Risc zero ZKVM:zk-STARKs + RISC-V

1. 引言

Risc zero定位为:

  • The General Purpose Zero-Knowledge VM.
  • Prove any Computation.
  • Verify Instantly.


  • https://github.com/risc0/risc0

The RISC Zero ZKVM is a verifiable computer that works like a real embedded RISC-V microprocessor,支持以Rust/Go/C++等任何能编译为RISC-V的语言来编写ZK proofs。

https://github.com/risc0/battleship-example 为在NEAR链上实现的 2-player hidden information 游戏。Players produce proofs of game-state and the result of their actions to enable two players to play fairly with no intermediaries.

当代码在RISC Zero zkVM中运行时,在程序输出output的同时会生成一个“receipt”。该收据允许任何人快速验证该output(如区块链账本)的完整性。

RISC Zero收据的核心是zk-STARK(a zero-knowledge, Scalable, Transparent, ARgument of Knowledge)

RISC Zero致力于使事情尽可能简单,关于其zero-knowledge protocol的文档可参见:

  • RISC Zero Technology


RISC Zero团队在谷歌表格中建立了一个zk-STARK,详细见:

  • RISC Zero Proof system 之 Constructing a Seal

RISC Zero zk-STARK详细的步骤和流程图为:
Risc zero ZKVM:zk-STARKs + RISC-V_第1张图片


[1] https://www.risczero.com/
[2] RISC Zero
