4.Head:CIOU Loss
def check_anchors(dataset, model, thr=4.0, imgsz=640):
# Check anchor fit to data, recompute if necessary
m = model.module.model[-1] if hasattr(model, 'module') else model.model[-1] # Detect()
shapes = imgsz * dataset.shapes / dataset.shapes.max(1, keepdims=True)
scale = np.random.uniform(0.9, 1.1, size=(shapes.shape[0], 1)) # augment scale
wh = torch.tensor(np.concatenate([l[:, 3:5] * s for s, l in zip(shapes * scale, dataset.labels)])).float() # wh
def metric(k): # compute metric
r = wh[:, None] / k[None]
x = torch.min(r, 1 / r).min(2)[0] # ratio metric
best = x.max(1)[0] # best_x
aat = (x > 1 / thr).float().sum(1).mean() # anchors above threshold
bpr = (best > 1 / thr).float().mean() # best possible recall
return bpr, aat
stride = m.stride.to(m.anchors.device).view(-1, 1, 1) # model strides
anchors = m.anchors.clone() * stride # current anchors
bpr, aat = metric(anchors.cpu().view(-1, 2))
s = f'\n{PREFIX}{aat:.2f} anchors/target, {bpr:.3f} Best Possible Recall (BPR). '
if bpr > 0.98: # threshold to recompute
LOGGER.info(f'{s}Current anchors are a good fit to dataset ✅')
LOGGER.info(f'{s}Anchors are a poor fit to dataset ⚠️, attempting to improve...')
na = m.anchors.numel() // 2 # number of anchors
anchors = kmean_anchors(dataset, n=na, img_size=imgsz, thr=thr, gen=1000, verbose=False)
new_bpr = metric(anchors)[0]
if new_bpr > bpr: # replace anchors
anchors = torch.tensor(anchors, device=m.anchors.device).type_as(m.anchors)
m.anchors[:] = anchors.clone().view_as(m.anchors)
check_anchor_order(m) # must be in pixel-space (not grid-space)
m.anchors /= stride
s = f'{PREFIX}Done ✅ (optional: update model *.yaml to use these anchors in the future)'
s = f'{PREFIX}Done ⚠️ (original anchors better than new anchors, proceeding with original anchors)'
def metric(k, wh): # compute metrics
r = wh[:, None] / k[None]
x = torch.min(r, 1 / r).min(2)[0] # ratio metric
# x = wh_iou(wh, torch.tensor(k)) # iou metric
return x, x.max(1)[0] # x, best_x
BN原理为计算每一个特征层的均值和方差, 如果批样本总量越大,那么BN计算的均值和方差就越接近于整个数据集的均值和方
def autopad(k, p=None, d=1): # kernel, padding, dilation
# Pad to 'same' shape outputs
if d > 1:
k = d * (k - 1) + 1 if isinstance(k, int) else [d * (x - 1) + 1 for x in k] # actual kernel-size
if p is None:
p = k // 2 if isinstance(k, int) else [x // 2 for x in k] # auto-pad
return p
SPP是空间金字塔池化,采用1 x 1, 5x 5, 9x 9, 13 x 13的最大池化的方式,进行多尺度融合。YOLOv5 6.0版本开始使用了在SPP基础上改进的SPPF。
注意:图像的尺度并非指图像的大小,而是指图像的模糊程度(σ) ,例如,人近距离看一个物体和远距离看一 个物体模糊程度是不一样的,从近距离到远距离图像越来越模糊的过程,也是图像的尺度越来越大的过程。
Focus模块是对图片进行切片操作,具体操作是在-张图片中每隔一 个像拿到一个值,这样获得了四个独立的特征层,然后将四个独立的特征层进行堆叠,此时宽高信息就集中到了通道信息,输入通道扩充了四倍。拼接起来的特征层相对于原先的三通道变成了十二个通道,后将得到的新图片再经过卷积操作,最终得到了没有信息丢失情况下的二倍下采样特征图。
YOLOv5 6 0开始将Focus模块替换成了一个6 * 6的卷积层。两者的计算量是等价的,但使用6 * 6的卷积会更加高效。
总结: FPN层自顶向下可以捕获强语义特征,而PAN则通过自底向上传达强定位特征。
Head层为Detect模块,Detect模 块的网络结构很简单,仅由三个1 * 1卷积构成,对应三个检测特征层。
最后的255可以拆分成3个85,对应3个先验框的85个参数, 85可以拆分成4 + 1 + 80。
前4个参数用于判断每一个特征点的回归参数, 回归参数调整后可以获得预测框;
# YOLOv5 by Ultralytics, GPL-3.0 license
# Hyperparameters for low-augmentation COCO training from scratch
# python train.py --batch 64 --cfg yolov5n6.yaml --weights '' --data coco.yaml --img 640 --epochs 300 --linear
# See tutorials for hyperparameter evolution https://github.com/ultralytics/yolov5#tutorials
lr0: 0.01 # initial learning rate (SGD=1E-2, Adam=1E-3)
lrf: 0.01 # final OneCycleLR learning rate (lr0 * lrf)
momentum: 0.937 # SGD momentum/Adam beta1
weight_decay: 0.0005 # optimizer weight decay 5e-4
warmup_epochs: 3.0 # warmup epochs (fractions ok)
warmup_momentum: 0.8 # warmup initial momentum
warmup_bias_lr: 0.1 # warmup initial bias lr
box: 0.05 # box loss gain
cls: 0.5 # cls loss gain
cls_pw: 1.0 # cls BCELoss positive_weight
obj: 1.0 # obj loss gain (scale with pixels)
obj_pw: 1.0 # obj BCELoss positive_weight
iou_t: 0.20 # IoU training threshold
anchor_t: 4.0 # anchor-multiple threshold
# anchors: 3 # anchors per output layer (0 to ignore)
fl_gamma: 0.0 # focal loss gamma (efficientDet default gamma=1.5)
hsv_h: 0.015 # image HSV-Hue augmentation (fraction)
hsv_s: 0.7 # image HSV-Saturation augmentation (fraction)
hsv_v: 0.4 # image HSV-Value augmentation (fraction)
degrees: 0.0 # image rotation (+/- deg)
translate: 0.1 # image translation (+/- fraction)
scale: 0.5 # image scale (+/- gain)
shear: 0.0 # image shear (+/- deg)
perspective: 0.0 # image perspective (+/- fraction), range 0-0.001
flipud: 0.0 # image flip up-down (probability)
fliplr: 0.5 # image flip left-right (probability)
mosaic: 1.0 # image mosaic (probability)
mixup: 0.0 # image mixup (probability)
copy_paste: 0.0 # segment copy-paste (probability)
YOL Ov5在yaml文件中预设好了输入图像为640 * 640分辨率对应的anchor尺寸,YOL Ov5的anchor也是在大特征图上检测组标.在小特征图上检测大目标。三个特征图,每个特征图上的格子有三种尺寸的anchor.
- [10,13, 16,30, 33,23] # P3/8
- [30,61, 62,45, 59,119] # P4/16
- [116,90, 156,198, 373,326] # P5/32
YOLOV5 Backbone ,在models/yolov5s.yaml下
# YOLOv5 v6.0 backbone
# [from, number, module, args]
# from 第一列 输入来自哪一层 -1代表上一层, 4代表第4层
# number 第二列 卷积核的数量 最终数量需要乘上width
# module 第三列 模块名称 包括:Conv Focus BottleneckCSP SPP
# args 第四列 模块的参数
[[-1, 1, Conv, [64, 6, 2, 2]], # 0-P1/2 卷积层的输入通道数为64,卷积核大小为6x6,步长为2,填充为2
[-1, 1, Conv, [128, 3, 2]], # 1-P2/4 卷积层的输入通道数为128,卷积核大小为3x3,步长为2,填充为2
[-1, 3, C3, [128]], #代表一个残差块residual block,C3表示该残差块使用的是C3卷积层,残差块的输入通道数为128
[-1, 1, Conv, [256, 3, 2]], # 3-P3/8
[-1, 6, C3, [256]],
[-1, 1, Conv, [512, 3, 2]], # 5-P4/16
[-1, 9, C3, [512]],
[-1, 1, Conv, [1024, 3, 2]], # 7-P5/32
[-1, 3, C3, [1024]],
[-1, 1, SPPF, [1024, 5]], # 9
**backbone的前3个C3数量对应yolov5s.yaml的配置3,6,9分别除了3,变为1/3后的1,2,3,和模型深度参数有关depth_multiple: 0.33**
from n params module arguments
层数 数量 参数量 模块名称 网络结构参数:输入维度,输出维度,卷积核大小,卷积步长
0 -1 1 3520 models.common.Conv [3, 32, 6, 2, 2]
1 -1 1 18560 models.common.Conv [32, 64, 3, 2]
2 -1 1 18816 models.common.C3 [64, 64, 1]
3 -1 1 73984 models.common.Conv [64, 128, 3, 2]
4 -1 2 115712 models.common.C3 [128, 128, 2]
5 -1 1 295424 models.common.Conv [128, 256, 3, 2]
6 -1 3 625152 models.common.C3 [256, 256, 3]
7 -1 1 1180672 models.common.Conv [256, 512, 3, 2]
8 -1 1 1182720 models.common.C3 [512, 512, 1]
9 -1 1 656896 models.common.SPPF [512, 512, 5]
10 -1 1 131584 models.common.Conv [512, 256, 1, 1]
11 -1 1 0 torch.nn.modules.upsampling.Upsample [None, 2, 'nearest']
12 [-1, 6] 1 0 models.common.Concat [1]
13 -1 1 361984 models.common.C3 [512, 256, 1, False]
14 -1 1 33024 models.common.Conv [256, 128, 1, 1]
15 -1 1 0 torch.nn.modules.upsampling.Upsample [None, 2, 'nearest']
16 [-1, 4] 1 0 models.common.Concat [1]
17 -1 1 90880 models.common.C3 [256, 128, 1, False]
18 -1 1 147712 models.common.Conv [128, 128, 3, 2]
19 [-1, 14] 1 0 models.common.Concat [1]
20 -1 1 296448 models.common.C3 [256, 256, 1, False]
21 -1 1 590336 models.common.Conv [256, 256, 3, 2]
22 [-1, 10] 1 0 models.common.Concat [1]
23 -1 1 1182720 models.common.C3 [512, 512, 1, False]
24 [17, 20, 23] 1 229245 models.yolo.Detect [80, [[10, 13, 16, 30, 33, 23], [30, 61, 62, 45, 59, 119], [116, 90, 156, 198, 373, 326]], [128, 256, 512]]
Model summary: 214 layers, 7235389 parameters, 7235389 gradients, 16.6 GFLOPs