


    • 一. 全文总结
    • 二. 研究方法
    • 三. 结论
    • 四. 创新点
    • 五. 思考
    • 六. 参考文献
    • 七. Pytorch实现⭐
      • util(工具函数)
      • Model
      • Load Data
      • Train
      • Test

一. 全文总结


二. 研究方法

  1. 首先假设预测数据的分布情况,例如对于连续数据假设其分布为高斯分布,对于计数数据假设其为负二项分布,针对其他类型数据有其对应的分布。


  1. 提出了一种用于概率预测的RNN架构,预测预测值分布的参数,通过最小化负对数似然函数来更新模型参数。

值得注意的是,在实验时由于编码器模型与解码器相同,在计算损失时包括了训练的历史序列,即 t 0 t_0 t0=0。

  1. 针对多时序尺度不一致的问题,引入尺度因子来调节尺度;针对不同尺度的时序数量不一致的问题,基于尺度因子在训练时进行非均匀采样

模型的预测性能如下表所示,三个数据集均为计数数据(positive count-valued),采用负二项分布的假设是更准确的,因此rnn-gaussian性能很差。rnn-negbin和DeepAR的差别就是有没有采用尺度因子和非均匀采样,可以看到在数据中没有scale-gap的数据集中二者的性能相近,在scale-gap数据集中DeepAR性能最优。

三. 结论


四. 创新点

  1. 与传统RNN相比,本文预测每个时间点的概率分布参数从而获得每个时间点的概率密度函数,通过极大似然的方法来优化模型参数。
  2. DeepAR以蒙特卡罗样本的形式进行概率预测,该样本可用于计算预测视界内所有子范围的一致分位数估计
  3. 对于多时序尺度不一致的问题,传统的方法是在数据预处理时标准化或者分组预测,本文采用引入尺度因子非均匀加权采样的方法来解决这个问题。
  4. 支持直接输入多重时间序列,并且可以通过Embedding层来学习同类时间序列的共性,方便处理海量时间序列,并且能够处理序列中存在缺失值时的预测问题。

五. 思考


六. 参考文献

  1. DeepAR:自回归循环网络进行时序概率进行预测
  2. 【时序】DeepAR 概率预测模型论文笔记
  3. [论文精读] DeepAR:使用自回归RNN预测时序概率分布⭐

七. Pytorch实现⭐


import torch 
from torch import nn
import torch.nn.functional as F 
from torch.optim import Adam

import numpy as np
import math
import os
import random
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pickle
from tqdm import tqdm
import pandas as pd
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler
from datetime import date
import argparse
from progressbar import *


def get_data_path():
    folder = os.path.dirname(__file__)
    return os.path.join(folder, "data")

def RSE(ypred, ytrue):
    rse = np.sqrt(np.square(ypred - ytrue).sum()) / \
            np.sqrt(np.square(ytrue - ytrue.mean()).sum())
    return rse

def quantile_loss(ytrue, ypred, qs):
    Quantile loss version 2
    ytrue (batch_size, output_horizon)
    ypred (batch_size, output_horizon, num_quantiles)
    L = np.zeros_like(ytrue)
    for i, q in enumerate(qs):
        yq = ypred[:, :, i]
        diff = yq - ytrue
        L += np.max(q * diff, (q - 1) * diff)
    return L.mean()

def SMAPE(ytrue, ypred):
    ytrue = np.array(ytrue).ravel()
    ypred = np.array(ypred).ravel() + 1e-4
    mean_y = (ytrue + ypred) / 2.
    return np.mean(np.abs((ytrue - ypred) \
        / mean_y))

def MAPE(ytrue, ypred):
    ytrue = np.array(ytrue).ravel() + 1e-4
    ypred = np.array(ypred).ravel()
    return np.mean(np.abs((ytrue - ypred) \
        / ytrue))

def train_test_split(X, y, train_ratio=0.7):
    - X (array like): shape (num_samples, num_periods, num_features)
    - y (array like): shape (num_samples, num_periods)
    num_ts, num_periods, num_features = X.shape
    train_periods = int(num_periods * train_ratio)
    Xtr = X[:, :train_periods, :]
    ytr = y[:, :train_periods]
    Xte = X[:, train_periods:, :]
    yte = y[:, train_periods:]
    return Xtr, ytr, Xte, yte

class StandardScaler:
    def fit_transform(self, y):
        self.mean = np.mean(y)
        self.std = np.std(y) + 1e-4
        return (y - self.mean) / self.std
    def inverse_transform(self, y):
        return y * self.std + self.mean

    def transform(self, y):
        return (y - self.mean) / self.std

class MaxScaler:

    def fit_transform(self, y):
        self.max = np.max(y)
        return y / self.max
    def inverse_transform(self, y):
        return y * self.max

    def transform(self, y):
        return y / self.max

class MeanScaler:
    def fit_transform(self, y):
        self.mean = np.mean(y)
        return y / self.mean
    def inverse_transform(self, y):
        return y * self.mean

    def transform(self, y):
        return y / self.mean

class LogScaler:

    def fit_transform(self, y):
        return np.log1p(y)
    def inverse_transform(self, y):
        return np.expm1(y)

    def transform(self, y):
        return np.log1p(y)

def gaussian_likelihood_loss(z, mu, sigma):
    Gaussian Liklihood Loss
    z (tensor): true observations, shape (num_ts, num_periods)
    mu (tensor): mean, shape (num_ts, num_periods)
    sigma (tensor): standard deviation, shape (num_ts, num_periods)
    (2 pi sigma^2)^(-1/2) exp(-(z - mu)^2 / (2 sigma^2))
    log likelihood:
    -1/2 * (log (2 pi) + 2 * log (sigma)) - (z - mu)^2 / (2 sigma^2)
    negative_likelihood = torch.log(sigma + 1) + (z - mu) ** 2 / (2 * sigma ** 2) + 6
    return negative_likelihood.mean()

def negative_binomial_loss(ytrue, mu, alpha):
    Negative Binomial Sample
    ytrue (array like)
    mu (array like)
    alpha (array like)
    maximuze log l_{nb} = log Gamma(z + 1/alpha) - log Gamma(z + 1) - log Gamma(1 / alpha)
                - 1 / alpha * log (1 + alpha * mu) + z * log (alpha * mu / (1 + alpha * mu))
    minimize loss = - log l_{nb}
    Note: torch.lgamma: log Gamma function
    batch_size, seq_len = ytrue.size()
    likelihood = torch.lgamma(ytrue + 1. / alpha) - torch.lgamma(ytrue + 1) - torch.lgamma(1. / alpha) \
        - 1. / alpha * torch.log(1 + alpha * mu) \
        + ytrue * torch.log(alpha * mu / (1 + alpha * mu))
    return - likelihood.mean()

def batch_generator(X, y, num_obs_to_train, seq_len, batch_size):
    X (array like): shape (num_samples, train_periods, num_features)
    y (array like): shape (num_samples, train_periods)
    num_obs_to_train (int): 训练的历史窗口长度
    seq_len (int): sequence/encoder/decoder length
    batch_size (int)
    num_ts, num_periods, _ = X.shape
    if num_ts < batch_size:
        batch_size = num_ts
    t = random.choice(range(num_obs_to_train, num_periods-seq_len)) # 从num_obs_to_train和num_periods-seq_len-1之间随机选一个整数,作为预测点
    batch = random.sample(range(num_ts), batch_size) # 从num_ts条数据中随机选择batch_size条
    X_train_batch = X[batch, t-num_obs_to_train:t, :] # (batch_size, num_obs_to_train, num_features)
    y_train_batch = y[batch, t-num_obs_to_train:t] # (batch_size, num_obs_to_train)
    Xf = X[batch, t:t+seq_len, :] # (batch_size, seq_len, num_features)
    yf = y[batch, t:t+seq_len] # (batch_size, seq_len)
    return X_train_batch, y_train_batch, Xf, yf


class Gaussian(nn.Module):

    def __init__(self, hidden_size, output_size):
        Gaussian Likelihood Supports Continuous Data
        input_size (int): hidden h_{i,t} column size
        output_size (int): embedding size
        super(Gaussian, self).__init__()
        self.mu_layer = nn.Linear(hidden_size, output_size)
        self.sigma_layer = nn.Linear(hidden_size, output_size)

        # initialize weights
        # nn.init.xavier_uniform_(self.mu_layer.weight)
        # nn.init.xavier_uniform_(self.sigma_layer.weight)
    def forward(self, h): # h为神经网络隐藏层输出 (batch, hidden_size)
        _, hidden_size = h.size()
        sigma_t = torch.log(1 + torch.exp(self.sigma_layer(h))) + 1e-6
        mu_t = self.mu_layer(h)
        return mu_t, sigma_t # (batch, output_size)

class NegativeBinomial(nn.Module):

    def __init__(self, input_size, output_size):
        Negative Binomial Supports Positive Count Data
        input_size (int): hidden h_{i,t} column size
        output_size (int): embedding size
        super(NegativeBinomial, self).__init__()
        self.mu_layer = nn.Linear(input_size, output_size)
        self.sigma_layer = nn.Linear(input_size, output_size)
    def forward(self, h): # h为神经网络隐藏层输出 (batch, hidden_size)
        _, hidden_size = h.size()
        alpha_t = torch.log(1 + torch.exp(self.sigma_layer(h))) + 1e-6
        mu_t = torch.log(1 + torch.exp(self.mu_layer(h)))
        return mu_t, alpha_t # (batch, output_size)

def gaussian_sample(mu, sigma):
    Gaussian Sample
    ytrue (array like)
    mu (array like) # (num_ts, 1)
    sigma (array like): standard deviation # (num_ts, 1)
    gaussian maximum likelihood using log 
        l_{G} (z|mu, sigma) = (2 * pi * sigma^2)^(-0.5) * exp(- (z - mu)^2 / (2 * sigma^2))
    # likelihood = (2 * np.pi * sigma ** 2) ** (-0.5) * \
    #         torch.exp((- (ytrue - mu) ** 2) / (2 * sigma ** 2))
    # return likelihood
    gaussian = torch.distributions.normal.Normal(mu, sigma)
    ypred = gaussian.sample()
    return ypred # (num_ts, 1)

def negative_binomial_sample(mu, alpha):
    Negative Binomial Sample
    ytrue (array like)
    mu (array like)
    alpha (array like)
    maximuze log l_{nb} = log Gamma(z + 1/alpha) - log Gamma(z + 1) - log Gamma(1 / alpha)
                - 1 / alpha * log (1 + alpha * mu) + z * log (alpha * mu / (1 + alpha * mu))
    minimize loss = - log l_{nb}
    Note: torch.lgamma: log Gamma function
    var = mu + mu * mu * alpha
    ypred = mu + torch.randn() * torch.sqrt(var)
    return ypred
class DeepAR(nn.Module):

    def __init__(self, input_size, embedding_size, hidden_size, num_layers, lr=1e-3, likelihood="g"):
        super(DeepAR, self).__init__()

        # network
        self.input_embed = nn.Linear(1, embedding_size)
        self.encoder = nn.LSTM(embedding_size+input_size, hidden_size, \
                num_layers, bias=True, batch_first=True)
        if likelihood == "g":
            self.likelihood_layer = Gaussian(hidden_size, 1)
        elif likelihood == "nb":
            self.likelihood_layer = NegativeBinomial(hidden_size, 1)
        self.likelihood = likelihood
    def forward(self, X, y, Xf):
        num_time_series = batch_size
        X (array like): shape (num_time_series, num_obs_to_train, num_features)
        y (array like): shape (num_time_series, num_obs_to_train)
        Xf (array like): shape (num_time_series, seq_len, num_features)
        mu (array like): shape (num_time_series, num_obs_to_train + seq_len)
        sigma (array like): shape (num_time_series, num_obs_to_train + seq_len)
        if isinstance(X, type(np.empty(2))): # 转换为tensor
            X = torch.from_numpy(X).float()
            y = torch.from_numpy(y).float()
            Xf = torch.from_numpy(Xf).float()
        num_ts, num_obs_to_train, _ = X.size()
        _, seq_len, num_features = Xf.size()
        ynext = None
        ypred = []
        mus = []
        sigmas = []
        h, c = None, None
        # 遍历所有时间点
        for s in range(num_obs_to_train + seq_len): # num_obs_to_train为历史序列长度,seq_len为预测长度
            if s < num_obs_to_train: # Encoder,ynext为真实值
                if s == 0: ynext = torch.zeros((num_ts,1)).to(device)
                else: ynext = y[:, s-1].view(-1, 1) # (num_ts,1) # 取上一时刻的真实值
                yembed = self.input_embed(ynext).view(num_ts, -1) # (num_ts,embedding_size)
                x = X[:, s, :].view(num_ts, -1) # (num_ts,num_features)
            else: # Decoder,ynext为预测值
                if s == num_obs_to_train: ynext = y[:, s-1].view(-1, 1) # (num_ts,1) # 预测的第一个时间点取上一时刻的真实值
                yembed = self.input_embed(ynext).view(num_ts, -1) # (num_ts,embedding_size)
                x = Xf[:, s-num_obs_to_train, :].view(num_ts, -1) # (num_ts,num_features)
            x = torch.cat([x, yembed], dim=1) # (num_ts, num_features + embedding)
            inp = x.unsqueeze(1) # (num_ts,1, num_features + embedding)
            if h is None and c is None:
                out, (h, c) = self.encoder(inp) # h size (num_layers, num_ts, hidden_size)
                out, (h, c) = self.encoder(inp, (h, c))
            hs = h[-1, :, :] # (num_ts, hidden_size)
            hs = F.relu(hs) # (num_ts, hidden_size)
            mu, sigma = self.likelihood_layer(hs)  # (num_ts, 1)
            mus.append(mu.view(-1, 1))
            sigmas.append(sigma.view(-1, 1))
            if self.likelihood == "g":
                ynext = gaussian_sample(mu, sigma) #(num_ts, 1)
            elif self.likelihood == "nb":
                alpha_t = sigma
                mu_t = mu
                ynext = negative_binomial_sample(mu_t, alpha_t) #(num_ts, 1)
            # if without true value, use prediction
            if s >= num_obs_to_train and s < num_obs_to_train + seq_len: #在预测区间内
        ypred = torch.cat(ypred, dim=1).view(num_ts, -1) #(num_ts, seq_len)
        mu = torch.cat(mus, dim=1).view(num_ts, -1) #(num_ts, num_obs_to_train + seq_len)
        sigma = torch.cat(sigmas, dim=1).view(num_ts, -1) #(num_ts, num_obs_to_train + seq_len)
        return ypred, mu, sigma

Load Data

num_epoches = 100
step_per_epoch = 3 #在一个epoch中,从训练集中提取step_per_epoch次训练数据
lr = 1e-3
n_layers = 1
hidden_size = 50
embedding_size = 10 #将上一时刻的真实值编码为embedding_size长度
likelihood = "g"
seq_len = 60 #预测的未来窗口长度
num_obs_to_train = 168  #训练的历史窗口长度
num_results_to_sample = 10
show_plot = True
run_test = True
standard_scaler = True
log_scaler = False
mean_scaler = False
batch_size = 64
sample_size = 100

device=torch.device("cuda:0" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu")
# 读取数据
data = pd.read_csv("LD_MT200_hour.csv", parse_dates=["date"])
data["year"] = data["date"].apply(lambda x: x.year)
data["day_of_week"] = data["date"].apply(lambda x: x.dayofweek)
data = data.loc[(data["date"].dt.date >= date(2014, 1, 1)) & (data["date"].dt.date <= date(2014, 3, 1))]
plt.figure(figsize=(16, 4)) 


# 数据预处理
features = ["hour", "day_of_week"]
# hours = pd.get_dummies(data["hour"])
# dows = pd.get_dummies(data["day_of_week"])
years = data["year"]
hours = data["hour"]
dows = data["day_of_week"]
# MT_200 = data["MT_200"]
# yscaler = StandardScaler()
# MT_200 = yscaler.fit_transform(MT_200)
X = np.c_[np.asarray(hours),np.asarray(dows)] #X:(len,features)
num_features = X.shape[1]
num_periods = len(data)
X = np.asarray(X).reshape((-1, num_periods, num_features))
y = np.asarray(data["MT_200"]).reshape((-1, num_periods))
print("X_shape=",X.shape) # (series_num,len,features_num)
print("y_shape=",y.shape) # (series_num,len)
# X = np.tile(X, (10, 1, 1))
# y = np.tile(y, (10, 1))

X_shape= (1, 1440, 2)
y_shape= (1, 1440)
# 滑动窗口
def sliding_window(DataSet, width, multi_vector = True): #DataSet has to be as an Array
    if multi_vector: #三维 (num_samples,length,features)
        num_samples,length,features = DataSet.shape
    else: #二维 (num_samples,length)
        DataSet = DataSet[:,:,np.newaxis] #(num_samples,length,1)
        num_samples,length,features = DataSet.shape

    x = DataSet[:,0:width,:] #(num_samples,width,features)
    x = x[np.newaxis,:,:,:] #(1,num_samples,width,features)
    for i in range(length - width):
        i += 1
        tmp = DataSet[:,i:i + width,:]#(num_samples,width,features)
        tmp = tmp[np.newaxis,:,:,:] #(1,num_samples,width,features)
        x = np.concatenate([x,tmp],0) #(i+1,num_samples,width,features)
    return x
width = num_obs_to_train + seq_len 
X_data = sliding_window(X, width, multi_vector = True) #(len-width+1,num_samples,width,features)
Y_data = sliding_window(y, width, multi_vector = False) #(len-width+1,num_samples,width,1)
# 取其中一类序列
i = 0
X_data = X_data[:,i,:,:]
Y_data = Y_data[:,i,:,0]

x的维度为: (1213, 1, 228, 2)
y的维度为: (1213, 1, 228, 1)
x的维度为: (1213, 228, 2)
y的维度为: (1213, 228)
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split

Xtr, Xte, ytr, yte = train_test_split(X_data, Y_data, 

X_train:(849, 228, 2),y_train:(849, 228)
X_test:(364, 228, 2),y_test:(364, 228)
# 标准化
yscaler = None
if standard_scaler:
    yscaler = StandardScaler()
elif log_scaler:
    yscaler = LogScaler()
elif mean_scaler:
    yscaler = MeanScaler()
if yscaler is not None:
    ytr = yscaler.fit_transform(ytr)
Xtr=torch.as_tensor(torch.from_numpy(Xtr), dtype=torch.float32)
Xte=torch.as_tensor(torch.from_numpy(Xte), dtype=torch.float32)

train_dataset=torch.utils.data.TensorDataset(Xtr,ytr) #训练集dataset



  • X (array like): shape (num_samples, num_periods, num_features)
  • y (array like): shape (num_samples, num_periods)
  • epochs (int): number of epochs to run
  • step_per_epoch (int): steps per epoch to run
  • num_obs_to_train (int): The length of the history window for training
  • seq_len (int): output horizon
  • likelihood (str): what type of likelihood to use, default is gaussian
  • num_skus_to_show (int): how many skus to show in test phase
  • num_results_to_sample (int): how many samples in test phase as prediction
# 定义模型和优化器
num_ts, num_periods, num_features = X.shape
model = DeepAR(num_features, embedding_size, 
    hidden_size, n_layers, lr, likelihood).to(device)
optimizer = Adam(model.parameters(), lr=lr)

losses = []
cnt = 0    
# training
progress = ProgressBar()
for epoch in progress(range(num_epoches)):
#     print("Epoch {} starts...".format(epoch))
    for x,y in train_Loader:
        x = x.to(device) # (batch_size, num_obs_to_train+seq_len, num_features) 
        y = y.to(device) # (batch_size, num_obs_to_train+seq_len)
        Xtrain = x[:,:num_obs_to_train,:].float() # (batch_size, num_obs_to_train, num_features)
        ytrain = y[:,:num_obs_to_train].float() # (batch_size, num_obs_to_train)
        Xf = x[:,-seq_len:,:].float() # (batch_size, seq_len, num_features)
        yf = y[:,-seq_len:].float() # (batch_size, seq_len)             
        ypred, mu, sigma = model(Xtrain, ytrain, Xf) # ypred:(batch_size, seq_len), mu&sigma:(batch_size, num_obs_to_train + seq_len)
        # ypred_rho = ypred
        # e = ypred_rho - yf
        # loss = torch.max(rho * e, (rho - 1) * e).mean()
        ## gaussian loss       
        ytrain = torch.cat([ytrain, yf], dim=1) # (batch_size, num_obs_to_train+seq_len) 
        if likelihood == "g":
            loss = gaussian_likelihood_loss(ytrain, mu, sigma)
        elif likelihood == "nb":
            loss = negative_binomial_loss(ytrain, mu, sigma)
        cnt += 1
# 绘制loss
if show_plot:
    plt.plot(range(len(losses)), losses, "k-")



# test 
X_test_sample = Xte[:,:,:].reshape(-1,num_obs_to_train+seq_len,num_features).to(device) # (num_samples, num_obs_to_train+seq_len, num_features)
y_test_sample = yte[:,:].reshape(-1,num_obs_to_train+seq_len).to(device) # (num_samples, num_obs_to_train+seq_len)

X_test = X_test_sample[:,:num_obs_to_train,:] # (num_samples, num_obs_to_train, num_features)
Xf_test = X_test_sample[:, -seq_len:, :] # (num_samples, seq_len, num_features)
y_test = y_test_sample[:, :num_obs_to_train] # (num_samples, num_obs_to_train)
yf_test = y_test_sample[:, -seq_len:] # (num_samples, seq_len)
if yscaler is not None:
    y_test = yscaler.transform(y_test)
result = []
n_samples = sample_size # 采样个数
for _ in tqdm(range(n_samples)):
    y_pred, _, _ = model(X_test, y_test, Xf_test) # ypred:(num_samples, seq_len)
    y_pred = y_pred.cpu().numpy()
    if yscaler is not None:
        y_pred = yscaler.inverse_transform(y_pred)
    result.append(y_pred[:,:,np.newaxis]) # y_pred[:,:,np.newaxis]:(num_samples, seq_len,1)
#     result.append(y_pred.reshape((-1, 1)))

result = np.concatenate(result, axis=2) # (num_samples, seq_len, n_samples)
p50 = np.quantile(result, 0.5, axis=2) # (num_samples, seq_len)
p90 = np.quantile(result, 0.9, axis=2) # (num_samples, seq_len)
p10 = np.quantile(result, 0.1, axis=2) # (num_samples, seq_len)


i = -1 #选取其中一条序列进行可视化
if show_plot: # 序列总长度为:历史窗口长度(num_obs_to_train)+预测长度(seq_len)
    plt.figure(1, figsize=(20, 5))
    plt.plot([k + seq_len + num_obs_to_train - seq_len for k in range(seq_len)], p50[i,:], "r-") # 绘制50%分位数曲线
    # 绘制10%-90%分位数阴影
    plt.fill_between(x=[k + seq_len + num_obs_to_train - seq_len for k in range(seq_len)], y1=p10[i,:], y2=p90[i,:], alpha=0.5)
    plt.title('Prediction uncertainty')
    yplot = y_test_sample[i,:].cpu() #真实值 (1, seq_len+num_obs_to_train)
    plt.plot(range(len(yplot)), yplot, "k-")
    plt.legend(["P50 forecast", "P10-P90 quantile", "true"], loc="upper left")
    ymin, ymax = plt.ylim()
    plt.vlines(seq_len + num_obs_to_train - seq_len, ymin, ymax, color="blue", linestyles="dashed", linewidth=2)
    plt.ylim(ymin, ymax)


pred_up  = p90[:,:].reshape(-1,seq_len) #(num_samples,seq_len)
pred_mid = p50[:,:].reshape(-1,seq_len) #(num_samples,seq_len)
pred_low = p10[:,:].reshape(-1,seq_len) #(num_samples,seq_len)
true = yf_test.cpu().detach().numpy()[:,:].reshape(-1,seq_len) #(num_samples,seq_len)
test_samples, seq_len = true.shape
u = 0.9-0.1

# 1. PICP(PI coverage probability) 要求大于等于区间分位数
PICP = 0
for i in range(test_samples):
    count = 0
    for j in range(seq_len):
        if true[i,j] > pred_low[i,j] and true[i,j] < pred_up[i,j]:
            count += 1
    picp = count / seq_len
    PICP += picp
PICP = PICP / test_samples

# 2. PINAW(PI normalized averaged width) 用于定义区间的狭窄程度,在保证准确性的前提下越小越好
for i in range(test_samples):
    width = 0
    true_max = np.max(true[i,:])
    true_min = np.min(true[i,:])
    for j in range(seq_len):
        width += (pred_up[i,j]-pred_low[i,j])
    width /= seq_len
    pinaw = (width / (true_max-true_min))
    PINAW += pinaw
PINAW = PINAW / test_samples

# 3. CWC(coverage width-based criterion) 综合考虑区间覆盖率和狭窄程度, 越小越好
g = 90 #取值在50-100
error = math.exp(-g * (PICP - u))
if PICP >= u: 
    r = 0
    r = 1
CWC = PINAW * (1 + r * error)

# 4. CRPS(continuous ranked probability score) 综合评价指标,量化一个连续概率分布(理论值)与确定性观测样本(真实值)间的差异,可视为平均绝对误差(MAE)在连续概率分布上的推广
# https://avoid.overfit.cn/post/302f7305a414449a9eb2cfa628d15853
def crps(y_true, y_pred, sample_weight=None):
    num_samples = y_pred.shape[0]
    absolute_error = np.mean(np.abs(y_pred - y_true), axis=0)
    if num_samples == 1:
        return np.average(absolute_error, weights=sample_weight)
    y_pred = np.sort(y_pred, axis=0) #(3,60)
    diff = y_pred[1:] - y_pred[:-1] #一阶差分
    weight = np.arange(1, num_samples) * np.arange(num_samples - 1, 0, -1)
    weight = np.expand_dims(weight, -1)
    per_obs_crps = absolute_error - np.sum(diff * weight, axis=0) / num_samples**2
    return np.average(per_obs_crps, weights=sample_weight)
CRPS = 0
for i in range(test_samples):
    y_pred = np.concatenate([pred_up[i,None,:],pred_mid[i,None,:],pred_low[i,None,:]],axis=0) #(3,60)
    y_true = true[i,:] #(1,60)
    c = crps(y_true,y_pred)
    CRPS += c
CRPS = CRPS / test_samples

# 5. P50 quantile MAE 
MAE = 0 
for i in range(test_samples):
    error = 0
    for j in range(seq_len):
        error += np.abs(true[i,j]-pred_mid[i,j])
    mae = error / seq_len
    MAE += mae
MAE = MAE / test_samples
print("P50 quantile MAE:",MAE)

# 6. # P50 quantile MAPE
MAPe = 0
for i in range(test_samples):
    mape = MAPE(true[i,:], pred_mid[i,:])
    MAPe += mape
MAPe = MAPe / test_samples
print("P50 quantile MAPE: {}".format(MAPe))

PICP: 0.9852106227106228
PINAW: 0.23486948616378414
CWC: 0.23486948616378414
CRPS: 96.34482641472391
P50 quantile MAE: 86.1149369879084
P50 quantile MAPE: 0.034020405319259976
