System: Centos7.4
I:OpenVINO 的安装
II: 基于OpenVINO tensorflow 的model optimizer 参考(SSD部分)
python3.6 --input_model=/home/gsj/object-detection/test_models/ssd_inception_v2_coco_2018_01_28/frozen_inference_graph.pb --tensorflow_use_custom_operations_config /opt/intel/openvino_2019.2.201/deployment_tools/model_optimizer/extensions/front/tf/ssd_v2_support.json --tensorflow_object_detection_api_pipeline_config /home/gsj/object-detection/test_models/ssd_inception_v2_coco_2018_01_28/pipeline.config --reverse_input_channels --batch 32
main.cpp self_object_detection_engine_head.h
CMakeLists.txt self_object_detection.h
1. main.cpp
1 // Copyright (C) 2018-2019 Intel Corporation
2 // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
3 //
4 /*******************************************************************
5 * Copyright:2019-2030, CC
6 * File Name: Main.cpp
7 * Description: main function includes ObjectDetection,
8 * Initialize_Check, readInputimagesNames,
9 * load_inference_engine, readIRfiles,
10 * prepare_input_blobs, load_and_create_request,*
11 * prepare_input , process
12 *Author: Gao Shengjun
13 *Date: 2019-07-19
14 *******************************************************************/
15 #include
16 #include
17 #include <string>
18 #include
19 #include
20 #include
21 #include
2. self_object_detection_engine_head.h
1 /*******************************************************************
2 * Copyright:2019-2030, CC
3 * File Name: self_object_detection_engine_head.h
4 * Description: main function includes ObjectDetection,
5 * Initialize_Check, readInputimagesNames,
6 * load_inference_engine, readIRfiles,
7 * prepare_input_blobs, load_and_create_request,*
8 * prepare_input , process
9 *Author: Gao Shengjun
10 *Date: 2019-07-19
11 *******************************************************************/
15 #include "self_object_detection.h"
16 #include
17 #include
18 #include <string>
19 #include
20 #include
21 #include
22 #include
1 // Copyright (C) 2018-2019 Intel Corporation
2 // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
3 //
5 #pragma once
7 #include <string>
8 #include
9 #include
10 #include
12 /* thickness of a line (in pixels) to be used for bounding boxes */
13 #define BBOX_THICKNESS 2
15 /// @brief message for help argument
16 static const char help_message[] = "Print a usage message.";
18 /// @brief message for images argument
19 static const char image_message[] = "Required. Path to an .bmp image.";
21 /// @brief message for model argument
22 static const char model_message[] = "Required. Path to an .xml file with a trained model.";
24 /// @brief message for plugin argument
25 static const char plugin_message[] = "Plugin name. For example MKLDNNPlugin. If this parameter is pointed, " \
26 "the sample will look for this plugin only";
28 /// @brief message for assigning cnn calculation to device
29 static const char target_device_message[] = "Optional. Specify the target device to infer on (the list of available devices is shown below). " \
30 "Default value is CPU. Use \"-d HETERO:\" format to specify HETERO plugin. " \
31 "Sample will look for a suitable plugin for device specified";
33 /// @brief message for clDNN custom kernels desc
34 static const char custom_cldnn_message[] = "Required for GPU custom kernels. "\
35 "Absolute path to the .xml file with the kernels descriptions.";
37 /// @brief message for user library argument
38 static const char custom_cpu_library_message[] = "Required for CPU custom layers. " \
39 "Absolute path to a shared library with the kernels implementations.";
41 /// @brief message for plugin messages
42 static const char plugin_err_message[] = "Optional. Enables messages from a plugin";
44 /// @brief message for config argument
45 static constexpr char config_message[] = "Path to the configuration file. Default value: \"config\".";
47 /// \brief Define flag for showing help message
48 DEFINE_bool(h, false, help_message);
50 /// \brief Define parameter for set image file
51 /// It is a required parameter
52 DEFINE_string(i, "", image_message);
54 /// \brief Define parameter for set model file
55 /// It is a required parameter
56 DEFINE_string(m, "", model_message);
58 /// \brief device the target device to infer on
59 DEFINE_string(d, "CPU", target_device_message);
61 /// @brief Define parameter for clDNN custom kernels path
62 /// Default is ./lib
63 DEFINE_string(c, "", custom_cldnn_message);
65 /// @brief Absolute path to CPU library with user layers
66 /// It is a optional parameter
67 DEFINE_string(l, "", custom_cpu_library_message);
69 /// @brief Enable plugin messages
70 DEFINE_bool(p_msg, false, plugin_err_message);
72 /// @brief Define path to plugin config
73 DEFINE_string(config, "", config_message);
75 /**
76 * \brief This function show a help message
77 */
78 static void showUsage() {
79 std::cout << std::endl;
80 std::cout << "object_detection_sample_ssd [OPTION]" << std::endl;
81 std::cout << "Options:" << std::endl;
82 std::cout << std::endl;
83 std::cout << " -h " << help_message << std::endl;
84 std::cout << " -i \"\" " << image_message << std::endl;
85 std::cout << " -m \"\" " << model_message << std::endl;
86 std::cout << " -l \"\" " << custom_cpu_library_message << std::endl;
87 std::cout << " Or" << std::endl;
88 std::cout << " -c \"\" " << custom_cldnn_message << std::endl;
89 std::cout << " -d \"\" " << target_device_message << std::endl;
90 std::cout << " -p_msg " << plugin_err_message << std::endl;
91 }
IV: 编译
sh ./
V: Test
./self_object_detection -m /opt/intel/openvino_2019.2.201/deployment_tools/model_optimizer/./frozen_inference_graph.xml -d CPU -i /home/gsj/dataset/coco_val/val8
VI: result
[ INFO ] InferenceEngine:
API version ............ 2.0
Build .................. custom_releases/2019/R2_3044732e25bc7dfbd11a54be72e34d512862b2b3
Description ....... API
Parsing input parameters
[ INFO ] Files were added: 8
[ INFO ] /home/gsj/dataset/coco_val/val8/000000000785.jpg
[ INFO ] /home/gsj/dataset/coco_val/val8/000000000139.jpg
[ INFO ] /home/gsj/dataset/coco_val/val8/000000000724.jpg
[ INFO ] /home/gsj/dataset/coco_val/val8/000000000285.jpg
[ INFO ] /home/gsj/dataset/coco_val/val8/000000000802.jpg
[ INFO ] /home/gsj/dataset/coco_val/val8/000000000632.jpg
[ INFO ] /home/gsj/dataset/coco_val/val8/000000000872.jpg
[ INFO ] /home/gsj/dataset/coco_val/val8/000000000776.jpg
[ INFO ] Loading Inference Engine
[ INFO ] Device info:
MKLDNNPlugin version ......... 2.0
Build ........... 26451
[ INFO ] Loading network files:
[ INFO ] Loading network files:
[ INFO ] Preparing input blobs
[ INFO ] Batch size is 32
[ INFO ] Preparing output blobs
[ INFO ] Loading model to the device
[ INFO ] Create infer request
[ WARNING ] Image is resized from (640, 425) to (300, 300)
[ WARNING ] Image is resized from (640, 426) to (300, 300)
[ WARNING ] Image is resized from (375, 500) to (300, 300)
[ WARNING ] Image is resized from (586, 640) to (300, 300)
[ WARNING ] Image is resized from (424, 640) to (300, 300)
[ WARNING ] Image is resized from (640, 483) to (300, 300)
[ WARNING ] Image is resized from (621, 640) to (300, 300)
[ WARNING ] Image is resized from (428, 640) to (300, 300)
[ INFO ] Batch Size is 32
[ WARNING ] Number of images 8dosen't match batch size 32
[ WARNING ] Number of images to be processed is 8
[ INFO ] Start inference
[ INFO ] Processing output blobs
640--425 0.452099
[0,1] element, prob = 0.851202 (289,42)-(485,385) batch id : 0 WILL BE PRINTED!
[1,35] element, prob = 0.495117 (205,360)-(600,397) batch id : 0 WILL BE PRINTED!
[2,1] element, prob = 0.376695 (380,177)-(398,208) batch id : 1 WILL BE PRINTED!
[3,1] element, prob = 0.337178 (398,159)-(459,292) batch id : 1 WILL BE PRINTED!
[4,62] element, prob = 0.668834 (365,214)-(428,310) batch id : 1 WILL BE PRINTED!
[5,62] element, prob = 0.558071 (294,220)-(365,321) batch id : 1 WILL BE PRINTED!
[6,62] element, prob = 0.432652 (388,205)-(440,307) batch id : 1 WILL BE PRINTED!
[7,62] element, prob = 0.313619 (218,228)-(300,319) batch id : 1 WILL BE PRINTED!
[8,64] element, prob = 0.488229 (217,178)-(269,217) batch id : 1 WILL BE PRINTED!
[9,72] element, prob = 0.885867 (9,165)-(149,263) batch id : 1 WILL BE PRINTED!
[10,86] element, prob = 0.305516 (239,196)-(255,217) batch id : 1 WILL BE PRINTED!
[11,3] element, prob = 0.332538 (117,284)-(146,309) batch id : 2 WILL BE PRINTED!
[12,13] element, prob = 0.992781 (122,73)-(254,223) batch id : 2 WILL BE PRINTED!
[13,23] element, prob = 0.988277 (4,75)-(580,632) batch id : 3 WILL BE PRINTED!
[14,79] element, prob = 0.981469 (29,292)-(161,516) batch id : 4 WILL BE PRINTED!
[15,82] element, prob = 0.94848 (244,189)-(412,525) batch id : 4 WILL BE PRINTED!
[16,62] element, prob = 0.428106 (255,233)-(348,315) batch id : 5 WILL BE PRINTED!
[17,64] element, prob = 0.978832 (336,217)-(429,350) batch id : 5 WILL BE PRINTED!
[18,64] element, prob = 0.333557 (192,148)-(235,234) batch id : 5 WILL BE PRINTED!
[19,65] element, prob = 0.985633 (-5,270)-(404,477) batch id : 5 WILL BE PRINTED!
[20,84] element, prob = 0.882272 (461,246)-(472,288) batch id : 5 WILL BE PRINTED!
[21,84] element, prob = 0.874527 (494,192)-(503,223) batch id : 5 WILL BE PRINTED!
[22,84] element, prob = 0.850498 (482,247)-(500,285) batch id : 5 WILL BE PRINTED!
[23,84] element, prob = 0.844409 (461,296)-(469,335) batch id : 5 WILL BE PRINTED!
[24,84] element, prob = 0.787552 (414,24)-(566,364) batch id : 5 WILL BE PRINTED!
[25,84] element, prob = 0.748578 (524,189)-(533,224) batch id : 5 WILL BE PRINTED!
[26,84] element, prob = 0.735457 (524,98)-(535,133) batch id : 5 WILL BE PRINTED!
[27,84] element, prob = 0.712015 (528,49)-(535,84) batch id : 5 WILL BE PRINTED!
[28,84] element, prob = 0.689215 (496,51)-(504,82) batch id : 5 WILL BE PRINTED!
[29,84] element, prob = 0.620327 (456,192)-(467,224) batch id : 5 WILL BE PRINTED!
[30,84] element, prob = 0.614535 (481,154)-(514,173) batch id : 5 WILL BE PRINTED!
[31,84] element, prob = 0.609089 (506,151)-(537,172) batch id : 5 WILL BE PRINTED!
[32,84] element, prob = 0.604894 (456,148)-(467,181) batch id : 5 WILL BE PRINTED!
[33,84] element, prob = 0.554959 (485,102)-(505,125) batch id : 5 WILL BE PRINTED!
[34,84] element, prob = 0.549844 (508,244)-(532,282) batch id : 5 WILL BE PRINTED!
[35,84] element, prob = 0.404613 (437,143)-(443,180) batch id : 5 WILL BE PRINTED!
[36,84] element, prob = 0.366167 (435,245)-(446,287) batch id : 5 WILL BE PRINTED!
[37,84] element, prob = 0.320608 (438,191)-(446,226) batch id : 5 WILL BE PRINTED!
[38,1] element, prob = 0.996094 (197,115)-(418,568) batch id : 6 WILL BE PRINTED!
[39,1] element, prob = 0.9818 (266,99)-(437,542) batch id : 6 WILL BE PRINTED!
[40,1] element, prob = 0.517957 (152,117)-(363,610) batch id : 6 WILL BE PRINTED!
[41,40] element, prob = 0.302339 (154,478)-(192,542) batch id : 6 WILL BE PRINTED!
[42,88] element, prob = 0.98227 (8,24)-(372,533) batch id : 7 WILL BE PRINTED!
[43,88] element, prob = 0.924668 (0,268)-(323,640) batch id : 7 WILL BE PRINTED!
[ INFO ] Image out_0.bmp created!
[ INFO ] Image out_1.bmp created!
[ INFO ] Image out_2.bmp created!
[ INFO ] Image out_3.bmp created!
[ INFO ] Image out_4.bmp created!
[ INFO ] Image out_5.bmp created!
[ INFO ] Image out_6.bmp created!
[ INFO ] Image out_7.bmp created!
[ INFO ] Execution successful
[ INFO ] This sample is an API example, for any performance measurements please use the dedicated benchmark_app tool