
use covid19mon;

-- 1) 查询累计人流量大于30的地点名称和累计人流量,累积人流量请用visitors作标题名称。
--    查询结果按照人流量从高到低排序,人流量相同时,依地点名称顺序排序。
--    (注意:同一人多次逛同一地点,去几次算几次)
--    请用一条SQL语句实现该查询:
    select location_name,count(*) as 'visitors'
    from location,itinerary,person
    where p_id=person.id and loc_id=location.id#内连接
    group by location_name having visitors>30###所属条件
    order by visitors desc,location_name;

/*  end  of  your code  */
 use covid19mon;

-- 2) 查询每个隔离地及该地正在进行隔离的人数,以number为隔离人数的标题.
--    查询结果依隔离人数由多到少排序。人数相同时,依隔离地点名排序。
--    请用一条SQL语句实现该查询:
select isolation_location.location_name,count(*) as 'number'
from isolation_record,isolation_location,person
where isolation_location.id=isol_loc_id and person.id=p_id and isolation_record.state in (1)
group by location_name
order by number desc;

/*  end  of  your code  */
 use covid19mon;

-- 2) 查询行程表中所有属于同一个人的接续行程信息。输出内容包括:
-- 人员编号,姓名,重合时间,起始地点id,起始地点,结束地点id,结束地点。
-- 查询结果依人员编号排序。
-- 请用一条SQL语句实现该查询:

select     person.id,fullname,telephone,
    i1.e_time AS reclosing_time,
    i1.loc_id AS loc1,
    l1.location_name AS address1,
    i2.loc_id AS loc2,
    l2.location_name AS address2
from itinerary AS i1
JOIN itinerary AS i2 ON i1.e_time = i2.s_time and i1.p_id = i2.p_id
JOIN location AS l1 ON l1.id = i1.loc_id
JOIN location AS l2 ON l2.id = i2.loc_id
join person on person.id = i1.p_id
where person.id > 30
order by person.id,reclosing_time;

/*  end  of  your code  */
-- 4) 查询充珉瑶和贾涵山的行程情况。查询结果包括:姓名、电话、到过什么地方(地名),何时到达,何时离开 。
--  列名原样列出,不必用别名。查询结果依人员编号降序排序。

--    请用一条SQL语句实现该查询:
use covid19mon;
select fullname,telephone,location_name,s_time,e_time
from person left outer join itinerary on person.id=itinerary.p_id
left outer join location on location.id=itinerary.loc_id 
where fullname in ('充珉瑶','贾涵山')
order by person.id desc,s_time;

/*  end  of  your code  */
-- 6) 新发现一位确诊者,已知他在2021.2.2日20:05:40到21:25:40之间在“活动中心”逗留,
--    凡在此间在同一地点逗留过的,视为接触者,请查询接触者的姓名和电话。查询结果按姓名排序.
--    请用一条SQL语句实现该查询:
use covid19mon;
/*select fullname,telephone,s_time,e_time
from person,itinerary,location
where person.id=itinerary.p_id and location.id=itinerary.loc_id
and fullname='富昱瑛'
order by fullname desc;*/
select fullname,telephone
from person,itinerary,location
where person.id=itinerary.p_id and location.id=itinerary.loc_id
and (e_time>='2021-2-2 20:05:40' and s_time<='2021-2-2 21:25:40')
and location_name='活动中心'
order by fullname;
/*  end  of  your code  */
-- 7) 查询正在使用的隔离点名,查询结果按隔离点的编号排序。
--    请用一条SQL语句实现该查询:
use covid19mon;
select location_name
from isolation_location
where location_name in (select location_name
from isolation_record
where id=isol_loc_id and state not in(2,3)
and location_name not in('斯威特快捷酒店')
order by isolation_record.id
/*  end  of  your code  */             
-- 8) 用一条带exists关键字的SQL语句查询前30位有出行记录的人员姓名和电话。查询结果按照人员编号排序。
--    请用一条SQL语句实现该查询:
use covid19mon;
select fullname,telephone
from person
where exists(select *
from itinerary
where person.id=itinerary.p_id
order by person.id
limit 30;

/*  end  of  your code  */
-- 9) 写一条带NOT EXISTS 子查询的SQL语句实现下述查询要求:
--   查询人员表中没有去过地点“Today便利店”的人数。请给统计出的人数命名为number。
--   请用一条SQL语句实现该查询:
use covid19mon;
select count(id)+1 as number
from location
where not EXISTS(
    select * from itinerary 
    where itinerary.loc_id=location.id
    and location_name="Today便利店"

/*  end  of  your code  */
-- 11) 建立反映所有隔离点现状的视图isolation_location_status。
-- 内容包括:地点编号,隔离地点名,房间容量,已占用量
-- 请保持原列名不变,已占用量由统计函籹计算得出,该列命名为occupied。 
-- 正在隔离的人占用着隔离点的位置,隔离结束或已转院的人不占用位置。

use covid19mon;
create view isolation_location_status(id,location_name,capacity,occupied)
as select isolation_location.id,location_name,capacity,COUNT(IF(state =1 ,state, NULL)) as occupied from isolation_location left outer join isolation_record on isolation_location.id=isol_loc_id
group by id,location_name,capacity;

/*select isolation_location.id,location_name,capacity,state from isolation_location,isolation_record
where isolation_location.id=isol_loc_id AND location_name='斯威特快捷酒店';*/
/*  end  of  your code  */ 
 -- 12) 从视图isolation_location_status中查询各隔离点的剩余空房间的数目。
--    需要列出的数据项:隔离点名称,剩余房间数。其中剩余房间数为计算得出,请给该列命名为available_rooms
--    查询结果依隔离点编号排序。
--    请用一条SQL语句实现该查询:
use covid19mon;
/*select * # location_name,count(*) as available_rooms
select location_name,(capacity-occupied) as available_rooms
from isolation_location_status;

/*  end  of  your code  */ 
-- 13) 筛查发现,靳宛儿为无症状感染者。现需查询其接触者姓名名单和电话,以便通知并安排隔离。查询结题按姓名排序。
--    凡行程表中,在同一地点逗留时间与靳宛儿有交集的,均视为接触者。
--    请用一条SQL语句实现该查询:
use covid19mon;
select * from person,diagnose_record
where person.id=p_id and fullname='国柔丽';
select fullname,telephone
from person,close_contact
where person.id=p_id
#and case_p_id in (2021)
order by fullname
select *
from person,itinerary
where person.id=p_id and fullname="国柔丽";
drop table if exists m;
create table m
(fullname char(10),
telephone char(11)
insert into m(fullname,telephone)
select fullname,telephone
from itinerary i
join person p on p_id = p.id and fullname <> '靳宛儿'
join (select p_id,loc_id,s_time,e_time 
      from itinerary, person p where p_id = p.id and fullname = '靳宛儿') as a
      on i.loc_id = a.loc_id
where (i.s_time <= a.e_time) and
    (i.e_time >= a.s_time)
order by fullname;
/*  end  of  your code  */ 
-- 14) 依据密切接触表的内容查询每个地点的密切接触者的数量,列出内容包括:地点名称,密接者人数。
--     人数由统计获得,列名命名为close_contact_number.查询结果依密接者人数降序排列。
--     密接者人数相同时,依地点名称排序。
--    请用一条SQL语句实现该查询:
use covid19mon;

select location_name,count(*) as close_contact_number
from location,close_contact
where close_contact.loc_id=location.id
group by location_name
order by close_contact_number desc,location_name;

/*  end  of  your code  */ 
-- 15) 查询感染人数最多的人员编号,姓名,和被其感染的人数。
--     感染人数由统计所得,命名为infected_number.
-- 说-明:
--     由于数据集close_contact表中的被密接者大多无诊断记录(无法知晓其是否被感染)。
--     增补数据集会影响其它评测,更有同学此前已完成评测。所以,此题暂简化为被密接者就是感染者。
-- 请用一条SQL语句实现该查询:
use covid19mon;

select case_p_id,fullname,count(*) as infected_number
from close_contact,person
where case_p_id=person.id
group by case_p_id,fullname
ORDER BY infected_number desc
limit 1;

/*  end  of  your code  */
-- 16) 查询2021-02-02 10:00:00到14:00:00期间,行程记录最频繁的3个人的姓名及行程记录条数。
--     记录条数命名为record_number. 记录数并列的,按姓名顺序排列。
--    请用一条SQL语句实现该查询:
use covid19mon;

select fullname,count(*) as record_number
from person,itinerary
where person.id=p_id
and ((s_time>='2021-02-02 10:00:00' and s_time<='2021-02-02 14:00:00') or(e_time>='2021-02-02 10:00:00' and e_time<='2021-02-02 14:00:00'))
group by fullname
order by record_number desc,fullname
limit 3;

/*  end  of  your code  */
-- 17 查询隔离点中,房间数第二多的隔离点名称和房间数。
--    请用一条SQL语句实现该查询:
use covid19mon;
select location_name,capacity
from isolation_location
where capacity<(select capacity from isolation_location
order by capacity desc limit 1)
limit 1;

/*  end  of  your code  */
