Aws ec2 mysql vs rds_MySQL 实例迁移至 AWS: RDS vs EC2

题记:当将MySQL实例移动到AWS时,你可能需要选择使用 RDS还是 EC2。 本文将重点介绍一些需要考虑的关键因素,以帮助您确定哪种是服务您的数据的最具成本效益的解决方案。

When moving your MySQL instances to AWS, you would probably have to deal with this decision. This article will highlight some of the key factors that need to be considered in order to help you determine which is the most cost-effective solution for serving your data.

当将MySQL实例移动到AWS时,你可能需要选择使用 RDS还是 EC2。 本文将重点介绍一些需要考虑的关键因素,以帮助您确定哪种是服务您的数据的最具成本效益的解决方案。简介

RDS is based on EC2, so in this post I will focus on the benefits and disadvantages of using the former, versus migrating MySQL into user-managed EC2 instances.


The value of RDS resides in simplified provisioning and administration. Several of the most common maintenance tasks such as minor version upgrades, backups, and slave creation are automated and can be managed from the AWS console. On the other hand, RDS imposes some limitations to MySQL functionality so it could be offered “as a Service” while delivering a safe and consistent user experience.

RDS的价值在于简化供应和管理。 一些最常见的维护任务(例如小版本升级,备份和从属创建)是自动的,可以从AWS控制台进行管理。 另一方面,RDS对MySQL功能增加了一些限制,可以以服务的方式进行提供,同时保障安全和用户体验一致性。

Within those limitations we can mention

这些限制包括:Storage engine support(存储引擎支持)

Plugin-related  features(插件相关功能)

Tools or operations requiring SUPER privilege(需要SUPER权限的工具或操作)

Replication  (topologies, filters, etc)(复制(拓扑,过滤器等))


Lack of  access to the underlying operating system(缺乏对底层操作系统的访问)MySQL RDS pros and cons in bullets

MySQL RDS的主要优点:1. Instance provisioning time is within the range of minutes


2. Instance type supporting the database server can be easily scaled up and down


3. Storage and IOPS can be scaled up easily


4. Replicas can be provisioned/destroyed automatically and within minutes


5. Backups, snapshots and restores (including PITR) processes are greatly simplified and are fully automated


6. Backups and minor version upgrades are done with minimal impact to production if using Multi-AZ instances.


7. Multi-AZ instances implements synchronous standbys replicas on a different AZ for failover and backups


8. Read replicas on different AWS regions can be easily deployed for load balance and Disaster Recovery purposes

可以轻松部署不同AWS区域上的只读副本,以实现负载平衡和灾难恢复缺点和限制1.Once storage is allocated for the instance, it cannot be reclaimed without rebuilding the instance from a logical restore.


2.Access to the operating system is denied, so any operation that requires OS-level access cannot be performed. Many tasks can be run from an external EC2 instance, but not all.


3.Access to MySQL user accounts with ‘SUPER’ privilege is denied. Tasks such as configuring replication that require SUPER are handled through RDS stored routines. Configuring dynamic and non-dynamic MySQL variables are handled through RDS parameter groups.


4.Storage engines other than InnoDB are permitted but not supported and consistent backups / restores are not guaranteed.


5. Read and standby replicas are implemented separately: standby replicas are synchronous but are not accessible for reading while read replicas are asynchronous and even they can be used for failover, they rely on MySQL asynchronous replication and data may be lost in the process. Due to this separation, it is additional cost to get full DR and read-scaling capabilities.


A quick estimation comparing RDS and EC2 for similar instances and storage shows that RDS is between 40 and 68% more expensive than EC2:


## MySQL on EC2-Instances:3 x m2.4xlarge

-Storage:3 1Tb EBS volumes (provisioned IOPS – 3000 IOPS) + 100Gb/month of snapshots space

-Intra-Region Data Transfer: 40Gb/Month

On-demand instances USD $3465 per month

Reserved instances (1 year, partial upfront) USD $1490 per month

## MySQL RDS-Instance type: 1 x db.m2.4xlarge


-Storage:1Tb (provisioned IOPS – 3072 IOPS)

-Backup space:100Gb/month

-Intra-Region Data Transfer: 40Gb/Month

On-demand instances USD $6557 per month

Reserved instances (1 year, partial upfront) USD $2930 per month

The above costswere estimated using AWS simple monthly calculator


There is no right or wrong decision when choosing which AWS solution is better for MySQL.


RDS is a powerful option if your data is already in InnoDB(and only in InnoDB) and you are looking for a simple, low-maintenancedeployment. When other engines and more complex topologies come into the scene,or even the need for MySQL plugins, then going to EC2 is a better option.


Anycritical process or script running locally on a MySQL instance could also bethe decisive factor for choosing EC2, usually because of the time spent inmoving the data through the network. Finally, the cost is definitely a keyfactor, especially when moving several instances into RDS.

在MySQL实例上本地运行的任何关键进程或脚本都可能是选择EC2的决定性因素,通常是因为花费在通过网络移动数据的时间。 最后,成本绝对是一个关键因素,特别是当将几个实例移入RDS时。

