(a) {
			return this.each(function(b) {
				return a === w ? t(this, "") : (z = t(this), r(this, a, b, z).split(/\s+/g).forEach(function(a) {
					z = z.replace(l(a), " ")
				}), void t(this, z.trim()))
		toggleClass: function(a, b) {
			return this.each(function(c) {
				var d = y(this),
				e = r(this, a, c, t(this));
				e.split(/\s+/g).forEach(function(a) { (b === w ? !d.hasClass(a) : b) ? d.addClass(a) : d.removeClass(a)
		scrollTop: function() {
			return this.length ? "scrollTop" in this[0] ? this[0].scrollTop: this[0].scrollY: void 0
		position: function() {
			if (this.length) {
				var a = this[0],
				b = this.offsetParent(),
				c = this.offset(),
				d = M.test(b[0].nodeName) ? {
					top: 0,
					left: 0
				}: b.offset();
				return -= parseFloat(y(a).css("margin-top")) || 0,
				c.left -= parseFloat(y(a).css("margin-left")) || 0, += parseFloat(y(b[0]).css("border-top-width")) || 0,
				d.left += parseFloat(y(b[0]).css("border-left-width")) || 0,
					top: -,
					left: c.left - d.left
		offsetParent: function() {
			return {
				for (var a = this.offsetParent || F.body; a && !M.test(a.nodeName) && "static" == y(a).css("position");) a = a.offsetParent;
				return a
	y.fn.detach = y.fn.remove,
	["width", "height"].forEach(function(a) {
		y.fn[a] = function(b) {
			var e, f = this[0],
			g = a.replace(/./,
			function(a) {
				return a[0].toUpperCase()
			return b === w ? c(f) ? f["inner" + g] : d(f) ? f.documentElement["offset" + g] : (e = this.offset()) && e[a] : this.each(function(c) {
				f = y(this),
				f.css(a, r(this, b, c, f[a]()))
	O.forEach(function(b, c) {
		var d = c % 2;
		y.fn[b] = function() {
			var b, e, f =,
			function(c) {
				return b = a(c),
				"object" == b || "array" == b || null == c ? c: Y.fragment(c)
			g = this.length > 1;
			return f.length < 1 ? this: this.each(function(a, b) {
				e = d ? b: b.parentNode,
				b = 0 == c ? b.nextSibling: 1 == c ? b.firstChild: 2 == c ? b: null,
				f.forEach(function(a) {
					if (g) a = a.cloneNode(!0);
					else if (!e) return y(a).remove();
					v(e.insertBefore(a, b),
					function(a) {
						null == a.nodeName || "SCRIPT" !== a.nodeName.toUpperCase() || a.type && "text/javascript" !== a.type || a.src ||, a.innerHTML)
		y.fn[d ? b + "To": "insert" + (c ? "Before": "After")] = function(a) {
			return y(a)[b](this),
	Y.Z.prototype = y.fn,
	Y.uniq = B,
	Y.deserializeValue = u,
	y.zepto = Y,
} ();
window.Zepto = Zepto,
"$" in window || (window.$ = Zepto),
function(a) {
	function b(a) {
		var b = this.os = {},
		c = this.browser = {},
		d = a.match(/WebKit\/([\d.]+)/),
		e = a.match(/(Android)\s+([\d.]+)/),
		f = a.match(/(iPad).*OS\s([\d_]+)/),
		g = !f && a.match(/(iPhone\sOS)\s([\d_]+)/),
		h = a.match(/(webOS|hpwOS)[\s\/]([\d.]+)/),
		i = h && a.match(/TouchPad/),
		j = a.match(/Kindle\/([\d.]+)/),
		k = a.match(/Silk\/([\d._]+)/),
		l = a.match(/(BlackBerry).*Version\/([\d.]+)/),
		m = a.match(/(BB10).*Version\/([\d.]+)/),
		n = a.match(/(RIM\sTablet\sOS)\s([\d.]+)/),
		o = a.match(/PlayBook/),
		p = a.match(/Chrome\/([\d.]+)/) || a.match(/CriOS\/([\d.]+)/),
		q = a.match(/Firefox\/([\d.]+)/); (c.webkit = !!d) && (c.version = d[1]),
		e && ( = !0, b.version = e[2]),
		g && (b.ios = b.iphone = !0, b.version = g[2].replace(/_/g, ".")),
		f && (b.ios = b.ipad = !0, b.version = f[2].replace(/_/g, ".")),
		h && (b.webos = !0, b.version = h[2]),
		i && (b.touchpad = !0),
		l && (b.blackberry = !0, b.version = l[2]),
		m && (b.bb10 = !0, b.version = m[2]),
		n && (b.rimtabletos = !0, b.version = n[2]),
		o && (c.playbook = !0),
		j && ( = !0, b.version = j[1]),
		k && ( = !0, c.version = k[1]),
		!k && && a.match(/Kindle Fire/) && ( = !0),
		p && ( = !0, c.version = p[1]),
		q && (c.firefox = !0, c.version = q[1]),
		b.tablet = !!(f || o || e && !a.match(/Mobile/) || q && a.match(/Tablet/)), = !(b.tablet || !(e || g || h || l || m || p && a.match(/Android/) || p && a.match(/CriOS\/([\d.]+)/) || q && a.match(/Mobile/)))
	}, navigator.userAgent),
	a.__detect = b
} (Zepto),
function(a) {
	function b(a) {
		return a._zid || (a._zid = n++)
	function c(a, c, f, g) {
		if (c = d(c), c.ns) var h = e(c.ns);
		return (m[b(a)] || []).filter(function(a) {
			return ! (!a || c.e && a.e != c.e || c.ns && !h.test(a.ns) || f && b(a.fn) !== b(f) || g && a.sel != g)
	function d(a) {
		var b = ("" + a).split(".");
		return {
			e: b[0],
			ns: b.slice(1).sort().join(" ")
	function e(a) {
		return new RegExp("(?:^| )" + a.replace(" ", " .* ?") + "(?: |$)")
	function f(b, c, d) {
		"string" != a.type(b) ? a.each(b, d) : b.split(/\s/).forEach(function(a) {
			d(a, c)
	function g(a, b) {
		return a.del && ("focus" == a.e || "blur" == a.e) || !!b
	function h(a) {
		return p[a] || a
	function i(c, e, i, j, k, l) {
		var n = b(c),
		o = m[n] || (m[n] = []);
		f(e, i,
		function(b, e) {
			var f = d(b);
			f.fn = e,
			f.sel = j,
			f.e in p && (e = function(b) {
				var c = b.relatedTarget;
				return ! c || c !== this && !a.contains(this, c) ? f.fn.apply(this, arguments) : void 0
			f.del = k && k(e, b);
			var i = f.del || e;
			f.proxy = function(a) {
				var b = i.apply(c, [a].concat(;
				return b === !1 && (a.preventDefault(), a.stopPropagation()),
			f.i = o.length,
			c.addEventListener(h(f.e), f.proxy, g(f, l))
	function j(a, d, e, i, j) {
		var k = b(a);
		f(d || "", e,
		function(b, d) {
			c(a, b, d, i).forEach(function(b) {
				delete m[k][b.i],
				a.removeEventListener(h(b.e), b.proxy, g(b, j))
	function k(b) {
		var c, d = {
			originalEvent: b
		for (c in b) s.test(c) || void 0 === b[c] || (d[c] = b[c]);
		return a.each(t,
		function(a, c) {
			d[a] = function() {
				return this[c] = q,
				b[a].apply(b, arguments)
			d[c] = r
	function l(a) {
		if (! ("defaultPrevented" in a)) {
			a.defaultPrevented = !1;
			var b = a.preventDefault;
			a.preventDefault = function() {
				this.defaultPrevented = !0,
	var m = (a.zepto.qsa, {}),
	n = 1,
	o = {},
	p = {
		mouseenter: "mouseover",
		mouseleave: "mouseout"
	}; = o.mousedown = o.mouseup = o.mousemove = "MouseEvents",
	a.event = {
		add: i,
		remove: j
	a.proxy = function(c, d) {
		if (a.isFunction(c)) {
			var e = function() {
				return c.apply(d, arguments)
			return e._zid = b(c),
		if ("string" == typeof d) return a.proxy(c[d], c);
		throw new TypeError("expected function")
	a.fn.bind = function(a, b) {
		return this.each(function() {
			i(this, a, b)
	a.fn.unbind = function(a, b) {
		return this.each(function() {
			j(this, a, b)
	}, = function(a, b) {
		return this.each(function(c, d) {
			i(this, a, b, null,
			function(a, b) {
				return function() {
					var c = a.apply(d, arguments);
					return j(d, b, a),
	var q = function() {
		return ! 0
	r = function() {
		return ! 1
	s = /^([A-Z]|layer[XY]$)/,
	t = {
		preventDefault: "isDefaultPrevented",
		stopImmediatePropagation: "isImmediatePropagationStopped",
		stopPropagation: "isPropagationStopped"
	a.fn.delegate = function(b, c, d) {
		return this.each(function(e, f) {
			i(f, c, d, b,
			function(c) {
				return function(d) {
					var e, g = a(, f).get(0);
					return g ? (e = a.extend(k(d), {
						currentTarget: g,
						liveFired: f
					}), c.apply(g, [e].concat([], 1)))) : void 0
	a.fn.undelegate = function(a, b, c) {
		return this.each(function() {
			j(this, b, c, a)
	}, = function(b, c) {
		return a(document.body).delegate(this.selector, b, c),
	a.fn.die = function(b, c) {
		return a(document.body).undelegate(this.selector, b, c),
	a.fn.on = function(b, c, d) {
		return ! c || a.isFunction(c) ? this.bind(b, c || d) : this.delegate(c, b, d)
	}, = function(b, c, d) {
		return ! c || a.isFunction(c) ? this.unbind(b, c || d) : this.undelegate(c, b, d)
	a.fn.trigger = function(b, c) {
		return ("string" == typeof b || a.isPlainObject(b)) && (b = a.Event(b)),
		l(b), = c,
		this.each(function() {
			"dispatchEvent" in this && this.dispatchEvent(b)
	a.fn.triggerHandler = function(b, d) {
		var e, f;
		return this.each(function(g, h) {
			e = k("string" == typeof b ? a.Event(b) : b), = d, = h,
			a.each(c(h, b.type || b),
			function(a, b) {
				return f = b.proxy(e),
				e.isImmediatePropagationStopped() ? !1 : void 0
	"focusin focusout load resize scroll unload click dblclick mousedown mouseup mousemove mouseover mouseout mouseenter mouseleave change select keydown keypress keyup error".split(" ").forEach(function(b) {
		a.fn[b] = function(a) {
			return a ? this.bind(b, a) : this.trigger(b)
	["focus", "blur"].forEach(function(b) {
		a.fn[b] = function(a) {
			return a ? this.bind(b, a) : this.each(function() {
				try {
				} catch(a) {}
	a.Event = function(a, b) {
		"string" != typeof a && (b = a, a = b.type);
		var c = document.createEvent(o[a] || "Events"),
		d = !0;
		if (b) for (var e in b)"bubbles" == e ? d = !!b[e] : c[e] = b[e];
		return c.initEvent(a, d, !0, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null),
		c.isDefaultPrevented = function() {
			return this.defaultPrevented
} (Zepto),
function(a) {
	function b(b, c, d) {
		var e = a.Event(c);
		return a(b).trigger(e, d),
	function c(a, c, d, e) {
		return ? b(c || s, d, e) : void 0
	function d(b) { && 0 ===, null, "ajaxStart")
	function e(b) { && ! && c(b, null, "ajaxStop")
	function f(a, b) {
		var d = b.context;
		return, a, b) === !1 || c(b, d, "ajaxBeforeSend", [a, b]) === !1 ? !1 : void c(b, d, "ajaxSend", [a, b])
	function g(a, b, d) {
		var e = d.context,
		f = "success";, a, f, b),
		c(d, e, "ajaxSuccess", [b, d, a]),
		i(f, b, d)
	function h(a, b, d, e) {
		var f = e.context;, d, b, a),
		c(e, f, "ajaxError", [d, e, a]),
		i(b, d, e)
	function i(a, b, d) {
		var f = d.context;, b, a),
		c(d, f, "ajaxComplete", [b, d]),
	function j() {}
	function k(a) {
		return a && (a = a.split(";", 2)[0]),
		a && (a == x ? "html": a == w ? "json": u.test(a) ? "script": v.test(a) && "xml") || "text"
	function l(a, b) {
		return (a + "&" + b).replace(/[&?]{1,2}/, "?")
	function m(b) {
		b.processData && && "string" != a.type( && ( = a.param(, b.traditional)),
		! || b.type && "GET" != b.type.toUpperCase() || (b.url = l(b.url,
	function n(b, c, d, e) {
		var f = !a.isFunction(c);
		return {
			url: b,
			data: f ? c: void 0,
			success: f ? a.isFunction(d) ? d: void 0 : c,
			dataType: f ? e || d: d
	function o(b, c, d, e) {
		var f, g = a.isArray(c);
		function(c, h) {
			f = a.type(h),
			e && (c = d ? e: e + "[" + (g ? "": c) + "]"),
			!e && g ? b.add(, h.value) : "array" == f || !d && "object" == f ? o(b, h, d, c) : b.add(c, h)
	var p, q, r = 0,
	s = window.document,
	t = /)<[^<]*)*<\/script>/gi,
	u = /^(?:text|application)\/javascript/i,
	v = /^(?:text|application)\/xml/i,
	w = "application/json",
	x = "text/html",
	y = /^\s*$/; = 0,
	a.ajaxJSONP = function(b) {
		if (! ("type" in b)) return a.ajax(b);
		var c, d = "jsonp" + ++r,
		e = s.createElement("script"),
		i = function() {
			delete window[d]
		k = function(a) {
			a && "timeout" != a || (window[d] = j),
			h(null, a || "abort", l, b)
		l = {
			abort: k
		return f(l, b) === !1 ? (k("abort"), !1) : (window[d] = function(a) {
			g(a, l, b)
		e.onerror = function() {
		e.src = b.url.replace(/=\?/, "=" + d), a("head").append(e), b.timeout > 0 && (c = setTimeout(function() {
		b.timeout)), l)
	a.ajaxSettings = {
		type: "GET",
		beforeSend: j,
		success: j,
		error: j,
		complete: j,
		context: null,
		global: !0,
		xhr: function() {
			return new window.XMLHttpRequest
		accepts: {
			script: "text/javascript, application/javascript",
			json: w,
			xml: "application/xml, text/xml",
			html: x,
			text: "text/plain"
		crossDomain: !1,
		timeout: 0,
		processData: !0,
		cache: !0
	a.ajax = function(b) {
		var c = a.extend({},
		b || {});
		for (p in a.ajaxSettings) void 0 === c[p] && (c[p] = a.ajaxSettings[p]);
		c.crossDomain || (c.crossDomain = /^([\w-]+:)?\/\/([^\/]+)/.test(c.url) && RegExp.$2 !=,
		c.url || (c.url = window.location.toString()),
		c.cache === !1 && (c.url = l(c.url, "_=" +;
		var e = c.dataType,
		i = /=\?/.test(c.url);
		if ("jsonp" == e || i) return i || (c.url = l(c.url, "callback=?")),
		var n, o = c.accepts[e],
		r = {},
		s = /^([\w-]+:)\/\//.test(c.url) ? RegExp.$1: window.location.protocol,
		t = c.xhr();
		c.crossDomain || (r["X-Requested-With"] = "XMLHttpRequest"),
		o && (r.Accept = o, o.indexOf(",") > -1 && (o = o.split(",", 2)[0]), t.overrideMimeType && t.overrideMimeType(o)),
		(c.contentType || c.contentType !== !1 && && "GET" != c.type.toUpperCase()) && (r["Content-Type"] = c.contentType || "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"),
		c.headers = a.extend(r, c.headers || {}),
		t.onreadystatechange = function() {
			if (4 == t.readyState) {
				t.onreadystatechange = j,
				var b, d = !1;
				if (t.status >= 200 && t.status < 300 || 304 == t.status || 0 == t.status && "file:" == s) {
					e = e || k(t.getResponseHeader("content-type")),
					b = t.responseText;
					try {
						"script" == e ? (1, eval)(b) : "xml" == e ? b = t.responseXML: "json" == e && (b = y.test(b) ? null: a.parseJSON(b))
					} catch(f) {
						d = f
					d ? h(d, "parsererror", t, c) : g(b, t, c)
				} else h(null, t.status ? "error": "abort", t, c)
		var u = "async" in c ? c.async: !0;, c.url, u);
		for (q in c.headers) t.setRequestHeader(q, c.headers[q]);
		return f(t, c) === !1 ? (t.abort(), !1) : (c.timeout > 0 && (n = setTimeout(function() {
			t.onreadystatechange = j,
			h(null, "timeout", t, c)
		c.timeout)), t.send( ? null), t)
	a.get = function() {
		return a.ajax(n.apply(null, arguments))
	}, = function() {
		var b = n.apply(null, arguments);
		return b.type = "POST",
	a.getJSON = function() {
		var b = n.apply(null, arguments);
		return b.dataType = "json",
	a.fn.load = function(b, c, d) {
		if (!this.length) return this;
		var e, f = this,
		g = b.split(/\s/),
		h = n(b, c, d),
		i = h.success;
		return g.length > 1 && (h.url = g[0], e = g[1]),
		h.success = function(b) {
			f.html(e ? a("
").html(b.replace(t, "")).find(e) : b), i && i.apply(f, arguments) }, a.ajax(h), this }; var z = encodeURIComponent; a.param = function(a, b) { var c = []; return c.add = function(a, b) { this.push(z(a) + "=" + z(b)) }, o(c, a, b), c.join("&").replace(/%20/g, "+") } } (Zepto), function(a) { a.fn.serializeArray = function() { var b, c = []; return a( { b = a(this); var d = b.attr("type"); "fieldset" != this.nodeName.toLowerCase() && !this.disabled && "submit" != d && "reset" != d && "button" != d && ("radio" != d && "checkbox" != d || this.checked) && c.push({ name: b.attr("name"), value: b.val() }) }), c }, a.fn.serialize = function() { var a = []; return this.serializeArray().forEach(function(b) { a.push(encodeURIComponent( + "=" + encodeURIComponent(b.value)) }), a.join("&") }, a.fn.submit = function(b) { if (b) this.bind("submit", b); else if (this.length) { var c = a.Event("submit"); this.eq(0).trigger(c), c.defaultPrevented || this.get(0).submit() } return this } } (Zepto), function(a, b) { function c(a) { return d(a.replace(/([a-z])([A-Z])/, "$1-$2")) } function d(a) { return a.toLowerCase() } function e(a) { return f ? f + a: d(a) } var f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n = "", o = { Webkit: "webkit", Moz: "", O: "o", ms: "MS" }, p = window.document, q = p.createElement("div"), r = /^((translate|rotate|scale)(X|Y|Z|3d)?|matrix(3d)?|perspective|skew(X|Y)?)$/i, s = {}; a.each(o, function(a, c) { return[a + "TransitionProperty"] !== b ? (n = "-" + d(a) + "-", f = c, !1) : void 0 }), g = n + "transform", s[h = n + "transition-property"] = s[i = n + "transition-duration"] = s[j = n + "transition-timing-function"] = s[k = n + "animation-name"] = s[l = n + "animation-duration"] = s[m = n + "animation-timing-function"] = "", a.fx = { off: f === b && === b, speeds: { _default: 400, fast: 200, slow: 600 }, cssPrefix: n, transitionEnd: e("TransitionEnd"), animationEnd: e("AnimationEnd") }, a.fn.animate = function(b, c, d, e) { return a.isPlainObject(c) && (d = c.easing, e = c.complete, c = c.duration), c && (c = ("number" == typeof c ? c: a.fx.speeds[c] || a.fx.speeds._default) / 1e3), this.anim(b, c, d, e) }, a.fn.anim = function(d, e, f, n) { var o, p, q, t = {}, u = "", v = this, w = a.fx.transitionEnd; if (e === b && (e = .4), && (e = 0), "string" == typeof d) t[k] = d, t[l] = e + "s", t[m] = f || "linear", w = a.fx.animationEnd; else { p = []; for (o in d) r.test(o) ? u += o + "(" + d[o] + ") ": (t[o] = d[o], p.push(c(o))); u && (t[g] = u, p.push(g)), e > 0 && "object" == typeof d && (t[h] = p.join(", "), t[i] = e + "s", t[j] = f || "linear") } return q = function(b) { if ("undefined" != typeof b) { if ( !== b.currentTarget) return; a(, q) } a(this).css(s), n && }, e > 0 && this.bind(w, q), this.size() && this.get(0).clientLeft, this.css(t), 0 >= e && setTimeout(function() { v.each(function() { }) }, 0), this }, q = null } (Zepto), function(a) { if ("undefined" == typeof window.define) { var b = {}, c = b.exports = {}; result = a(null, c, b) || b.exports } else define(a) } (function(a) { function b() { return g.href.toString() } function c() { return "" } function d() { return f.cookie.match(j) } var e = window, f = e.document, g = e.location, h = a ? a("zepto") : e.Zepto || e.$, i = "//", j = /(?:^|\s)cna=([^;]+)(?:;|$)/; return h.orginAjax = h.ajax, h.ajax = function(a) { function e() { p && p.apply(this, arguments), (n === !0 || 1 === n) && (f = b(), g = d(), j = c(), k = a.apdata || a.ap_data, l = a.apuri || a.ap_uri, f && (o.ap_ref = f), g && (o.ap_cna = g[1]), k && (o.ap_data = k), l && (o.ap_uri = l), j && (o.ap_ip = j), m = { url: i, data: o, type: "GET", dataType: "jsonp" }, 2 === n || h.orginAjax(m)) } var f, g, j, k, l, m, n = null != a.aplus ? a.aplus: h.ajaxSettings.aplus || !1, o = { _aplus: "1" }, p = a.complete; a.url ? (a.complete = e, h.orginAjax(a)) : e() }, h }), function(win, undef) { function compareVersion(a, b) { a = a.toString().split("."), b = b.toString().split("."); for (var c = 0; c < a.length || c < b.length; c++) { var d = parseInt(a[c], 10), e = parseInt(b[c], 10); if (window.isNaN(d) && (d = 0), window.isNaN(e) && (e = 0), e > d) return - 1; if (d > e) return 1 } return 0 } function callback(a, b) { isAndroid && compareVersion(osVersion, "2.4.0") < 0 ? setTimeout(function() { a && a(b.value || b) }, 1) : a && a(b.value || b) } var doc = win.document, ua = win.navigator.userAgent, isIOS = /iPhone|iPad|iPod/i.test(ua), isAndroid = /Android/i.test(ua), isWindVane = /WindVane/i.test(ua), osVersion = ua.match(/(?:OS|Android)[\/\s](\d+[._]\d+(?:[._]\d+)?)/i), wvVersion = ua.match(/WindVane[\/\s](\d+[._]\d+[._]\d+)/), hasOwnProperty = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty, WindVane = win.WindVane || (win.WindVane = {}), WindVane_Native = win.WindVane_Native, callbackMap = {}, inc = 1, iframePool = [], iframeLimit = 3, LOCAL_PROTOCOL = "hybrid", WV_PROTOCOL = "wv_hybrid", IFRAME_PREFIX = "iframe_", SUCCESS_PREFIX = "suc_", FAILURE_PREFIX = "err_", PARAM_PREFIX = "param_"; osVersion = osVersion ? (osVersion[1] || "0.0.0").replace(/\_/g, ".") : "0.0.0", wvVersion = wvVersion ? (wvVersion[1] || "0.0.0").replace(/\_/g, ".") : "0.0.0"; var WV_Core = { call: function(a, b, c, d, e, f) { var g; g = f > 0 ? setTimeout(function() { WV_Core.onFailure(g, { ret: "TIMEOUT" }) }, f) : WV_Private.getSid(), WV_Private.registerCall(g, d, e), isAndroid ? compareVersion(wvVersion, "2.7.0") >= 0 ? WV_Private.callMethodByPrompt(a, b, WV_Private.buildParam(c), g + "") : WindVane_Native && WindVane_Native.callMethod && WindVane_Native.callMethod(a, b, WV_Private.buildParam(c), g + "") : isIOS && WV_Private.callMethodByIframe(a, b, WV_Private.buildParam(c), g + "") }, fireEvent: function(a, b) { var c = doc.createEvent("HTMLEvents"); c.initEvent(a, !1, !0), c.param = WV_Private.parseParam(b), doc.dispatchEvent(c) }, getParam: function(a) { return WV_Private.params[PARAM_PREFIX + a] || "" }, onSuccess: function(a, b) { clearTimeout(a); var c = WV_Private.unregisterCall(a).success, d = WV_Private.parseParam(b); callback(c, d), WV_Private.onComplete(a) }, onFailure: function(a, b) { clearTimeout(a); var c = WV_Private.unregisterCall(a).failure, d = WV_Private.parseParam(b); callback(c, d), WV_Private.onComplete(a) } }, WV_Private = { params: {}, buildParam: function(a) { return a && "object" == typeof a ? JSON.stringify(a) : a || "" }, parseParam: function(str) { if (str && "string" == typeof str) try { obj = JSON.parse(str) } catch(e) { obj = eval("(" + str + ")") } else obj = str || {}; return obj }, getSid: function() { return Math.floor(Math.random() * (1 << 50)) + "" + inc++ }, registerCall: function(a, b, c) { b && (callbackMap[SUCCESS_PREFIX + a] = b), c && (callbackMap[FAILURE_PREFIX + a] = c) }, unregisterCall: function(a) { var b = SUCCESS_PREFIX + a, c = FAILURE_PREFIX + a, d = { success: callbackMap[b], failure: callbackMap[c] }; return delete callbackMap[b], delete callbackMap[c], d }, useIframe: function(a, b) { var c = IFRAME_PREFIX + a, d = iframePool.pop(); d || (d = doc.createElement("iframe"), d.setAttribute("frameborder", "0"), = "width:0;height:0;border:0;display:none;"), d.setAttribute("id", c), d.setAttribute("src", b), d.parentNode || setTimeout(function() { doc.body.appendChild(d) }, 5) }, retrieveIframe: function(a) { var b = IFRAME_PREFIX + a, c = doc.querySelector("#" + b); iframePool.length >= iframeLimit ? doc.body.removeChild(c) : iframePool.push(c) }, callMethodByIframe: function(a, b, c, d) { var e = LOCAL_PROTOCOL + "://" + a + ":" + d + "/" + b + "?" + c; this.params[PARAM_PREFIX + d] = c, this.useIframe(d, e) }, callMethodByPrompt: function(a, b, c, d) { var e = LOCAL_PROTOCOL + "://" + a + ":" + d + "/" + b + "?" + c, f = WV_PROTOCOL + ":"; this.params[PARAM_PREFIX + d] = c, window.prompt(e, f) }, onComplete: function(a) { isIOS && this.retrieveIframe(a), delete this.params[PARAM_PREFIX + a] } }; for (var key in WV_Core), key) || (WindVane[key] = WV_Core[key]) } (window), function(a, b) { function c(a) { Object.defineProperty(this, "val", { value: a.toString(), enumerable: !0 }), = function(a) { return, a) > 0 }, this.gte = function(a) { return, a) >= 0 }, = function(a) { return, a) < 0 }, this.lte = function(a) { return, a) <= 0 }, this.eq = function(a) { return 0 ===, a) } } b.env = b.env || {}, c.prototype.toString = function() { return this.val }, c.prototype.valueOf = function() { for (var a = this.val.split("."), b = [], c = 0; c < a.length; c++) { var d = parseInt(a[c], 10); isNaN(d) && (d = 0); var e = d.toString(); e.length < 5 && (e = Array(6 - e.length).join("0") + e), b.push(e), 1 === b.length && b.push(".") } return parseFloat(b.join("")) }, = function(a, b) { a = a.toString().split("."), b = b.toString().split("."); for (var c = 0; c < a.length || c < b.length; c++) { var d = parseInt(a[c], 10), e = parseInt(b[c], 10); if (window.isNaN(d) && (d = 0), window.isNaN(e) && (e = 0), e > d) return - 1; if (d > e) return 1 } return 0 }, b.version = function(a) { return new c(a) } } (window, window.lib || (window.lib = {})), function(a, b) { b.env = b.env || {}; var c =^\?/, ""); if (b.env.params = {}, c) for (var d = c.split("&"), e = 0; e < d.length; e++) { d[e] = d[e].split("="); try { b.env.params[d[e][0]] = decodeURIComponent(d[e][1]) } catch(f) { b.env.params[d[e][0]] = d[e][1] } } } (window, window.lib || (window.lib = {})), function(a, b) { b.env = b.env || {}; var c, d = a.navigator.userAgent; if (c = d.match(/Windows\sPhone\s(?:OS\s)?([\d\.]+)/)) b.env.os = { name: "Windows Phone", isWindowsPhone: !0, version: c[1] }; else if (d.match(/Safari/) && (c = d.match(/Android[\s\/]([\d\.]+)/))) b.env.os = { version: c[1] }, d.match(/Mobile\s+Safari/) ? ( = "Android", b.env.os.isAndroid = !0) : ( = "AndroidPad", b.env.os.isAndroidPad = !0); else if (c = d.match(/(iPhone|iPad|iPod)/)) { var e = c[1]; c = d.match(/OS ([\d_\.]+) like Mac OS X/), b.env.os = { name: e, isIPhone: "iPhone" === e || "iPod" === e, isIPad: "iPad" === e, isIOS: !0, version: c[1].split("_").join(".") } } else b.env.os = { name: "unknown", version: "0.0.0" }; b.version && (b.env.os.version = b.version(b.env.os.version)) } (window, window.lib || (window.lib = {})), function(a, b) { b.env = b.env || {}; var c, d = a.navigator.userAgent; (c = d.match(/(?:UCWEB|UCBrowser\/)([\d\.]+)/)) ? b.env.browser = { name: "UC", isUC: !0, version: c[1] }: (c = d.match(/MQQBrowser\/([\d\.]+)/)) ? b.env.browser = { name: "QQ", isQQ: !0, version: c[1] }: (c = d.match(/Firefox\/([\d\.]+)/)) ? b.env.browser = { name: "Firefox", isFirefox: !0, version: c[1] }: (c = d.match(/MSIE\s([\d\.]+)/)) || (c = d.match(/IEMobile\/([\d\.]+)/)) ? (b.env.browser = { version: c[1] }, d.match(/IEMobile/) ? ( = "IEMobile", b.env.browser.isIEMobile = !0) : ( = "IE", b.env.browser.isIE = !0), d.match(/Android|iPhone/) && (b.env.browser.isIELikeWebkit = !0)) : (c = d.match(/(?:Chrome|CriOS)\/([\d\.]+)/)) ? (b.env.browser = { name: "Chrome", isChrome: !0, version: c[1] }, d.match(/Version\/[\d+\.]+\s*Chrome/) && ( = "Chrome Webview", b.env.browser.isWebview = !0)) : d.match(/Safari/) && (c = d.match(/Android[\s\/]([\d\.]+)/)) ? b.env.browser = { name: "Android", isAndroid: !0, version: c[1] }: d.match(/iPhone|iPad|iPod/) ? d.match(/Safari/) ? (c = d.match(/Version\/([\d\.]+)/), b.env.browser = { name: "Safari", isSafari: !0, version: c[1] }) : (c = d.match(/OS ([\d_\.]+) like Mac OS X/), b.env.browser = { name: "iOS Webview", isWebview: !0, version: c[1].replace(/\_/, ".") }) : b.env.browser = { name: "unknown", version: "0.0.0" }, b.version && (b.env.browser.version = b.version(b.env.browser.version)) } (window, window.lib || (window.lib = {})), function(a, b) { b.env = b.env || {}; var c = a.navigator.userAgent; b.env.thirdapp = c.match(/Weibo/i) ? { appname: "Weibo", isWeibo: !0 }: c.match(/MicroMessenger/i) ? { appname: "Weixin", isWeixin: !0 }: !1 } (window, window.lib || (window.lib = {})), function(a, b) { b.env = b.env || {}; var c, d, e = a.navigator.userAgent; (d = e.match(/WindVane[\/\s]([\d\.\_]+)/)) && (c = d[1]); var f = !1, g = "", h = "", i = ""; (d = e.match(/AliApp\(([A-Z\-]+)\/([\d\.]+)\)/)) && (f = !0, g = d[1], i = d[2], h = g.indexOf("-PD") > 0 ? b.env.os.isIOS ? "iPad": b.env.os.isAndroid ? "AndroidPad":, !g && e.indexOf("TBIOS") > 0 && (g = "TB"), b.env.aliapp = f ? { windvane: b.version(c || "0.0.0"), appname: g || "unkown", version: b.version(i || "0.0.0"), platform: h || }: !1, b.env.taobaoApp = b.env.aliapp } (window, window.lib || (window.lib = {})), function(a, b) { function c(a) { var b = {}; Object.defineProperty(this, "params", { set: function(a) { if ("object" == typeof a) { for (var c in b) delete b[c]; for (var c in a) b[c] = a[c] } }, get: function() { return b }, enumerable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(this, "search", { set: function(a) { if ("string" == typeof a) { 0 === a.indexOf("?") && (a = a.substr(1)); var c = a.split("&"); for (var d in b) delete b[d]; for (var e = 0; e < c.length; e++) { var f = c[e].split("="); if (f[0]) try { b[decodeURIComponent(f[0])] = decodeURIComponent(f[1] || "") } catch(g) { b[f[0]] = f[1] || "" } } } }, get: function() { var a = []; for (var c in b) if (b[c]) try { a.push(encodeURIComponent(c) + "=" + encodeURIComponent(b[c])) } catch(d) { a.push(c + "=" + b[c]) } else try { a.push(encodeURIComponent(c)) } catch(d) { a.push(c) } return a.length ? "?" + a.join("&") : "" }, enumerable: !0 }); var c; Object.defineProperty(this, "hash", { set: function(a) { a && a.indexOf("#") < 0 && (a = "#" + a), c = a || "" }, get: function() { return c }, enumerable: !0 }), this.set = function(a) { a = a || ""; var b; if (! (b = a.match(new RegExp("^([a-z0-9-]+:)?[/]{2}(?:([^@/:?]+)(?::([^@/:]+))?@)?([^:/?#]+)(?:[:]([0-9]+))?([/][^?#;]*)?(?:[?]([^?#]*))?(#[^#]*)?$", "i")))) throw new Error("Wrong uri scheme."); this.protocol = b[1] || location.protocol, this.username = b[2] || "", this.password = b[3] || "", this.hostname = = b[4], this.port = b[5] || "", this.pathname = b[6] || "/", = b[7] || "", this.hash = b[8] || "", this.origin = this.protocol + "//" + this.hostname }, this.toString = function() { var a = this.protocol + "//"; return this.username && (a += this.username, this.password && (a += ":" + this.password), a += "@"), a +=, this.port && "80" !== this.port && (a += ":" + this.port), this.pathname && (a += this.pathname), && (a +=, this.hash && (a += this.hash), a }, a && this.set(a.toString()) } b.httpurl = function(a) { return new c(a) } } (window, window.lib || (window.lib = {})), function(a, b) { function c(a, b) { var c = new i(location.href), d = g.getElementById("buried"), e = c.params.ttid, f = c.params.ad_id, h = c.params.source_type, j = c.params.refpid, k = c.params.actparam, l = c.params.actname, m = c.params.ali_trackid, n =, o = g.cookie.match(/(?:^|\s)cna=([^;]+)(?:;|$)/); = "", c.hash = ""; var p = {}; if (d && (e = d.value), p.from = "h5", e && (p.ttid = e), j && (p.refpid = j), k && (p.actparam = k), l && (p.actname = l), p.url = c.toString(), n && ( = n), f && (p.ad_id = f), h && (p.source_type = h), m && (p.ali_trackid = m), o && (p.h5_uid = o[1]), "object" == typeof b) for (var q in b) p[q] = b[q]; return a.params.point = JSON.stringify(p), a } function d(a, b) { var c = new i(location.href), d = g.getElementById("buried"); for (var e in c.params) a.params.hasOwnProperty(e) || (a.params[e] = c.params[e]); if (d && (a.params.ttid = d.value), "object" == typeof b) for (var e in b) a.params[e] = b[e]; return a } function e(a) { n || (n = g.createElement("iframe"), = "callapp_iframe_" +, n.frameborder = "0", = "display:none;border:0;width:0;height:0;", g.body.appendChild(n)), n.src = a } function f(a, b) { b.replace === !1 || !k && b.replace !== !0 ? location.href = a: location.replace(a) } var g = a.document, h = a.navigator.userAgent, i = b.httpurl, j = b.env.os, k = (b.env.params, b.env.aliapp), l = b.env.browser, m = { "taobao:": "", "taobaowebview:": "", "tmall:": "" }; b.callapp = b.callapp || {}; var n; b.callapp.gotoPage = function(a, b) { b = b || {}, "undefined" == typeof b.point && (b.point = !0), "undefined" == typeof b.params && (b.params = !0); var g = new i(a || location.href); if (a = new i(a), ("http:" === a.protocol || "https:" === a.protocol) && (j.isAndroid && k && "TB" === k.appname ? (a = new i("taobaowebview://"), a.params.weburl = g.toString()) : a.protocol = "taobao:"), "taobao:" === a.protocol) b.point && c(a, b.point), b.params && d(a, b.params); else if ("taobaowebview:" === a.protocol) { b.point && c(a, b.point); var n = new i(a.params.weburl); b.params && d(n, b.params), b.point && c(n, b.point), a.params.weburl = n.toString() } else "tmall:" !== a.protocol.toLowerCase() && "kddcpublic:" !== a.protocol.toLowerCase() && "mdatadwphone:" !== a.protocol.toLowerCase() && b.params && d(a, b.params); var o = j.isAndroid &&"5.0") && l.isChrome && !l.isWebview, p = j.isAndroid && !!h.match(/samsung/i) && j.version.gte("4.3") &&"4.5"); (o || p || b.forceIntent) && (a.hash = "Intent;scheme=" + a.protocol.replace(":", "") + ";package=" + (b["package"] || m[a.protocol]) + ";end", a.protocol = "intent:"), k || "intent:" === a.protocol ? setTimeout(function() { f(a.toString(), b) }, 100) : e(a.toString()) }, = function(a, b) { b = b || {}, a || (a = j.isIPhone ? "": j.isIPad ? "": j.isAndroid ? "//": ""), a = new i(a), j.isAndroid && a.pathname.match(/\.apk$/) ? ( = "", a.hash = "") : b.params && d(a, b.params), a = a.toString(), f(a, b) } } (window, window.lib || (window.lib = {})); var Hogan = {}; ! function(a, b) { function c(a) { return String(null === a || void 0 === a ? "": a) } function d(a) { return a = c(a), j.test(a) ? a.replace(e, "&").replace(f, "<").replace(g, ">").replace(h, "'").replace(i, """) : a } a.Template = function(a, c, d, e) { this.r = a || this.r, this.c = d, this.options = e, this.text = c || "", this.buf = b ? [] : "" }, a.Template.prototype = { r: function() { return "" }, v: d, t: c, render: function(a, b, c) { return this.ri([a], b || {}, c) }, ri: function(a, b, c) { return this.r(a, b, c) }, rp: function(a, b, c, d) { var e = c[a]; return e ? (this.c && "string" == typeof e && (e = this.c.compile(e, this.options)), e.ri(b, c, d)) : "" }, rs: function(a, b, c) { var d = a[a.length - 1]; if (!k(d)) return void c(a, b, this); for (var e = 0; e < d.length; e++) a.push(d[e]), c(a, b, this), a.pop() }, s: function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) { var h; return k(a) && 0 === a.length ? !1 : ("function" == typeof a && (a =, b, c, d, e, f, g)), h = "" === a || !!a, !d && h && b && b.push("object" == typeof a ? a: b[b.length - 1]), h) }, d: function(a, b, c, d) { var e = a.split("."), f = this.f(e[0], b, c, d), g = null; if ("." === a && k(b[b.length - 2])) return b[b.length - 1]; for (var h = 1; h < e.length; h++) f && "object" == typeof f && e[h] in f ? (g = f, f = f[e[h]]) : f = ""; return d && !f ? !1 : (d || "function" != typeof f || (b.push(g), f =, b, c), b.pop()), f) }, f: function(a, b, c, d) { for (var e = !1, f = null, g = !1, h = b.length - 1; h >= 0; h--) if (f = b[h], f && "object" == typeof f && a in f) { e = f[a], g = !0; break } return g ? (d || "function" != typeof e || (e =, b, c)), e) : d ? !1 : "" }, ho: function(a, b, c, d, e) { var f = this.c, g = this.options; g.delimiters = e; var d =, d); return d = null == d ? String(d) : d.toString(), this.b(f.compile(d, g).render(b, c)), !1 }, b: b ? function(a) { this.buf.push(a) }: function(a) { this.buf += a }, fl: b ? function() { var a = this.buf.join(""); return this.buf = [], a }: function() { var a = this.buf; return this.buf = "", a }, ls: function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) { var h = b[b.length - 1], i = null; if (!d && this.c && a.length > 0) return this.ho(a, h, c, this.text.substring(e, f), g); if (i =, "function" == typeof i) { if (d) return ! 0; if (this.c) return this.ho(i, h, c, this.text.substring(e, f), g) } return i }, lv: function(a, b, d) { var e = b[b.length - 1], f =; return "function" == typeof f && (f = c(, this.c && ~f.indexOf("{{")) ? this.c.compile(f, this.options).render(e, d) : c(f) } }; var e = /&/g, f = //g, h = /\'/g, i = /\"/g, j = /[&<>\"\']/, k = Array.isArray || function(a) { return "[object Array]" === } } ("undefined" != typeof exports ? exports: Hogan), function(a, b) { function c() { var a = {}, b =; if (b) { var c = b.slice(1).split("&"); if (c.length) for (var d = 0; d < c.length; d++) if (c[d] && -1 != c[d].indexOf("=")) { var e = c[d].split("="); a[e[0]] = e[1] } } return a } function d(a) { var b = i.createElement("img"); = "display:none", b.src = a, i.body.appendChild(b) } function e(b) { b = b || {}; var c = b.apuri || b.ap_uri, e = {}, f = b.sceneType && "fresh" == b.sceneType, g = b.pageType; if (c) { e.apuri = c, f && (e.fresh = 1), g && ( = g), e.logtype = 2, e.cache = parseInt((Math.random() + 1) *; var h = []; for (var i in e) h.push(i + "=" + encodeURIComponent(e[i])); a.goldlog && goldlog.record ? goldlog.record("/sb.1.1", "", h.join("&"), "H1673809") : d("" + h.join("&")) } } function f() { var a = c(), b = a.ttid, d = /[^@]+\@taobao\_(iphone|android|apad|ipad)\_[\d.]+/i; return b = b ? decodeURIComponent(b) : "", d.test(b) } function g() { return "TB" === b.env.aliapp.appname } function h() { return "AP" === b.env.aliapp.appname } var i = a.document, j = i.cookie.match(/(?:^|\s)cna=([^;]+)(?:;|$)/); j && (j = j[1]); var k = i.createElement("frame"), l = function(a) { var c = this, d = (navigator.standalone, navigator.userAgent, b.env.os), e = b.env.browser; return this.platform = d.isAndroid && "android" || d.isISO && "ios" || null, this.isIpad = d.isIpad, this.isChrome = e.isChrome, this.invaliable = e.isWebview, this.invaliable ? null: (this.init(a) && (this.create(), window.onblur = function() { clearTimeout(c.timeload), c.timeload = null }), this) }; l.prototype = { constructor: l, init: function(a) { var b = this.options = a, d = b.isInstance || function() { return g() || h() }; if (d()) return this.invaliable = !0, null; a.version || (a.version = "v1"), this.cover = b.cover || !1, this.isDownload = || !1, this.timeout = b.timeout || 1e3; var e = b.from || "h5", f = b.crossplat || !1; if ("ios" != this.platform || f) { var k = "", l = b.url || k; l += -1 == l.indexOf("?") ? "?": "&", l += + "&pageType=" + (b.pageType || "mainIndex") + "&sceneType=" + (b.sceneType || "default"), this.bannerUrl = l } else this.bannerUrl = b.appstoreUrl || (this.isIpad ? "": ""); if (b.href) { var m = b.href, n = c(), o = i.getElementById("buried"), p = n.ttid || o && o.value, q = n.refid, r = n.ali_trackid, s =, t = n.actparam, u = n.actname, v = n.ad_id, w = n.source_type, x = { from: e }; if (p && (x.ttid = p), q && (x.refid = q), r && (x.ali_trackid = r), s && ( = s), t && (x.actparam = t), u && (x.actname = u), v && (x.ad_id = v), w && (x.source_type = w), x.url = encodeURIComponent(location.href.split(/[?#]/)[0]), j && (x.h5_uid = j), x.ap_uri = "", b.point) for (var y in b.point) x[y] = b.point[y]; x = encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(x)), m = m.split("#"), -1 == m[0].indexOf("?") ? m[0] += "?": m[0].indexOf("?") != m.length - 1 && (m[0] += "&"), m[0] += "point=" + x, m = m.join("#"), m = -1 != m.indexOf("://") ? m: "taobao://" + m, this.paramUrl = m } return ! 0 }, reset: function(a) { this.iClose || (this.init(a), this.resetHtml && this.resetHtml(a)) }, create: function() { this.iClose || (k.parentNode || (k.setAttribute("id", "J_smartFrame"), = "display:none", i.body.appendChild(k)), this.frame = k) }, download: function(b) { var c =; (!b || c - b < this.timeout + 200) && (this.cover ? a.location.replace(this.bannerUrl) : a.location.href = this.bannerUrl) }, redirect: function(a) { var c = this.options && this.options.version, d = (this.frame, a ? "click_sb_" + c + "_manual": "click_sb_" + c + "_auto"); if (this.paramUrl) { var f = this.options; e({ ap_uri: d, pageType: f.pageType }), this.paramUrl = this.paramUrl.replace("%22ap_uri%22%3A%22%22", encodeURIComponent('"ap_uri":"' + d + '"')); var g = this; b.callapp.gotoPage(g.paramUrl) } }, install: function(a) { var b = this, c =; b.isDownload || (b.timeload = setTimeout(function() { }, b.timeout)), b.redirect(a) } }, b.smartbanner = function(a) { var c = a.type, d = b.smartbanner.BannerUI, e = b.smartbanner.PopUI; if ("banner" !== c && c) { if ("pop" === c) { if (e) return new e(a) } else if ("func" === c) return b.smartbanner.getInstance(a) } else if (d) return new d(a) }, b.smartbanner.getInstance = function(a, b) { b || (b = Object.create({})); for (var c in l.prototype) b[c] = l.prototype[c]; return, a) }, b.smartbanner.aplus = e, b.smartbanner.getParam = c, b.smartbanner.ttidInTaobaoApp = f, b.smartbanner.uaInTaobaoApp = g } (window, window.lib || (window.lib = {})), function(a, b) { function c(a) { var b = document.cookie; if (name = a + "=", start = b.indexOf(name), 0 > start) return null; start += name.length; var c = b.indexOf(";", start); return c = -1 == c ? b.length: c, b.substring(start, c) } function d() { var a = decodeURIComponent(c("imewweoriw")); return a && a.length > 32 } function e(a) { var b = window.localStorage; if (b) { var c = b[a], d = !1; if (c) { var c = parseInt(c, 10), e = new Date; e.setHours(0), e.setMinutes(0), e.setSeconds(0), e.setMilliseconds(0), c > e && (d = !0) } return d } } function f(a, e) { a = a || 0; var f = (navigator.userAgent, j.ali_trackid), g = Boolean(f), h = c("tkmb"), i = h ? h.split("&") : null, k = /400000_.*@\w+_(iphone|android)_.*/i, l = /.+@taobao_(iphone|android|apad|ipad)_.+/i, m = j.ttid, n = m ? decodeURIComponent(m) : "", o = "" != n ? !0 : !1, p = j.ut_sk, q = p ? decodeURIComponent(p) : "", r = "" != q ? !0 : !1, s = q.match(/.+_(\d+)_.+/), t = j.iv, u = k.test(n), v = t && 1 == t || i && "iv=1" === i[1], w = "undefined" != typeof t && 1 == t || i && "iv=0" === i[1], x = g && null != f.match(/^1_.+/i) && ("undefined" == typeof e || 1 == e), y = g && null != f.match(/^1_.+/i) && "undefined" != typeof e && 0 == e, z = !0; (o && l.test(n) || "TB" === b.env.aliapp.appname) && (z = !1, !r || null == s || 12278902 != s[1] && 21380790 != s[1] || (z = !0)), "AP" === b.env.aliapp.appname && (z = !1); var A = "000"; if (z) { var B = "1", C = "2", D = "1", E = "1", F = "2"; u || v || x ? B = "0": (w || y) && (B = "2"); var G = b.env.browser, H = b.env.thirdapp; G.isQQ ? C = "0": G.isUC ? C = "1": H.isWeibo && (C = "3"), d() && (D = "0"); var I = c("_w_app_lg"), J = 1, K = 2; I && (b.env.os.isIPhone && I & J ? E = "0": b.env.os.isAndroid && I & K && (E = "0")); var L = document.referrer; u || H.isWeixin || null != L.match(/(t\.sina)|(weibo\.com)|(weibo\.cn)|(sina\.com)|(t\.cn)|(sinaurl)|(3g\.sina)|(iask\.cn)/i) ? F = "1": (null != L.match(/(qq|baidu|hao123|google|soso)\.com/i) || null != L.match(/(m|wap)\.taobao\.com/i) || o && null != n.match(/^(12tx0065|b0tx02|eguc01|001001|51uc0003)$/i)) && (F = "0"); try { A = window.strategy[a][B + C + D + E + F] } catch(M) { A = "000", console.log(M) } } var N = {}; return A && ("1" == A.charAt(0) && (N.isInvoke = !0), "1" == A.charAt(1) && (N.isShow = !0), "1" == A.charAt(2) && (N.isInvokeDay = !0)), N } function g(a, b, c) { if (a) { var d, g = f(b, c); if (g.isInvoke && (d = d || i(a), d && d.redirect()), g.isShow && (d = d || i(a)), g.isInvokeDay && (d = d || i(a), !e("cloudDate"))) { d && d.redirect(); try { localStorage.cloudDate = } catch(h) { console.log(h) } } return d } } var h = document, i = b.smartbanner, j = (i.aplus, i.getParam()), k = String.fromCharCode(97 + parseInt(24 * Math.random(), 10)), l = k + parseInt(1e7 * Math.random(), 10).toString(16), m = k + parseInt(100 * Math.random(), 10).toString(16), n = m + "dsk", o = function(a) { a.version = "v1", i.getInstance(a, this), this.calClose() || this.invaliable || (this.setParam(a), this.createHtml()) }; o.prototype = { constructor: o, calClose: function() { var a = window.localStorage; if (a) { var b = a.closeDate; if (b) { var b = parseInt(b, 10), c = new Date; c.setHours(0), c.setMinutes(0), c.setSeconds(0), c.setMilliseconds(0), b > c && (this.iClose = !0) } return this.iClose } }, setParam: function(a) { var b = a.color ? 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"." + n + "{background-color:#5f646e;position:fixed;top:0;left:0;height:" + 48 * d + "px;width:100%;z-index:1000;;}." + m + "-point{color:#fff;display:block;text-decoration:none;height:100%;}." + m + "-close{position:absolute;left:0;top:0;height:" + 48 * d + "px;line-height:" + 48 * d + "px;width:" + 40 * d + "px;}." + m + '-close::before{content:"\\d7";color:#fff;text-decoration: none;display: inline-block;;width: " + 16 * d + "px;height: " + 16 * d + "px;line-height: " + 16 * d + "px;margin-left: " + 5 * d + "px;border: 1px solid #fff; border-radius: 50%;text-align: center;}." + m + "-font{margin:0 0 0 " + 40 * d + "px;display:-webkit-box;height:100%;overflow:hidden;-webkit-box-align:center;}." + m + "-taobao{margin:0 " + 8 * d + "px 0 0;width:" + 32 * d + "px;height:" + 32 * d + "px;display:inline-block;vertical-align:top;}." + m + "-taobao img{width:100%;height:100%;}." + m + "-font > span{-webkit-box-flex:1;display:block;line-height:120%;}." + m + "-dl{display:-webkit-box;-webkit-box-align: center;color:#fff;background-color:#FF5000;height:100%;;text-align:center;font-weight:normal;;padding:0 " + 8 * d + "px;}": "." + n + "{background-color:rgba(66,66,74,0.96);position:fixed;bottom:0;left:0;height:" + 68 * d + "px;width:100%;}." + m + "-point{color:#fff;display:block;text-decoration:none;height:100%;}." + m + "-close{background:url() no-repeat;background-size:" + 18 * d + "px;width:" + 20 * d + "px;height:" + 20 * d + "px;position:absolute;left:0;top:0;z-index:10;}." + m + "-font{margin:0;padding:" + 20 * d + "px " + 8 * d + "px 0 " + 8 * d + "px;display:-webkit-box;height:" + 32 * d + "px;overflow:hidden;-webkit-box-align:center;}." + m + "-font > span{-webkit-box-flex:1;display:block;margin:0 " + 12 * d + "px;line-height:120%;}." + m + "-taobao{width:" + 30 * d + "px;height:" + 30 * d + "px;display:inline-block;vertical-align:top;}." + m + "-taobao img{width:100%;height:100%;}." + m + "-dl{display:block;color:#3d4245;background-color:#e5e5e5;border-radius:" + 5 * d + "px;height:" + 30 * d + "px;line-height:" + 30 * d + "px;text-align:center;padding:0 " + 12 * d + "px;font-weight:normal;}", h.body.appendChild(b), h.body.appendChild(this.smartDom), e && ( = this.bodyOrigPT + this.smartDom.getBoundingClientRect().height + "px"), this.listen() } }, show: function() { this.iClose || this.smartDom && ( = "block") }, hide: function() { this.iClose || (this.smartDom && ( = "none"), this.isTop && ( = this.bodyOrigPT + "px")) }, pop: function() { this.iClose || this.popDom && }, listen: function() { if (!this.iClose) { var a = this, b = a.smartDom; b.querySelector("#" + l + "-close").addEventListener("click", function(b) { b.preventDefault(), a.hide(); try { localStorage.closeDate =, a.calClose() } catch(b) {} }, !1), b.querySelector("#" + l + "-open").addEventListener("click", function(b) { b.preventDefault(), a.install(!0) }) } } }, b.smartbanner.expiresInDay = e, b.smartbanner.smtStatus = f, b.smartbanner.sbLogic = g, b.smartbanner.BannerUI = o } (window, window.lib || (window.lib = {})), function(a, b) { function c(a) { return a.preventDefault(), !1 } var d, e, f, g, h, i = a.document, j = a.localStorage, k = b.smartbanner, l = (k.aplus, !1), m = ['
', '
', '', "
", '
', "淘宝客户端不仅可以更流畅地收藏宝贝,还能分享,立刻下载体验!", "
", '", '
', '立即打开', "
", "
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', '', "
", '
', "淘宝客户端不仅可以更流畅地收藏宝贝,还能分享,立刻下载体验!", "
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(c(g.element, "horizontalpanstart", { touch: f, touchEvent: a }), g.isVertical = !1) : (c(g.element, "verticalpanstart", { touch: f, touchEvent: a }), g.isVertical = !0)), "panning" === g.status && (g.panTime =, c(g.element, "pan", { displacementX: h, displacementY: i, touch: f, touchEvent: a }), g.isVertical ? c(g.element, "verticalpan", { displacementY: i, touch: f, touchEvent: a }) : c(g.element, "horizontalpan", { displacementX: h, touch: f, touchEvent: a })) } if (2 == Object.keys(l).length) { for (var k, m = [], n = [], o = [], e = 0; e < a.touches.length; e++) { var f = a.touches[e], g = l[f.identifier]; m.push([g.startTouch.clientX, g.startTouch.clientY]), n.push([f.clientX, f.clientY]) } for (var p in l) o.push(l[p].element); k = d(m[0][0], m[0][1], m[1][0], m[1][1], n[0][0], n[0][1], n[1][0], n[1][1]), c(b(o[0], o[1]), "dualtouch", { transform: k, touches: a.touches, touchEvent: a }) } } function g(a) { if (2 == Object.keys(l).length) { var d = []; for (var e in l) d.push(l[e].element); c(b(d[0], d[1]), "dualtouchend", { touches:, touchEvent: a }) } for (var i = 0; i < a.changedTouches.length; i++) { var n = a.changedTouches[i], o = n.identifier, p = l[o]; if (p) { if (p.pressingHandler && (clearTimeout(p.pressingHandler), p.pressingHandler = null), "tapping" === p.status && (p.timestamp =, c(p.element, "tap", { touch: n, touchEvent: a }), m && p.timestamp - m.timestamp < 300 && c(p.element, "doubletap", { touch: n, touchEvent: a }), this.lastTap = p), "panning" === p.status) { var q = - p.startTime, r = (n.clientX - p.startTouch.clientX) / q, s = (n.clientY - p.startTouch.clientY) / q, t = n.clientX - p.startTouch.clientX, u = n.clientY - p.startTouch.clientY; c(p.element, "panend", { isflick: 300 > q, touch: n, touchEvent: a }), 300 > q && (c(p.element, "flick", { duration: q, velocityX: r, velocityY: s, displacementX: t, displacementY: u, touch: n, touchEvent: a }), p.isVertical ? c(p.element, "verticalflick", { duration: q, velocityY: s, displacementY: u, touch: n, touchEvent: a }) : c(p.element, "horizontalflick", { duration: q, velocityX: r, displacementX: t, touch: n, touchEvent: a })) } "pressing" === p.status && c(p.element, "pressend", { touch: n, touchEvent: a }), delete l[o] } } 0 === Object.keys(l).length && (j.removeEventListener("touchmove", f, !1), j.removeEventListener("touchend", g, !1), j.removeEventListener("touchcancel", h, !1)) } function h(a) { if (2 == Object.keys(l).length) { var d = []; for (var e in l) d.push(l[e].element); c(b(d[0], d[1]), "dualtouchend", { touches:, touchEvent: a }) } for (var i = 0; i < a.changedTouches.length; i++) { var m = a.changedTouches[i], n = m.identifier, o = l[n]; o && (o.pressingHandler && (clearTimeout(o.pressingHandler), o.pressingHandler = null), "panning" === o.status && c(o.element, "panend", { touch: m, touchEvent: a }), "pressing" === o.status && c(o.element, "pressend", { touch: m, touchEvent: a }), delete l[n]) } 0 === Object.keys(l).length && (j.removeEventListener("touchmove", f, !1), j.removeEventListener("touchend", g, !1), j.removeEventListener("touchcancel", h, !1)) } var i = a.document, j = i.documentElement, k = Array.prototype.slice, l = {}, m = null; j.addEventListener("touchstart", e, !1) } (window, || ( = { module: {}, plugin: {} })), function(a, b) { function c() { this._handlers = {} } function d(a, b, c) { e.isLogging && console.log("[Message]", { scope: a, event: b, args: c }) } function e(a) { var b = this; this._scope = a, this._event = new c, this._cache = {}, this._handler = function(a) { for (var c = a.type, d = a.args, e = b._cache[c].slice(), f = 0; f < e.length; f += 2) e[f].apply(e[f + 1], d) }, h[a] = this } var f = { addEventListener: function(a, b) { var c, d = this._handlers; c = d[a] || (d[a] = []), c.push(b) }, removeEventListener: function(a, b) { var c = this._handlers; c[a] && (c[a] = c[a].filter(function(a) { return a != b }), c[a].length || delete c[a]) }, dispatchEvent: function(a) { var b = this._handlers, c = a.type; b.hasOwnProperty(c) && b[c].forEach(function(b) { b(a) }), this["on" + c] && this["on" + c](a) } }; for (var g in f) c.prototype[g] = f[g]; var h = {}, i = /\s+/, j = { on: function(a, b, c) { var d, e, f = this, g = f._cache, h = f._event; if (!b) return f; for (a = a.split(i); e = a.shift();) d = g[e] || (g[e] = []), d.length || h.addEventListener(e, this._handler), d.push(b, c); return f }, off: function(a, b, c) { var d, e, f = this, g = f._cache, h = f._event; for (a = a ? a.split(i) : Object.keys(g); e = a.shift();) { ! (b || c) && (g[e] = []), d = g[e]; for (var j = d.length - 2; j >= 0; j -= 2) b && d[j] !== b || c && d[j + 1] !== c || d.splice(j, 2); d.length || (delete g[e], h.removeEventListener(e, this._handler)) } return f }, once: function(a, b, c) { function d() { b.apply(this, arguments),, d, c) } var e = this; return e.on(a, d, c) }, after: function(a, b, c) { function d() { for (var a in h) if (!h[a]) return ! 1; return ! 0 } function e() { for (var a in h) h[a] = !1 } var f, g = this, h = {}; return b ? (a = a.split(i), f = a.join("&&"), a.forEach(function(a) { h[a] = !1, g.on(a, function() { h[a] = !0, d() && (g.trigger(f), e()) }) }), void g.on(f, b, c)) : g }, trigger: function(a) { var b, c, e = this, f = e._cache, g = e._event; for (a = a.split(i), b =, 1); c = a.shift();) d(this._scope, c, b), f[c] && g.dispatchEvent({ type: c, args: b }); return e } }; for (var g in j) e.prototype[g] = j[g]; e.isLogging = !1, e.mixto = function(a, b) { var c = e.get(b); a.prototype && (a = a.prototype); for (var d in j) void function(b) { a[d] = function() { b.apply(c, arguments) } } (j[d]) }, e.get = function(a) { if ("string" == typeof a) return h[a] || (h[a] = new e(a)); if (a instanceof e) return a; throw new TypeError }, b.module.Event = c, b.module.MessageScope = e } (window, || ( = { module: {}, plugin: {} })), function(a, b) { function c(a, b) { null != && a.setAttribute("data-id",, null != b["class"] && (a.className = b["class"]), null != b.text && (a.innerHTML = b.text), null != && ( =, null != b.icon && (a.innerHTML = ''), = b.hide === !0 ? "none": "", b.onChange &&, b), b.handler && (a.handler && a.removeEventListener("click", a.handler, !1), a.addEventListener("click", a.handler = b.handler, !1)) } function d(a) { this.wrapEl = a, this.wrapEl.appendChild(this.animWrapEl = e.createElement("ul")), this.animWrapEl.appendChild(this.titleWrapEl = e.createElement("li")), this.animWrapEl.appendChild(this.backWrapEl = e.createElement("li")), this.animWrapEl.appendChild(this.funcWrapEl = e.createElement("li")) } var e = a.document, f = { setTitle: function(a) { "string" == typeof a ? this.titleWrapEl.innerHTML = a: a instanceof HTMLElement && (this.titleWrapEl.innerHTML = "", this.titleWrapEl.appendChild(a)) }, setButton: function(a) { var b, d; "back" === a.type ? (b = this.backWrapEl, d = b.querySelector("a")) : "func" === a.type ? (b = this.funcWrapEl, d = b.querySelector('a[data-id="' + + '"]')) : && (d = this.wrapEl.querySelector('a[data-id="' + + '"]'), d && (b = d.parentNode)), !d && b && (d = e.createElement("a"), d.className = a.type, b.appendChild(d)), c(d, a) }, getButton: function(a) { return this.wrapEl.querySelector('a[data-id="' + a + '"]') }, removeButton: function(a) { function b(a) { a && (a.handler && a.removeEventListener("click", a.handler), a.parentNode.removeChild(a)) } if (a) { if ("string" == typeof a) var c = this.getButton(a); else if (a instanceof HTMLElement) var c = a; b(c) } else for (var d = this.funcWrapEl.querySelectorAll("a"), e = 0; e < d.length; e++) b(d[e]) } }; for (var g in f) d.prototype[g] = f[g]; b.module.Navbar = d } (window, || ( = { module: {}, plugin: {} })), function(a, b) { function c(a, b) { for (var c in b) b.hasOwnProperty(c) && (a[c] = b[c]) } function d(a, b) { function d() {} d.prototype = b.prototype; var e = new d; c(e, a.prototype), e.constructor = a, a.prototype = e } function e() {} var f = (b.module.MessageScope, {}), g = { ready: function() {}, startup: function() {}, teardown: function() {}, show: function() {}, hide: function() {} }; for (var h in g) e.prototype[h] = g[h]; e.fn = {}, e.define = function(a) { function b() { e.apply(this, arguments), this.initialize && this.initialize.apply(this, arguments) } return d(b, e), c(b.prototype, e.fn), c(b.prototype, a), f[] = new b }, e.get = function(a) { return f[a] }, b.module.Page = e } (window, || ( = { module: {}, plugin: {} })), function(a, b) { function c() {} var d = (a.document, { load: function(a, b) { var d = c.engine; d.load && "string" == typeof a ? d.load(a, b) : b && b(a) }, compile: function(a) { var b = c.engine; return this.originTemplate = a, this.compiledTemplate = b.compile && "string" == typeof a ? b.compile(a) : function() { return a }, this.compiledTemplate }, render: function(a) { var b = c.engine, d = this.compiledTemplate; return this.content = b.render && d && "object" == typeof a ? b.render(d, a) : d ? d(a) :, this.content } }); for (var e in d) c.prototype[e] = d[e]; c.engine = {}, b.module.Template = c } (window, || ( = { module: {}, plugin: {} })), function(a, b) { function c(a, b) { b || (b = {}), this._wrapEl = a, this.set(b) } var d = (a.document, { set: function(a) { a || (a = {}), a.html && (this._wrapEl.innerHTML = a.html), a.el && ((this._wrapEl.innerHTML = "") || this._wrapEl.appendChild(a.el)), a.height && ( = a.height + "px") }, show: function(a) { a && this.set(a), = "" }, hide: function() { = "none" } }); for (var e in d) c.prototype[e] = d[e]; b.module.Toolbar = c } (window, || ( = { module: {}, plugin: {} })), function(a, b) { function c(a, b) { for (var c in b) b.hasOwnProperty(c) && (a[c] = b[c]) } function d(a, b) { function d() {} d.prototype = b.prototype; var e = new d; c(e, a.prototype), e.constructor = a, a.prototype = e } function e() { var b = a.$; if ("string" == typeof this.el) { var c = this.el.split(/\s*\>\s*/), d = this.el = document.createElement("div"); c.forEach(function(a) { var b; if (b = a.match(/^(\w+)?(?:\#([^.]+))?(?:\.(.+))?$/i)) { var c = document.createElement(b[1] || "div"); b[2] && c.setAttribute("id", b[2]), b[3] && (c.className = b[3]), d.appendChild(c) } else d.innerHTML = a; d = d.childNodes[0] }), this.el = this.el.removeChild(this.el.childNodes[0]) } b && (this.$el = b(this.el)) } var f = (a.document, {}), g = { render: function() {}, destory: function() {} }; for (var h in g) e.prototype[h] = g[h]; e.fn = {}, e.extend = function(a) { function b() { g.apply(this, arguments), this.initialize && this.initialize.apply(this, arguments) } var g = f[a.parent] || e; return d(b, g), c(b.prototype, g.fn), c(b.prototype, a), f[] = b }, e.get = function(a) { return f[a] }, b.module.View = e } (window, || ( = { module: {}, plugin: {} })), function(a, b) { function c(a, b, c, e) { var f = (this.TYPE, d.getTransformOffset(a)), g = { translate: { x: f.x, y: f.y } }, h = { translate: { x: f.x, y: f.y } }; b = b.split(""), c(g, h, b[0], b[1]); for (var i in g)"translate" === i ? ( = "", = d.makeTranslateString(g[i].x, g[i].y)) :[i] = g[i]; h.translate = [h.translate.x, h.translate.y], = "hidden", = "preserve-3d", d.doTransition(a, h, { duration: "0.4s", timingFunction: "ease", callback: function() { = "", = "", = "", e && e() } }) } var d = (a.document, b.module.Animation), e = { L: "x", R: "x", T: "y", B: "y" }, f = { L: -1, R: 1, T: -1, B: 1 }, g = { TYPE: { LEFT_IN: "LI", LEFT_OUT: "LO", RIGHT_IN: "RI", RIGHT_OUT: "RO", TOP_IN: "TI", TOP_OUT: "TO", BOTTOM_IN: "BI", BOTTOM_OUT: "BO" }, move: function(a, b, c, e) { var f = d.getTransformOffset(a); = "hidden", = "preserve-3d", d.translate(a, "0.4s", "ease", "0s", f.x + b, f.y + c, function() { = "", = "", = "", e && e() }) }, slide: function(a, b, d, g) { c(a, b, function(a, b, c, g) { var h = e[c], i = f[c]; "I" === g ? a.translate[h] += i * d: b.translate[h] += i * d }, g) }, "float": function(a, b, d, g) { c(a, b, function(a, b, c, g) { var h = e[c], i = f[c]; "I" === g ? (a.translate[h] += i * d, a.opacity = 0, b.opacity = 1) : (b.translate[h] += i * d, a.opacity = 1, b.opacity = 0) }, g) }, fadeIn: function(a, b) { c(a, "FI", function(a, b, c, d) { "I" === d ? (a.opacity = 0, b.opacity = 1) : (a.opacity = 1, b.opacity = 0) }, b) }, fadeOut: function(a) { c(a, "FO", function(a, b, c, d) { "I" === d ? (a.opacity = 0, b.opacity = 1) : (a.opacity = 1, b.opacity = 0) }, callback) }, zoomIn: function() {}, zoomOut: function() {} }; b.module.Transition = g } (window, || ( = { module: {}, plugin: {} })), function(a, b) { function c(a) { return 0 - (a.bounceTop || 0) } function d(a) { var b = a.getBoundingClientRect(), d = a.parentNode.getBoundingClientRect(), e = c(a), f = 0 - b.height + d.height; return Math.min(f + (a.bounceBottom || 0), e) } function e(a, b) { return b > a.minScrollTop ? b - a.minScrollTop: b < a.maxScrollTop ? a.maxScrollTop - b: void 0 } function f(a, b) { return b > a.minScrollTop ? b = a.minScrollTop: b < a.maxScrollTop && (b = a.maxScrollTop), b } function g(a, b, c) { var d = u.createEvent("HTMLEvents"); d.initEvent(b, !0, !0); for (var e in c) d[e] = c[e]; a.dispatchEvent(d) } function h(a) { if (!stopBounce) { for (var b = a.srcElement; ! b.boundScrollEvent;) b = b.parentNode || b.offsetParent; if (r = b.boundScrollElement) { var c = w.getTransformOffset(r); = "hidden", = "preserve-3d", = "", = w.makeTranslateString(c.x, c.y) } } } function i(a) { return a.preventDefault(), !1 } function j() {} function k() { ! stopBounce && r && (r.transformOffset = w.getTransformOffset(r), r.minScrollTop = c(r), r.maxScrollTop = d(r), x = 2.5, stopBounce = !1, y = !1, g(r, "scrollstart")) } function l(a) { if (!stopBounce && r) { var b = r.transformOffset.y + a.displacementY; if (b > r.minScrollTop ? (b = r.minScrollTop + (b - r.minScrollTop) / x, x *= 1.003, x > 4 && (x = 4)) : b < r.maxScrollTop && (b = r.maxScrollTop - (r.maxScrollTop - b) / x, x *= 1.003, x > 4 && (x = 4)), e(r, b)) { if (b > r.minScrollTop) var c = "pulldown", d = Math.abs(b - r.minScrollTop); else if (b < r.maxScrollTop) var c = "pullup", d = Math.abs(r.maxScrollTop - b); r.bounceOffset = d, g(r, c) } = "", = w.makeTranslateString(r.transformOffset.x, b) } } function m() { if (!stopBounce && r) { var a = w.getTransformOffset(r).y; e(r, a) ? o() : q() } } function n(a) { if (!stopBounce && r) { var b = w.getTransformOffset(r).y, c = .008 * (a / Math.abs(a)); t = a / c, s = b + t * a / 2, g(r, "bouncestart"), w.translate(r, t.toFixed(0) + "ms", "cubic-bezier(" + w.genCubicBezier( - t, 0) + ")", "0s", r.transformOffset.x, s.toFixed(0), o) } } function o() { if (!stopBounce && r) { var a = w.getTransformOffset(r).y; a = f(r, a), w.translate(r, "0.4s", "ease-in-out", "0s", r.transformOffset.x, a, function() { g(r, "bounceend"), q() }) } } function p(a) { if (!stopBounce && r) { var b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i = w.getTransformOffset(r).y; y = !0, i > r.minScrollTop || i < r.maxScrollTop ? n(b) : (b = a.velocityY, b > 1.5 && (b = 1.5), -1.5 > b && (b = -1.5), c = .0015 * (b / Math.abs(b)), d = b / c, e = i + d * b / 2, e > r.minScrollTop ? (g = r.minScrollTop - i, h = (b - Math.sqrt( - 2 * c * g + b * b)) / c, f = b - c * h, w.translate(r, h.toFixed(0) + "ms", "cubic-bezier(" + w.genCubicBezier( - d, -d + h) + ")", "0s", r.transformOffset.x, r.minScrollTop, function() { n(f) })) : e < r.maxScrollTop ? (g = r.maxScrollTop - i, h = (b + Math.sqrt( - 2 * c * g + b * b)) / c, f = b - c * h, w.translate(r, h.toFixed(0) + "ms", "cubic-bezier(" + w.genCubicBezier( - d, -d + h) + ")", "0s", r.transformOffset.x, r.maxScrollTop, function() { n(f) })) : w.translate(r, d.toFixed(0) + "ms", "cubic-bezier(" + w.genCubicBezier( - d, 0) + ")", "0s", r.transformOffset.x, e.toFixed(0), q)) } } function q() { ! stopBounce && r && (y = !1, setTimeout(function() { y || ( = "initial", = "flat", = "", g(r, "scrollend")) }, 10)) } var r, u = a.document, v = u.documentElement, w = b.module.Animation, x = 2, y = !1; stopBounce = !1, prevented = !1; var z = { enable: function(a, b) { var c = a.parentNode || a.offsetParent; prevented || (prevented = !0, v.addEventListener("touchmove", i, !1)), c.boundScrollEvent || (c.boundScrollEvent = !0, c.addEventListener("touchstart", h, !1), c.addEventListener("touchend", j, !1), c.addEventListener("panstart", k, !1), c.addEventListener("pan", l, !1), c.addEventListener("panend", m, !1), c.addEventListener("flick", p, !1)), c.boundScrollElement = a, b ? (a.bounceTop = b.bounceTop, a.bounceBottom = b.bounceBottom) : (a.bounceTop = 0, a.bounceBottom = 0); var d = w.getTransformOffset(a).x, e = -a.bounceTop; = "", = w.makeTranslateString(d, e) }, disable: function(a) { var b, c = a.parentNode || a.offsetParent; c.boundScrollElement === a && (b = w.getTransformOffset(a), r = c.boundScrollElement = null, setTimeout(function() { = "", = w.makeTranslateString(b.x, b.y) }, 50)) }, getScrollHeight: function(a) { return a.getBoundingClientRect().height - (a.bounceTop || 0) - (a.bounceBottom || 0) }, getScrollTop: function(a) { var b = w.getTransformOffset(a); return - (b.y + (a.bounceTop || 0)) }, refresh: function(a) { = "auto", = a.offsetHeight + "px", a.offset = w.getTransformOffset(a), a.minScrollTop = c(a), a.maxScrollTop = d(a), this.scrollTo(a, -a.offset.y - a.bounceTop) }, offset: function(a, b) { var c = a.getBoundingClientRect(), d = b.getBoundingClientRect(), e = { top: - ((a.bounceTop || 0) +, left: d.left - c.left, right: c.right - d.right, width: d.width, height: d.height }; return e.bottom = + d.height, e }, scrollTo: function(a, b) { var c = w.getTransformOffset(a).x, b = -b - (a.bounceTop || 0); b = f(a, b), = "", = w.makeTranslateString(c, b) }, scollToElement: function(a, b) { var c = this.offset(a, b); this.scrollTo(a, }, getViewHeight: function(a) { return a.parentNode.getBoundingClientRect().height }, getBoundaryOffset: function(a) { var b = w.getTransformOffset(a).y; return e(a, b) }, stopBounce: function(a) { stopBounce = !0; var b = w.getTransformOffset(a), e = c(a), f = d(a), g = null; b.y > e + (a.bounceTop || 0) ? g = e + (a.bounceTop || 0) : b.y < f - (a.bounceBottom || 0) && (g = f - (a.bounceBottom || 0)), null != g && w.translate(a, "0.4s", "ease-in-out", "0s", b.x, g) }, resumeBounce: function(a) { stopBounce = !1; var b, e = w.getTransformOffset(a), f = c(a), g = d(a); e.y > f ? b = f: g > e && (b = g), null != b && w.translate(a, "0.4s", "ease-in-out", "0s", e.x, b) } }; b.module.Scroll = z } (window, || ( = { module: {}, plugin: {} })), function(a, b) { function c(a) { var b = this, d = !0, g = {}; e.mixto(b, "model-" + f++), b.addProperty = function(e, f) { Object.defineProperty(b, e, { get: function() { return g[e] || a[e] }, set: function(f) { g[e] && (g[e].destory(), delete g[e]), null != f && (a[e] = f, "object" == typeof f && (g[e] = new c(f), g[e].on("propertyChange", function(a) { b.trigger("propertyChange", { target:, value: a.value, name:, path: e + "." + a.path }) }))), !d && b.trigger("propertyChange", { target: b, value: g[e] || a[e], name: e, path: e }) } }), b[e] = f }, b.update = function(a) { if (a instanceof Array) for (var d = 0; d < a.length; d++) a[d] instanceof c || this.addProperty(d, a[d]); else for (var e in a) { if (b.hasOwnProperty(e)) throw new Error('property conflict "' + e + '"'); ! a.hasOwnProperty(e) || a[e] instanceof c || this.addProperty(e, a[e]) } }, b.destory = function() { for (var a in g) g[a].destory(); }, b.on("propertyChange", function(a) { b.trigger("change:" + a.path, a.value) }), b.update(a), d = !1 } function d(a) { var b = this; ! a instanceof Array || (b.push = function(c) { a.push(c), b.addProperty(a.length - 1, c) }, b.pop = function() { var c = a.pop(); return b[a.length] = null, c }, Object.defineProperty(b, "length", { get: function() { return a.length } }),, a)) } var e = b.module.MessageScope, f = 0; b.module.Model = c, b.module.Collection = d } (window, || ( = { module: {}, plugin: {} })), function(a, b) { function c() { var a = this; a.move = null, a.transition = null, a.datas = null, a._states = [], a._stateIdx = 0, a._stateLimit = 100 } function d(a) { return a.replace(m, "(P<$1>[^\\/]*?)").replace(n, "(P<$1>.*?)") } function e(a) { var b = a.match(o), c = {}; return b && b.forEach(function(a, b) { c[a.replace(o, "$1")] = b }), c } function f(a) { if (!a) return {}; var b = a.split("&"), c = {}; return b.forEach(function(a) { if (a) { var b = a.split("="); c[b[0]] = b[1] } }), c } function g(a) { return a = a.replace(o, ""), new RegExp("^(" + a + ")$") } function h() { return r.hash.slice(1) || "" } function i(a) { r.hash = a } function j() { var a = this; a._started = !1, a._routes = {}, a._stack = new c, s.mixto(this, "navigation") } var k = { reset: function() { var a = this; a.move = null, a.transition = null, a.datas = null, a.type = null, a._states = [], a._stateIdx = 0, a._stateLimit = 100 }, pushState: function(a, b, d, e) { var f = this, g = f._states, h = f._stateIdx, i = f._stateLimit, j = g.length, k = f.move, l = f.transition, m = f.datas, n = f.type, o = g[h - 1], p = g[h + 1], q = { name: a, fragment: b, type: n, params: d || {}, datas: m || {} }; for (var r in e) q.datas[r] = e[r]; return null == k && (l = k = !m && c.isEquals(o, q) ? "backward": "forward"), "backward" === k ? 0 === h && j > 0 ? g.unshift(q) : h > 0 && (h--, q = o) : "forward" === k && (h === i - 1 ? (g.shift(), g.push(q), q.referer = location.href.replace(/#[^#]*/, "#" + g[h - 1].fragment)) : 0 === h && 0 === j ? (g.push(q), q.referer = document.referer || "") : !m && c.isEquals(p, q) ? (h++, q = p) : c.isEquals(g[h], q) ? q = g[h] : (h++, g.splice(h), g.push(q), q.referer = location.href.replace(/#[^#]*/, "#" + g[h - 1].fragment))), q.move = k, q.transition = l, q.index = h, f.move = null, f.transition = null, f.datas = null, f._stateIdx = h, q }, getState: function() { return this._states[this._stateIdx] }, getIndex: function() { return this._stateIdx } }; for (var l in k) c.prototype[l] = k[l]; c.isEquals = function(a, b) { return a && b ? !== || a.fragment !== b.fragment ? !1 : !0 : !1 }; var m = /\:([a-z0-9_-][a-z0-9_-]*)/gi, n = /\*([a-z0-9_-][a-z0-9_-]*)/gi, o = /P\<([a-z0-9_-][a-z0-9_-]*?)\>/gi, p = "?", q = a.history, r = a.location, s = b.module.MessageScope, t = { getStack: function() { return this._stack }, handleEvent: function() { var a, b, c, d = this, e = d._routes, f = !0; if (d._started) { b = h(); for (var g in e) if (a = e[g], a["default"]) c = a; else if (a.routeReg.test(b.split(p)[0]) && (f = !1, a.callback(b), a.last)) break; f && c && c.callback(b) } }, addRoute: function(a, b, c) { function h(b, d, e) { var f = k._stack.pushState(a, b, d, e); c.callback && c.callback(f), k.trigger(f.move, f) } var i, j, k = this; 1 === arguments.length && (c = arguments[0], a = null, b = null), c || (c = {}), c["default"] ? k._routes[a] = { "default": !0, callback: function(a) { var b = f(a.split(p)[1] || ""); h(a, {}, b) } }: a && b && (b = d(b), i = e(b), j = g(b), k._routes[a] = { routeText: b, routeReg: j, callback: function(a) { var b = a.split(p), c = b[0].match(j).slice(2), d = f(b[1] || ""), e = {}; for (var g in i) e[g] = c[i[g]]; h(a, e, d) }, last: !!c.last }) }, removeRoute: function(a) { this._routes[a] && delete this._routes[a] }, hasRoute: function(a) { return !! this._routes[a] }, start: function() { return this._started ? !1 : (this._started = !0, a.addEventListener("hashchange", this, !1), this.handleEvent(), !0) }, stop: function() { return this._started ? (this._routes = {}, this._stack.reset(), this._started = !1, a.removeEventListener("hashchange", this, !1), !0) : !1 }, push: function(a, b) { var c = this, d = c._stack, e = d.getState(), f = d.getIndex(); if (args = [], a || (a = ""), b || (b = {}), d.move = "forward", d.transition = "forward", /^https?\:/i.test(a)) location.href = a; else if (a) { if (!e || e.fragment !== a || { if (b.type || (b.type = "GET"), || ( = {}), "GET" === b.type.toUpperCase()) for (var g in args.push(g + "=" +[g]); "POST" === b.type.toUpperCase() && (d.datas =, "backward" === b.transition && (d.transition = "backward"), d.type = b.type.toUpperCase(), i(a + (args.length ? p + args.join("&") : "")) } } else f < d._states.length - 1 && q.forward() }, pop: function(a) { var b = this, c = b._stack, d = c.getIndex(); 0 !== d && (c.move = "backward", c.transition = "backward", a && "forward" === a.transition && (c.transition = "forward"), q.back()) }, resolve: function(a, b) { var c, d = this._routes[a], e = ""; return d && (c = d.routeText, e = c.replace(/\(P<[a-z0-9_-][a-z0-9_-]*?>.*?\)/g, function(a) { o.lastIndex = 0; var c = o.exec(a)[1]; return b[c] || "undefined" }).replace("\\/?", "").replace("\\", "")), e } }; for (var l in t) j.prototype[l] = t[l]; j.instance = new j, b.module.StateStack = c, b.module.Navigation = j } (window, || ( = { module: {}, plugin: {} })), function(a, b) { function c(a, b) { return b || (b = l), b.querySelector(a) } function d(a, b) { var c = l.createEvent("HTMLEvents"); c.initEvent(b, !0, !0), a.dispatchEvent(c) } function e() { if (o) d(window, "scrollend"); else { var a = window.scrollY; setTimeout(function() { window.scrollY === a && d(window, "scrollend") }, 150) } } function f(a, c) { if (a.plugins) for (var d in a.plugins) { var e = b.plugin[d], f = a.plugins[d]; f === !0 && (f = a.plugins[d] = {}), e && f && e[c] && e[c](a, f) } } function g(a, c, d) { if (2 === arguments.length && (d = c, c = a, a = null), c.plugins) for (var e in c.plugins) { var f = b.plugin[e], g = c.plugins[e]; if (f && g) { if (g === !0 && (g = c.plugins[e] = {}), a) { a.plugins[e] || (a.plugins[e] = {}); for (var h in g) null == a.plugins[e][h] && (a.plugins[e][h] = c.plugins[e][h]); g = a.plugins[e] } f[d] && f[d](c, g) } } } function h(a, b, c) { var d = a[b]; if ("string" == typeof d) G.on("template:loaded", function(a) { d === a && ("template:loaded", arguments.callee), c && c()) }); else if ("object" == typeof d) for (var b in d) h(d, b, function() { var a = !0; for (var b in d) if ("function" != typeof d[b]) { a = !1; break } a && c && c() }); else c && c() } function i(a, b) { return a.compile(b), function(b) { return a.render(b) } } function j(a, b) { var c = a[b]; if ("string" == typeof c) { var d; D[c] ? a[b] = D[c] : c.match(/\.tpl$/g) ? (d = new t, d.load(c, function(e) { a[b] = D[c] = i(d, e), G.trigger("template:loaded", c) })) : (d = new t, a[b] = D[c] = i(d, c)) } else if ("object" == typeof c) for (var b in c) j(c, b) } function k() { return s.getStack().getState() } var l = a.document, m = a.$, n = navigator.appVersion, o = /iphone|ipad/gi.test(n), p = b.module, q = p.MessageScope, r = p.Navigation, s = r.instance, t = p.Template, u = p.View, v = p.Page, w = p.Navbar, x = p.Toolbar, y = p.Content, z = p.Scroll, A = (p.Animation, p.Transition), B = {}, C = {}, D = {}, E = {}, F = b.config = { viewport: null, templateEngine: null, resourceCombo: null, resourceBase: "./", enableMessageLog: !1, enableContent: !0, enableNavbar: !1, enableToolbar: !1, enableScroll: !1, enableTransition: !1 }, G = q.get("hooks"); G.on("app:start", function() { var a = b.config; w || (a.enableNavbar = !1), x || (a.enableToolbar = !1), z || (a.enableScroll = !1), A || (a.enableTransition = !1), q.isLogging = a.enableMessageLog, a.enableNavbar === !0 && (a.enableNavbar = {}), a.enableToolbar === !0 && (a.enableToolbar = {}), a.enableScroll === !0 && (a.enableScroll = {}), a.enableTransition === !0 && (a.enableTransition = {}), "number" == typeof a.enableContent ? a.enableContent = { cacheLength: a.enableContent }: a.enableContent instanceof HTMLElement ? a.enableContent = { wrapEl: a.enableContent }: "object" != typeof a.enableContent && (a.enableContent = {}) }), "onorientationchange" in a && window.addEventListener("onorientationchange", function() { setTimeout(function() { G.trigger("orientaion:change") }, 10) }, !1), window.addEventListener("resize", function() { setTimeout(function() { G.trigger("screen:resize") }, 10) }), G.on("view:extend", function(a) { var b = a.prototype.render, c = a.prototype.destory; a.prototype.render = function() { var a = this, c = arguments; h(a, "template", function() { G.trigger("view:render", a, arguments), b.apply(a, c) }) }, a.prototype.destory = function() { G.trigger("view:destory", this, arguments), c.apply(this, arguments) } }), G.on("page:define", function(a) { var b = a.ready, c = a.startup, d = a.teardown, e =, f = a.hide, g = !1, h = !1; a.ready = function(c) { g || (G.trigger("page:ready", c, a),, g = !0) }, a.startup = function(b) { G.trigger("page:startup", b, a), }, = function(b) { G.trigger("page:show", b, a),, h), h = !0 }, a.hide = function(b) { G.trigger("page:hide", b, a),, h) }, a.teardown = function(b) { G.trigger("page:teardown", b, a),, h = !1 }, a.html = function(a) { this.el.innerHTML = a } }), G.on("page:define page:defineMeta", function(a) { var b =, c = a.route; s.hasRoute(b) || (c ? "string" == typeof c && (c = { name: b, text: c }) : c = { name: b, "default": !0 }, s.addRoute(, c.text, { "default": c["default"], callback: c.callback, last: c.last })) }), G.on("app:start", function() { var a, b = F.enableNavbar, d = F.enableToolbar, f = F.enableContent, g = F.enableTransition, h = F.enableScroll; F.viewport || (F.viewport = c(".viewport") || l.body), f.wrapEl || (f.wrapEl = c(".content", F.viewport) || F.viewport), f.cacheLength || (f.cacheLength = f.wrapEl === F.viewport ? 1 : 5), a = f.instance = new y(f.wrapEl, { cacheLength: f.cacheLength }), b && (F.viewport.className += " enableNavbar", b.wrapEl || (b.wrapEl = c(".navbar", F.viewport)), b.instance = new w(b.wrapEl)), d && (F.viewport.className += " enableToolbar", d.wrapEl || (d.wrapEl = c(".toolbar", F.viewport)), d.instance = new x(d.wrapEl, d)), h ? (F.viewport.className += " enableScroll", h.wrapEl = a.getActive()) : window.addEventListener("scroll", e, !1), g && (F.viewport.className += " enableTransition", g.wrapEl = a.contentEl) }), G.on("app:start", function() { for (var a in b.plugin) { var c = b.plugin[a]; c.onAppStart && c.onAppStart() } }), G.on("view:render", function(a) { f(a, "onViewRender") }), G.on("view:destory", function(a) { f(a, "onViewTeardown") }), G.on("page:define", function(a) { g(a, "onPageDefine") }), G.on("page:startup", function(a, b) { g(a, b, "onPageStartup") }), G.on("page:show", function(a, b) { g(a, b, "onPageShow") }), G.on("page:hide", function(a, b) { g(a, b, "onPageHide") }), G.on("page:teardown", function(a, b) { g(a, b, "onPageTeardown") }), G.once("view:extend page:define", function() { t.engine = F.templateEngine || {} }), G.on("view:extend", function(a) { a.prototype.template && j(a.prototype, "template") }), G.on("page:define", function(a) { a.template && j(a, "template") }), G.on("app:start", function() { function a() { var a = n.pageMeta.title || o.title, c = n.pageMeta.buttons || o.buttons; if (c) for (var d = 0; d < c.length; d++) { var e = c[d], f = e.handler; || ( = "btn-" +, "string" == typeof f && (f = o[f]), "back" === e.type && (e.hide = e.autoHide !== !1 && n.index < 1, f || (f = function() { b.navigation.pop() })), e.handler = function(a) { return function(b) { a &&, b, n.index) } } (f) } else c = [{ id: "back", type: "back", text: "back", hide: n.index < 1 ? !0 : !1, handler: function() { b.navigation.pop() } }]; if (D || !q) { b.navigation.resetNavbar(), b.navigation.setTitle(a); for (var d = 0; d < c.length; d++) b.navigation.setButton(c[d]) } else b.navigation.switchNavbar(a, n.transition, c) } function c() { if (t) { var a = t.instance, c = n.pageMeta.toolbar || o.toolbar; t.wrapEl.innerHTML = "", "number" == typeof c && (c = { height: c }), c ? (b.navigation.setToolbar(c), : a.hide() } } function d() { D || ("backward" === n.move ? w.previous() : } function e() { var a = y ? F.viewport.offsetHeight: window.innerHeight; r && (a -= r.wrapEl.offsetHeight), t && (a -= t.wrapEl.offsetHeight), y ? = a + "px": ( = a - 44 - 98 + "px", u.instance.getActive().style.minHeight = a - 44 - 98 + "px") } function f() { ! D && y && (z.disable(y.wrapEl), y.wrapEl = w.getActive(), z.enable(y.wrapEl, o.scroll)) } function g() { if (D) G.trigger("navigation:switchend", n); else { var a = n.transition; if (x && q) { var b = x.wrapEl, c = w.transEl, d = w.transShadeEl, e = b.getBoundingClientRect().width, f = e * ("backward" === a ? 1 : -1), g = b.className += " " + a;["backward" === a ? "right": "left"] = e + "px", = "block", A.move(d, f, 0, function() { w.setClassName(), b.className = g.replace(" " + a, ""), = "", = "", G.trigger("navigation:switchend", n) }) } else w.setClassName(), G.trigger("navigation:switchend", n) } } function i(a) { for (var c in b.plugin) { var d = b.plugin[c]; d && (n.plugins[c] || (n.plugins[c] = {}), d[a] && d[a](n.plugins[c])) } } function j() { var a; (a = C[]) && (a.css && b.loadResource(a.css, "css"), a.js && b.loadResource(a.js, "js", function() { o = v.get(, o && (o.ready(), k()) })) } function k() { o.el = w.getActive(), m && (o.$el = m(o.el)), a(), c(), f(), g(), h(o, "template", l) } function l() { q && q.hide(p); var a = o.el.getAttribute("data-fragment"), b = B[a]; a === n.fragment ? : (b && (, delete B[a]), B[n.fragment] = { state: n, page: o }, o.el.innerHTML = "", o.el.setAttribute("data-fragment", n.fragment), o.startup(n),, p = n, q = o } var n, o, p, q, r = F.enableNavbar, t = F.enableToolbar, u = F.enableContent, w = u.instance, x = F.enableTransition, y = F.enableScroll, D = !1; s.on("forward backward", function() { n = arguments[0], n.pageMeta || (n.pageMeta = {}), n.plugins || (n.plugins = {}), o = v.get(, D = p && ===, G.trigger("navigation:switch", n), o ? k() : j() }), G.on("navigation:switch", function() { d(), i("onNavigationSwitch") }), G.on("navigation:switchend", function() { e(), i("onNavigationSwitchEnd") }), G.after("page:show navigation:switchend", function() { i("onDomReady") }), G.on("orientaion:change screen:resize", function() { e() }) }), b.start = function(a) { for (var c in a) b.config[c] = a[c]; G.trigger("app:start"), s.start() }, b.setTemplate = function(a, b) { "string" == typeof b ? D[a] = i(new t, b) : "function" == typeof b && (D[a] = b) }, b.extendView = function(a) { var b = u.extend(a); return G.trigger("view:extend", b), b }, b.getView = function(a) { var b = u.get(a); if (b) { var c = Object.create(b.prototype), d =, 1); return b.apply(c, d), c } }, b.definePage = function(a) { var b = v.define(a); return G.trigger("page:define", b), b }, b.definePageMeta = function(a) { a instanceof Array || (a = [a]), a.forEach(function(a) { C[] = a, G.trigger("page:defineMeta", a) }) }, b.getPage = function(a) { return v.get(a) }; var H = document.createElement("a"); b.loadResource = function(a, c, d) { function e() { return "resource-" + + "-" + Object.keys(E).length } function f(a) { return 0 === a.indexOf("http") ? a: b.config.resourceBase + a } function g(a, b) { if (!a) return b(); if (a = H.href = f(a), "string" == typeof E[a]) return b(); var d = E[a] = e(); if ("js" === c || a.match(/\.js$/)) { var g = document.createElement("script"), h = !1; = d, g.async = !0, g.onload = g.onreadystatechange = function() { h || (h = !0, b && b(a)) }, g.src = a, l.body.appendChild(g) } else if ("css" === c || a.match(/\.css$/)) { var i = document.createElement("link"); = d, i.type = "text/css", i.rel = "stylesheet", i.href = a, l.body.appendChild(i), b() } } 2 === arguments.length && "function" == typeof arguments[1] && (d = arguments[1], c = null), "string" == typeof a && (a = [a]); var h = [], i = F.resourceCombo; a.forEach(function(a) { H.href = f(a), E[H.href] || (E[H.href] = !0, h.push(a)) }), i && (h = i(h), "string" == typeof h && (h = [h])), g(h.shift(), function() { h.length ? g(h.shift(), arguments.callee) : d && d() }) }, b.navigation = { push: function(a, b) { s.push(a, b) }, pop: function() { s.pop() }, resolveFragment: function(a, b) { return s.resolve(a, b) }, getReferer: function() { return k().referer }, getParameter: function(a) { var b = k(); return b.params[a] || b.datas[a] }, getParameters: function() { var a = k(), b = {}; for (var c in a.params) b[c] = a.params[c]; for (var c in a.datas) b[c] = a.datas[c]; return b }, setData: function(a, b) { k().datas[a] = b }, setTitle: function(a) { var b = k(); F.enableNavbar && F.enableNavbar.instance.setTitle(a), b.pageMeta.title = a }, setButton: function(a) { if (a instanceof Array) for (var b = 0; b < a.length; b++) this.setButton(a[b]); else { var c = k(); if (F.enableNavbar && F.enableNavbar.instance.setButton(a), c.pageMeta.buttons) { for (var b = 0; b < c.pageMeta.buttons.length; b++) { var d = c.pageMeta.buttons[b]; if ("back" === d.type && "back" === a.type || === { for (var e in a) d[e] = a[e]; return } } c.pageMeta.buttons.push(a) } else c.pageMeta.buttons = [a] } }, switchNavbar: function(a, b, c) { if (F.enableNavbar) { this.resetNavbar(), this.setTitle(a); for (var d = 0; d < c.length; d++) this.setButton(c[d]); A.float(F.enableNavbar.instance.animWrapEl, "backward" === b ? "LI": "RI", 50) } }, resetNavbar: function() { var a = k(); F.enableNavbar && F.enableNavbar.instance.removeButton(), a.pageMeta.buttons = [] }, setToolbar: function(a) { var b = k(); F.enableToolbar && F.enableToolbar.instance.set(a), b.pageMeta.toolbar = a } }, b.scroll = { getScrollHeight: function() { var a = F.enableScroll; return a ? z.getScrollHeight(a.wrapEl) : l.body.scrollHeight }, getScrollTop: function() { var a = F.enableScroll; return a ? z.getScrollTop(a.wrapEl) : l.body.scrollTop }, refresh: function() { var a = F.enableScroll; a && z.refresh(a.wrapEl) }, offset: function(a) { var b = F.enableScroll; return b ? z.offset(b.wrapEl, a) : z.offset(l.body, a) }, scrollTo: function(a) { var b = F.enableScroll; b ? z.scrollTo(b.wrapEl, a) : l.body.scrollTop = a }, scrollToElement: function(a) { var b = F.enableScroll; b ? z.scrollToElement(b.wrapEl, a) : a.scrollIntoView() }, getViewHeight: function() { var a = F.enableScroll; return a ? z.getViewHeight(a.wrapEl) : window.innerHeight }, getBoundaryOffset: function() { var a = F.enableScroll; return a ? z.getBoundaryOffset(a.wrapEl) : 0 }, stopBounce: function() { var a = F.enableScroll; a && z.stopBounce(a.wrapEl) }, resumeBounce: function() { var a = F.enableScroll; a && z.resumeBounce(a.wrapEl) }, addEventListener: function(a, b, c) { var d = F.enableScroll, e = (F.enableContent.instance, d ? d.wrapEl: window); e.addEventListener(a, b, c) }, removeEventListener: function(a, b) { var c = F.enableScroll, d = (F.enableContent.instance, c ? c.wrapEl: window); d.removeEventListener(a, b) }, getElement: function() { var a = F.enableScroll; return a ? a.wrapEl: l.body } } } (window, || ( = { module: {}, plugin: {} })), function(a, b) { var c, d, e, f = a.document, g = (b.config, []); b.plugin.loading = { show: function(a) { if (a && (e.innerHTML = a), "block" !== { = "block"; var b = document.body.getBoundingClientRect(), c = e.getBoundingClientRect(); = (b.width - c.width) / 2 + "px", = (window.innerHeight - c.height) / 2 - + "px" } var f =; return g.push(f), f }, hide: function(a) { a ? 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a[b.__name__] ? b(this) : : this.end() }, this.reset = function() { c = 0, d.reset && }, this.end = function() { d.end && } } function f(a, b) { b.__name__ = a, m.push(b) } var g = a.document, h = a.navigator.userAgent, i = h.match(/WindVane[\/\s]([\d\.\_]+)/); i && (i = i[1]); var j, k, l = h.match(/AliApp\(([^\/]+)\/([\d\.\_]+)\)/i); l && (j = l[1], k = l[2]), b.mtop = b.mtop || {}, b.mtop.middleware = {}; var m = []; b.mtop.middleware.pipe = function(a, b) { return new e(a, b) }, b.mtop.middleware.add = f, f("LoginRequest", function(a) { function c() { a.reset() } function d() { a.response && a.response.ret.push("MW_ERROR::LOGIN_FAILURE"), a.end() } function e() { a.response && a.response.ret.push("MW_ERROR::WIDGET_CANCEL"), a.end() } var f = (a.response && a.response.ret || []).join(","); f.indexOf("SESSION_EXPIRED") > -1 || f.indexOf("SID_INVALID") > -1 || f.indexOf("AUTH_REJECT") > -1 || f.indexOf("NEED_LOGIN") > -1 ? b.login.goLogin(function(a) { "SUCCESS" === a ? c() : "CANCEL" === a ? e() : d() }) : }), f("AntiCreep", function(b) { function c() { h.removeEventListener("close", c), a.removeEventListener("message", e), b.response && b.response.ret.push("MW_ERROR::WIDGET_CANCEL"), b.end() } function e() { h.removeEventListener("close", c), a.removeEventListener("message", e); var d = JSON.parse( || {}; if (d && "child" === d.type) { var f; try { f = JSON.parse(decodeURIComponent(d.content)), "string" == typeof f && (f = JSON.parse(f)) } catch(g) { f = null } if (f) { for (var i in f) b.request[i] = f[i]; b.reset() } else b.response && b.response.ret.push("MW_ERROR::SM_FAILURE"), b.end(); h.hide() } else b.end() } var f = (b.response && b.response.ret || []).join(","); if (!l && f.indexOf("RGV587_ERROR::SM") > -1 && { var g =, h = new d("", g); h.addEventListener("close", c, !1), a.addEventListener("message", e, !1), } else }), f("AntiFlood", function(a) { var b = (a.response && a.response.ret || []).join(","); if (!l && b.indexOf("FAIL_SYS_USER_VALIDATE") > -1 && { var c =; location.href = c } else }) } (window, window.lib || (window.lib = {})), function(a, b, c) { function d(a) { var b = new RegExp("(?:^|;\\s*)" + a + "\\=([^;]+)(?:;\\s*|$)").exec(u.cookie); return b ? b[1] : c } function e(a) { return a.preventDefault(), !1 } function f(b, c) { var d = this, f = a.dpr || 1, g = document.createElement("div"), h = document.documentElement.getBoundingClientRect(), i = Math.max(h.width, window.innerWidth) / f, j = Math.max(h.height, window.innerHeight) / f; = ["-webkit-transform:scale(" + f + ") translateZ(0)", "-ms-transform:scale(" + f + ") translateZ(0)", "transform:scale(" + f + ") translateZ(0)", "-webkit-transform-origin:0 0", "-ms-transform-origin:0 0", "transform-origin:0 0", "width:" + i + "px", "height:" + j + "px", "z-index:999999", "position:absolute", "left:0", "top:0px", "background:#FFF", "display:none"].join(";"); var k = document.createElement("div"); = ["width:100%", "height:52px", "background:#EEE", "line-height:52px", "text-align:left", "box-sizing:border-box", "padding-left:20px", "position:absolute", "left:0", "top:0", "", "font-weight:bold", "color:#333"].join(";"), k.innerText = b; var l = document.createElement("a"); = ["display:block", "position:absolute", "right:0", "top:0", "height:52px", "line-height:52px", "padding:0 20px", "color:#999"].join(";"), l.innerText = "关闭"; var m = document.createElement("iframe"); = ["width:100%", "height:100%", "border:0", "overflow:hidden"].join(";"), k.appendChild(l), g.appendChild(k), g.appendChild(m), u.body.appendChild(g), m.src = c, l.addEventListener("click", function() { d.hide(); var a = u.createEvent("HTMLEvents"); a.initEvent("close", !1, !1), g.dispatchEvent(a) }, !1), this.addEventListener = function() { g.addEventListener.apply(g, arguments) }, this.removeEventListener = function() { g.removeEventListener.apply(g, arguments) }, = function() { document.addEventListener("touchmove", e, !1), = "block", window.scrollTo(0, 0) }, this.hide = function() { document.removeEventListener("touchmove", e), window.scrollTo(0,, u.body.removeChild(g) } } function g(a) { if (!a || "function" != typeof a || !b.mtop) { var d = this.getUserNick(); return !! d } b.mtop.request({ api: "mtop.user.getUserSimple", v: "1.0", data: { isSec: 0 }, H5Request: !0 }, function(d) { d.retType === b.mtop.RESPONSE_TYPE.SUCCESS ? a(!0, d) : d.retType === b.mtop.RESPONSE_TYPE.SESSION_EXPIRED ? a(!1, d) : a(c, d) }) } function h(a) { var c; return b.promise && (c = b.promise.defer()), this.isLogin(function(b, d) { a && a(b, d), b === !0 ? c.resolve(d) : c.reject(d) }), c ? c.promise: void 0 } function i(a) { if (!a || "function" != typeof a) { var b = "", e = d("_w_tb_nick"), f = d("_nk_") || d("snk"); return e && e.length > 0 && "null" != e ? b = decodeURIComponent(e) : f && f.length > 0 && "null" != f && (b = unescape(unescape(f).replace(/\\u/g, "%u"))), b = b.replace(/\/g, ">") } this.isLogin(function(b, d) { a(b === !0 && d && && ? b === !1 ? "": c) }) } function j(a) { var c; return b.promise && (c = b.promise.defer()), this.getUserNick(function(b) { a && a(b), b ? c.resolve(b) : c.reject() }), c ? c.promise: void 0 } function k(a, b) { var c = "//" + F + "." + G.subDomain + "." + D + "/" + G[(a || "login") + "Name"]; if (b) { var d = []; for (var e in b) d.push(e + "=" + encodeURIComponent(b[e])); c += "?" + d.join("&") } return c } function l(a, b) { if (b) location.replace(a); else { var c = u.createElement("a"), d = u.createEvent("HTMLEvents"); = "none", c.href = a, u.body.appendChild(c), d.initEvent("click", !1, !0), c.dispatchEvent(d) } } function m(b, c, d) { function e() { j.removeEventListener("close", e), a.removeEventListener("message", g), d("CANCEL") } function g(b) { j.removeEventListener("close", e), a.removeEventListener("message", g), j.hide(); var c = || {}; d(c && "child" === c.type && c.content.indexOf("SUCCESS") > -1 ? "SUCCESS": "FAILURE") } var h = location.protocol + "//h5." + G.subDomain + "" + ("waptest" === G.subDomain ? "src": "other") + "/" + b + "end.html?origin=" + encodeURIComponent(location.protocol + "//" + location.hostname), i = k(b, { ttid: "h5@iframe", tpl_redirect_url: h }), j = new f(c.title || "您需要登录才能继续访问", i); j.addEventListener("close", e, !1), a.addEventListener("message", g, !1), } function n(b, c, d) { var e = k(b, { wvLoginCallback: "wvLoginCallback" }); a.wvLoginCallback = function(b) { delete a.wvLoginCallback, d(b.indexOf(":SUCCESS") > -1 ? "SUCCESS": b.indexOf(":CANCEL") > -1 ? "CANCEL": "FAILURE") }, l(e) } function o(a, b, c) { if ("function" == typeof b ? (c = b, b = null) : "string" == typeof b && (b = { redirectUrl: b }), b = b || {}, c && z) n(a, b, c); else if (c && !y && "login" === a) m(a, b, c); else { var d = k(a, { tpl_redirect_url: b.redirectUrl || location.href }); l(d, b.replace) } } function p(a, c, d) { var e; return b.promise && (e = b.promise.defer()), o(a, c, function(a) { d && d(a), "SUCCESS" === a ? e.resolve(a) : e.reject(a) }), e ? e.promise: void 0 } function q(a) { o("login", a) } function r(a) { return p("login", a) } function s(a) { o("logout", a) } function t(a) { return p("logout", a) } var u = a.document, v = a.navigator.userAgent, w = location.hostname, x = (, v.match(/WindVane[\/\s]([\d\.\_]+)/)), y = v.match(/AliApp\(([^\/]+)\/([\d\.\_]+)\)/i), z = !!(y && "TB" === y[1] && x && parseFloat(x[1]) > 5.2), A = ["", ""], B = new RegExp("([^.]*?)\\.?((?:" + A.join(")|(?:").replace(/\./g, "\\.") + "))", "i"), C = w.match(B) || [], D = function() { var a = C[2] || ""; return a.match(/\.?taobao\.net$/) ? "": "" } (), E = function() { var a = D, b = C[1] || "m"; return "" === a && (b = "waptest"), b } (), F = "login"; b.login = b.login || {}; var G = { loginName: "login.htm", logoutName: "logout.htm", subDomain: E }; b.login.config = G, b.login.isLogin = g, b.login.isLoginAsync = h, b.login.getUserNick = i, b.login.getUserNickAsync = j, b.login.generateUrl = k, b.login.goLogin = q, b.login.goLoginAsync = r, b.login.goLogout = s, b.login.goLogoutAsync = t } (window, window.lib || (window.lib = {})), function(a, b) { var c = b.login, d = function(a, b) { b = b || ""; var c = ""; return c += '' }, e = function() { var a = {}, b = location.href.replace(/sid=[0-9a-z]+&?/g, ""); return c.isLogin() ? (a.isLogin = !0, a.nick = c.getUserNick(), a.myTaobaoUrl = "http://h5." + c.config.subDomain + "!/awp/mtb/mtb.htm", a.loginOut = "http://login." + c.config.subDomain + "" + encodeURIComponent(b)) : (a.isLogin = !1, a.loginUrl = "http://login." + c.config.subDomain + "" + encodeURIComponent(b), a.registerUrl = "http://u." + c.config.subDomain + "" + encodeURIComponent(b)), a }; b.bottom || (b.bottom = {}), b.bottom.render = function(a) { var b = e(); return d(b, a) }, b.bottom.footer = { getFooterTemplate: function(a) { var b = e(); return d(b, a) } } } (window, window.lib || (window.lib = {})), function(a) { var b = { sysType: "m", defaultAppKey: "12574478" }; "localhost" === ||".*\\waptest\\.(taobao|tmall|etao|alibaba|alipay|aliyun)\\.com.*") ? (b.sysType = "waptest", b.defaultAppKey = "4272") :".*\\wapa\\.(taobao|tmall|etao|alibaba|alipay|aliyun)\\.com.*") ? b.sysType = "wapa":".*\\m\\.(taobao|tmall|etao|alibaba|alipay|aliyun)\\.com.*") && (b.sysType = "m"), a.config = b } (window.lib || (window.lib = {})), function(a) { var b = {}, c = a.config, d = { protocol: "http://", sysType: c.sysType, defaultDomain: "" }, e = function(a) { try { return decodeURIComponent(a) } catch(b) { return a } }, f = b.getParam = function(a) { var b, c = this.queryMap || function(a) { if (a.length < 1) return ""; a = a.substr(1); var b, c, d = a.split("&"), f = {}; for (c in d) b = d[c].split("="), f[e(b[0])] = e(b[1]); return f } (; return this.queryMap = c, a ? (b = c[a], b && b.indexOf("#") > -1 && (b = encodeURIComponent(b)), b) : c }, g = function(a) { var b, c, d, e = ""; for (b in a) c = a[b], d = f(c), d && "" !== d && (e += "&" + c + "=" + d); return e } (["ttid", "sprefer"]); b.getUrl = function(a) { function b(a, b) { if (!b) return a; a.indexOf("?") < 0 && (a += "?"); var c = a.charAt(a.length - 1), d = b.charAt(0); return "?" === c || "&" === c ? "?" === d || "&" === d ? a + b.substr(1) : a + b: "?" === d || "&" === d ? a + b: a + "&" + b } var c = a.url || function(b) { var c = || a.subdomain + "." + b.sysType + "." + b.defaultDomain; return b.protocol + c + "/" + a.path } (d); return c.indexOf("?") > 0 || (c += "?"), c = b(c, g), && (c = b(c, function(a) { var b, c, d = ""; if (null == a) return d; for (b in a) c = a[b], null != c && "" !== c && (d += b + "=" + encodeURIComponent("object" == typeof c ? JSON.stringify(c) : c) + "&"); return "" !== d && d.length - 1 === d.lastIndexOf("&") && (d = d.substr(0, d.length - 1)), d } (, c }, a.uri = b } (window.lib || (window.lib = {})), function(a, b) { function c(a, c) { if (a) { var d = b(a); if (!d.length) throw new Error("dom not find"); this.$container = d, this.init(c || {}) } } c.prototype = { init: function(a) { var c = { index: 1, pageCount: null, preFix: "!page/", objId: "Z", disableHash: null }; b.extend(this, c, a), this.pageCount || (this.disableHash = !0), this.oldIndex = -1; var d = this.preFix, e = d.length; "/" != d.charAt(e - 1) && (this.preFix += "/"), isNaN(this.index) && (this.index = 1), this.pageCount && this.index > this.pageCount && (this.index = this.pageCount), this.index <= 0 && (this.index = 1), this.createDom(), this.eventAttach(), !this.disableHash && this.parseHash(), this.renderPage() }, setIndex: function(a) { var b = this; b.$select && (a = Number(a), isNaN(a) && (a = 1), a > b.pageCount && (a = b.pageCount), 0 >= a && (a = 1), b.index = a, b.renderPage()) }, setCount: function(a) { a && (this.pageCount = this.index = a, this.renderPage()) }, parseHash: function() { var a = this, b = location.hash, c = b.substr(b.lastIndexOf("/") + 1), d = [], e = 0, f = []; d = c.split("-"); for (var g = 0; g < d.length; g++) { f = d[g].split(""); var h = f.shift(); h == this.objId && (e = Number(f.join("")), (isNaN(e) || 0 >= e) && (a.index = 1), e > a.pageCount && (a.index = a.pageCount), a.index = e) } }, setContainer: function(a) { this.$container = b(a) }, getObjId: function() { return this.objId }, pContainer: function() { return this.$container }, changeHash: function() { var a = this, b = location.hash; if ("" == b) location.hash = a.preFix + "-" + a.objId + a.index; else { var c = b.lastIndexOf(a.objId), d = c; if ( - 1 == c) location.hash += "-" + a.objId + a.index; else { for (;;) if (d++, "-" == b[d] || !b[d]) break; b = b.replace(b.substring(c, d), a.objId + a.index), location.hash = b } } }, createDom: function() { var a = this, b = a.$container, c = a.pageCount, d = c && '' || "", e = c && '' || "", f = ['
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', '', '', "
", "
", "
"].join(""), i = f(h), j = i.find(".warnMsg"), k = i.find(".content"), l = i.find(".doBtn .ok"), m = i.find(".doBtn .cancel"), n = !1, o = "body"; f.extend(d.prototype, { _init: function() { var a = this, b = a._options, c = b.mode, d = b.text, e = b.content, h = b.callback, p = b.background, q = b.useTap ? "tap": "click", r = b.usedInWangWang, s = i.attr("class"); s = s.replace(/(msg|alert|confirm)Mode/i, c + "Mode"), i.attr("class", s), p && i.css("background", p), d && j.html(d), e && k.html(e),, function(b) {, b, !0) }),, function(b) {, b, !1) }), n || (n = !0, f(o).append(i), r || g.on("resize", function() { setTimeout(function() { a._pos() }, 500) })) }, _pos: function() { var a, b, c, d, e, f, g = this, h = document, j = h.documentElement, k = h.body; g.isHide() || (a = k.scrollTop, b = k.scrollLeft, c = j.clientWidth, d = j.clientHeight, e = i.width(), f = i.height(), i.css({ top: a + (d - f) / 2, left: b + (c - e) / 2 })) }, isShow: function() { return i.hasClass("show") }, isHide: function() { return i.hasClass("hide") }, _cbShow: function() { var a = this, b = a._options, c = b.onShow; i.css("opacity", "1").addClass("show"), c && }, show: function() { var a = this; e && (clearTimeout(e), e = void 0), a.isShow() ? a._cbShow() : (i.css("opacity", "0").removeClass("hide"), a._pos(), setTimeout(function() { a._cbShow() }, 300), setTimeout(function() { i.animate({ opacity: "1" }, 300, "linear") }, 1)) }, _cbHide: function() { var a = this, b = a._options, c = b.onHide; i.css("opacity", "0").addClass("hide"), c && }, hide: function() { var a = this; a.isHide() ? a._cbHide() : (i.css("opacity", "1").removeClass("show"), setTimeout(function() { a._cbHide() }, 300), setTimeout(function() { i.animate({ opacity: "0" }, 300, "linear") }, 1)) }, flash: function(a) { var b = this; opt = b._options, opt.onShow = function() { e = setTimeout(function() { e && b.hide() }, a) }, } }), c.exports = new function() { this.simple = function(a, b, c) { 2 == arguments.length && "number" == typeof arguments[1] && (c = arguments[1], b = void 0); var e = new d({ mode: "msg", text: a, background: b }); return e.flash(c || 2e3), e }, this.msg = function(a, b) { return new d(f.extend({ mode: "msg", text: a }, b || {})) }, this.alert = function(a, b, c) { return new d(f.extend({ mode: "alert", text: a, callback: b }, c || {})) }, this.confirm = function(a, b, c, e) { return new d(f.extend({ mode: "confirm", text: a, content: b, callback: c }, e || {})) }, this.pop = function(a) { return new d(a) } } }), function(a) { if (void 0 == window.define) { var b = {}, c = b.exports = {}; a(null, c, b), window.lazyload = b.exports } else define(a) } (function(a, b, c) { function d(a, b) { var c = b.right > a.left && b.left < a.right, d = b.bottom > && < a.bottom; return c && d } function e(a, b) { if (a) { var c, d, e, h, i; if (a != f) i = a.offset ? a: g(a), i = i.offset(), c = i.width, d = i.height, e = i.left, h =; else { var j = b && b.y || 0, k = b && b.x || 0; c = a.innerWidth + k, d = a.innerHeight + j, e = a.pageXOffset, h = a.pageYOffset } return { left: e, top: h, right: e + c, bottom: h + d } } } var f = window, g = a ? a("zepto") : window.$, h = { init: function(a) { this.img.init(a) }, img: { init: function(a) { var b = this; if (b.isload) return void b.trigger(); var c = { lazyHeight: 400, lazyWidth: 0, definition: !1, size: null }, a = a || {}; g.extend(b, c, a); var d = b.definition, e = f.devicePixelRatio; b.definition = d && e && e > 1 || !1, b.DPR = e; var h = 5, i = 200, j = b.isPhone = b.fetchVersion(); if (j) { var k, l; g(f).on("touchstart", function() { k = { sy: f.pageYOffset, time: }, l && clearTimeout(l) }).on("touchend", function(a) { if (a && a.changedTouches) { var c = Math.abs(f.pageYOffset -; if (c > h) { var d = - k.time; l = setTimeout(function() { b.changeimg(), k = {}, clearTimeout(l), l = null }, d > i ? 0 : 200) } } else b.changeimg() }).on("touchcancel", function() { l && clearTimeout(l), k = null }) } else g(f).on("scroll", function() { b.changeimg() }); b.trigger(), b.isload = !0 }, trigger: function(a) { var b = this, c = b.isPhone, d = c && "touchend" || "scroll"; b.imglist && b.imglist.each(function(a, b) { b && (b.onerror = b.onload = null) }), a && (b.size = a), b.imglist = g("img.lazyimg"), g(window).trigger(d) }, fetchVersion: function() { var a = navigator.appVersion.match(/(iPhone\sOS)\s([\d_]+)/), b = a && !0 || !1, c = b && a[2].split("_"); return c = c && parseFloat(c.length > 1 ? c.splice(0, 2).join(".") : c[0], 10), b && 6 > c }, setImgSrc: function(a, b) { if (a) { b = b || this.size, b = b && ("string" == typeof b ? b: b[this.DPR]) || null, b && (b = ["_", b, ".jpg"].join("")); var c = a.lastIndexOf("_."), d = -1 != c ? a.slice(c + 2) : null, e = d && "webp" == d.toLowerCase() ? !0 : !1, f = e ? a.slice(0, c) : a, g = f.replace(/_\d+x\d+\.jpg?/g, ""); return b && (g += b), e && g + "_.webp" || g } }, getCoord: e, changeimg: function() { function a(a, c) { var d = a.attr("dataimg"), e = a.attr("datasize"); d && (d = b.setImgSrc(d, e), a.attr("src", d), a.css("visibility", "visible"), a[0].onload || (a[0].onload = a[0].onerror = function() { g(this).removeClass("lazyimg").removeAttr("dataimg"), b.imglist[c] = null, this.onerror = this.onload = null })) } { var b = this, c = window, f = { x: b.lazyWidth, y: b.lazyHeight }; b.definition } b.imglist.each(function(b, h) { if (h) { var i = g(h); d(e(c, f), e(i)) && a(i, b) } }) } } }; c.exports = h }), function(a, b) { var c = function() { var a = "WebkitTransform" in ? !0 : !1; return a }, d = function() { var a, b = !1, c = document.createElement("div"), a = ["­", '"].join(""), d =; return = "modernizr", c.innerHTML += a, document.body.appendChild(c), "WebkitPerspective" in d && "webkitPerspective" in d && (b = 9 === c.offsetLeft && 3 === c.offsetHeight), c.parentNode.removeChild(c), b }, e = d ? "translate3d(": "translate(", f = d ? ",0)": ")", g = function(a, c) { return a ? (c ? c.container = a: c = "string" == typeof a ? { container: a }: a, b.extend(this, { container: ".slider", wrap: null, panel: null, trigger: null, activeTriggerCls: "sel", hasTrigger: !1, steps: 0, left: 0, visible: 1, margin: 0, curIndex: 0, duration: 300, loop: !1, play: !1, interval: 5e3, useTransform: !0, lazy: ".lazyimg", lazyIndex: 1, callback: null, prev: null, next: null, activePnCls: "none" }, c), void(this.findEl() && this.init() && this.increaseEvent())) : null }; b.extend(g.prototype, { reset: function(a) { b.extend(this, a || {}), this.init() }, findEl: function() { var a = this.container = b(this.container); return a.length ? (this.wrap = this.wrap && a.find(this.wrap) || a.children().first(), this.wrap.length ? (this.panel = this.panel && a.find(this.panel) || this.wrap.children().first(), this.panel.length ? (this.panels = this.panel.children(), this.panels.length ? (this.trigger = this.trigger && a.find(this.trigger), this.prev = this.prev && a.find(this.prev), = && a.find(, this) : (this.container.hide(), null)) : null) : null) : null }, init: function() { var a = this.wrap, b = this.panel, d = this.panels, g = this.trigger, h = this.len = d.length, i = this.margin, j = 0, k = this.visible, l = this.useTransform = c ? this.useTransform: !1; this.steps = this.steps || a.width(), d.each(function(a, b) { j += b.offsetWidth }), i && "number" == typeof i && (j += (h - 1) * i, this.steps += i), k > 1 && (this.loop = !1); var m = this.left; m -= this.curIndex * this.steps, this.setCoord(b, m), l && (a.css({ "-webkit-transform": "translate3d(0,0,0)" }), b.css({ "-webkit-backface-visibility": "hidden" }), d.css({ "-webkit-transform": e + "0,0" + f })); var n = this._pages = Math.ceil(h / k); if (this._minpage = 0, this._maxpage = this._pages - 1, this.loadImg(), this.updateArrow(), 1 >= n) return this.getImg(d[0]), g && g.hide(), null; if (this.loop) { b.append(d[0].cloneNode(!0)); var o = d[h - 1].cloneNode(!0); b.append(o), this.getImg(o), += "position:relative;left:" + -this.steps * (h + 2) + "px;", j += d[0].offsetWidth, j += d[h - 1].offsetWidth } if (b.css("width", j), g && g.length) { var p = "", q = g.children(); if (!q.length) { for (var r = 0; n > r; r++) p += ""; g.html(p) } this.triggers = g.children(), this.triggerSel = this.triggers[this.curIndex] } else this.hasTrigger = !1; return this }, increaseEvent: function() { var a = this, c = a.wrap[0], d = a.prev, e =, f = a.triggers; c.addEventListener && (c.addEventListener("touchstart", a, !1), c.addEventListener("touchmove", a, !1), c.addEventListener("touchend", a, !1), c.addEventListener("webkitTransitionEnd", a, !1), c.addEventListener("msTransitionEnd", a, !1), c.addEventListener("oTransitionEnd", a, !1), c.addEventListener("transitionend", a, !1)), && a.begin(), d && d.length && d.on("click", function(b) {, b) }), e && e.length && e.on("click", function(b) {, b) }), a.hasTrigger && f && f.each(function(c, d) { b(d).on("click", function() { a.slideTo(c) }) }) }, handleEvent: function(a) { switch (a.type) { case "touchstart": this.start(a); break; case "touchmove": this.move(a); break; case "touchend": case "touchcancel": this.end(a); break; case "webkitTransitionEnd": case "msTransitionEnd": case "oTransitionEnd": case "transitionend": this.transitionEnd(a) } }, loadImg: function(a) { a = a || 0, a < this._minpage ? a = this._maxpage: a > this._maxpage && (a = this._minpage); var b = this.visible, c = this.lazyIndex - 1, d = c + a; if (! (d > this._maxpage)) { d += 1; var e = (a && c + a || a) * b, f = d * b, g = this.panels; f = Math.min(g.length, f); for (var h = e; f > h; h++) this.getImg(g[h]) } }, getImg: function(a) { if (a && (a = b(a), !a.attr("l"))) { var c = this, d = c.lazy, e = "img" + d; d = d.replace(/^\.|#/g, ""), a.find(e).each(function(a, c) { var e = b(c); src = e.attr("dataimg"), src && e.attr("src", src).removeAttr("dataimg").removeClass(d) }), a.attr("l", "1") } }, start: function(a) { var b = a.touches[0]; this._movestart = void 0, this._disX = 0, this._coord = { x: b.pageX, y: b.pageY } }, move: function(a) { if (! (a.touches.length > 1 || a.scale && 1 !== a.scale)) { var b, c = a.touches[0], d = this._disX = c.pageX - this._coord.x, e = this.left; "undefined" == typeof this._movestart && (this._movestart = !!(this._movestart || Math.abs(d) < Math.abs(c.pageY - this._coord.y))), this._movestart || (a.preventDefault(), this.stop(), this.loop || (d /= !this.curIndex && d > 0 || this.curIndex == this._maxpage && 0 > d ? Math.abs(d) / this.steps + 1 : 1), b = e - this.curIndex * this.steps + d, this.setCoord(this.panel, b), this._disX = d) } }, end: function(a) { if (!this._movestart) { var b = this._disX; - 10 > b ? (a.preventDefault(), this.forward()) : b > 10 && (a.preventDefault(), this.backward()), b = null } }, backward: function(a) { a && a.preventDefault && a.preventDefault(); var b = this.curIndex, c = this._minpage; b -= 1, c > b && (b = this.loop ? c - 1 : c), this.slideTo(b), this.callback && this.callback(Math.max(b, c), -1) }, forward: function(a) { a && a.preventDefault && a.preventDefault(); var b = this.curIndex, c = this._maxpage; b += 1, b > c && (b = this.loop ? c + 1 : c), this.slideTo(b), this.callback && this.callback(Math.min(b, c), 1) }, setCoord: function(a, b) { this.useTransform && a.css("-webkit-transform", e + b + "px,0" + f) || a.css("left", b) }, slideTo: function(a, b) { a = a || 0, this.curIndex = a; var c = this.panel, d = c[0].style, e = this.left - a * this.steps; d.webkitTransitionDuration = d.MozTransitionDuration = d.msTransitionDuration = d.OTransitionDuration = d.transitionDuration = (b || this.duration) + "ms", this.setCoord(c, e), this.loadImg(a) }, transitionEnd: function() { var a = this.panel, b = a[0].style, c = this.loop, d = this.curIndex; c && (d > this._maxpage ? this.curIndex = 0 : d < this._minpage && (this.curIndex = this._maxpage), this.setCoord(a, this.left - this.curIndex * this.steps)), c || d != this._maxpage ? this.begin() : (this.stop(), = !1), this.update(), this.updateArrow(), b.webkitTransitionDuration = b.MozTransitionDuration = b.msTransitionDuration = b.OTransitionDuration = b.transitionDuration = 0 }, update: function() { var a = this.triggers, b = this.activeTriggerCls, c = this.curIndex; a && a[c] && (this.triggerSel && (this.triggerSel.className = ""), a[c].className = b, this.triggerSel = a[c]) }, updateArrow: function() { var a = this.prev, b =; if (a && a.length && b && b.length && !this.loop) { var c = this.curIndex, d = this.activePnCls; 0 >= c && a.addClass(d) || a.removeClass(d), c >= this._maxpage && b.addClass(d) || b.removeClass(d) } }, begin: function() { var a = this; && !a._playTimer && (a.stop(), a._playTimer = setInterval(function() { a.forward() }, a.interval)) }, stop: function() { var a = this; && a._playTimer && (clearInterval(a._playTimer), a._playTimer = null) }, destroy: function() { var a = this, c = a.wrap[0], d = a.prev, e =, f = a.triggers; c.removeEventListener && (c.removeEventListener("touchstart", a, !1), c.removeEventListener("touchmove", a, !1), c.removeEventListener("touchend", a, !1), c.removeEventListener("webkitTransitionEnd", a, !1), c.removeEventListener("msTransitionEnd", a, !1), c.removeEventListener("oTransitionEnd", a, !1), c.removeEventListener("transitionend", a, !1)), d && d.length &&"click"), e && e.length &&"click"), a.hasTrigger && f && f.each(function(a, c) { b(c).off("click") }) }, attachTo: function(a, c) { return a = b(a), a.each(function(a, b) { b.getAttribute("l") || (b.setAttribute("l", !0), g.cache.push(new g(b, c))) }) } }), g.cache = [], g.destroy = function() { var a = g.cache, b = a.length; if (! (1 > b)) { for (var c = 0; b > c; c++) a[c].destroy(); g.cache = [] } }, a.lib = a.lib || {}, lib.Slider = g } (window, $), function(a) { function b(a) { var b, c, d, e = "", f = 0; for (b = c = d = 0; f < a.length;) b = a.charCodeAt(f), 128 > b ? (e += String.fromCharCode(b), f++) : b > 191 && 224 > b ? (d = a.charCodeAt(f + 1), e += String.fromCharCode((31 & b) << 6 | 63 & d), f += 2) : (d = a.charCodeAt(f + 1), c = a.charCodeAt(f + 2), e += String.fromCharCode((15 & b) << 12 | (63 & d) << 6 | 63 & c), f += 3); return e } function c(a) { a = a.replace(/\r\n/g, "\n"); for (var b = "", c = 0; c < a.length; c++) { var d = a.charCodeAt(c); 128 > d ? b += String.fromCharCode(d) : d > 127 && 2048 > d ? 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  • 未找到符合的宝贝
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    • ") }), a.pop()), d.b("\r"), d.b("\n" + c), d.b('
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"今天": f == d ? 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    ', '
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    ', '
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    ", '
    ', '', "
    ", "
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      ', '
    • 上新
    • ', '
    • 销量
    • ', '
    • 价格
    • ', '
    • 促销
    • ', "
    ", "
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    ES6 Promise 实践 Tips Pt.2 (升级现有代码)

    Tue, May 19, 2015


    在上一篇 (ES6 Promise 实践 Tips Pt.1) 中, 我们总结了一些在使用ES6 Promise模型进行编程时的注意事项,但多面向基于promise实例方法来编写异步流程的场景。现在我们回过头来关注如何改造现有需要传入回调函数来实现异步执行的功能代码,使其返回promise对象实例。


    由于JavaScript中没有线程模型,为了在执行需要耗时较久的任务(比如网络请求和动画)时不阻塞后续逻辑或失去对用户操作的反馈,我们一般的做法是指定一个回调函数,让需要长时间执行的任务在状态发生变化时调用以便获取任务执行结果(比如XMLHttpRequest对象实例上的onreadystatechange方法 ,或正在执行动画的DOM元素上的transitionend事件触发函数)。


    function massiveTask(requirement , successCB, errorCB){
         console.log("begin working on :" + requirement);
            var result = requirement + "done";
            successCB && successCB(result);
            } catch (err){
            errorCB && errorCB(err);                    
    // massiveTask 调用见下文

    如果我们现在需要把上面的代码改造为支持 ES6 Promise ,我们该怎么做呢?


    在大多数介绍 ES6 Promise 的文章中或例子中,都会把业务逻辑封装为Promise构造函数所需要的参数, 例如下面这样

    function massiveTask(requirement){
        var p = new Promise(function(resolve,reject){
            console.log("begin working on :" + requirement);
                var result = requirement + "  done";
               }catch (err){
                reject( err);           
        return p;

    这里特别需要注意的是, Promise 构造函数所需要的参数的类型是一个有两个参数的函数 , 这两个参数又分别是用来传递结果和用来报告错误的的函数.


    • 对异常情况的处理
    • 对传统callback回调函数风格的支持.
    • 在不支持Promise环境的环境运行不能报错.


    function massiveTask(requirement ,successCB, errorCB){
        var DummyPromise = function( func ){
        var P = window.Promise || DummyPromise;
        var p = new P(function(resolve,reject){
            console.log("begin working on :" + requirement);
                var result = requirement + "  done";
                successCB && successCB(result);            
                resolve && resolve(result);
            } catch (err){
                errorCB && errorCB(err);            
                reject && reject(err);
        return  window.Promise ? p ; null ;

    在进行了如上改造后, 我们就既能以传统 callback 函数方式调用

    massiveTask("earn 100 million",
                    console.log("i need report");
                    console.log(result) ;
                    console.log("good job");                
                    console.log("WTF?  you are been fired ");                

    也能用 promise 方式调用

    var workResult = massiveTask("earn 100 million");
        console.log("i need report");
        console.log(result) ;
        console.log("good job");                
        console.log("WTF?  you are been fired ");

    如果是新写的代码或需要改造的逻辑比较简单,可以采用上面这种直观,完备的改造方法。 但如果需要改造的代码较为复杂,上面的方法就会暴露改造范围较大且引入多一层嵌套的问题,使得代码Review和后续维护都不易进行. 这种情况下,我们就要考虑用不同的方法来解决问题.


    认真观察上面经过改造过支持Promise的代码,我们能发现要支持Promise实际上最关键的只需要在支持Promise的环境中 (1.)创建并返回Promise对象. (2.)使用resolve和reject来传递结果或报告错误. 我们能不能以某种形式让这部分代码和我们待改造的代码分离呢? 比如如下这样:

    function massiveTask(requirement , successCB, errorCB){
        var promiseData = {promise: null,resolver: null,rejecter: null};
        if (!successCB && window.Promise){
          promiseData.promise = new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
            promiseData.resolver = resolve;
            promiseData.rejecter = reject;
        console.log("begin working on: " + requirement);
                var result = requirement + "  done";
                promiseData.promise && promiseData.resolver(result);        
                successCB && successCB(result);
            }catch (err){
                promiseData.promise && promiseData.rejecter( err);        
                errorCB && errorCB(err);            
        if ( promiseData.promise ){
            return promiseData.promise;

    虽然代码的行数稍微有些增长,但我们做到了最大程度的Promise支持与原有业务代码的分离. 在正常业务代码部分仅需在原本需要回调函数执行的位置增加一行利用提前存储起来的resolver来传递执行结果的代码即可。


    作为ES6引入新特性中被当前浏览器支持得较好,同时又能被较好的在老旧浏览器中被polyfill补全的重要特性, Promise已经获得了越来越广泛的使用, 如果你想给你手头的老旧代码带来新的活力,不妨现在就开始为她增加ES6 Promise支持。


    Tue, May 5, 2015



    在最近两年的前后端分离改造后,前端项目得以从整体Web项目中独立出来,有了更加自主的工作空间以应接业界不断提升的对交互体验的极致追求.同时,随着模块化,依赖管理,构建技术的引入,前端项目的开发流程和可改进优化空间也有了巨大的变更.很多以往多运用于服务端或客户端的软件开发技术和流程(编译优化,自动化测试,持续集成 etc..)现在也能逐步运用于前端项目.




    过去一年里,我们建立起了项目质量保证Checklist和代码CodeReview机制,今年应该延续,在此之外,为进一步提高项目质量,我们需要对 构建/发布流程;自动化测试;项目工程文档进行改进和完善.


    • 更深入的了解学习 Npm,Grunt/Gulp ,规范化npm package描述和Grunt/Gulp脚本,尝试把HTML中引入的库在npm package 依赖中有所体现.
    • 构建过程覆盖完整, 托管于AWP/MT的HTML应该由构建过程生成.
    • 发布过程应该更加自动化,尽量的避免重复的粘贴与手工修改.


    • 对于现成业务,应该尝试使用BDD对关键业务流程进行覆盖.
    • 对于新业务,时间允许的情况下应该尝试对关键模块编写TDD用例.
    • 尝试把测试用例接入Gitlab持续集成过程,避免测试腐化.


    • 对项目代码组织方式,关键模块需要有记录并及时更新.
    • 对项目运行环境(测试,预发,正式)以及正常访问所需URL Schema需要有记录并及时更新.
    • 对项目配置项及修改入口需要有记录.




    • 首次加载时的请求数.
    • 所需下载的静态资源体积.
    • 在可测量环境中(Chrome/PhantomJS)执行完主要业务流程的内存占用.
    • 在可测量环境中执行关键交互时的帧率.


    平台化是本财年大部门对技术团队的重要目标. 对应到我们团队,我们手头的众多项目天然就是作为支撑无线淘宝及兄弟团队业务的基础平台存在.在这个基础之上,我们没有理由不朝这个目标尽量前进一些.对这个目标的细化,我目前想到如下一些:

    • 优化整个的访问体验,准备兼容新的移动平台.
    • 尝试从工程上把业务逻辑和UI/UE界面分离, 在改善工程质量的同时让基础业务做好更好服务其他团队和产品的准备.
    • 尝试把分离后的核心业务逻辑模块作为SDK完善和推广.

    综上, 项目质量改进,可度量的优化,平台化与SDK 这三项是我认为本财年我们团队在支持好业务方之外值得共同努力的方向.

    Learn To FE AutoTest

    Mon, Apr 27, 2015


    前端自动测试在强调快速完成速度的环境常常不能获得足够支持,以至大家在这个领域实践较少.但随着业务环境的变化和技术的发展,这种情况会发生变化. 以下是我又一次实践前端自动测试的总结,希望能对大家进行尝试时有所帮助.


    • TDD: Test Driven Development ,用测试代码来固化需求,针对测试代码编写实现代码,再重构实现代码的一种开发方法论.

    • BDD: Behaviour Driven Development ,相对TDD侧重模块API,BDD更加注重业务描述,追求基于用户故事,由外及内和让测试用例更加贴近自然语言.

    受BDD的影响,出现了越来越接近自然语言的断言库 ,我们可以称他们BDD风格的断言库。虽然是BDD风格,但不妨碍我们用这样的断言库写TDD流程的测试.



    在浏览器里把测试框架和其他JavaScript脚本一并引入。测试结果直接显示在浏览器里。 这种方式比较直观,但不易于接入更为完整的工作流内。jasmine是当前这种类型测试框架里不错的选择.


    在Node环境运行,并以Node模块的方式加载测试用例,测试结果在终端显示. 如果是Node项目或者以Node模块组织代码的前端项目( 通过 browserify 提供给浏览器使用),这种类型的测试框架能最好的为你服务. 该类别中 Mocha 目前较为流行.

    基于Server / Client 结构的测试框架

    这种方式通过让浏览器接入一个Server,再由这个Server向接入的浏览器下发测试用例,让其同时兼备上面提到的两种类型的特点 (代码运行于浏览器,同时在终端获取测试结果)。这种方式在需要测试不同浏览器的JavaScript执行环境的情景特别适合,但部署比较麻烦。 Google系较旧的jsTestDriver 和伴随Angularjs发展起来的Karma和支付宝的totorojs 都是以这种思路实现的.

    我自己先后学习过jsTestDriver , jasmine 和 mocha.



    除了以TDD的思路从每一个模块,每一个函数这样从内及外的去测试我们的代码。我们也能从外到内的去测试我们的项目, 比如给定时间内你的页面是否如预期的渲染出来 ; 比如点击特定元素时,浏览器是否切换到了预期的URL ; 比如加载一份特定mock数据时,页面上是否渲染出了预期的内容.


    selenium是一套控制浏览器的强大工具, 我们可以利用它来进行浏览器行为测试。但selenium的设计意图是一套提供给专业测试人员的可视化IDE , 而不仅仅是能方便集成于开发工作流的测试框架,所以用起来会有一些不便。

    幸好有更好的选择 , PhantomJS 和CasperJS 。

    PhantomJS是剥离了显示部分的Webkit(headless webkit ), 和其他基于WebKit的浏览器不同, PhantomJS没有提供哪怕最简单的UI界面,但提供了一套控制WebKit的 API . 我们可以利用它的API加载任意URL,然后像在Chrome控制台中一样对页面进行探知或执行代码获取结果.

    CasperJS是在PhantomJS之上的抽象层,它包裹了PhantomJS的底层方法,以更高级,更方便开发者使用的API暴露出来. 通过CasperJS我们可以更直观的编写浏览器控制代码,触发事件,探测页面DOM结构。

    好上加好的是, 我们还能结合CasperJS 和 Mocha 。利用mocha-casperjs 我们可以用Mocha作为框架,定义我们项目在特定行为发生时应该具备的表现. 然后在用例里以CasperJS来重现特定行为,并判断表现是否符合预期。


     it('Test Demo From H5 Detail', function() {
          casper.start(TEST_TARGET_URL);    //打开特定URL
          return casper.waitFor(function() {  //直到传入函数返回True
            return this.exists('#J_detail_main');
          }, function() {
            var itemTitle;
            itemTitle = this.fetchText('.dtif-h');
            return expect(itemTitle)'string');
          }, function() {
            return this.echo('页面未能加载出商品信息', 'ERROR');
          }, 1000); // 1s 超时阈值



    it('Another Test Demo From H5 Detail', function() {
        return casper.waitFor(function() {  
            return this.exists('#J_detail_main');
          }, function() {      
            this.mouseEvent('click', '.dt-sku'); //模拟点击
            return casper.wait(700, function() {
              var targetClass;
              targetClass = this.getElementAttribute('.dgsc-pc i:nth-child(1)', 'class');


    得益于Mocha在Node环境中非常好的可集成性, 我们可以把Mocha和现有的 Grunt / Gulp 构建流程整合在一起,在每一次构建,准备发布时为我们的项目增加一重或许能避免重大事故的保障。

    ES6 Promise 实践 Tips Pt.1

    Mon, Apr 13, 2015

    Promises是一种成熟的异步编程模型, 它把程序中的特定后续状态抽象为Promise对象实例,让我们可以方便的对该未来状态进行编程. 在JavaScript世界中,Promises模型有着众多的实现. 虽然是同样或相似的思想,但每一种实现都会有一套自己的API或术语,这种分裂状态让我们对Promises的学习增添了不少困扰.

    已经被各浏览器广泛实现的ECMAScript6中对Promise模型进行了精简 , 同时ES6 Promise模型也能在旧版本浏览器中被较好的模拟. 无论为了改善自己的异步编程技巧,还是使用基于ES6 Promise的新Web API(WebFont ,WebMidi)或是释放ES6 Generator的威力, 学习ES6 Promise都是必须的. ES6 Promise API大家可以通过MDN和es6.ruanyifeng.com学习,我在下面会整理一些自己学习/使用Promise过程中的最佳实践.


    Promise模型消解“callback hall”的功用已经被之前众多介绍Promise的文章进行了充分强调,这里不继续累述.在实践中除了该项好处之外,Promise模型在优化复杂控制流程,增强代码健壮性 这方面的作用对我们强调高可用性的电商系统也有着非常大的帮助. 从另一个角度看, ES6 Promise在出现异常时不会像jQuery Deferred 模型一样立即抛出异常,而是把Promise实例置为待Reject Handle状态,并向后传递.jQuery的策略有其优势,但这点上也提醒我们在使用ES6 Promise模型时应该更积极主动的思考异常策略,而不是等待最后调试时控制台抛出的大红叉.

    No.2拆解 then 链

    很多大牛在展示自己的Promise代码时喜欢用类似 .then().then().then().then()…… 这样的长长的then链来突出链式调用. 当其中每一步所需的业务逻辑简单或类似时,这种写法有其优势和美感.但当你的业务流程更为复杂或没有重复性时,这样的写法只会让你才出 “callback hall” 又入 “then hall”. ES6 Promise 模型中,无论是使用new或Promise.resolve ,Promise.reject构造实例,还是then或catch方法,你获得的都是另一个Promise对象实例.在编程时,你可以把每一次获得的Promise对象实例想象成未来的一个状态, 为每一个状态起一个能描述该状态的名字作为该Promise对象实例的变量名. 这样,你的Promise代码就能更清晰整洁,同时方便后续更细粒度的封装.

    No.3使用catch来分离 resolve handler 和 reject handler

    ES6 Promise的API几乎是所用Promise模型中最简单的( 构造函数之外,只有四个静态方法resolve,reject,all,race和两个实例方法then,catch ) ,而其中的catch方法实际上是 then(undefined, rejectHandlerFunc) 调用的语法糖 catch(func)的作用相等于在当前Promise对象实例上追加一次.then(undefined, func)调用 . 如此设计,可见API设计者对.catch 调用形式的重视.


    基于以上我们学到的then链拆解和catch使用技巧,我们可以如此这般来整理自己的ES6 Promise代码:

    var domReadyPromise = new Promise(function(resolve,reject){
        $(document).ready(function() {
    var requestPromise  = domReadyPromise.then(function(){
        return lib.mtop.request({ api: "", v: "1.0",data:"..."});
        throw new Error("mtop 请求错误");
    var parserPromise = requestPromise.then(function(reqRes) {
        return parse(reqResres);
        throw new Error("parser error");



    在ES6 Promise模型中, 异常会让then方法把Promise实例置为待RejectHandle处理,并向后传递.就是说整个then链或拆解后的then链中的每次catch调用都有机会处理之前任意步骤时出现的异常. 同时,如任意 .catch(rejectHandler) 或 .then(undefined, rejectHandler) 中没有把截获的异常继续抛出或抛出新的异常. 后续的promise链路将恢复到正常待ResolveHandler处理的状态. 这样,就为我们提供了从异常中恢复的便捷途径:

    var requestPromise  = domReadyPromise.then(function(){
        return lib.mtop.request({ api: "", v: "1.0",data:"..."});
        console.error("mtop 请求错误");
        var defaultData = {.....};
        return defaultData;
    var parserPromise = requestPromise.then(....);



    • 我目前在分析中的一个ES6 Promise polyfill

    • 支持ES6 Promise的mtop (仅供测试,下个版本的lib-mtop将正式支持ES6 Promise )


    • 对jQuery Promise 模型的吐槽
    • jQuery 开发者的观点
