vue-i18n 国际化_使用静态分析管理vue-i18n本地化

vue-i18n 国际化

vue-i18n提取 (vue-i18n-extract)

vue-i18n-extract is built to work with your Vue.js projects using vue-i18n. When run vue-18n-extract analyses your Vue.js source code for any vue-i18n key usages (ex. $t(''), $tc(''), ...) as well as your language files (ex. de_DE.js, en_EN.json, ...), in order to:

vue-i18n-extract用于与使用vue-i18n的Vue.js项目一起使用。 运行vue-18n-extract时,将分析您的Vue.js源代码中是否有任何vue-i18n键用法(例如$ t(''),$ tc(''),...)以及语言文件(例如。de_DE.js,en_EN.json,...),以便:

  • [x] I18NReport keys that are missing in the language files.


  • [x] I18NReport unused keys in the language files.

    [x] I18NReport语言文件中未使用的键。

:rocket:入门 (:rocket: Getting Started)

Install vue-i18n-extract using Yarn


yarn add --dev vue-i18n-extract



npm install --save-dev vue-i18n-extract

Note: vue-i18n-extract documentation uses yarn commands, but npm will also work. You can compare yarn and npm commands in the yarn docs, here.

注意: vue-i18n-extract文档使用yarn
